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目的:评价双扇区图像重建算法的相位窗优选。方法:30 例患者行 16 层 CT冠状动脉成像检查,采用回顾性心电门控、0.5s螺旋扫描、双扇区重建算法,静脉注射对比剂。在 9 个相位窗(心动周期的 R波后 40%、45%、50%、55%、60%、65%、70%、75%和80%)上对冠状动脉进行 CT图像重组。结果:在冠状动脉内径≥2mm的 311 个节段中,209个节段(占67.2%)在 75%相位窗上显示最佳,64 节段(占 20.6%)在 70%相位窗上显示最佳,27 节段(占 8.7%)在50%相位窗上显示最佳,5节段(占1.6%)在80%相位窗上显示最佳,4节段(占1.3%)在45%相位窗上显示最佳,2 节段(占0.6%)在55%相位窗上显示最佳。结论:采用双扇区重建算法,冠状动脉多数在心动周期的 R波后 75%相位窗上显示最佳,其次为70%和50%相位窗。  相似文献   

关于16层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像最佳重建相位窗选择的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨16层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影的最佳重建相位窗。方法32例健康受检者行16层CT冠状动脉成像检查,在6个相位窗(心动周期的R波后40%、50%、60%、70%、80%、90%)上对冠状动脉进行CT图像重组,对这6个时相的薄层图像进行最大密度投影、二维曲面重建、多平面重建和容积再现重建。结果每位受检者的4条冠状动脉分支(左冠状动脉主干、左前降支、左回旋支、右冠状动脉)分别用于图像质量分析。左主干在6个R—R时相均显示良好,左前降支、左回旋支在70%相位窗的图像质量最佳,右冠状动脉在80%相位窗的图像质量最佳,整体图像在70%相位窗的重组图像质量最佳。结论16层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像,应首先选择70%相位窗。选择最佳相位窗进行图像重建可以明显提高图像质量和工作效率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨时相预览法在16层CT冠状动脉成像时相选择中的价值。方法:将52例疑冠心病的患者根据心率分为二组:第一组心率≤70次/min32例,第二组心率〉70次/min20例,进行16层CT冠状动脉扫描,采用回顾性心电门控、0.42s螺旋扫描、0.75mm准直器宽度。选取增强扫描图像的右冠脉中部层面,运用时相预览序列预览R.R心动周期0%-100%的21幅图像(间隔5%),选择显示左、右冠脉最清晰的一幅,记录其时相。对第一组采用单扇区重建算法,对第二组采用双扇区重建算法,应用原始数据重建最佳时相的薄层图像,再进行MIP、MPR、CPR、VR重建。结果:第一组单扇区重建的最佳时相为55%-65%R-R间期。第二组双扇区重建的最佳时相为60%-65%R-R间期(12/20),其次是35%-40%R-R间期(5/20)和70%-75%R-R间期(3/20)。结论:运用时相预览序列优选重建时相可以明显提高工作效率,16层CT冠状动脉成像的最佳重建时相多位于55%-65%R-R间期。  相似文献   

目的通过模拟冠状动脉CT血管成像(CTA)中应用双扇区重建时心率变化可能导致的时相错位,评价双扇区重建中时相一致性对冠状动脉显示的影响。资料与方法30例患者采用回顾性心电门控扫描行冠状动脉CTA检查,对右冠状动脉垂直走行段行图像重建,包括:①75%单扇区重建;②75%双扇区重建;③前一个心动周期以R-R间期75%为中心,后一个心动周期分别以69%、72%、78%、81%为中心进行双扇区重建。选择各次重建均包含的3个轴面,从血管中心密度、面积、形态(横、纵径比值)、边缘锐利度评价冠状动脉显示情况。结果①75%双扇区重建与75%单扇区重建比较,各参数差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);②其余各次双扇区重建分别与75%单扇区重建比较,各参数差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05),且差异随时相间隔增大而增大。结论双扇区重建中时相一致性是保证重建图像准确性的关键因素,心率变化导致的时相差可以改变所显示冠状动脉的形态和特征,并进而可能造成对冠状动脉狭窄评价的偏差。  相似文献   

目的:探讨64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像不同心率下冠状动脉各节段血管的最佳重建时相。方法:对61例患者行64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像,扫描后原始数据分别按R-R间期30%、35%、40%、45%、50%、60%、70%、75%的相位进行后处理重组,按扫描期间平均心率分组,Ⅰ组30例,心率70次/min;Ⅱ组31例,心率≥70次/min。分析不同心率组不同R-R时相对各支冠状动脉血管的显示情况。结果:Ⅰ组的所有的冠状动脉节段可以在单一的75%相位上获得最佳图像质量;Ⅱ组的所有冠状动脉可以在单一的45%或40%的相位上获得最佳图像质量,多时相重建并不能显著提高图像质量。结论:随着64层螺旋CT时间分辨率的充分发展,所有冠状动脉节段能在一个重建时相得到有诊断价值的图像,多时相重建并不能显著提高图像质量。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨不同心率及不同重建时相对64层CT冠状动脉血管成像图像质量的影响。方法:收集90例临床疑诊冠心病患者的冠状动脉CTA检查资料。按扫描时平均心率分组,对心动周期的R-R相位30%~90%间期,每间隔5%重建后进行血管分析及评分,获得回顾性心电门控最佳重建时相,并评价不同心率时的图像质量。结果:冠状动脉图像质量随心率增加而降低,两者呈负相关。心率70次/min时,冠状动脉最佳重建时间窗为R-R间期的70%~75%;心率70~79次/min时,冠状动脉最佳重建时相为R-R间期的60%~70%;心率80次/min时,冠状动脉最佳重建时相为R-R间期的40%~50%。左前降支在70%和75%R-R重建时相显示最佳,左回旋支在70%R-R时相显示最佳,而右冠状动脉在50%R-R时相显示最佳。结论 :选择最佳重建时相、合理控制心率能够减轻运动伪影,明显提高冠状动脉成像质量,其中准确选择回顾性心电门控最佳重建时相是保证图像质量、准确诊断的重要因素。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同重组相位窗对16层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像质量的影响。方法:对28例健康体检者采用回顾性心电门控的16层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像,将其扫描原始数据分别按45%、55%、65%、70%、75%、85%R-R间期的不同相位的横断面进行重组。结果:左主干在6个R-R时相均显示良好;左前降支在70%R-R时相的重组图像质量最佳;左回旋支及右冠状动脉在75%R-R时相的重组图像质量最佳,整体图像在75%R-R时相的重组图像质量最佳。结论:重组相位窗对多层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像图像质量有重要影响作用。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是评价双源CT冠状动脉成像时运动图算法在自动选择最佳重建相位窗时的效果。50例连续病人的影像数据应用运动图算法确定收缩期及舒张期最佳重建相位窗。应用手动法确定最佳重建窗时,扫描数据于R—R间期每隔5%的相位进行一次重建。应用五级法对主要冠状动脉血管的运动伪影进行评分。  相似文献   

目的分析多层螺旋CT无创性冠状动脉造影图像质量的主要影响因素,以正确评价冠状动脉病变。方法64例患者行多层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影检查,用回顾性心电门控选择最佳相位窗,并分别以容积再现(VR)、最大密度投影(MIP)、曲面重建(CPR)等后处理技术将冠状动脉分为15个节段进行分析。结果显示血管直径大于2mm的冠状动脉节段共960个,能满足影像学评价的节段共884个(92.08%);不能满足影像学评价的节段共76个(7.92%);64例中的58例(90.63%)冠状动脉CTA图像质量均为2级或1级,其余6例(9.37%)冠状动脉CTA图像质量为3级,共发现冠状动脉存在中、重度狭窄者44例(占68.75%),其中单支病变28例,双支病变16例;另发现冠状动脉存在轻度狭窄者16例(占25.00%),其中单支病变8例,双支病变8例;冠状动脉未见明确狭窄者4例(6.25%)。结论高质量的MSCT无创性冠状动脉造影对冠状动脉病变有较高的诊断价值。  相似文献   

16层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像的技术与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨多层螺旋CT冠状动脉造影(multislice spiral CT coromary angiography,MSCTCA)的成像技术和临床应用价值。方法:37例患者行MSCTCA检查,利用多种方法进行重建,分析影响冠状动脉图像质量的重要因素,MSCTCA对冠状动脉的显示能力,冠状动脉狭窄程度的评价,冠状动脉斑块性质的判断,冠状动脉的解剖变异,并了解桥血管和支架的通畅性。结果:容积再现图像最佳的显示相位窗为75%,左主干、左前降支重建的最佳相位为75%,右冠和左回旋支为50%~70%。MSCTCA能显示的管腔最小径1.5mm。对冠状动脉的解剖变异、冠状动脉狭窄的程度、斑块的性质及桥血管和内支架显示良好。结论:MSCTCA可作为冠心病介入治疗前的筛选,能能评价斑块的性质,在血运重建后的复查中也有很高的应用价值,并能提供冠状动脉其他病变的信息。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the best reconstruction window for noninvasive coronary angiography when using a 16-detector row computed tomography (CT) scanner with a gantry rotation time of 370 milliseconds. METHODS: In a pilot study, 189 coronary artery segments of 21 patients with a mean heart rate of 65 beats per minute (bpm, maximum: 45-94 bpm) were investigated using a 16-detector row CT scanner. Raw data were reconstructed in 10% increments from 40% to 70% of the RR interval. Two experienced observers independently evaluated the image quality of the coronary arteries in a segmental fashion. A 5-point ranking scale was applied, with 1 being very poor (no evaluation possible); 2, poor; 3, moderate; 4, good; and 5, very good. RESULTS: In the mean of all patients, the best reconstruction window was found to be at 60% of the RR interval. In patients with higher heart rates, the best reconstruction window was found to be at an earlier stage of the R wave-to-R wave interval. CONCLUSIONS: Initial results show that good diagnostic image quality could be achieved for all evaluated segments of the coronary tree with image reconstructions at 60% of the R wave-to-R wave interval in patients with heart rates of 70 bpm or less. Using a 16-detector row CT scanner with a gantry rotation time of 370 milliseconds, the need for adapting the reconstruction window to each segment for the best image quality was overcome in those cases. In patients with heart rates faster than 70 bpm, reconstructions at an earlier stage within the cardiac cycle were necessary.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of our study was to assess the influence of heart rate on the selection of the optimal reconstruction window with 40-slice multidetector-row computed tomography (40-MDCT) coronary angiography. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 170 patients (114 men, age 60+/-11.3 years) with suspected or known coronary artery disease with 40-MDCT coronary angiography. Patients [mean heart rate (HR) 62.9+/-9.3 bpm, range 42-94 bpm] were clustered in two groups (group A: HR 65 bpm). Multiphase reconstruction data sets were obtained with a retrospective electrocardiogram (ECG)-gated 40-MDCT coronary angiography scan from 0% to 95% every 5% of the R-R interval. Two radiologists in consensus evaluated the best data sets for diagnostic purposes. RESULTS: In group A, the optimal reconstruction windows were at 70% (55/110, 71/110 and 69/110 for the right coronary artery, left anterior descending and the left circumflex, respectively) and 75% (26/110, 28/110 and 28/110, respectively) of the R-R interval. In group B, a wide range of reconstruction windows were employed, both in the end-systolic phase at 40% (32/60, 18/60 and 17/60, for the right coronary artery, left anterior descending and circumflex, respectively) and diastolic phases at 70% (12/60, 22/60 and 19/60, respectively). Six scans were excluded due to severe respiratory artefacts. CONCLUSIONS: Optimal position of the image reconstruction window relative to the cardiac cycle is significantly influenced by the heart rate during scanning. Diastolic reconstruction phases often allowed an optimal assessment in group A. Reconstruction phases from 30% to 45% are advisable for higher heart rates.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of different reconstruction intervals of retrospectively electrocardiographically (ECG)-gated multi-detector row computed tomographic (CT) angiography on image quality of different segments of various types of coronary artery bypass grafts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients with 62 grafts underwent retrospectively ECG-gated four-channel multi-detector row CT angiography and conventional coronary angiography. Raw helical CT data were reconstructed at 0%-90% of the cardiac cycle in increments of 10%. Each graft was separated into three segments (proximal segment, graft body, and distal anastomosis). Three graft types were identified according to site of distal anastomosis. Two readers assessed image quality of segments and graft types. Effective radiation dose was calculated. RESULTS: Best image quality of all segments was obtained at a reconstruction interval of 50%-70% of the cardiac cycle. Image quality of the proximal segment did not vary significantly with different reconstruction intervals (analysis of variance, P =.8), whereas image quality of the graft body and distal anastomosis changed significantly with varying reconstruction intervals (P <.001). Distal anastomosis and body of types 1 and 2 grafts were best seen at 60%-70% of the cardiac cycle, whereas distal anastomosis and body of type 3 grafts were best visualized at 50%. Accuracy of CT angiography for detection of graft patency was 94% for reader 1 and 95% for reader 2. Effective dose for CT was 11.4 mSv for both men and women. Mean effective dose for angiography was 2.1 mSv for men and women. CONCLUSION: Optimal selection of reconstruction interval improves image quality of the graft body and of distal anastomosis in particular.  相似文献   

Image quality on dual-source computed-tomographic coronary angiography   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Multi-detector CT reliably permits visualization of coronary arteries, but due to the occurrence of motion artefacts at heart rates >65 bpm caused by a temporal resolution of 165 ms, its utilisation has so far been limited to patients with a preferably low heart rate. We investigated the assessment of image quality on computed tomography of coronary arteries in a large series of patients without additional heart rate control using dual-source computed tomography (DSCT). DSCT (Siemens Somatom Definition, 83-ms temporal resolution) was performed in 165 consecutive patients (mean age 64 +/- 11.4 years) after injection of 60-80 ml of contrast. Data sets were reconstructed in 5% intervals of the cardiac cycle and evaluated by two readers in consensus concerning evaluability of the coronary arteries and presence of motion and beam-hardening artefacts using the AHA 16-segment coronary model. Mean heart rate during CT was 65 +/- 10.5 bpm; visualisation without artefacts was possible in 98.7% of 2,541 coronary segments. Only two segments were considered unevaluable due to cardiac motion; 30 segments were unassessable due to poor signal-to-noise ratio or coronary calcifications (both n = 15). Data reconstruction at 65-70% of the cardiac cycle provided for the best image quality. For heart rates >85 bpm, a systolic reconstruction at 45% revealed satisfactory results. Compared with earlier CT generations, DSCT provides for non-invasive coronary angiography with diagnostic image quality even at heart rates >65 bpm and thus may broaden the spectrum of patients that can be investigated non-invasively.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardiac computed tomography (CT) has become an established complement in cardiac imaging. Thus, optimized image quality is diagnostically crucial. PURPOSE: To prospectively evaluate whether, by using 64-slice CT, a specific reconstruction interval can be identified providing best image quality for all coronary artery segments and each individual coronary artery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 311 coronary segments of 14 men and seven women were analyzed using 64-slice CT. Data reconstruction was performed in 5% increments from 5-100% of the R-R interval. Four experienced observers independently evaluated image quality of the coronary arteries according to the AHA classification. A three-point ranking scale was applied: 1, very poor, no evaluation possible; 2, diagnostically sufficient quality; 3, highest image quality, no artifacts. RESULTS: The best reconstruction point for all segments was found to be 65% of the R-R interval (mean value 2.4+/-0.5; P<0.05). On a per-artery basis, best image quality was again achieved at 65% of the R-R interval: RCA 2.2+/-0.4, LCA 2.4+/-0.5, LM 2.5+/-0.2, LAD 2.3+/-0.4, LCX 2.3+/-0.5. CONCLUSION: By using 64-slice CT, the need for adjusting the reconstruction point to each coronary segment might be overcome. Best image quality was achieved with image reconstruction at 65% of the R-R interval for all coronary segments as well as each coronary artery.  相似文献   

心率对64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像图像质量的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
目的:评价心率对64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像图像质量的影响.方法:采用GE Light speed 64层螺旋VCT,以心脏扫描模式对心脏动态体模进行扫描.心脏动态体模由3个部分组成:动力部分、解剖结构模拟部分和控制部分.心脏动态体模的心率设置为40、45、50、55、60、65、70、75、80、85、90、95、100、105、110和115次/min,心律齐.以球管转速0.35 s对不同心率下的心脏动态体模进行冠状动脉成像扫描.所有扫描数据在R-R间期90%时相分别进行单扇区和多扇区重建.重建数据传至工作站后处理成像.后处理方法采用VR、MPR重组模式.分别对重建图像进行评分.结果:①心率与图像质量呈负相关(P<0.01);随着心率的增加,图像质量评分呈下降趋势;②在同一条件下多扇区重建算法较单扇区重建算法提高了图像质量评分.结论:采用心脏动态体模评价心率对64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像图像质量的影响,对临床研究和应用有着重要价值.  相似文献   

A model is presented that describes the image quality of coronary arteries with multidetector computer tomography. The results are discussed in the context of rotation time of the scanner, heart rate, and number of sectors used in the acquisition process. The blurring of the coronary arteries was calculated for heart rates between 50 and 100 bpm for rotation times of 420, 370, and 330 ms, and one-, two-, three-, and four-sector acquisition modes and irregular coronary artery movement is included. The model predicts optimal timing within the RR cycle of 45±3% (RCA), 44±4% and 74±6% (LCX), and 35±4% and 76±5% (LAD). The optimal timing shows a negative linear dependency on heart rate and increases with the number of sectors used. The RCA blurring decreases from 0.98 cm for 420 ms, one-sector mode to 0.27 cm for 330 ms, four-sector mode. The corresponding values are 0.81 cm and 0.29 cm for LCX and 0.42 cm and 0.17 cm for LAD. The number of sectors used in a multisector reconstruction and the timing within the cardiac cycle should be adjusted to the specific coronary artery that has to be imaged. Irregular coronary artery movement of 1.5 mm justifies the statement that no more than two sectors should be used in multisector acquisition processes in order to improve temporal resolution in cardiac MDCT.  相似文献   

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