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患者女,50岁,因腹痛、发热入院.体检:体温39℃,上腹压痛.实验室检查:白细胞11.37×109/L,中性粒细胞10.83×109/L;淀粉酶1365 U/L(正常值30~110 U/L);直接胆红素31.7 μmol/L(正常值0~8.0 μmol/L);总胆汁酸234 μmol/L(正常值0~20 μmol/L).  相似文献   

A 17-year old, thin-built male was sitting in a bus on the right side of the rear seat. The same side of the bus accidentally hit some iron rods, meant for construction work, projecting from the tail end of a small truck. The incident happened when the bus driver tried to manoeuvre the bus towards the left side of the truck, standing at a red traffic light intersection. One of the iron-rods entered the bus through the glass window next to which the victim had been sitting and penetrated his chest cavity from the side, lacerating both the lungs and exiting through the left shoulder blade. The individual died on his way to hospital.  相似文献   

A case of infantile Krabbe's disease was first recognised as areas of relatively increased density on CT in the thalamus lateral geniculate body and dentate nucleus. These sites were subsequently shown on MRI to have a paramagnetic effect, being characterised by short T2 and T1. Subsequent examinations showed development of atrophy and high signal in white matter.  相似文献   

Cystic meningiomas are very rare tumors of the central nervous system. We report the case of a 62-year-old female how presented headaches resistant to usual analgesics with behavior disorders. Cerebral CT scan showed a right frontal extra-axial tumor with firm and cystic component, brain MRI evoked the diagnosis, surgery removed the entire tumor and histological examination confirmed it. A cystic meningioma should not be omitted from the differential diagnosis of brain tumors with a cystic component and which clinical, radiological, histological and therapeutic features are discussed.  相似文献   

A 42-year-old female developed fulminant hepatic failure after having ingested an undetermined quantity of a herbal product over a period of approximately four months prior to the onset of her illness. Clinically, the cause of liver failure was assessed to be drug-induced and she eventually underwent total hepatectomy, with porto-caval shunting, in anticipation of a living-unrelated liver transplant. Unfortunately, her condition deteriorated and she died less than 48 hours post-operatively, approximately three weeks post-admission. An autopsy showed that the subject was deeply jaundiced and severely obese (BMI: 47.1 kg m(-2)), with evidence of diffuse haemorrhage, including the presence of 1.35 l of blood in the peritoneal cavity. The liver had been removed and was later recovered as a formalin-fixed specimen which was markedly contracted, comprising multiple micronodules interspersed with extensive areas of dense fibrotic tissue. Histologically, there was massive necrosis of the hepatic parenchyma, such that the residual hepatocytes were disposed as nodules displaying variable cellular regeneration and ballooning degeneration, attended by florid ductal proliferation and mixed inflammatory infiltrates. Infective, autoimmune, metabolic, vascular, neoplastic and most other natural causes of massive hepatocellular necrosis were effectively excluded. Analysis of the post-mortem blood samples yielded fluconazole, metronidazole, frusemide, lignocaine and tramadol, (therapeutic agents administered to the patient during her last illness). Subsequent analysis of the residual capsules revealed that they were adulterated by fenfluramine, N-nitrosofenfluramine (1.3-1.6 mg per capsule), nicotinamide (13.3-15.6 mg per capsule) and thyroid extract. None of the herbal ingredients is currently known to be hepatotoxic and much the same applies to fenfluramine, nicotinamide (except when taken in mega-doses) and thyroid extract. However, as nitrosamines are known to be variably hepatotoxic, it would be reasonable to surmise that, in the absence of a more plausible cause of liver damage, N-nitrosofenfluramine was the likely cause of massive hepatocellular necrosis in this instance.  相似文献   

We report a case of an elderly demented woman who died of a mitral rheumatic valvular disease in the context of multiple injuries and from elder abuse. History from police investigation indicated that the deceased was found collapsed on the floor in her bedroom for several days prior to death by her son who did not initiate medical care. Autopsy revealed a frail elderly woman with Alzheimer’s disease and evidence of multiple healing sublethal blunt impact injuries of the face, mouth, neck, upper chest, and extremities. In addition, there was unwashed dirt encrusted skin, urine/fecal staining of skin and clothing, dirty overgrown toenails, and matting of the hair. This constellation of findings supports the medical diagnosis of elder abuse with neglect. However, the immediate cause of death was the left-sided congestive heart failure from mitral rheumatic valvular disease. Although the underlying cause of death was related to the chronic cardiac condition, the physical abuse and neglect was considered significant contributing factors to death, since physiologically the injuries and lack of medical treatment was thought to have hastened death by exacerbating the underlying heart disease. This case underscores the need for the forensic pathologist to consider contextual variables and sublethal injuries in cases were the causal interpretations benefit from a more holistic approach. Otherwise, cases like such as the one reported can go unnoticed and certified as a simple natural death.  相似文献   

A pediatric patient with neurological deficit was examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI]. The images revealed abnormal signal intensity and enhancement of the spinal cord, indicating myelopathy. Identifying the cause of the myelopathy required a differential diagnosis. Images from MRI included a pre-contrast T1 weighted sagittal sequence, which revealed expansion of the distal lumbar spinal cord and conus medullaris from T10-L1. The T2 weighted sagittal sequence revealed patchy areas of hyperintense signal. We did not notice any chronic hemorrhagic products or cysts. Within the field of view, we saw multifocal areas of bladder wall thickening. Sagittal and axial T1 weighted post gadolinium images demonstrated mixed linear and nodular patchy enhancement of the conus medullaris predominantly anteriorly and along the anterior surface of the meninges. On the 18 day of hospitalization, a spinal biopsy revealed the presence of granuloma with non-viable bilharzia ova, and schistosomiasis of the spinal cord was diagnosed. Although uncommon, when it does occur, schistosomiasis has significant implications. Using MRI, the medical team noticed abnormal features that called for a biopsy, and were thus able to differentiate between medullary schistosomiasis and other infective/inflammatory conditions. A prompt diagnosis is vital for initiating early treatment, and avoiding complications and invasive surgery.  相似文献   



Evaluation of Krabbe disease burden and eligibility for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are often based on neuroimaging findings using the modified Loes scoring system, which encompasses central but not peripheral nervous system changes. We show that quantitative evaluation of thickened cauda equina nerve roots may improve the evaluation of Krabbe disease and therapeutic guidance.


Lumbar spine MRI scans of patients obtained between March 2013 and September 2013 were retrospectively evaluated and compared to those of controls. Quantitative evaluation of cauda equina roots was performed on the axial plane obtained approximately 5 mm below the conus medullaris. The largest nerves in the right and left anterior quadrants of the spinal canal were acquired.


Fifteen symptomatic patients with Krabbe disease (5–44 months old) and eleven age-matched controls were evaluated. The average areas (mm2) of anterior right and left nerves were 1.40 and 1.23, respectively, for patients and 0.61 and 0.60 for controls (differences: 0.79 and 0.63; p?<?0.001).


Cauda equina nerve root thickening is associated with Krabbe disease in both treated and untreated patients. Adding lumbar spine MRI to the current neurodiagnostic protocols, which fails to account for peripheral nerve abnormalities, will likely facilitate the diagnosis of Krabbe disease.

Key Points

? Neuroimaging is valuable for evaluating cauda equina nerve abnormality in Krabbe disease ? MRI can be used to quantitatively evaluate cauda equina nerve thickening ? Lumbar MRI could be useful for diagnosis and treatment monitoring of Krabbe disease

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the capabilities and drawbacks of MR imaging in patients with trauma to the spine and degenerative spinal conditions. In spinal trauma MR imaging is secondary to plain X-ray films and CT because of the greater availability and ease of performance of these techniques and their superior capability for detecting vertebral fractures. Magnetic resonance imaging is useful for detecting ligamentous ruptures and intraspinal mass lesions such as hematoma, and for assessing the state of the spinal cord and prognosis of a cord injury. In degenerative spinal disease the necessity is emphasized of critically evaluating the clinical relevance of any abnormal feature detected, as findings of degenerative pathology are common in individuals without symptoms. Magnetic resonance myelography permits rapid and accurate assessment of the state of the lumbar nerve roots (compressed or not). In the cervical region the quality of the myelographic picture is often degraded in patients with a narrow spinal canal.  相似文献   

Fibromatosis Colli also known as congenital torticollis is a rare cause of benign cervical pseudotumor in neonates, consisting of benign fibrous tissue proliferation within the sternocleidomastoid muscle, resulting in a fusiform enlargement. The cause of fibrosis is unknown; however it could be linked to trauma during pregnancy or at the time of birth, resulting in hemorrhage and, subsequently, fibrosis. Ultrasound plays a necessary role in confirming this diagnosis and follow-up. We Report a case of Fibromatosis colli in a four-week old newborn who was diagnosed using ultrasonography and treated with physiotherapy.  相似文献   

Splenic hamartomas are rare benign tumours composed of an abnormal mixture of normal components of the spleen. Generally asymptomatic, they are in most insances discovered as incidental findings at laparotomy or autopsy. We report a case in which sonography disclosed a heterogenous splenic mass, partially cystic, with some echogenic foci thought to represent calcification. CT was unremarkable, d detecting a spontaneously isodense mass with a small peripheral calcification. Scintigraphy performed with sulphur colloids demonstrated an area of increase uptake. MRI disclosed a slightly hypointense mass on T1-weighted spin-echo images which was predominantly hypointense with a more isointense central area on long TR/TE images. On gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted images the mass displayed a heterogenous hyperintensity with prolonged enhancement. Biopsy was inconclusive and the final diagnosis was achieved only with splenectomy. Correspondence to: P. O. Pinto  相似文献   

We examined 320 patients with MRI and arthroscopy after an acute trauma to evaluate MRI in diagnosis of degenerative joint disease of the knee in relation to sports activity and clinical data. Lesions of cartilage and menisci on MRI were registered by two radiologists in consensus without knowledge of arthroscopy. Arthroscopy demonstrated grade-1 to grade-4 lesions of cartilage on 729 of 1920 joint surfaces of 320 knees, and MRI diagnosed 14 % of grade-1, 32 % of grade-2, 94 % of grade-3, and 100 % of grade-4 lesions. Arthroscopy explored 1280 meniscal areas and showed degenerations in 10 %, tears in 11.4 %, and complex lesions in 9.2 %. Magnetic resonance imaging was in agreement with arthroscopy in 81 % showing more degenerations but less tears of menisci than arthroscopy. Using a global system for grading the total damage of the knee joint into none, mild, moderate, or severe changes, agreement between arthroscopy and MRI was found in 82 %. Magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopy showed coherently that degree of degenerative joint changes was significantly correlated to patient age or previous knee trauma. Patients over 40 years had moderate to severe changes on MRI in 45 % and patients under 30 years in only 22 %. Knee joints with a history of trauma without complete structural or functional reconstitution showed marked changes on MRI in 57 %, whereas stable joints without such alterations had degenerative changes in only 26 %. There was no correlation of degenerative disease to gender, weight, type, frequency, and intensity of sports activity. Therefore, MRI is an effective non-invasive imaging method for exact localization and quantification of chronic joint changes of cartilage and menisci that recommends MRI for monitoring in sports medicine. Received: 28 July 1997; Revision received: 9 February 1998; Accepted: 20 March 1998  相似文献   

肾上腺脑白质营养不良MRI表现(附3例报告及文献复习)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨肾上腺脑白质营养不良的MRI特征,提高对本病的认识。方法 回顾性分析3例经临床和生化证实的。肾上腺脑白质营养不良患者的MRI表现。结果 3例患者均表现为双侧对称性侧脑室三角区白质病变,T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号,经胼胝体压部相连,呈蝶翼状分布。结论肾上腺脑白质营养不良的MRI表现具有典型特征,MR检查能准确反映病变的病理变化、范围及进展情况。MRI作为一种无创性并且敏感的检查方法,在对肾上腺脑白质营养不良的诊断和治疗方面具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

The death of a 76-year-old man with heart disease as a result of the injection of an excessive dose of lidocaine is presented. The patient was given 5 ml of 10% lidocaine hydrochloride (500 mg) intravenously instead of 2.5 ml of 2% lidocaine hydrochloride (50mg) in order to treat repeated paroxysmal ventricular arrhythmia. Immediately following the injection the patient had tonic clonic seizures and complete cardiopulmonary arrest followed. Although resuscitation attempts once successfully restarted his pulse and spontaneous respiration, the patient died on the eighth day after the injection. Toxicological examinations were carried out on the tissues obtained at the time of autopsy and which had been fixed in formalin solution for 40 days, and lidocaine was detected in each tissue examined. The concentrations were (ng/g or ml): parietal lobe, 308.0; occipital lobe, 208.7; temporal lobe, 318.0; frontal lobe, 223.2; cerebellum 200.9; pons 285.7; liver, 109.5; kidney 52.2; skeletal muscle 127.0; and formalin solution 8.4. In an experiment on rats we determined the concentration changes of lidocaine in formalin fixed tissues. The concentrations of lidocaine in these tissues significantly decreased to 1/3-1/4 from the original. This data shows that the cause of death was poisoning by lidocaine overdose.  相似文献   

Paragangliomas arising in the suprasellar region are extremely rare. We report a case of suprasellar paraganglioma in a 47-year-old man who presented with amnesia and impaired visual acuity without any endocrine dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a large enhancing tumour in the suprasellar area. Following subtotal surgical excision, the diagnosis of paraganglioma was confirmed by pathology. In this case report we describe the MRI pattern of suprasellar paraganglioma and review the literature of this uncommon lesion.  相似文献   

Bilateral lipoma arborescens of the knee in a child: a case report   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We report a case of childhood lipoma arborescens of both knee joints who had been erroneously diagnosed to have initially acute rheumatic fever and subsequently oligoarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. She had taken anti-inflammatory medication for 8 years without remission of the effusion. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and synovectomy revealed the diagnosis of lipoma arborescens. Lipoma arborescens should be kept in mind in the differential diagnosis of refractory chronic joint effusion and synovial hypertrophy in the childhood period, and MRI yields the correct diagnosis in this setting.  相似文献   

IntroductionLethal injuries by animal attacks are a matter of concern for the forensic pathologist; the presented case illustrates a two dogs attack on a 61-year-old man. The authors have focused on a multidisciplinary approach involving forensic pathologists and veterinarians.Materials and MethodsThe victim was cycling in the countryside when he was attacked by two dogs that came out of a large house. He was found lying in the street by the homeowners who called for help. The victim was transported to the hospital where he died five days later. According to recovery data and medico-legal autopsy findings the cause of death was septic shock.ResultsForensic pathologists and veterinarians multidisciplinary evaluation revealed lacerations, abrasions, and multiple small punctures constituting bite marks over the entire body. Six skin dowels with bite marks were taken and compared with the dental cast of the dogs.ConclusionA comparison of the dog dental casts and the bite marks on the victim’s body allowed the identification of the animals involved in the attack.  相似文献   

A cardiac cavernous hemangioma is a rare, primary, benign tumor that is usually diagnosed in young or middle-aged patients. In this article, we report the case of a 71-year-old male patient whose doctors incidentally discovered a heart tumor on his transthoracic echocardiography. Triple-phase computed tomography (CT) (pre-contrast, arterial and portal venous) missed the lesion, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a small, oval tumor attached to the wall of the right ventricle. The tumor was successfully removed surgically, and the patient recovered after 2 weeks. A histopathological examination resulted in the diagnosis of a benign cavernous hemangioma.  相似文献   

Thalamic astrocytomas are rare central nervous system tumors that account for 1%-1.5% of all brain tumors. Their Clinical features depend on anatomical involvement. For these tumors, gross total resection is so difficult due to their deep location and also the infiltration of the optic pathway or brain stem. Unilateral adult thalamic locations are rarely described in the literature. Their radiological features often suggest lymphoma. The authors report here a new case of a primary unilateral thalamic pilocytic astrocytoma mimicking lymphoma diagnosed after a stereotactic core biopsy in a 62-year-old male patient with von Recklinghausen''s disease and which is responsible for Dejerine–Roussy syndrome. The authors will proceed with a comprehensive review of literature regarding this rare entity.  相似文献   

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