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目的 在房水流动粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)测试中,选择最佳跟随性示踪粒子是展示真实流场的必要前提.本文探讨眼球房水慢流PIV测试中不同粒子的跟随性并选择最佳显影效果的示踪粒子.方法 依据几何相似性原理,设计并加工5倍于真实人眼大小的眼球模型;分别选择10μm空心玻璃珠,以及1μm、3μm、7μm和20~50μm粒径荧光粒子作为示踪粒子,运用PIV系统在眼球模型上进行流场测试,比较粒子的空间分布规律探讨粒子跟随性问题,确定可用于房水流场测试的最佳示踪粒子.结果 荧光粒子的粒径越大,沉淀的速度越快,则沉淀量越多.1μm的荧光粒子跟随性好,但显影效果不佳.3μm荧光粒子随着测量时间的增加,沉淀最不明显,跟随性和显影效果最佳.结论 示踪粒子直径对其在眼球房水流动中的跟随性和显影效果具有显著影响.基于当前的PIV设备,3μm荧光粒子是房水流场测试最佳的示踪粒子.本研究可为采用PIV技术进行体外房水流场测量提供一定的实验基础.  相似文献   

目的研究上呼吸道模型内气流组织形式,深入认识上呼吸道内气流运动特性,为分析气溶胶在人体上呼吸道内的扩散、转捩以及沉积模式提供科学依据。方法采用粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)技术对真实人体上呼吸道模型内流场进行了实验研究,并针对口腔、咽腔和气管等不同位置对气流状态进行了分析。结果气流在舌苔上部和口腔中部速度较高,到咽部时,由于截面积的变小而导致气流速度增大,在声门处气流速度达到最大(10.24 m/s),且在气管内呈前高后低分布;而在涡量分布方面,气流在声门部位产生强烈的喷射,致使气管内部速度梯度增加,在声门的前后壁面形成两个涡量集中区,并导致气管前壁面的涡量值要明显高于后壁面。结论 PIV是研究人体上呼吸道内气流组织形式的一种有效方法,对于探索有毒气溶胶对人体的危害和吸入药物气溶胶的治疗效果以及研究呼吸系统的发病机理有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的针对人体上呼吸道气流运动形成涡结构、流动分流、二次流等特点,研制基于粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry, PIV)技术的人体上呼吸道流场测量实验装置,为开展人体上呼吸道流场特性实验研究提供平台。方法 基于完整人体上呼吸道医学扫描图像制备透明的实物模型,通过选择合适的气路系统,结合二维PIV系统搭建整套实验装置,并利用该装置对人体上呼吸道流场速度进行初步实验,将实验结果和数值仿真结果进行对比。结果呼吸流量为30 L/min稳态呼吸模式下,实验装置测得的气流在口腔上部有涡结构的形成,口腔下部贴近舌苔上部及口腔中部的气流速度较高,其他部位气流速度较低,与数值仿真结果较为一致。结论 基于PIV技术的人体上呼吸道流场测量实验装置合理可行,运行可靠,可用于人体上呼吸道内气流组织形式和涡量分布等测量,并能够实现对数值仿真的验证。  相似文献   

为了解改进的TF-AHCB颈动脉血管分叉模型内的血流动力学特点,采用PIV技术测量循环系统装置中颈动脉血管分叉模型的瞬时速度分布情况。通过调节循环系统装置中水箱的高度,变换压力差来调节流速。循环液采用黏度与人体血液相似35%的甘油水溶液。利用PIV测量4个工况下的瞬时速度并根据瞬时速度值计算切应力。结果表明,在颈动脉血管分叉模型内ICA的外侧壁存在明显的流动分离和逆时针方向的涡流,涡流的范围和距离随着流速的改变而改变。流速越大,涡流的范围越小,距离分叉的距离越近。ICA外侧壁的切应力明显要小,当流速小于0.839 m/s时,存在一个明显的低切应力核心区域。此低切应力核心区域正是临床上观察到的动脉粥样硬化好发的区域。结果提示,颈内动脉在分叉后ICA部分的外侧壁存在明显的流动分离和涡流以及低切应力区域,这可能和此部位动脉粥样硬化的发生有关。  相似文献   

自制外触发同步系统,应用二维粒子图像测速技术技术(PIV)实现了流线型叶轮血泵和直叶片叶轮血泵的内流场的测量,并分析叶轮设计和运行条件对血泵内流场和血液相容性的影响.实验结果表明:基于外触发同步的PIV系统实现了对血泵同一流道的流速信息的连续采样;血泵内的绝对速度和相对速度分布随着叶轮设计、流量和进出口压差而改变.在设计工况(4 L/min,100 mmHg)下,流线型叶轮血泵流道内的流动模式较为规则,而直叶片血泵的流动模式则出现了明显的旋涡、回流和流动分离等现象.根据血液动力学理论,在设计工况下,流线型叶轮血泵具有较好的血液相容性.  相似文献   

弯曲颈总动脉内流场的模拟实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的模拟研究弯曲颈总动脉定常流动速度剖面的不对称性。方法用粒子图像测速技术(PIV)测量并分析曲率分别为1:60和1:20的90°弯管模型在颈总动脉生理平均雷诺数、峰值雷诺数和极限雷诺数条件下,在不同位置的弯曲平面及其垂直方向的轴向速度剖面。结果当颈总动脉的曲率等于1:60时,在人生理平均流动雷诺数条件下,颈总动脉的速度剖面可用偏斜的抛物面来近似;当颈总动脉曲率增大或流动雷诺数增大时,弯曲平面上的速度剖面中部出现下凹趋势,垂直方向上出现M型速度剖面;沿管轴不同位置上的速度剖面形状不同。结论为确定颈动脉分叉定常流动不对称入口速度剖面条件,认识速度剖面的形状如何随流动雷诺数、弯管曲率和截面位置变化提供实验依据。  相似文献   

分析了流场测量常用方法,介绍了粒子图像测速(PIV)技术与测试系统,综述了国内外利用PIV技术对人体上呼吸道内部气流运动测量的研究进展和已取得的研究成果,展望了PIV技术在研究人体上呼吸道气流特性方面的应用前景.  相似文献   

研究轴流式左心辅助泵的出口管道内血流流场的分布情况,根据流动特性与血栓形成的关系,分析轴流血泵管道内的血栓形成风险。用二维粒子成像测速(PIV)系统测试轴流式左心辅助泵的出口管道中心截面内血液沿管道的流动情况,用三维粒子成像测速系统测试整个管道内的血液流动情况,实验过程中辅助泵的转速为(10 000±20)r/min,流量为8.05 L/min,通过分析出口管道内的血液流场结果,预测左心辅助泵管道内的血栓形成可能。结果表明,辅助泵的出口附近血液存在螺旋流动和明显的垂直于管壁的流动,但在流动中逐渐降低,整个管道内不存在回流、涡流和低速流动区域,管道内血液沿管道的流动速度在管壁边界层外由0 m/s迅速增大到极大值1.0 m/s以上。沿管道方向,管道内的血液流速分布范围由0.7 ~2.2 m/s降低至1.0 ~1.5 m/s。泵的出口附近紊流度为0.31,距离泵的出口较远处的紊流度降低至0.15,血液流动趋于平稳。由于管道内的流动平稳且不存在回流、涡流和低速流动区域,因此不易形成血栓。出口管道有助于消除轴流式左心辅助泵流出血液的螺旋流动和紊流,使血流平稳,减少对人主动脉的损伤。  相似文献   

为了考察动脉粥样硬化斑块形成过程中的流体动力学特性,我们对血管狭窄段模型先后进行了实验研究和数值分析。考察的主要目标包括:模型狭窄段下游区产生分离流动的条件及其发展过程,雷诺数和血管收缩对流动特性的影响等。在实验研究中,采用具有方向识别能力的激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)测得了流场内各点流速的大小和方向,同时还采用示踪法对流场进行直观观察,得到了各种情况下的流型照片;在数值分析中, 采用适应性较强的有限元法(FEM),把流场分割成416个三角形单元,共246个节点。采用线性插值。数学模型采用流函数一涡量格式,计算是在4381机上完成的。数值计算与实验测量的结果有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

作者分别测试了30颗儿童与成年人新鲜离体活髓牙的直流电阻值,发现儿童电阻值显著低于成年人的电阻值,提出利用电阻抗法测量与诊断龋病时必须考虑年龄的影响。  相似文献   

The continuous flow of the aqueous humor through the posterior and anterior chambers in the eye into Schlemm's canal is vital for the maintenance of a constant intraocular pressure. If the intraocular pressure rises above the normal range, several problems start appearing insidiously; for example, gradual visual field defects develop, leading ultimately to glaucoma. The determination of the flow rate of the aqueous humor is here performed by identifying a mathematical model after the free fluorescein concentration in the blood and in the anterior chamber of the eye has been measured. Experimental data obtained on rabbits are used in the analysis, and the flow rate of the aqueous humor in rabbit eyes is computed. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the approach in a clinical environment.  相似文献   

研究旨在建立和调试体外圆管狭窄模型 ,使之能够配合粒子成像流速仪 (PIV)进行狭窄下游流动分离区速度、湍流切应力的检测和压力传感器的压力检测。采用粒子成像流速仪和压力传感器 ,对模型狭窄下游定常流湍流场速度、湍流切应力和压力进行定量检测 ,初步认识流动分离区速度、切应力和压力的分布特征。实验模型能够较好地配合 PIV和压力传感器进行流动分离区速度、湍流切应力和压力的定量检测 ;圆管狭窄下游流动分离区边壁局部存在明显的低速度、低压力和低切应力分布。  相似文献   

目的研究不同几何构型颈内动脉中的血流动力学因素,分析其构型和动脉狭窄的关系,为颈内动脉狭窄的风险预测和早期诊断提供一定的血流动力学基础。方法对两种常见形状的颈内动脉——U形和V形在定常流条件下的流场分别进行数值模拟和粒子成像测速的实验研究。结果在其中较上游的弯曲处,血流动力学因素与弯曲曲率存在单调的相关关系,V形在此处的狭窄风险小于U形。但是在下游的弯曲处,由于两个弯曲的叠加效应,其血流动力学因素与此处的曲率不存在单调的相关关系。结论弯曲动脉的曲率和动脉狭窄的风险成正相关关系。但是在连续多个弯曲的动脉中,则需考虑弯曲的叠加效应。对此叠加效应的研究有助于解释多弯血管内狭窄多发的原因。  相似文献   

This study documents the superior hemodynamics of a novel coupled sequential anastomoses (SQA) graft design in comparison with the routine conventional end-to-side (ETS) anastomoses in coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG). The flow fields inside three polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) models of coronary artery bypass grafts, including the coupled SQA graft design, a conventional ETS anastomosis, and a parallel side-to-side (STS) anastomosis, are investigated under pulsatile flow conditions using particle image velocimetry (PIV). The velocity field and distributions of wall shear stress (WSS) in the models are studied and compared with each other. The measurement results and WSS distributions, computed from the near wall velocity gradients reveal that the novel coupled SQA design provides: (i) a uniform and smooth flow at its ETS anastomosis, without any stagnation point on the artery bed and vortex formation in the heel region of the ETS anastomosis within the coronary artery; (ii) more favorable WSS distribution; and (iii) a spare route for the blood flow to the coronary artery, to avoid re-operation in case of re-stenosis in either of the anastomoses. This in vitro investigation complements the previous computational studies of blood flow in this coupled SQA design, and is another necessary step taken toward the clinical application of this novel design. At this point and prior to the clinical adoption of this novel design, in vivo animal trials are warranted, in order to investigate the biological effects and overall performance of this anastomotic configuration in vivo.  相似文献   

This study investigates turbulent flow, based on high Reynolds number, downstream of a prosthetic heart valve using both laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) and particle image velocimetry (PIV). Until now, LDV has been the more commonly used tool in investigating the flow characteristics associated with mechanical heart valves. The LDV technique allows point by point velocity measurements and provides enough statistical information to quantify turbulent structure. The main drawback of this technique is the time consuming nature of the data acquisition process in order to assess an entire flow field area. Another technique now used in fluid dynamics studies is the PIV measurement technique. This technique allows spatial and temporal measurement of the entire flow field. Using this technique, the instantaneous and average velocity flow fields can be investigated for different positions. This paper presents a comparison of PIV two-dimensional measurements to LDV measurements, performed under steady flow conditions, for a measurement plane parallel to the leaflets of a St. Jude Medical (SJM) bileaflet valve. Comparisons of mean velocity obtained by the two techniques are in good agreement except for where there is instability in the flow. For second moment quantities the comparisons were less agreeable. This suggests that the PIV technique has sufficient temporal and spatial resolution to estimate mean velocity depending on the degree of instability in the flow and also provides sufficient images needed to duplicate mean flow but not for higher moment turbulence quantities such as maximum turbulent shear stress. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC00: 8719Uv, 4262Be, 8780-y  相似文献   

Velocity profiles and Reynolds stresses downstream of heart valve prostheses are vital parameters in the study of hemolysis and thrombus formation associated with these valves. These parameters have previously been evaluated using single-point measurement techniques such as laser Doppler anemometry (LDA). The purpose of this study is to map the velocity vector fields and Reynolds stresses downstream of a porcine bioprosthetic heart valve in the aortic root region with particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques in vitro under steady flow conditions. PIV is essentially a multipoint measurement technique that allows full-field measurement of instantaneous velocity vectors in a flow field, thus allowing us to map the entire velocity or stress field over the aortic root (where single-point measurements are difficult). Coupled with flow visualization techniques, the hydrodynamic consequences of introducing a porcine bioprosthetic heart valve into the aortic root was examined, and compared with data obtained from an empty aortic root and an aortic root with the valve mounting ring alone. From our velocity and stress mappings, we found that the valve mounting ring effectively diminishes the central orifice area, giving rise to a higher central axial flow with strong recirculating regions and a corresponding large pressure drop. This in turn produces an intermixing zone between the central jet and recirculating region further downstream from the valve, which contributes to the high-stress zone measured. The development of the flow is further restricted by the valve stents, giving rise to stagnation regions and wakes. High-velocity gradients were also measured at the interface of the jet and recirculating region in the sinus cavity. The overall view of the velocity and stress mappings helps to identify regions of flow disturbances that otherwise may be lost with single-point measuring systems. Although the PIV measurements may lack the accuracy of single-point measuring systems, the overall view of the flow in the aortic root region compensates for the shortcoming.  相似文献   

Human serum albumin is known to be a mixture of mercaptalbumin (HMA, reduced form) and nonmercaptalbumin (HNA, oxidized form), i.e. a protein redox couple in serum. In order to examine the redox state of human albumin in aqueous humor together with serum, we have studied 51 senile cataract patients, including 16 men and 35 women with ages ranging between 54 and 96 years (mean±S.D. 73.9±8.51). We used a high-performance liquid chromatography combined with fluorescence detection with improved sensitivity. The patients had no detectable evidence of other eye diseases. Of considerable interest is the finding that there was an extremely small amount of HMA fraction (f(HMA)) ( (HMA), 3.50%) as well as a markedly large amount of HNA fraction (f(HNA)) ( (HNA-1), 84.5%; (HNA-2), 12.0%) in the aqueous humor from patients with senile cataract, compared to the corresponding serum values ( (HMA), 66.4%; (HNA-1), 31.0%; (HNA-2), 2.62%). It is anticipated that significantly decreased (HMA) and increased (HNA) values in aqueous humor from patients with senile cataract may clearly reflect defective antioxidative defense systems which may lead to the formation of a cataract. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study observing the redox state of human albumin in aqueous humor.  相似文献   

Blood flow in an artery is closely related to atherosclerosis progression. Hemodynamic environments influence platelet activation, aggregation, and rupture of atherosclerotic plaque. The existence of swirling flow components in an artery is frequently observed under in vivo conditions. However, the fluid-dynamic roles of spiral flow are not fully understood to date. In this study, the spiral blood flow effect in an axisymmetric stenosis model was experimentally investigated using particle image velocimetry velocity field measurement technique and streakline flow visualization. Spiral inserts with two different helical pitches (10D and 10/3D) were installed upstream of the stenosis to induce swirling flows. Results show that the spiral flow significantly reduces the length of recirculation flow and provokes early breakout of turbulent transition, but variation of swirling intensity does not induce significant changes of turbulence intensity. The present results about the spiral flow effects through the stenosis will contribute in achieving better understanding of the hemodynamic characteristics of atherosclerosis and in discovering better diagnosis procedures and clinical treatments.  相似文献   

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