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诚信在医疗活动中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 诚信是重要的医疗资源医疗资源有三类 :一类是以金钱为基础的医疗物质资源 ;一类是以人才为基础的医疗技术资源 ;另一类则是以思想、道德、文化为基础的医学伦理道德资源。这三类医疗资源经过有效配置和市场运作 ,都可以转化为医疗资本[1] 。当今社会人们不但重视有形医疗资  相似文献   

医疗设备直接参与医院的医疗服务活动,是医院固定资产的重要组成部分。对医疗设备价值运动形态的管理,形成了医疗设备的经济管理。设备的价值运动形态,表现为设备的最初投资、维修费用支出、折旧、改造更新、积累和支出等。医疗设备经济管理的目的在于,应用科学的手段和方法,最大限度地发挥设备的使用效率,延长设备使用寿命,取得最佳的经济效果。医疗设备的更新、投资决策以及设备使用效益的评价,是医院设备经济管理的重要内容。  相似文献   

浅谈医疗活动中的医患沟通与交流   总被引:38,自引:4,他引:38  
近年来 ,我院为了提高医疗护理品质、改善医患关系 ,实现“以关注病人为焦点、以满足病人最大需求为目标、以病人为中心”的服务模式 ,进行了“医患沟通”。通过加强医患沟通 ,使医患之间出现了相互理解的氛围 ,医患关系得到明显好转 ,从而使医疗工作得到保证 ,也保护了病人的根本利益。一、加强医患沟通的重要性[1 3](一 )增强医患间的理解 :医护人员是为自己的服务对象在特定的场所里提供自己的技术和专业知识的服务 ,这种服务占有主动性。而患者是因为自己的生命或健康问题需要得到医务人员提供医疗技术的专业服务及同情和理解。患者在就…  相似文献   

在社会主义国民经济运行过程中,货币流通的组织与调节,信用资金的动员和运用,都必须通过银行来进行。银行同商品交换、货币流通、信用活动紧密地联结在一起,不仅是有效的经济杠杆,同时又通过体现国家的分配政策、产业政策和管理监督工作行使着部分国家权力的行政职能。在医疗卫生领域内,由于广泛存在着  相似文献   

对当胶医疗收费标准的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

实施ISO标准 不断提高医疗质量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医疗质量的高低决定着医院的经济效益和社会效益。通过实施ISO9001:2000质量认证后,它可准确连续的控制医疗质量的各个环节,使顾客的满意度提高、投诉率减少,实现了“医患双赢”。  相似文献   

医院在医疗市场竞争中的战略取向   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
随着社会的进步和国家改革的推进,医疗市场竞争也越发复杂与激烈,面对这种情况,医院应采取哪些措施来应对,是目前所有医院急待解决的问题。本文从市场开发的战略角度,就医院市场竞争的战略取向谈一点想法。 一、市场经济对医院的管理提出了新的要求 市场的导向决定了医院要在优质、高效、低耗的模式下,走质量效益型的办院之路。技术向市场靠拢,经营手段以满足医疗市场需求展开,尤其医疗服务模式,应采取“市场需求要什么,就提供什么服务”,更加注重了医院经营在医院运  相似文献   

符壮才 《中国卫生资源》2009,12(2):70-70,81
医患关系不协调所引发的医疗纠纷已成为社会关注的热点。充分发挥医德资源在医院管理、建设、发展中的作用,增强医院社会责任,强调与社会协调发展,可以提高医院在社会和公众中的良好形象,为医院可持续发展营造良好的发展空间。  相似文献   

Abstract My discussion reflects on the nature of moral sensitivity. The inquiry is guided by a pedagogical concern: if the goal of teaching practical‐minded nurses about health care ethics is to develop the capacity to be aware of ethical implications of certain acts, events and treatments in the health care setting as well as the skills to resolve ethical dilemmas, it seems important to have a clear sense of what it means to be morally sensitive. How, for example, does a health care worker come to recognize in a particular and institutionally defined situation his or her moral responsibilities towards the other? What exactly is moral sensitivity? Is it something that academic philosophers can teach? I argue that moral sensitivity is a capacity for relatedness indispensable to moral theorizing that can be either cultivated or undermined and therefore ought not to be ignored by educators nor those responsible for ethically weighted decision‐making situations.  相似文献   

在道德与法律冲突的伦理困境下,卫生行政人员的选择并非来源于价值判断,主要影响因素是主体利益;对伦理困境的选择及社会舆论的评价,主要体现了同情共感的理解,而不是对与错的判断;对伦理困境解决的建议普遍倾向于法律诉求,但是纯粹伦理道德诉求和法律制裁都未能提供真正的出路,充分发挥医学伦理委员会的作用有利于解决因法律模糊而引起的争议。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Consideration has been given to the use of tests of moral reasoning in the selection procedure for medical students. We argue that moral orientation, rather than moral reasoning, might be more efficacious in minimising the likelihood of inappropriate ethical behaviour in medicine. A conceptualisation and measure of moral orientation are presented, together with findings from 11 samples of medical school applicants and students. AIM: To provide empirical evidence for the reliability and validity of a measure of moral orientation and to explore gender, age, cultural and educational influences on moral orientation. METHODS: A questionnaire designed to measure a libertarian-dual-communitarian dimension of moral orientation was completed by 7864 medical school applicants and students in Australia, Israel, Fiji, New Zealand, Scotland and England and by 84 Australian psychology students between 1997 and 2001. RESULTS: Older respondents produced marginally higher (more communitarian) moral orientation scores, as did women compared to men. Minor but significant (P <0.05) cultural differences were found. The Israeli samples produced higher mean moral orientation scores, while the Australian psychology student sample produced a lower (more libertarian) mean score relative to all other samples. No significant change in moral orientation score was observed after 1 year in a sample of Australian medical school students (n=59), although some differences observed between 5 cohorts of Australian medical students (Years 1-5; n=234) did reach significance. Moral orientation scores were found to be significantly correlated with a number of personality measures, providing evidence of construct validity. In all samples moral orientation significantly predicted the moral decisions made in response to the hypothetical dilemmas embedded in the measurement instrument. Discussion The results provide support for the conceptualisation of a libertarian-dual-communitarian dimension of moral orientation and demonstrate the psychometric properties of the measurement instrument. A number of questions concerning the use of such tests in selection procedures are considered.  相似文献   

大力推进以德治院 促进医院精神文明建设   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:19  
推进“以德治院”,促进医院精神文明建设,必须抓好以下4个方面的工作:一是坚定理想信念,夯实思想根基。要抓好理想信念的灌输引导,强化“军魂”意识,抓好领导干部的“官德”。二是加强医德医风建设,提高职业道德水平。要加强医德教育,完善规章制度,强化监督管理。三是坚持以病人为中心,深化优质服务。要进行持续质量改进,开拓服务创新,加大硬件投入。四是加强医院文化建设,充分发挥文化的熏陶教育功能。通过弘扬“总医院精神”,开展各种文化活动,优化文化建设环境。  相似文献   

This articles assesses the arguments that bioethicists have presented for the view that patients' autonomy has value over and beyond its instrumental value in promoting the patients' wellbeing. It argues that this view should be rejected and concludes that patients' autonomy should be taken to have only instrumental value in medicine.  相似文献   

Courses in medical ethics are becoming an integral part of many medical school curricula in Europe. At the medical school of the University of Copenhagen, a course on philosophy of medicine has been compulsory for all medical students since 1988. The effect of such courses on the ethical awareness and reasoning of medical students is not well understood and we have therefore found it of interest to study the effects of the Copenhagen course. For the study, we used a Danish version of the Defining Issues Test (DIT) which measures development in moral reasoning (Rest J R, 1979 Development in Judging Moral Issues. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis).
The study was conducted as a pre- and post-test study without a control group, and the subjects were all medical students attending the course in the autumn of 1993.
The results show that moral reasoning scores measured by the DIT increase significantly, and we argue that this increase can only be explained as an effect of the course.  相似文献   

鲁英 《卫生软科学》2006,20(4):387-389
医德是医学的伦理本性的集中体现。现代社会的发展客观上要求医学不断彰显其伦理本性,而现实中医德正面临着一个失去规范的时代,这使医学越来越偏离其伦理本性。重整现代医德是要使医学回归其伦理本性的根本途径。  相似文献   

新形势下军队医院职业道德存在问题的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新形势下,军队医院职业道德建设面临着许多新情况和问题,究其原因:一是市场经济发展中的消极影响反映到军队医院,使人们的传统职业道德观受到冲击二是国防卫生事业经费投入不足,使得医院在“确保”上难度加大,三是收治地方病人范围的不断扩大,使得有的医院任务过重,医患矛盾时有发生。四是“中心”工作五“首位”任务摆位不正,使得思想政治教育力量单薄。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了目前我国医疗器械标准管理信息系统的构架,通过分析目前我国医疗器械标准管理和医疗器械标准信息化建设现状,对医疗器械的信息化管理提出建设性意见和建议。  相似文献   

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