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杨铭综述 《中国临床神经外科杂志》2013,(8):505-508
夹层动脉瘤又称动脉剥离,是指病理性夹层发生在动脉中膜层内或中膜和外膜之间的剥离,动脉壁膨出,发生动脉瘤样扩张。以上病理变化发生在颅内动脉者称之为颅内动脉夹层动脉瘤。夹层最初作为主动脉疾病而受关注,后来发现颈动脉、椎动脉及颅内动脉亦有发生。现将颅内夹层动脉瘤流行病学特征、好发部位、病因、发病机制、临床特征及其诊治综述如下。 相似文献
目的探讨颅内动脉夹层与夹层动脉瘤的临床特点,评价血管内栓塞疗效及安全性。方法 2003年12月至2011年12月共收治67例颅内动脉夹层与夹层动脉瘤。50例采用血管内治疗,其中单纯支架置入32例,单纯微弹簧圈栓塞3例,支架辅助微弹簧圈栓塞14例,微弹簧圈加真丝线段栓塞1例;17例未行外科治疗。结果 CTA及MRA造影随访28例,DSA造影随访20例,42例病人恢复良好,1例术后3 d再次出血死亡,4例复查见椎动脉闭塞,1例遗留进食呛咳;未治疗17例中,4例住院期间又突然发生出血死亡。结论采用支架置入重建受累血管的真腔、闭塞假腔是血管内治疗颅内动脉夹层与夹层动脉瘤的主要方法。 相似文献
颅内动脉夹层与夹层动脉瘤的诊断与治疗 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
马廉亭 《中国临床神经外科杂志》2008,13(10):577-578
夹层动脉瘤或动脉剥离是指病理性夹层发生在动脉中膜层内或中膜和外膜之间的剥离,动脉壁膨出,发生动脉瘤样扩张。 相似文献
目前颅内动脉夹层的相关报告甚少,有必要研究发生颅内动脉夹层的动脉壁部位及其合理的治疗和预后的判断。当颅内动脉的内膜和中膜之间发生夹层时,会发生血管闭塞造成缺血,在中膜和外膜之间发生动脉的夹层,将导致动脉膨起,形成动脉瘤样扩张,甚至发生血管破裂。本文综述文献并结合作者临床经验,论述颅内动脉夹层的病理、病因学及其相关的临床问题,为治疗提供参考。 相似文献
颅内动脉夹层(intracranial artery dissection,IAD)包括夹层与夹层动脉瘤,是中青年卒中的主要病因之一[1],IAD可导致严重的脑缺血或脑出血,早期诊断尤为重要.然而,目前IAD的诊断仍然是一个巨大的挑战,主要原因是患者缺乏特异性症状和体征,需要依靠影像学检查进行诊断,但由于颅内动脉管径细... 相似文献
MRI在颅内动脉狭窄、闭塞诊断中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的评价头颅三维增强磁共振血管造影(3DCE-MRA)结合MRI常规扫描诊断颅内动脉狭窄、闭塞的临床意义。方法3D CE-MRA及头颅MRI常规扫描发现颅内大动脉明显狭窄或闭塞116例,其中43例同期行DSA检查。常规扫描采用横断面T1W、T2W和冠状面T2W成像;3DCE-MRA用超快速三维梯度回波序列(3DFISP),钆对比剂(Gd-DTPA)0.2mmol/kg,注射速率3ml/秒,行增强前、增强后动脉期及静脉期3次扫描,每次扫描时间约10秒,图像减影后至工作站上三维重建。结果116例中由动脉粥样硬化引起的颅内动脉狭窄或闭塞占72.4%;狭窄或闭塞以颈内动脉系统为多,占总狭窄或闭塞的68.7%;颈内动脉系统闭塞或狭窄伴随的脑梗塞高于椎一基底动脉系统;脑梗塞的发生与侧支血管是否形成有关;43例同期行DSA检查者中,80.4%狭窄或闭塞的3DCE-MRA与DSA一致。结论头颅3DCE-MRA结合常规MRI扫描作为一种无创性影像检查技术,可快速而准确地显示颅内大动脉狭窄或闭塞及其相对应的脑梗塞,一次检查即能为临床提供较为全面的信息,可作为脑梗塞患者的首选诊断方法。 相似文献
Esposito G Albanese A Sabatino G Scerrati A Sturiale C Pedicelli A Pilato F Maira G Di Lazzaro V 《Clinical neurology and neurosurgery》2011,113(10):901-903
Dissection of intracranial arteries is a rare cause of cerebrovascular diseases commonly presenting as an ischemic stroke. We report a patient with middle cerebral artery dissection who developed a large middle cerebral artery dissecting aneurysm mimicking a hemorrhagic stroke. 相似文献
Myungsoo Kim Wonsoo Son Dong-Hun Kang Jaechan Park 《Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society》2021,64(4):665
Symptomatic cerebral vasospasm (CVS) and delayed ischemic neurologic deficit (DIND) after unruptured aneurysm surgery are extremely rare. Its onset timing is variable, and its mechanisms are unclear. We report two cases of CVS with DIND after unruptured aneurysm surgery and review the literature regarding potential mechanisms. The first case is a 51-year-old woman with non-hemorrhagic vasospasm after unruptured left anterior communicating artery aneurysm surgery. She presented with delayed vasospasm on postoperative day 14. The second case is a 45-year-old woman who suffered from oculomotor nerve palsy caused by an unruptured posterior communicatig artery (PCoA) aneurysm. DIND with non-hemorrhagic vasospasm developed on postoperative day 12. To our knowledge, this is the first report of symptomatic CVS with oculomotor nerve palsy following unruptured PCoA aneurysm surgery. CVS with DIND after unruptured aneurysm surgery is very rare and can be triggered by multiple mechanisms, such as hemorrhage, mechanical stress to the arterial wall, or the trigemino-cerebrovascular system. For unruptured aneurysm surgery, although it is rare, careful observation and treatments can be needed for postoperative CVS with DIND. 相似文献
Cervical artery dissection—clinical
features,risk factors,therapy and outcome in 126
patients 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Dziewas R Konrad C Dräger B Evers S Besselmann M Lüdemann P Kuhlenbäumer G Stögbauer F Ringelstein EB 《Journal of neurology》2003,250(10):1179-1184
The highly variable clinical course of cervical artery
dissections still poses a major challenge to the treating
physician. This study was conducted (1) to describe the
differences in clinical and angiographic presentation of
patients with carotid and vertebral artery dissections (CAD,
VAD), (2) to define the circumstances that are related to
bilateral arterial dissections, and (3) to determine factors
that predict a poor outcome. Retrospectively and by standardised
interview, we studied 126 patients with cervical artery
dissections. Preceding traumata, vascular risk factors,
presenting local and ischemic symptoms, and patientoutcome were
evaluated. Patients with CAD presented more often with a partial
Horners syndrome and had a higher prevalence of fibromuscular
dysplasia than patients with VAD. Patients with VAD complained
more often of neck pain, more frequently reported a preceding
chiropractic manipulation and had a higher incidence of
bilateral dissections than patients with CAD. Bilateral VAD was
significantly related to a preceding chiropractic manipulation.
Multivariate analysis showed that the variables stroke and
arterial occlusion were the only independent factors associated
with a poor outcome. This study emphasises the potential dangers
of chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine. Probably
owing to the systematic use of forceful neck-rotation to both
sides, this treatment was significantly associated with
bilateral VAD. Patients with dissection-related cervical artery
occlusion had a significantly increased risk of suffering a
disabling stroke. 相似文献
Simon Li Bernard YanAndrew Kaye Peter MitchellRichard Dowling Marnie CollinsStephen Davis 《Journal of clinical neuroscience》2011,18(6):789-793
Intracranial arterial dissection is relatively rare and generally considered to have a worse outcome than extracranial arterial dissection. It is a clinically significant entity that can cause severely disabling ischaemic stroke or subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Only a few large case series of intracranial arterial dissection have been reported, particularly in the anterior circulation, but it is being increasingly recognized with advances in non-invasive angiographic diagnostic procedures. Patients with posterior circulation dissection appear to present more commonly with SAH and are traditionally said to have a worse outcome. Treatment options remain controversial and include medical therapy, as well as endovascular and surgical intervention. We reviewed the clinical features and outcome of 25 patients who had been treated for intracranial dissection at The Royal Melbourne Hospital over a period of 5 years. We recorded patient age, clinical presenting features, neuroimaging findings, treatment, and outcome assessment at 90 days using the modified Rankin Score (mRS). Eleven patients had anterior circulation dissection, while 14 had posterior circulation dissection; and overall 12 patients had cerebral ischaemia while 13 had subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). Almost all intracranial arterial dissections occurred spontaneously, without a history of trauma. Patients were relatively young, especially those in the group with ischaemia, with an average age of 39 years. Hypertension was the most commonly identified vascular risk factor. Eight out of 12 patients with ischaemia (66.7%) had anterior circulation dissection, while posterior circulation dissection occurred in 10 of 13 patients with SAH (76.9%). Location of anterior circulation dissection was variable, while the terminal vertebral artery segment was most commonly involved in the posterior circulation group. Most of the patients in the ischaemic group received medical therapy (n = 10/12), while 10 out of 13 (76.9%) patients with SAH underwent endovascular and/or surgical intervention. There was a trend towards more favourable outcome at 90 days (mRS ?3) in the ischaemic group (n = 10/12, 83.3%) compared to the SAH group (n = 6/13, 46.2%), but this did not reach statistical significance (p value = 0.097). The mortality rate was 16.7% (n = 2/12) in the ischaemia group, and 7.7% in the SAH group (n = 1/13), not significant. Among all the ischaemic group patients who received medical therapy, there were no deaths or development of secondary intracranial bleeding complications including SAH at 90 days. Our series suggest that it is possible to divide patients with intracranial dissection into two groups: (i) an ischaemia group, associated with a more favourable clinical outcome even when treated with antiplatelet or anticoagulation therapy; or (ii) a SAH group with a less favourable prognosis. The mortality rate, especially in patients with SAH who are generally treated with endovascular and/or surgical intervention, is less than previously reported. Anterior circulation involvement appears more common than traditionally perceived. The spontaneous occurrence of intracranial dissection in a relatively young age group, the predominant site of dissection in the artery at some distance from its tethered proximal segment, and the commonly observed hypertension, together raise the possibility of spontaneous dissection in arteries prematurely weakened by accelerated atherosclerosis. 相似文献