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[目的]探讨<护理人际沟通>课程的考核方法及其效果.[方法]根据<护理人际沟通>课程的性质和特点,考核采用平时考核、实践环节考核、课程总结相结合,课程教学结束后采用自行设计问卷对268名学生进行<护理人际沟通>课程考核的改革效果调查.[结果]90.7%学生赞成开放性综合考核方法,84.3%学生认为新的考核方法能激发学习兴趣,85.8%学生认为能锻炼沟通交流能力,85.1%学生认为能增强团队协作精神,有助于发挥团队的创造力.[结论]<护理人际沟通>课程考核采用平时考核、实践环节考核、课程总结相结合方法,可提高学生的综合素质,有利于培养新型护理人才.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨护理专科开设<护理美学>课程教学的实践效果.[方法]选取护理大专班,在二年级下学期开设<护理美学>课程,并对开设前后成绩和教学效果进行比较.[结果]94.9%的学生认为护理专科进行<护理美学>教育很有必要;93.7%学生认为强化了护理专业思想教育;92.4%学生认为增强了学生良好职业心理品质的培养.[结论]护理专科开设<护理美学>教育,可强化护理专业思想,培养学生良好职业心理品质,陶冶情操,完善自己,塑造美好职业形象,全面提高学生综合素质.  相似文献   

为提高学生的学习效率和学业成绩,培养学生自主学习的能力,提高教师的素质和能力,尝试在护理专业<成人护理学>和<健康评估>课程中进行学习策略教学干预,比较干预前后学生学习策略得分情况和理论考试成绩,发现此方法可明显提高学生学习策略水平和<成人护理学>考试的成绩,有助于学生在专科护理及日后的学习工作中应用学习策略方法,有利于指导教育实践.  相似文献   

杨小华 《护理研究》2008,22(35):3213-3215
[目的]培养学生健康的生活方式和行为.[方法] 采用多媒体教学与参与式教学相结合的方法,在某工科院校开设<护理与生活>选修课,为学生提供融护理知识与生活技巧为一体的理论教学与实践培训;课程结束后进行问卷调查.[结果]<护理与生活>教学内容和互动式教学模式深受学生欢迎,学生对学习健康教育系列课程的必要性、有效性有了深刻认识,对其促进大学生健康、减少其不健康生活方式的作用评价颇高.[结论]应多渠道、多形式开设健康教育系列选修课程,对大学生进行素质教育.  相似文献   

[目的]采用保持型双语教学形式对<护理人际学>与<急救护理学>理论课、实践课进行教学比较,探讨在不同类型课程中开展双语教学的方法及效果.[方法]自行设计问卷,对接受<护理人际学>与<急救护理学>双语教学的2002级、2003级护理本科生123人进行问卷调查,分析学生对双语教学的评价.[结果]学生对<护理人际学>与<急救护理学>开展双语教学的认可度不同(P<0.01),教学效果也不同(P<0.01);不同类型课程宜采用不同的中英文比例(P<0.01),不同英文水平的学生对不同类型课程开展双语教学的态度及授课宜采用的中英文比例均有所不同.[结论]护理人文课程较临床护理课、专业实践课更适合开展双语教学;本科护理专业双语教学需根据课程类型、学生英语背景及专业知识选择适宜的中英文比例,并循序渐进地开展.  相似文献   

目的 设计<妇产科护理学>网络课程,并探讨其应用的效果.方法 合理设计技术方案,开发应用信息资源及现代教育技术.结果 <妇产科护理学>网络课程有力地推动了我校教学工作的规范化、现代化,<妇产科护理学>课程教学满意度迅速超过90%.结论 <妇产科护理学>网络课程使我们的教学面貌焕然一新,为<妇产科护理学>的学科及精品课程建设打下了坚实的基础,特别是对于年轻教师的培养,提供了最直接的帮助.  相似文献   

目的 探讨医学生<人际关系与沟通技能>选修课开设的必要性及其教学方法.方法 课程开始前、结束后,就选修的目的 、教学的建议以及学习收获等,对202名学生进行团体问卷调查.结果 90%以上的学生认为开设该课程很有必要,选修的目的 是为了提高人际交往的能力;92.9%的学生建议授课突出实践,93.9%的学生希望采用情境模拟或结合自身实际撰写论文考核;97.9%的学生感到学习有收获.结论 医学生开设<人际关系与沟通技能>很有必要,其教学应密切结合医学生的实际,突出实践技能的提高.  相似文献   

我国护理本科教育从理论学习到临床实践的转变较为薄弱,在课程学习阶段强化临床实践教学势在必行[1].<护理学基础>是一门实践性很强的学科,是培养高等护理人才实践能力的重要课程,对学生基本操作技术的掌握起着重要的作用.早期接触临床可帮助学生较早地建立正确的护理理念,提高对护理专业价值的认识,对学生的临床沟通能力、临床思维能力、学习的积极性和主动性能起到促进作用[2].因此,笔者在<护理学基础>课程教学过程中,采取早期接触临床,注重理论与实践的相互融合,促进了教学效果和效率的提高.现报道如下.  相似文献   

《护理教育学》考核方法的改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在<护理教育学>教学实践中尝试采用综合考核的方式,重点在于考核学生综合运用知识的能力.通过学生积极参与教学过程,使学生了解教育的基本理论和过程,培养思维能力、创新能力、语言表达能力、沟通交流能力和团队合作精神.从而具备护理教育的基本能力.  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理本科生学习指导课程教学模式,以提高护理专业学生学习素质.方法 问卷调查和学生座谈.调查内容包括学生对<学习学>课程教学的总体评价,对教学内容、教学形式的评价,以及课程学习的收获和建议.结果 117名学生中79.5%认为<学习学>开设很有必要,96.6%认为10项主题教学内容合理,83.8%对5位教师的轮流教学模式表示满意.学生最易接受的教学方法是举例说明,学爿收获最大的则是学习心理的调控.结论 护理本科生开设学习指导课程具有积极意义.护理教育者需不断摸索和完善课程教学模式以更有利于学生的健康发展.  相似文献   

Background: Quality educators are a core component of successful residency training. A structured, consistent, validated evaluation of clinical educators is important to improve teaching aptitude, further faculty development, and improve patient care. Study Objectives: The authors sought to identify specific domains of instructional quality and to develop a composite instrument for assessing instructional quality. Methods: The study setting is a 3-year residency program. Residents rated the quality of faculty member instruction using an 18-item survey twice over a 2-year period (2004–2005). Each survey item used a 9-point scale. Factor analysis employing a Varimax rotation identified domains of instructional performance. Cronbach's alpha was used to assess the internal consistency of the identified domains. Results: There were 29 faculty members evaluated. Using 2004 data, five domains of instructional quality were identified that explained 92.5% of the variation in survey responses (χ2 = 2.33, P = 0.11). These were: Competency and Professionalism (30% of variation), Commitment to Knowledge and Instruction (23%), Inclusion and Interaction (17%), Patient Focus (13%), and Openness to Ideas (9%). Competency and Professionalism included appropriate care, effective patient communication, use of new techniques, and ethical principles. Commitment to Knowledge and Instruction included research, mentoring, feedback, and availability. Inclusion and Interaction included procedural participation and bedside teaching. Patient Focus included compassion, effective care, and sensitivity to diverse populations. Openness to Ideas included enthusiasm and receptivity of new ideas. These five domains were consistent in the 2005 data (Cronbach's alpha 0.68–0.75). Conclusions: A five-domain instrument consistently accounted for variations in faculty teaching performance as rated by resident physicians. This instrument may be useful for standardized assessment of instructional quality.  相似文献   

Since 1998, developing online courses to accommodate nontraditional students has been a major focus at a public commuter university in the southeast. Concern about the quality of online instruction prompted a number of faculty members in different disciplines to explore pedagogically sound methods for improving and evaluating their teaching using instructional technology. In response to the impetus to have a framework for the development of online courses, a seminar series based on the Seven Principles of Undergraduate Education was developed. On the basis of the pedagogical principles presented during the seminar series, the online nursing research course was redesigned to be more learner-centered by increasing student-to-student and student-to-faculty interaction. Seven interactive modules were developed to address students' diverse learning styles. Using this approach for teaching an online nursing research course, students were able to learn the important concepts typically taught in a traditional, face-to-face course, while managing family and work responsibilities.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine whether either bedside teaching alone (group A) or bedside teaching with written course materials (group B) improved written examination scores, satisfaction with the rotation, or clinical grades of rotating PGY1 residents.
Methods: A prospective, controlled educational trial was conducted. Sixty–five PGY1 residents from diverse specialties rotated in the ED for one month over a ten–month study period, and were included in the study. The PGY1 residents were assigned to group by month of rotation. All the PGY1 residents received unstructured bedside teaching by emergency medicine (EM) residents and faculty. In addition, group B received written course materials on day 1.
Results: Mean posttest scores were higher than mean pretest scores for the interns considered as a whole (p < 0.0001), but mean pretest, posttest, and clinical grades were comparable across instructional groups. Mean satisfaction ratings were higher for group A than for group B (p < 0.015). The interns specializing in EM achieved higher mean test scores (p < 0.013) and clinical grades (p < 0.003) than did the interns specializing in another medical specialty.
Conclusion: Both instructional methods were associated with improved written test performance. Written course materials did not augment bedside teaching in terms of test scores, clinical grades, or satisfaction. with the rotation. At a university–based, high–volume ED, bedside teaching offers educational benefit to rotating PGY1 residents that may not be augmented by written course materials.  相似文献   

The use of interactive multimedia is well documented in the education literature as a medium for learning. Many schools of nursing and healthcare agencies purchase commercially-made CD-ROM products, and, in other cases, educators develop their own. Since nurses are increasingly designing CD-ROMs, they must be aware of the instructional design needed to develop comprehensive and effective CD-ROMs that do not compromise the quality of education. This article describes a process for developing and testing an interactive, multimedia CD-ROM on oral medication administration, using an instructional design model based on Chickering and Gamson's Principles of Good Practices in Education. Results from testing the model are reported. The findings can be used to guide the work of nurse educators who are interested in developing educational software.  相似文献   

整体观念在护理教育改革中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何仲 《护理学报》2002,9(4):60-61
整体观念是系统论的主要理想之一。护理教学改革是一个系统工程,因此在护理教学改革过程中应注意到;参与教学改革的人员是一个整体,各门课程的选择和设计是一个整体,教学安排,教学方法,教学评价,课堂教学和临床教学等全部教学活动是一个整体,学生知识的传授与能力的提高和素质的培养是一个整体。  相似文献   

The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure, Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument, and Clinical Learning Environment Inventory were completed by 548 undergraduate students (54.5% response rate) enrolled in eight health professional bachelor degree courses. Regression analysis was used to investigate the significant predictors of the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument with the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure and Clinical Learning Environment Inventory subscales as independent variables. The results indicated that the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure and Clinical Learning Environment Inventory Actual version subscale scores explained 44% of the total variance in the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument score. The Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure subscale Academic Self‐Perception explained 1.1% of the variance in the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument score. The Clinical Learning Environment Inventory Actual subscales accounted for the following variance percentages in the Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument score: personalization, 1.1%; satisfaction, 1.7%; task orientation, 5.1%; and innovation, 6.2%. Aspects of the clinical learning environment appear to be predictive of the effectiveness of the clinical teaching that students experience. Fieldwork educator performance might be a significant contributing factor toward student skill development and practitioner success.  相似文献   

目的 系统评价翻转课堂教学模式在物理治疗学教学中的应用效果。方法 计算机检索CENTRAL、MEDLINE、EMBASE、CINAHL Plus、Academic Search Premier、Teacher Reference Center、ERIC以及Education Research,纳入翻转课堂教学模式应用于物理治疗学教学的原始研究。检索时限为建库至2021年6月。由2名研究人员独立完成文献筛选、数据提取、质量评价,对翻转课堂教学模式对比传统教学模式在物理治疗学教学中的效果进行综述。结果与结论 共检索文献1 307篇,最终纳入7篇,包括至少770名学生。发表时间集中在2013年至2019年,研究对象为物理治疗学专业学生,主要结局指标为考试成绩。翻转课堂教学模式总体说来可提高学生的笔试成绩,增强高阶思维能力,得到了学生和教师的积极评价。  相似文献   

Traditional education has been studied over time for the purpose of documenting what constitutes good practice in teaching. Online education in nursing is still relatively new and has not endured the same scrutiny as classroom education. The authors discuss how Chickering and Gamson's Seven Principles of Good Practice for Undergraduate Education apply to online nursing education and provide practical examples of how the principles can be implemented in Web-based nursing courses.  相似文献   

Apheresis Medicine has evolved markedly due to an explosion of knowledge and technology, whereas the time available for training has shrunk as curricula have become increasingly overloaded. Apheresis teaching has inherited a strong clinical context where real patient problems are used in a hands‐on environment. To optimize instruction, those involved in the education of apheresis professionals need to have (1) knowledge of how clinical laboratory medicine education has developed as a field, (2) an understanding of what is known from theory and research about how people learn, and (3) the skills to design teaching/learning activities in ways consistent with literature‐based principles of adult education. These developments in education provide a context for curriculum projects currently underway by the American Society for Apheresis. Teachers must determine which competencies are central to the essence of a trained professional. Specific, robust, learning objectives targeted toward the development of higher levels of thinking, professional attitudes, and requisite skills are formulated to guide the learner toward mastering those competencies. Curriculum is developed for each objective, consisting of content and the best teaching/learning methods to help learners attain the objective. Appropriate assessment strategies are identified to determine whether the objective is being achieved. The integration of objectives, curriculum, and assessment creates The Bermuda Triangle of Education (Richter, The Circle of Learning and Bermuda Triangle in Education, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, 2004). When educators do not effectively navigate The Bermuda Triangle of Education, learning may disappear into the murky depths of confusion and apathy. When successfully navigated, the result will be a significant learning experience that leads to transformation through education. J. Clin. Apheresis, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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