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Dermatofibroma is a benign fibrohistiocytic tumor, common and easily diagnosed when classical clinicopathologic features are present. The atrophic variant of dermatofibroma is of uncertain origin. This lesion is characterized clinically by a flat or atrophic and depressible surface. Histopathological features show reduction of the thickness of the dermis and elastic fibers. We report a typical case of this uncommon and probably underdiagnosed variant.  相似文献   

150例皮肤纤维瘤组织病理与临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析皮肤纤维瘤(DF)的组织病理与临床特征,探讨两者的相互联系。方法 回顾分析2017年9月至2018年8月在上海市皮肤病医院病理科经皮肤组织病理检查确诊的150例DF患者的临床和组织病理资料。结果 150例患者中,男65例,女85例,年龄(42 ± 13.8)岁,病程3个月至 > 30年,部分有伴随症状,主要表现为瘙痒,有自发痛、轻压痛,18例皮损有外伤、虫咬或感染病史。皮损主要位于四肢(107例,71.3%),以单发皮损为主(105例,70%)。病理检查前拟诊为“DF”102例,“表皮样囊肿”16例,“色痣”13例,“瘢痕疙瘩”3例,“皮肤肿物”12例,“恶性黑素瘤”1例,“黄色肉芽肿”1例,“结节性痒疹”1例,“神经纤维瘤”1例。在这些患者的169张苏木精-伊红染色切片中,66张(39.1%)为细胞性,36张(21.3%)硬化性,25张(14.8%)表现为动脉瘤样型DF,22张(13.0%)上皮样型。12张切片内可见两种或两种以上亚型并存的现象。还可见少数新的变异型,如DF伴汗腺导管增生(1例)、深在型DF(3例)、上皮样细胞与增生胶原相间的DF(1例)等。动脉瘤样型DF病程长短不一,7个月至> 30年,多表现为发生于下肢的皮肤肿物样损害。细胞性DF病程相对较短,常发现数月后就诊,好发于四肢,常伴痒痛。硬化性或萎缩性DF病程长,为数年或数十年,好发于上肢,多无伴随症状。上皮样型DF病程长短不一,临床表现多样,多发于下肢,无伴随症状。结论 DF的临床表现及病理表现均具有多样性,不同的DF皮损可有相似的典型组织病理学表现,不典型的病理表现可干扰疾病诊断。  相似文献   

目的 探讨动脉瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤的临床特征及组织病理学诊断原则.方法 回顾性分析5例动脉瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤患者的临床及病理资料.结果 5例患者中,男3例,女2例.皮损为暗红色或棕色结节,3例皮损近期突然增大;3例位于四肢,2例位于胸部和下颌.皮损组织病理学检查:均具有典型皮肤纤维瘤的组织学特征,同时见多数不规则出血性裂隙和囊腔结构,伴有含铁血黄素沉积;免疫组化示波形蛋白和CD68阳性,血管性标记(CD34和CD31)均阴性.结论 鉴于AFH临床上具有近期快速增大的特点,组织学上显示出血性裂隙及囊腔形成,该肿瘤需要与血管肉瘤和血管瘤样纤维组织细胞瘤鉴别.  相似文献   

目的:通过测定家族性寻常型银屑病患者和正常人中S100A6、S100A8和S100A9基因的外显子编码区序列,探索其与银屑病发病的关系。方法:从家族性寻常型银屑病患者和正常人的外周血中提取基因组DNA,用自动测序法测定S100A6、S100A8和S100A9基因的外显子编码区序列。结果:患者和正常对照组的S100A6、S100A8、S100A9基因外显子编码区序列均相同,未发现基因多态性。结论:S100A6、S100A8、S100A9基因的外显子编码区序列与家族性寻常型银屑病发病无相关性。  相似文献   

Tattooing has been associated with a variety of complications including inflammatory and granulomatous reactions, transmission of infections, and neoplasms. We report a case of a 24-year-old male who presented with a 2-month history of an erythematous nodule involving a newly made tattoo on the right leg. An excisional biopsy was performed and the histopathological evaluation was consistent with dermatofibroma. Only three cases of dermatofibroma associated with tatooing were reported in litetature. We report an additional case and review the literature regarding cutaneous reactions to tattoos.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pilomatrixoma is a common benign cutaneous tumour containing differentiated hair matrix cells. This tumour is mainly composed of basophilic, transitional, shadow and squamoid cells. Although some S100 proteins are expressed in a tissue-specific manner in the hair follicle (e.g. S100A2 in the outer root sheath, S100A3 in the cortex and cuticle, and S100A6 in the inner root sheath), little information is available concerning their distribution in the aberrantly differentiated tissues of pilomatrixoma. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the disordered epithelial elements of pilomatrixoma by localizing S100A2, S100A3 and S100A6 proteins. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry and dual-immunofluorescence microscopy were performed on 22 pilomatrixoma specimens using antibodies specific to the three proteins. RESULTS: Tissue-specific distribution of the S100 proteins investigated was preserved in the morphologically disordered tumour tissues. Anti-S100A2 antibody stained squamoid cells and putative outer root sheath cells; basophilic and potential hair matrix cells were occasionally stained. S100A3 staining was found in transitional cells and putative cortical cells, and was strong in both dispersed cells and hair-like structures surrounding cells which were presumably cuticular cells. Anti-S100A6 antibody labelled some S100A3-negative transitional cell strands, potentially inner root sheath cells. CONCLUSIONS: The epithelial elements of pilomatrixoma can be characterized using S100 proteins as biochemical markers. Our results show that pilomatrixomas retain a certain degree of differentiation indicative of distinct hair-forming cells.  相似文献   

【摘要】 患者男,3岁,因躯干多发棕黄色丘疹3个月就诊。皮损组织病理学检查,见真皮较多单一核组织细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞及少量淋巴细胞浸润。免疫组化示S100阳性、CD1a部分阳性、CD68阳性。其后原发皮疹颜色渐变暗,部分变平消退,留色素沉着,但仍有新发皮疹。4个月后第2次组织病理学检查显示,除组织细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞外,真皮尚可见少许多核巨细胞。免疫组化示组织细胞S100阴性、CD1a阴性、CD68 阳性。诊断:幼年性黄色肉芽肿。  相似文献   

目的探讨黑素瘤的发生和侵袭转移机制,检测S100A4蛋白、上皮钙黏蛋白-E(E-cadherin)在黑素瘤的表达水平。方法应用免疫组织化学SP法检测30例黑素瘤、30例黑素细胞痣和20例正常皮肤组织中S100A4和E-cadherin蛋白的表达。结果 S100A4在黑素瘤组织中表达的阳性率为66.67%,明显高于其在黑素细胞痣中的表达(13.33%),在正常皮肤组织中基本不表达,两者比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05);E-cadherin在正常皮肤组织表达率为100%,与在黑素细胞痣中的表达(83.3%)差异无统计学意义,在黑素瘤组织中表达率为43.33%,与正常皮肤组织比较有统计学意义(P0.05)。在有淋巴转移和无淋巴转移的黑素瘤中S100A4和E-cadherin的表达差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 S100A4和E-cadherin与黑素瘤的转移可能有关,提示黑素瘤组织中S100A4和E-cadherin的检测可作为预测肿瘤转移的指标之一。  相似文献   

目的:检测寻常型银屑病患者血清钙结合蛋白S100A13水平.方法:酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定寻常型银屑病患者和健康人群血清S100A13水平.结果:轻症20例寻常型银屑病患者组血清水平为(66.172±22.076)μg/L,重症20例寻常型银屑病患者组为(168.492±101.127)μg/L,正常对照组血清水平为(40.075±10.338)μg/L,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论:寻常型银屑病皮损的过度增殖和异常分化可能与S100A13的大量上调及分泌有关.  相似文献   

BackgroundS100A8 is differentially expressed in various cell types and is associated with a number of malignant disorders. S100A8 may affect tumor biology. However, its role in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is not well established.ObjectiveThis study aims to investigate the relationship between S100A8 and cutaneous SCC development.MethodsWe performed immunohistochemical staining to detect S100A8 expression in facial skin specimens of premalignant actinic keratosis (AK), malignant SCC, and normal tissues. In addition, we utilized postconfluence and high calcium-induced differentiation in a culture system model. Furthermore, we constructed a recombinant adenovirus expressing GFP-tagged S100A8 to investigate the role of S100A8 in SCC cell differentiation.ResultsS100A8 was significantly overexpressed in human cutaneous SCC compared to that in normal and AK tissues. S100A8 was gradually upregulated in SCC cells in a post-confluence-induced differentiation model. Overexpression of S100A8 in SCC cells induced by adenoviral transduction led to increased expression levels of differentiation markers, such as loricrin, involucrin, and filaggrin. S100A8 overexpression also increased loricrin and involucrin luciferase activity.ConclusionS100A8 regulates cutaneous SCC differentiation and induces well-differentiated SCC formation in skin.  相似文献   

目的研究白介素-22(IL-22)和S100A7,A8,A9mRNA在寻常型银屑病皮损中的表达及关系。方法采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)技术对35例寻常型银屑病患者皮损和16例正常人皮肤中IL-22,S100A7,A8,A9mR-NA进行检测。结果①IL-22和S100A8,A9mRNA在寻常型银屑病皮损中呈阳性表达,而在正常皮肤中为阴性;S100A7mRNA在寻常型银屑病皮损中的表达水平为1.133±0.0403,较正常对照组0.744±0.0371明显升高,差异有显著性(P<0.01)。②IL-22mRNA与S100A7,A8,A9mRNA的表达呈显著正相关r1=0.543,r2=0.774,r3=0.621,P均<0.01。结论IL-22和S100A7,A8,A9与银屑病的发生和发展中明确相关,可能成为银屑病治疗新的靶位点。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Several serum markers may be useful in the detection of metastatic melanoma, but none is in routine clinical use. OBJECTIVE: To assess the validity of S100 protein as a serum marker of melanoma progression. METHODS: Serum S100 protein levels were measured in 496 serum samples from 214 melanoma patients, using the Sangtec luminescence immunoassay. There were 75 patients with stage 1 melanoma, 66 initially with stage 2 melanoma, 49 initially with stage 3 melanoma and 24 with stage 4 melanoma. RESULTS: Serum S100 protein levels were < 0.2 microg L-1 in 71 of 75 (95%) stage 1 patients. One patient who had a normal level developed local recurrence. Fifty-eight of 66 (88%) stage 2 patients also had normal serum S100 protein levels. One with elevated levels progressed to stage 3 melanoma and five with elevated levels progressed to stage 4 disease. The remaining two with elevated serum S100 protein remained well. Thirty-five of 49 (71%) stage 3 patients had normal levels and, of these, two have progressed to stage 4 disease. Three patients with stage 3 disease had an elevated serum S100 protein level on one occasion but remained well. Eleven of 13 patients who developed stage 4 melanoma during the study had rising levels of serum S100 protein > 0.2 microg L-1 5-23 weeks before detection of melanoma progression by conventional means. Twenty-two of 24 patients with stage 4 disease throughout the study had consistently elevated serum S100 protein levels, and the two patients with normal levels were clinically disease free after surgery and chemotherapy. None of 14 control subjects with atypical naevi had elevated S100 protein levels, and only one of 11 healthy normal controls had an elevated level. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, rising levels of serum S100 protein are a specific and sensitive clinically relevant marker of tumour progression in melanoma patients, which precedes other evidence of melanoma recurrence.  相似文献   

SLE患者皮质类固醇治疗前后血清IL-2和TNF-α水平的比较刘国英①瞿国伟②SLE是一种以免疫调节异常为特征的自身免疫性疾病,而免疫调节主要是通过多种细胞因子相互作用实现的。因此,研究SLE病人细胞因子变化将有助于阐明该病的发病机理,我们检测了14...  相似文献   

Summary The developmental expression of C3 receptor, an important surface marker of murine epidermal Langerhans cells (LCs), was quantitatively studied using an immunohistochemical technique on epidermal sheets and then compared with developmental expression of Ia antigen and membrane ATPase. Anti-Mac-1 monoclonal antibody associated with CR3 was used for detecting C3 receptor and proved positive for LCs by immunoelectron microscopy. Mac-1 positive (Mac-1+) cells showed quite a different distribution from those of ATPase+ and Ia+ cells. Almost the same number of Mac-1+ and ATPase+ cells were present during the embryonic period. The number of Mac-1+ cells gradually decreased from day 1 to day 5 of postnatal life, after which they increased again. Using the doublelabeling technique on epidermal sheets at day 1 of postnatal life, it was shown that Ia+ cells possessed membrane ATPase activity and some Mac-1+ cells expressed Ia antigen. On days 4 and 7 of postnatal life all Mac-1+ cells expressed Ia antigen. These findings suggest that Mac-1 antigen observed during the embryonic period gradually fades after birth and is re-expressed after day 5 of postnatal life.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ionizing radiation is used to treat a lot of cancers, however, it also produced unwanted side effect on normal tissues, such as radiodermatitis. We previously established an animal model for radiodermatitis, and identified many of radiation-induced genes by cDNA microarray. Of the candidates, we chose S100A8 gene for a further study. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the functional role of S100A8 in X-ray irradiated keratinocytes. METHODS: RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry were performed to demonstrate the S100A8 induction by X-ray irradiation. HaCaT keratinocytes were transduced with the recombinant adenovirus expressing GFP-S100A8, and then effects on cell cycle and apoptosis were analyzed using flow cytometry and Western blot. RESULTS: X-ray irradiation markedly induced S100A8 expression in the hyperplastic epidermis of mouse. Overexpression of S100A8 by adenoviral transduction led to the enhancement of cell proliferation in the absence and/or presence of X-ray irradiation, as compared with Ad/GFP control group. Furthermore, overexpression of S100A8 significantly protected the X-ray-induced apoptosis. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that S100A8 have an anti-apoptotic role in X-ray irradiated keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation has been shown to induce significant alterations in both function and surface antigen expression of epidermal Langerhans cells (ELC). In this study we investigated the effect of UVB radiation on ELC marker S-100 protein antigen (S-100 Ag) which is present in the nucleus and cytoplasm of human ELC. A total of 34 sites on 31 volunteers were exposed to 3 MED (minimal erythema dose) of UVB and biopsied at various times up to 7 days after irradiation. Skin from 9 noninjured and 7 slice-wounded subjects served as controls. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase staining technique was used to identify S-100 Ag in sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue, and the numbers of stained suprabasal dendritic cells were then counted over a 200 basal cell length of interfollicular epidermis. Noninjured skin had 3.56 +/- 3.01 cells, whereas slice-wounded skin had elevated numbers (greater than 10.0 cells) at 1, 24, and 48 h after injury. Following UVB irradiation, a significant (p less than 0.001) increase in antigen-positive cells (14 +/- 3.46) was found at 1 h; this number declined to just below normal at 12 h, but by 48 h returned to and remained at preinjury levels. In contrast to previous observations of the depletion of ELC surface markers by UVB radiation, we demonstrate here that the numbers of S-100 Ag-positive ELC actually increase following comparable doses of radiation. Since this increase occurs so rapidly following both UVB irradiation and slice injury, S-100 Ag may be synthesized or unmasked within the ELC as a response to wounding of the epidermis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: S100 protein is an acidic calcium binding protein that is expressed by melanoma cells. Elevated serum values of S100 have been described in metastatic disease and it has been suggested that it may be used as an adjunct to staging and monitoring of treatment. Micrometastatic disease in the sentinel lymph node can be demonstrated by sentinel node biopsy (SNB) and the sentinel node status is known to be the most important predictor of relapse. OBJECTIVES: To determine whether serum S100 concentrations could predict the presence of micrometastatic disease. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with primary cutaneous melanoma > 1 mm were recruited from referrals to the Melanoma clinic. All patients had serum S100 concentrations evaluated prior to undergoing SNB. Serum S100 concentrations were established using an immunoluminometric method. Sentinel nodes were identified using a dual technique with both radiolabelled colloid (residual from preoperative lymphoscintigraphy) and blue dye according to the MD Anderson Cancer Center protocol. Results Nine of these 31 patients had evidence of micrometastatic disease on SNB. The mean serum S100 concentration of those with positive SNBs was 0.027 microg L-1 compared with 0.045 microg x L(-1) in patients with negative SNBs (normal < 0.14 microg x L(-1)). No patient in the study demonstrated raised concentrations of serum S100. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that serum S100 concentrations do not predict the presence of micrometastatic melanoma in sentinel nodes in primary cutaneous melanoma.  相似文献   

Background/aims: Langerhans cells play a central role In the skin immune system. Quantitative changes have been observed in a variety of dermatological conditions. This paper presents a user-independent automated measurement procedure for Langerhans cells in vertical skin sections. Methods: Frozen sections were stained immunohistochemically with a CD1 monoclonal antibody. Counterstaining was performed with Mayer's hematoxylin. An image analysis procedure was developed, which automatically recognizes the area occupied by the epidermis and the CD1 -positive structures, respectively. Results: The procedure was tested on specimens of normal skin and of chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus. The results significantly reflect the decrease of Langerhans cells in the latter condition. Conclusion: The proposed image analysis program facilitates a fully automated measurement of immunohistochemically stained epidermal structures in vertical skin sections.  相似文献   

Background  Psoriasis is a disease of dysregulated inflammation and epithelial hyperproliferation in the skin, involving both the innate and adaptive immune system. Psoriatic keratinocytes express high levels of psoriasin (S100A7), a small calcium-binding protein.
Objectives  To determine if patients with active psoriasis have elevated serum levels of psoriasin and psoriasin-specific autoantibodies.
Methods  Blood was collected from 14 patients with psoriasis vulgaris at the start of narrowband ultraviolet (UV) B therapy and from 11 of these patients every 2 weeks during the course of the UVB treatment. Patient and control sera were tested for psoriasin antigen levels by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and for psoriasin autoantibody titres using recombinant purified psoriasin and overlapping peptides.
Results  We confirmed strong and specific expression of psoriasin in psoriatic epidermis by immunohistochemistry. Systemic psoriasin antigen levels tended to be lower in patients (mean 213 ng mL−1) than in controls (mean 331 ng mL−1, P  =   0·308) and decreased with increasing disease severity. Psoriasin-specific autoantibodies were detected in a subset of patients with psoriasis and healthy normal donors (mean 0·347 vs. 0·255 units, P  =   0·246). The epitopes recognized by the autoantibodies were mapped to an external loop domain of the molecule but did not show corresponding T-cell immunogenicity.
Conclusions  Although psoriasin is overexpressed in psoriatic skin lesions, systemic levels of psoriasin tended to be lower with increasing disease severity, which may be due to the presence of psoriasin-specific autoantibodies. Neither psoriasin nor psoriasin-specific autoantibodies appear to be promising serum biomarkers for clinical psoriasis.  相似文献   

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