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Bifocal RIGHT ventricular stimulation (BRIGHT) is an ongoing, randomized, single-blind, crossover study of atrial synchronized bi-right ventricular (RV) pacing in patients in New York Heart Association heart failure functional class III, a left ventricular ejection fraction <35%, left bundle branch block and QRS complexes >/=120 ms. This analysis compared the electrical and handling characteristics, and the complications of pacing at the RV apex (Ap) with passive, versus RV outflow tract (OT) with active fixation leads. A mean of 1.6 +/- 0.9 and 2.2 +/- 2.0 attempts were needed to position the Ap and OT leads, respectively (ns). R-wave amplitudes at Ap versus OT were 23 +/- 13 mV versus 14 +/- 8 mV (n = 36, P < 0.001). R-wave amplitudes at the Ap remained stable between implant and M7. R-wave amplitudes at the OT could not be measured after implantation. In two patients, atrioventricular block occurred during active fixation at the OT. Conduction recovered spontaneously within 4 months. Ventricular fibrillation was induced in one patient during manipulation of an Ap lead in the RV. Marked differences were found between leads positioned in the OT versus Ap, partly related to the difference in lead design. Mean R-wave amplitude was higher at the Ap that at the OT. Ease and success rate of lead implant was similar in both positions. 相似文献
The deleterious consequences of right ventricular apical pacing: time to seek alternate site pacing 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Manolis AS 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2006,29(3):298-315
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this article is to critically review the data accumulated to date from studies evaluating the hemodynamic and clinical effects of right ventricular apical pacing during conventional permanent cardiac pacing. The data from studies comparing the effects of right ventricular apical pacing and alternate site ventricular pacing are also reviewed. METHODS: We conducted a MEDLINE and journal search of English-language reports published in the last decade and searched relevant papers. RESULTS: Although intraventricular conduction delay in the form of left bundle branch block (LBBB) has traditionally been viewed as an electrophysiologic abnormality, it has now become abundantly clear that it has profound hemodynamic effects due to ventricular dyssynchrony, especially in patients with heart failure. These deleterious effects can be significantly ameliorated by cardiac resynchronization therapy effected by biventricular or left ventricular pacing. However, not only is spontaneous LBBB harmful, but the iatrogenic variety produced by right ventricular apical pacing in patients with permanent pacemakers may be equally deleterious. In this review new evidence from recent studies is presented, which strongly suggests a harmful effect of our long-standing practice of producing an iatrogenic LBBB by conventional right ventricular apical pacing in patients receiving permanent pacemakers. This emerging strong new evidence about the adverse hemodynamic and clinical effects of right ventricular apical pacing would dictate a reassessment of our traditional approach to permanent cardiac pacing and direct our attention to alternate sites of pacing, such as the left ventricle and/or the right ventricular outflow tract or septum, if not for all patients, at least for those with left ventricular dysfunction. Indeed, current convincing data on alternate site ventricular pacing are encouraging and this approach should be actively pursued and further investigated in future studies. CONCLUSIONS: Not only is spontaneous permanent LBBB harmful to our patients, but the iatrogenic variety produced by right ventricular apical pacing during conventional permanent pacing may also be deleterious to some patients. The compelling evidence presented herein cannot be ignored; it may dictate a change of attitude toward right ventricular apical pacing directing our attention to alternate sites of ventricular pacing and avoidance of the right ventricular apex. 相似文献
The right ventricular outflow tract: a comparative study of septal, anterior wall, and free wall pacing 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
BACKGROUND: There is marked heterogeneity in right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) pacemaker lead placement using conventional leads. As a result, we have sought to identify a reproducible way of placing a ventricular lead onto the RVOT septum. METHODS AND RESULTS: A major determinant is the shape of the stylet used to deliver the active-fixation lead. We compared stylet shapes and configurations in patients who initially had a ventricular lead placed onto the anterior or free wall of the RVOT and then had the lead repositioned onto the septum. All leads were loaded with a stylet fashioned with a distal primary curve to facilitate delivery of the lead to the pulmonary artery, then using a pullback technique the lead was retracted to the RVOT. All lead placements were confirmed by fluoroscopy and electrocardiography. Anterior or free wall placement was achieved by the stylet having either the standard curve or an added distal anterior angulation. In contrast, septal lead positioning was uniformly achieved by a distal posterior angulation of the curved stylet. This difference in tip shape was highly predictive for septal placement (P < 0.001). With septal pacing, a narrower QRS duration was noted, compared to anterior or free wall pacing (136 vs 155 ms, P < 0.001). All pacing parameters were within acceptable limits. CONCLUSION: Using appropriately shaped stylets, pacing leads can now be placed into specific positions within the RVOT and in particular septal pacing can be reliably and reproducibly achieved. This is an important step in the standardization of lead placement in the RVOT. 相似文献
The right ventricular outflow tract: the road to septal pacing 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Mond HG Hillock RJ Stevenson IH McGavigan AD 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2007,30(4):482-491
BACKGROUND: Pacing from the right ventricular apex is associated with long-term adverse effects on left ventricular function. This has fuelled interest in alternative pacing sites, especially the septal aspect of the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT). However, it is a common perception that septal RVOT pacing is difficult to achieve. METHODS AND RESULTS: In this article, we will review the anatomy of the RVOT and discuss the importance of standard radiographic views and the 12-lead electrocardiogram in aiding lead placement. We will also describe a method utilizing a novel stylet shape, whereby a conventional active-fixation, stylet-driven lead can be easily and reliably deployed onto the RVOT septum. 相似文献
目的:探讨右心室起搏比例和不同部位起搏对老年患者心功能的影响。方法回顾性分析92例植入体内埋藏式双腔心脏起搏器(DDD)的老年患者的临床资料,根据术后1年起搏器程控仪获取的右心室起搏比例,将右心室起搏比例≥50%患者纳入A组,右心室起搏比例<50%患者纳入B组,比较两组术前和术后1年彩色多普勒心脏超声的变化。同时,将A组分为右室心尖部(RVA)起搏者和右室间隔部(RVS)起搏者进行亚组分析。结果 A组术后1年左房内径(LAD)较术前增大,左室射血分数(LVEF)较术前和B组降低,差异均有统计学意义(t分别=2.43、4.20、6.37,P均<0.05);B组术后1年LAD、左室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、LVEF和术前比较,差异均无统计学意义(t分别=0.73、0.78、1.16,P均>0.05)。亚组分析结果显示两亚组术前LAD、LVEDD、LVEF比较,差异均无统计学意义(t分别=0.77、0.35、1.32,P均>0.05),两组术后LVEDD、LVEF比较,差异均有统计学意义(t分别=2.86、4.62,P均<0.05),RVS组术后LAD、LVEDD、LVEF与术前比较,差异均无统计学意义(t分别=1.45、0.14、0.48,P均>0.05);而RVA组术后LAD、LVEDD均较术前明显扩大,LVEF较术前明显下降(t分别=2.20、3.13、4.31,P均<0.05)。结论老年患者中右室间隔部起搏与右室心尖部起搏相比更有利于保持患者心功能的稳定,但同时应尽量减少不必要的右心室起搏。 相似文献
目的探讨采用螺旋电极导线行右室流出道间隔部起搏的临床护理要点。方法以5例诊断为恶性心律失常的患者为研究对象,通过采用螺旋电极导线行右室流出道间隔部起搏的治疗方法,并对整个护理过程进行总结。结果 5例患者行右室流出道间隔部起搏后取得良好的治疗效果,无护理并发症发生。结论螺旋电极导线行右室流出道间隔部起搏与常规右室心尖部起搏相比较,更有利于患者双心室同步收缩,改善心功能,更符合人的生理状态。 相似文献
Padeletti L Lieberman R Valsecchi S Hettrick DA 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2006,29(Z2):S73-S77
Right ventricular (RV) apical pacing impairs left ventricular function by inducing dys-synchronous contraction and relaxation. Chronic RV apical pacing is associated with an increased risk of atrial fibrillation, morbidity, and even mortality. These observations have raised questions regarding the appropriate pacing mode and site, leading to the introduction of algorithms and new pacing modes to reduce the ventricular pacing burden in dual chamber devices, and a shift of the pacing site away from the RV apex. However, further investigations are required to assess the long-term results of pacing from alternative sites in the right ventricle, because long-term results so far are equivocal. The potential benefit of prophylactic biventricular, mono-chamber left ventricular, and bifocal RV pacing should be explored in selected patients with a narrow QRS complex, especially those with impaired left ventricular function. His bundle pacing is a promising and evolving technique that requires improvements in lead technology. 相似文献
Gillis AM Pürerfellner H Israel CW Sunthorn H Kacet S Anelli-Monti M Tang F Young M Boriani G;Medtronic Enrhythm Clinical Study Investigators 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2006,29(7):697-705
BACKGROUND: Frequent and unnecessary right ventricular apical pacing increases the risk of atrial fibrillation or congestive heart failure. We evaluated a new pacing algorithm, managed ventricular pacing (MVP) which automatically changes modes between AAI/R and DDD/R in patients receiving pacemakers for symptomatic bradycardia. METHODS: Patients were randomized to the MVP mode or DDD/R mode for 1 month and then crossed over to the alternate pacing modality for an additional month. On completion of the crossover phase, the pacing mode selected was individualized and patients were followed for an additional 4 months. RESULTS: Of the 129 patients who successfully completed the crossover study, the cumulative percent ventricular pacing was significantly reduced in the MVP mode (median 1.4%) compared to the DDD/R mode (median 89.6%, 94.0% relative reduction; 95% CI 89.3-98.8%, P < 0.001). Patients with sinus node disease (SND, n = 51) when compared to patients with AV block (AVB) (n = 68) experienced a greater reduction in ventricular pacing with the MVP mode compared to the DDD/R mode (median relative reduction 99.1%; 95% CI 97.5-99.9% vs median relative reduction 60.1%; 95% CI 16.7-93.9% P < 0.001). The reduced percent ventricular pacing during MVP was sustained over longer term follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of patients with a bradycardia indication for cardiac pacing do not require ventricular pacing most of the time. The MVP mode significantly reduces unnecessary right ventricular pacing. This mode benefits even patients with intermittent AVB and is sustained over longer term follow-up. 相似文献
Nunes MC Abreu CD Ribeiro AL Barbosa MM Rincon LG Reis RC Rocha MO 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2011,34(2):155-162
Background: Asynchronous electrical activation induced by right ventricular (RV) pacing can cause several abnormalities in left ventricular (LV) function. However, the effect of ventricular pacing on RV function has not been well established. We evaluated RV function in patients undergoing long‐term RV pacing. Methods: Eighty‐five patients and 24 healthy controls were included. After pacemaker implantation, conventional echocardiography and strain imaging were used to analyze RV function. Strain imaging measurements included peak systolic strain and strain rate. LV function and ventricular dyssynchrony by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) were assessed. Intra‐ and interobserver variabilities of TDI parameters were tested on 15 randomly selected cases. Results: All patients were in New York Heart Association functional class I or II and percentage of ventricular pacing was 96 ± 4%. RV apical induced interventricular dyssynchrony in 49 patients (60%). LV dyssynchrony was found in 51 patients (60%), when the parameter examined was the standard deviation of the time to peak myocardial systolic velocity of all 12 segments greater than 34 ms. Likewise, septal‐to‐lateral delay ≥65 ms was found in 31 patients (36%). All echocardiographic indexes of RV function were similar between patients and controls (strain: ?22.8 ± 5.8% vs ?22.1 ± 5.6%, P = 0.630; strain rate: ?1.47 ± 0.91 s?1 vs ?1.42 ± 0.39 s?1, P = 0.702). Intra‐ and interobserver variability for RV strain was 3.1% and 5.3%, and strain rate was 1.3% and 2.1%, respectively. Conclusions: In patients with standard pacing indications, RV apical pacing did not seem to affect RV systolic function, despite induction of electromechanical dyssynchrony. (PACE 2011; 34:155–162) 相似文献
Severe mitral regurgitation with right ventricular pacing, successfully treated with left ventricular pacing 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Núñez A Alberca MT Cosío FG Pastor A Montero M Ramos M Carbonell R 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2002,25(2):226-230
A case of severe mitral regurgitation with refractory heart failure, after atrioventricular junction ablation and pacemaker implant, was solved with left ventricular pacing. Mitral regurgitation was related to a change in segmental left ventricular motion during right ventricular pacing. 相似文献
Ichiki H Oketani N Hamasaki S Ishida S Kataoka T Ogawa M Saihara K Okui H Fukudome T Shinasato T Kubozono T Ninomiya Y Matsushita T Otsuji Y Tei C 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2006,29(9):985-990
BACKGROUND: Asynchronous electrical activation induced by right ventricular apex (RVA) pacing can cause various abnormalities in left ventricular (LV) function, particularly in the context of severe LV dysfunction or structural heart disease. However, the effect of RVA pacing in patients with normal LV and right ventricular (RV) function has not been fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to characterize the effects of RVA pacing on LV and RV function by assessing isovolumic contraction time and isovolumic relaxation time divided by ejection time (Tei index) and by assessing changes in plasma brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). METHODS: Doppler echocardiographic study and BNP measurements were performed at follow-up (mean intervals from pacemaker implantation, 44+/-75 months) in 76 patients with dual chamber pacemakers (sick sinus syndrome, n=30; atrioventricular block, n=46) without structural heart disease. Patients were classified based on frequency of RVA pacing, as determined by 24-hour ambulatory electrocardiogram (ECG) that was recorded just before echocardiographic study: pacing group, n=46 patients with RVA pacing>or=50% of the time, percentage of ventricular paced 100+/-2%; sensing group, n=30, patients with RVA pacing<50% of the time, percentage of ventricular paced 3+/-6%. RESULTS: There was no significant difference in mean heart rate derived from 24-hour ambulatory ECG recordings when comparing the two groups (66+/-11 bpm vs 69+/-8 bpm). LV Tei index was significantly higher in pacing group than in sensing group (0.67+/-0.17 vs 0.45+/-0.09, P<0.0001), and the RV Tei index was significantly higher in pacing group than in sensing group (0.34+/-0.19 vs 0.25+/-0.09, P=0.011). Furthermore, BNP levels were significantly higher in pacing group than in sensing group (40+/-47 pg/mL vs 18+/-11 pg/mL, P=0.017). With the exception of LV diastolic dimension (49+/-5 mm vs 45+/-5 mm, P=0.012), there were no significant differences in other echocardiographic parameters, including left atrium (LA) diameter (35+/-8 mm vs 34+/-5 mm), LA volume (51+/-27 cm3 vs 40+/-21 cm3), LV systolic dimension (30+/-6 mm vs 29+/-7 mm), or ejection fraction (66+/-9% vs 63+/-11%), when comparing the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the increase of LV and RV Tei index, LVDd, and BNP are highly correlated with the frequency of the RVA pacing in patients with dual chamber pacemakers. 相似文献
Ng K Kedia N Martin D Tchou P Natale A Wilkoff B Starling R Grimm RA 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2007,30(2):193-198
OBJECTIVE: To identify subgroups of heart failure patients who might benefit from biventricular pacing. BACKGROUND: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) improves the quality of life, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class, and exercise capacity and decreases hospitalizations for heart failure for patients who have severe heart failure and a wide QRS. It is unclear if other populations of heart failure patients would benefit from CRT. METHODS: One hundred forty-four consecutive heart failure patients who underwent CRT and completed 3 months of follow-up were reviewed. Demographic, echocardiographic, electrocardiographic, and clinical outcome data were analyzed to assess the relationship of functional class and QRS duration before device implantation to postimplant outcomes. RESULTS: There were 20, 88, and 36 patients in NYHA functional class II, III, and IV, respectively. Thirty-four patients had right ventricular pacing and another 29 patients had a QRS duration < or = 150 ms. Patients who were in NYHA functional class II at baseline had significant improvement in left ventricular ejection fraction and indices of left ventricular remodeling after CRT. Similar significant findings were seen in the subgroup with right ventricular pacing at baseline after CRT. However, in the subgroup with a narrow QRS duration, there were no significant changes in the indices of left ventricular remodeling or in the NYHA functional class and there was a significant increase in the QRS duration. For the study cohort as a whole, an improvement in NYHA functional class after CRT correlated with a significant decrease in adverse clinical outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Heart failure patients who were in NYHA functional class II and those with right ventricular pacing appeared to benefit from CRT. 相似文献
Wolber T Haegeli L Huerlimann D Brunckhorst C Lüscher TF Duru F 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2011,34(1):76-81
Background: Chronic right ventricular apical (RVA) pacing has been associated with increased risk of heart failure and adverse outcome. The acute effects of RVA pacing on three‐dimensional (3D) ventricular function and mechanical dyssynchrony are not well known. We performed a real‐time 3D echocardiographic (RT3DE) study to assess global and regional left ventricular function during RVA pacing. Methods: Twenty‐six patients with implanted cardiac devices and normal intrinsic atrioventricular conduction were included in the study. RT3DE was performed during intrinsic sinus rhythm and during RVA pacing. Quantification of global and regional left ventricular function was performed offline by time‐volume analysis of 16 myocardial segments. Time to reach minimum regional volume was calculated for each segment as a percentage of the cardiac cycle. The systolic dyssynchrony index (SDI) was defined as the standard deviation of these time periods. Longitudinal function was assessed by time‐volume analysis of apical, midventricular, and basal segments. Results: During RVA pacing, a reversed apical‐to‐basal longitudinal contraction sequence was observed in 58% of all patients. RVA pacing was associated with increased left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony (SDI increase from 4.4 ± 2.2% to 6.3 ± 2.4%, P = 0.001) and reduced LV ejection fraction (decrease from 53 ± 13% to 47 ± 14%, P = 0.05). Conclusion: RT3DE assessment of LV function provides evidence that pacing from the RVA results in acute alterations in LV contraction sequence and increased LV dyssynchrony. Further studies are warranted to assess the potential of RT3DE to identify patients who might be at increased risk of pacing‐induced heart failure or who might benefit from alternate‐site or multisite pacing. (PACE 2011; 76–81) 相似文献
Right ventricular outflow tract pacing: practical and beneficial. A 9-year experience of 460 consecutive implants 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Vlay SC 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2006,29(10):1055-1062
BACKGROUND: Pacing from the right ventricular apex (RVA) in patients with ventricular dysfunction has been identified as a possible contributor to deterioration of ventricular function. Therefore, alternative pacing sites such as the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) are receiving intensified scrutiny. An unresolved question is whether technical, procedural, and stability issues are comparable for the RVA and the RVOT. METHODS: This report details 460 consecutive ventricular pacing lead implants with the primary intended site in the RVOT. Patients were evaluated for success, complication rates, and followed-up for stability of pacing parameters. The total patient implant population included 300 male and 170 female patients with a mean age of 70.6 years. Ten patients were excluded from the analysis, since there was a primary indication and intention to implant in the RVA, leaving a total of 460 patients for analysis. The indications for pacing were symptomatic bradycardia due to any cause and/or Mobitz II or complete heart block. There was no clinical evidence of heart failure in 420 patients. In 40 patients with heart failure, the indication for pacing was cardiac resynchronization therapy using the RVOT as an alternate site when pacing from a branch vein of the coronary sinus was not possible. Outcome information was obtained from the implanter's clinic. RESULTS: The overall success rate in the RVOT was 84% over the total 9-year period with a 92% success rate in the last 4(1/2) years, using the RVOT technique described. At 20 months in a subgroup comparison of RVOT and RVA implants, there was no significant difference in pacing threshold, R-wave sensing, or pacing lead impedance. Dislodgment occurred in only 1 of 460 patients. Reasons for failure to implant in the RVOT include inability to find a stable position with adequate pacing and sensing thresholds (related to anatomy, scarred myocardium, pulmonary hypertension, tricuspid regurgitation), hemodynamic instability limiting time for implant, and a learning curve. Long-term stability and lead performance were excellent, and certain acute and chronic complications of RV pacing did not occur. 相似文献
Left ventricular endocardial pacing: a transarterial approach 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Reinig M White M Levine M Cha R Cinel I Purnachandra J Goldfarb R Yang Z Mulligan L Parrillo J Gessman L 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2007,30(12):1464-1468
INTRODUCTION: We tested the feasibility of a new technique of direct left ventricular endocardial lead placement across the aortic valve in a chronic (six month) pig model. The potential for aortic valve damage, systemic embolization, and pacing lead maturation and function within the left ventricle are unknown. METHODS: Ten minipigs were successfully implanted with a transaortic left ventricular lead (Medtronic CapSureFix, Minneapolis, MN, USA) placed in the left ventricular apex via the carotid artery. Each pig received either a polyurethane (n = 5) or silicone (n = 5) lead. Post implant each pig received clopidogrel and aspirin for seven days. After six months all surviving pigs underwent thorough necropsy. RESULTS: Each pig had adequate sensing (12.1 +/- 4 mV) and pacing thresholds (0.79 +/- 0.2 @ 0.5 V) at implant. Postoperatively two pigs died of a respiratory illness. One pig died postoperatively due to sepsis. At the six-month follow-up, all surviving pigs (n = 7) were in a healthy state. Of the pigs without dislodgement (n = 5) there was adequate sensing, but a rise in pacing thresholds. Echocardiography revealed a normal ejection fraction and only trace to mild aortic insufficiency in all pigs. Of the seven surviving pigs there were no thromboembolic events noted. One silicone lead was noted to have thrombosis along the lead screw and shaft. CONCLUSION: Direct transaortic placement of a left ventricular lead is feasible. After six months, there was no significant aortic regurgitation and no evidence of thromboembolism despite no anticoagulation. Lead function was acceptable and only one silicone lead (and no polyurethane lead) was noted to have significant thrombosis. 相似文献
Right ventricular outflow tract endocardial pacing complicated by intercostal muscle twitching 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Oginosawa Y Abe H Takemasa H Kohno R 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2005,28(5):476-477
A recipient of a dual-chamber pacing system, with a bipolar endocardial lead screwed into the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), developed intercostal muscle twitching. No lead perforation was identified. This observation suggests that meticulous attention should be paid to this potential complication when choosing the RVOT as a site of permanent endocardial pacing. 相似文献
目的 比较右室流出道间隔部(RVS)与右室心尖部(RVA)起搏对左室重构及脑钠肽的影响.方法 60例具备起搏器植入指征的患者,随机分为RVA组与RVS组,分别于治疗前及治疗后6、12、24个月采血应用夹心酶联免疫吸附法检测血浆脑钠肽(BNP)水平,超声测量左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、左室舒张末期容积(INEDV)和左室射血分数(LVEF),观察2组患者起搏前后心室重构指标及BNP的变化.结果 RVA组起搏术后各个时间点BNP水平显著升高[术后6、12、24个月分别为(108.2±29.8)、(190.3±46.7)、(308.2±56.5)ng/L],与术前[(60.2±15.7)ng/L]比较差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);RVS组起搏术后仅24个月时BNP水平较术前升高[(75.2±15.8)ng/L与(63.9±15.1)ng/L],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).RVA起搏组随着起搏时间的延长,与术前相比,12个月时LVEDD、LVEDV增加,LVEF下降,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05).而RVS组LVEDD无明显增大,LVEDV轻度增加,LVEF呈下降趋势,差异均无统计学意义(P均>0.05).结论 RVS起搏较RVA起搏能改善心肌重构,改善左室功能.减轻神经内分泌激活. 相似文献
De Sisti A Márquez MF Tonet J Bonny A Frank R Hidden-Lucet F 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2012,35(8):1035-1043
In patients needing a pacemaker (PM) for bradycardia indications, the amount of right ventricular (RV) apical pacing has been correlated with atrial fibrillation (AFib) and heart failure (HF) in both DDD and VVI mode. RV pacing was linked with left ventricular (LV) dyssynchrony in almost 50% of patients with PM implantation and atrioventricular (AV) node ablation for AFib. In patients with normal systolic function needing a PM, apical RV pacing resulted in LV ejection fraction (LVEF) reduction. These negative effects were prevented by cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT). Algorithms favoring physiological AV conduction are possible useful tools able to maintain both atrial and ventricular support and limit RV pacing. However, when chronic RV pacing cannot be avoided, it appears necessary to reconsider the cut-off value of basic LVEF for CRT. In HF patients, RV pacing can induce greater LV dyssynchrony, enhanced by underlying conduction diseases. In this context, a more deleterious effect of RV pacing in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) patients with low LVEF can be expected. In some major ICD trials, DDD mode was correlated with increased mortality/HF. This negative impact was attributed to unnecessary RV pacing >40-50%, virtually absent in VVI-40 mode. However, some data suggest that avoiding RV pacing may also not be the best option for patients requiring an ICD. In patients with impaired LV function, AV synchrony should therefore be ensured. The best pacing mode in ICD patients with HF should be defined on an individual basis. 相似文献
Prolonged paced QRS duration as a predictor for congestive heart failure in patients with right ventricular apical pacing 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Miyoshi F Kobayashi Y Itou H Onuki T Matsuyama T Watanabe N Liu C Kawamura M Asano T Miyata A Nakagawa H Tanno K Baba T Katagiri T 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2005,28(11):1182-1188
BACKGROUND: The recent studies showed that right ventricular (RV) pacing was associated with worsening of heart failure. The aim of this study is to clarify the clinical significance of paced QRS duration during RV pacing to predict congestive heart failure (CHF) patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: This study enrolled in 92 patients with atrioventricular block who underwent initial pacemaker implantation. The paced QRS duration was automatically obtained by electrocardiography immediately after pacemaker implantation and then by routine attendance at a pacemaker clinic every 3 months. The paced QRS duration was positively correlated with left ventricular end-diastolic dimension (P < 0.05) and left ventricular end-systolic dimension (P < 0.05), and tended to negatively correlate with left ventricular ejection fraction (P = 0.0507). The paced QRS duration immediately after pacemaker implantation was 170.4 +/- 18.9 ms. During a mean follow-up period of 53 +/- 16 months, 16 patients developed CHF. We selected as a cut-off value the nearest whole number (190 ms) that was one standard deviation greater than the mean, and divided into two groups according to baseline paced QRS duration. Patients with a paced QRS duration of <190 ms comprised group A (n = 77, nine of which developed CHF) and the remainder comprised group B (n = 15, seven of which developed CHF). Prolonged paced QRS duration (> or =190 ms) was associated with a significant increase in the overall morbidity of CHF (P < 0.05). Additionally, paced QRS duration significantly prolonged during the follow-up period among group A patients with CHF (P < 0.05), but did not change among patients without CHF. CONCLUSION: We concluded that paced QRS duration can be a useful indicator of impaired left ventricular function in patients with RV pacing. Even in patients whose paced QRS duration is relatively shorter, progressive prolongation of paced QRS duration can predict the development of CHF. 相似文献
The challenge of endocardial right ventricular pacing in patients with a tricuspid annuloplasty ring and severe tricuspid regurgitation 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Kistler PM Sanders P Davidson NC Mond HG 《Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE》2002,25(2):201-205
On occasion, patients with a tricuspid annuloplasty ring may require permanent cardiac pacing. Although it is technically possible to pass a ventricular transvenous lead through a tricuspid valve with an annuloplasty ring, the procedure is complicated by considerable chamber enlargement and mechanical distortion of the tricuspid valve often with severe residual tricuspid regurgitation. Over a 25-month period, transvenous ventricular lead placement following insertion of a tricuspid annuloplasty ring was successfully performed in five patients (three women). The patient mean age was 66 years (range 55-77 years). Four cases had slow atrial fibrillation and another paroxysmal atrial fibrillation requiring His-bundle ablation. Two patients had mitral valve replacement and two aortic and mitral valve replacements. All patients had residual severe to torrential tricuspid regurgitation. Seven ventricular steroid-eluting screw-in leads were used. Single leads were used in three cases, whereas in two others, two ventricular leads were attached to a dual chamber pulse generator. Although technically difficult, ventricular lead placement was successful using standard guidewires with broad curvatures. Satisfactory acute and follow-up stimulation thresholds and sensing were obtained with the only complication being an intraoperative lead dislodgement, prompting a second ventricular lead. Successful transvenous lead placement across a tricuspid annuloplasty ring is possible. 相似文献