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目的 探讨"5·12"汶川大地震中颅脑损伤伤员现场伤情特点和急救中的经验教训,为地震致颅脑损伤的现场急救提供临床经验.方法 回顾性总结自2008年5月12日至2008年5月13日汶川大地震后在重灾区北川和安县现场急救的120例颅脑损伤伤员的临床资料,对致伤原因、伤情分类、救治方法 、合并症、治疗措施等进行分析.结果 120例伤员中70例因头皮挫裂伤仅予现场处理,清创缝合,预后良好,余伤员急诊处理后转入后方综合性医院住院治疗.住院伤员行开颅手术治疗40例,非手术治疗10例,住院5~16d后康复出院46例,死亡4例.结论 现场正确处理判断地震致颅脑损伤伤员伤情且积极救治是提高救治水平的关键,并可最大程度地挽救生命,减少损失.  相似文献   

汶川特大地震颅脑创伤临床救治分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 总结汶川特大地震中颅脑外伤的临床类型及特点、救治经验.方法 对5.12汶川特大地震中四川大学华西医院神经外科收治的182例伤员资料、流行病学、致伤原因、分类、伤情、救助时间、合并症、并发症、治疗和预后等进行分析.结果 男102例,女80例,建筑物砸伤是最主要的致伤原因,其次为挤压伤;按GCS评分:轻型129例,占70.9%;中型32例,占17.6%.,重型21例,占11.5%.伤口开放占68.7%;合并叫肢及脊柱骨折占16.5%,伤口感染18例占7.4%,急性肾功衰竭3例(1.2%).手术治疗者40例.出院或转科时GOS评估:5分121例(66.5%),4分38例(20.8%),3分或以下23例(9.7%),死亡5例,死亡率3.3%.结论 重伤伤员院前抢救率低,院内以轻、中型颅脑创伤为主,合并症多,伤口感染率高;多学科联合早期、有序规范救治有重要意义.  相似文献   

目的探讨轻型颅脑损伤后发生脑梗死的特点、治疗及预后。方法统计2000年至2007年内25例此类患者,对其发生原因、发病特点,治疗及预后进行研究,并结合文献进行临床分析。结果青少年、老年人,全身多发损伤病人及不适当的治疗后轻型颅脑损伤患者易出现脑梗死;治疗应采用综合疗法;预后大多良好。结论对轻型颅脑损伤后脑梗死讨论对预防其发生在临床上有重要意义。  相似文献   

两所医院自1991年6月-2003年8月共收治重型颅脑损伤合并胸部损伤病人156例,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组男108例,女48例;年龄15-69岁,平均38岁;致伤原因:交通伤98例,坠落伤30例,压砸伤17例,挤压伤11例;格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS):3-5分58例,6-8分98例。本组病例伤后深昏迷42例,中度昏迷86例,浅昏迷25例,迟发昏迷3例。双侧瞳孔散大并对光反射消  相似文献   

1对象与方法 1.1临床资料我院2000年1月~2004年10月共收治重型颅脑损伤病人30例,其中男22例,女8例.年龄2~65岁,平均30岁.伤后入院时间为1~12 h,平均2.5 h.致伤原因:车祸16例,坠落伤5例,摔伤3例,爆炸伤2例,打击伤2例,塌方砸伤2例.入院时均昏迷,GCS评分3~5分12例,6~8分18例.瞳孔单侧散大20例,双侧散大6例.合并休克8例,均伴有四肢或胸腹损伤.生命体征明显紊乱24例.  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤早期并发癫痫的临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重型颅脑损伤(Severe Cranio-cerebral Injury,SC-CI)早期并发癫痫病(Epilepticus,EP)是临床危及生命的急症,我院自1991年4月至1997年12月收治76例,占同期重型颅脑损伤住院病人的6.5%,现报告如下。1 临床资料与结果1.1 一般资料 男61例,女15例。年龄3~68岁,平均年龄31.4岁。致伤原因:交通事故39例,坠落伤21例,殴斗或砍砸伤16例。  相似文献   

婴幼儿颅脑损伤临床分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的总结分析婴幼儿颅脑损伤的临床特点.方法回顾性研究婴幼儿颅脑损伤患者的致伤原因、损伤类型、临床表现、救治方法和预后状况.结果本组年龄15 d~2岁婴幼儿150例,其中坠落伤79例,跌伤35例,共占76.0%;闭合性颅脑损伤126例;开放性颅脑损伤24例.合并颅内血肿62例(41.30%),并发颅骨骨折62例(41.30%).伤后所有婴幼儿均有不同程度的呼吸、心率变化;伤后意识障碍147例( 98%);16例(10.70%)有大面积脑缺血表现.本组手术治疗54例,保守治疗96例.格拉斯哥预后评级(GOS):恢复良好131例(87.33%);中残8例(5.33%);重残6例(4.0%);植物生存1例(0.67%);死亡4例,死亡率2.67%.结论婴幼儿颅脑损伤以坠落伤和跌伤较多见,加强监护是避免损伤的重要途径;婴幼儿颅脑损伤的主要临床特点是:生命体征紊乱明显;临床症状与病情不符;颅骨凹陷骨折和颅缝分离多见;外伤后脑缺血多见,且损害较重;组织修复能力强,预后较好.  相似文献   

汶川地震336例颅脑损伤患者的救治分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 总结和探讨地震发生后一线医院收治的颅脑损伤患者特点及救治经验.方法 将336例地震颅脑损伤患者通过GCS评分法初筛,按伤情程度分为重、中、轻3型,予以药物治疗和医学观察;伤口行止血包扎和清创;复合伤行相关处置;重型颅脑损伤中开颅手术4例,死亡1例.结果 本组病例中,轻型颅脑损伤206例,恢复良好201例;中型颅脑损伤122例,恢复良好11例;重型颅脑损伤8例,恢复良好1例,死亡4例.结论 地震所致颅脑损伤具有致伤机制复杂,合并损伤多,病情变化快的特点,提高一线医院灾害应对能力和应急储备,对于及时抢救危重颅脑损伤患者,提高抢救存活率,最大限度的降低死残率均有着极其重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

我院自1989-10~2001-12共救治重型颅脑损伤并发多系统器官衰竭(MSOF)36例,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料 本组男27例,女9例。年龄15~72岁,平均43.5岁。致伤原因:车祸伤25例,坠落伤5例,砸伤4例,其他伤2例。伤情:按接诊时GCS计分,3分16例,4~8分20例。颅  相似文献   

重型颅脑损伤均伴有不同程度的意识障碍和呼吸道功能障碍 ,咳嗽及吞咽反射常减弱或消失。呼吸道分泌物、呕吐物、血液、脑脊液等误吸入呼吸道 ,易造成呼吸道阻塞而窒息。因此 ,做好呼吸道护理是重型颅脑损伤抢救成功的关键。我科自2 0 0 1 0 8~ 2 0 0 2 0 6共收治重型颅脑损伤 3 6例 ,现将护理体会总结如下 :1 临床资料1 1 一般资料  3 6例中男 2 9例 ,女 7例 ,年龄 3~ 67岁 ,平均42岁。1 2 致伤原因 车祸致伤 2 1例 ,摔伤 9例 ,头部砸伤 3例 ,高处坠落伤 3例。1 3 治疗护理效果 治愈 3 1例 ,好转 3例 ,重创过度死亡 2例。2 护理…  相似文献   

Objects: Our objective was to investigate the use of CT and its relationship to head injury severity and age. Method: The multi-center group International Study of Head Injury Project (ISHIP) serves as the administrative body for research design, data collection and analysis. This is a nonrandomized prospective study of longitudinal outcomes following examination and care in emergency department in five different countries. The subjects of our study were 4,690 children from birth to 15 years of age, all of whom were systematically evaluated. Each child was medically evaluated and categorized as to injury severity, mechanism of injury and findings on X-ray and CT scan. Follow-up interview and assessment was completed for comparison with the presenting clinical state. Results: CT scans were performed for674 (14.3%) of the children: 438 scans were normal and 236 were abnormal (P<0.001). Of the children with abnormal CT scans, 23.3% had mild head injuries, 42.7% had moderate injuries, and 33.8% had severe injuries, as determined by the GCS. By age, 10.5% of the positive CTs were in children aged 0–2 years, 56.3% in 3- to 9-year-olds, and 33% in 10- to 15-year-olds; only in 2% of cases were both CT and X-ray positive. Conclusions: The majority of children did not need significant medical intervention. Physicians ordered X-ray investigations more frequently than CT scanning. The use of X-ray to decide whether or not CT is ne- cessary is not warranted. The implications of positive CTs in mild or moderate injuries were most noteworthy, as were age-related interactions with positive CT findings. Received: 23 June 2000  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To identify outcomes following head injury (HI) among a population of children admitted to one hospital centre and to compare outcomes between different severity groups. METHODS: A postal follow up of children admitted with HI to one National Health Service Trust, between 1992 and 1998, was carried out. Children were aged 5-15 years at injury (mean 9.8), followed up at a mean of 2.2 years post-injury. Parents of 526 injured children (419 mild, 58 moderate, 49 severe) and 45 controls completed questionnaires. Outcomes were assessed using the King's Outcome Scale for Childhood Head Injury (KOSCHI). RESULTS: Frequent behavioural, emotional, memory, and attention problems were reported by one third of the severe group, one quarter of the moderate, and 10-18% of the mild. Personality change since HI was reported for 148 children (28%; 21% mild HI, 46% moderate, 69% severe). There was a significant relationship between injury severity and KOSCHI outcomes. Following the HI, 252 (48%) had moderate disability (43% mild HI, 64% moderate, 69% severe), while 270 (51%) made a good recovery (57% mild HI, 36% moderate, 22% severe). There was a significant association between social deprivation and poor outcome (p = 0.002). Only 30% (158) of children received hospital follow up after the HI. All children with severe disability received appropriate follow up, but 64% of children with moderate disability received none. No evidence was found to suggest a threshold of injury severity below which the risk of late sequelae could be safely discounted. CONCLUSIONS: Children admitted with mild HI may be at risk of poor outcomes, but often do not receive routine hospital follow up. A postal questionnaire combined with the KOSCHI to assess outcomes after HI may be used to identify children who would benefit from clinical assessment. Further research is needed to identify factors that place children with mild HI at risk of late morbidity.  相似文献   

Background. This study is intended to determine the causes of pediatric traumatic brain injuries (PTBI) in children aged 14 years or less, and to identify various types of craniocerebral damage resulting from different mechanisms of injury.Methods. From July 1, 1993 to June 30, 2001, a survey on PTBI was conducted in Taiwan. The data of patients used in this study were collected from 56 major hospitals among the age group of 0-14 years. The items in the traumatic brain injury survey included sex, age, causes of injuries, severity, and the eventual outcome.Results. A total of 5349 cases were identified. The male-to-female ratio was 1.69: 1. The incidence rate was higher in the age groups of 4-9 years and 10-14 years. The main cause of PTBI was traffic injury, which accounted for 2537 of the cases (47.3%), followed by falls, 2160 (40.3%). Of all traffic injuries, motorcycle-related injury had the highest incidence, followed by the pedestrian and bicycle-related injury. This study also showed that 83.2% of the patients had mild injury, 9.8% had moderate injury, and 7.0%, severe injury.Conclusions. The results of this study suggest that it is important to decrease all the risk factors in the environment of homes and public areas as much as possible. Helmet wearing and the development of public transportation are essential for the prevention of head injury.  相似文献   

目的 探讨"5.12"汶川地震伤员救治过程中,挤压伤患者获救后快速死亡的原因.方法 回顾性分析我院医疗队在灾后早期救治及转运的患者共417例.所有患者均依据当时具体情况行积极现场抢救,对于病情较重者则安排转运至后方有条件的医院继续诊治.结果 救治伤员中,成人355例,儿童62例,年龄8~63岁,平均(37±9.6)岁.其中挤压伤患者117例(男79例,女38例),死亡13例(11.1%).除5例挤压伤患者因原发创伤严重于救治过程中死亡外,其余8例患者救出前一般情况均较好,神智清醒,对答切题,但于废墟下救出后短时间内(<1 h)即因呼吸心跳骤停而死亡.结论 地震后挤压伤患者快速死亡原因多为挤压综合征所致的高钾血症.积极有效地治疗挤压伤患者可减少地震后死亡人数.  相似文献   

Objects There is a scarcity of data regarding childhood neurological injuries in developing countries such as Nepal. The epidemiology of acute pediatric neurotrauma in Kathmandu was studied to assess the implications of these data for injury prevention programs.Methods The clinical records of patients 18 years who presented to Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital between April 1, 2001 and April 1, 2004 with acute neurological trauma and were subsequently admitted to hospital were retrospectively reviewed. A standard proforma was used to collect information on patient demographics, the nature and etiology of the injuries, their acute management, and outcomes.Conclusions Four hundred sixteen injured children were admitted to hospital, and the charts for 352 (85%) were available for review. Spinal injuries were relatively rare (4%) compared to head injuries (96%). Falls were the most common cause of injuries (61%). It took significantly longer (p<0.001) for children injured in rural Nepal (62%) to obtain neurosurgical care (30.1 h) than those injured within Kathmandu (7.1 h). A Glasgow Outcome Score of 5 was obtained for 96%, 76%, and 22% of patients with mild, moderate, or severe head injuries, respectively. Besides efforts to improve prehospital transport and acute management of these injuries, preventive measures that are applicable to the Nepalese scenario are urgently needed. Interventions should focus on health education programs directed at parents and children and upgrading of road safety measures. Neurological injuries must also be viewed in the context of the broader social issues in Nepal that contribute to injury.  相似文献   

Mild head injuries are very common among young children. Often, these injuries are followed by a variety of subjective complaints termed posttraumatic syndrome. Posturography (balance test) was performed immediately after the trauma in 21 children who had sustained mild head injury. Significant difference in performance was observed in head-injured children in all subparts of the test as compared with a control group. We conclude that posturography may serve as a simple cost-effective method in qualifying the posttraumatic imbalance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The question of whether any adverse cognitive or psychosocial outcomes occur after mild head injury in early childhood has evoked considerable controversy. This study examined mild head injury before age 10 and potential differences in late childhood/early adolescence as a function of severity of mild injury and age at injury. METHODS: A fully prospective longitudinal design tracked a large birth cohort of children. Confirmed cases of mild head injury before age 10 were divided on the basis of outpatient medical attention (n=64-84) or inpatient observation (hospital overnight; n=26-28 ) and compared with the non-injured remainder of the cohort (reference group; n=613-807). A range of pre-injury and post-injury child and family characteristics were used to control for any potential confounds. Outcome after injury before and after age 5 was also assessed. RESULTS: After accounting for several demographic, family, and pre-injury characteristics, the inpatient but not the outpatient group displayed increased hyperactivity/inattention and conduct disorder between ages 10 to 13, as rated by both mothers and teachers. Psychosocial deficits were more prevalent in the inpatient subgroup injured before age 5. No clear effects were evident for various cognitive/academic measures, irrespective of severity of mild injury or age at injury. CONCLUSIONS: Most cases of mild head injury in young children do not produce any adverse effects, but long term problems in psychosocial function are possible in more severe cases, perhaps especially when this event occurs during the preschool years. The view that all mild head injuries in children are benign events requires revision and more objective measures are required to identify cases at risk.  相似文献   

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