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目的观察法国伊凡露皮肤填充材料用于除皱、填充凹陷性瘢痕及面部塑形的临床应用效果.方法将伊凡露注射于需填充的部位并适当塑形,运用χ2检验比较两组满意率的差异、受术者年龄别满意率差异.结果共120例受术者,术后随访18个月,总满意率为95.8%.两组各60例,术后满意率分别为96.7%和95%, 两组间满意率差异及各组满意率与总满意率之间差异无显著意义;受术者年龄别满意率差异亦无显著意义.结论伊凡露皮肤填充材料用于注射填充面部皱纹和凹陷性瘢痕,操作简便,美容效果好,受术者满意率高.  相似文献   

目的:观察充填材料伊凡露结合肉毒毒素在面部除皱术中的临床应用效果.方法:首先将伊凡露注射于需要填充的皱纹部位,而后在皱纹附近标记点注射肉毒毒素.结果:共治疗69例,术后随访1~2年,满意率达89.6%,有效率达99%,疗效满意.结论:伊凡露联合肉毒毒素在面部除皱术中的应用,在美容外科领域有着非常好的应用前景.  相似文献   

伊凡露临床应用与观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伊凡露(Evolution)注射除皱安全、有效、简便、快捷.另外,注射填充美容应用范围广,如面部皮下缺损的填充,颊部和唇部的填充,隆鼻、隆下颏、凹陷瘢痕填充等.我们自2003年5月至2005年5月,运用伊凡露注射填充面部皱纹、凹陷瘢痕、面部缺损及丰唇等,效果良好,现报告如下.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用透明质酸进行红唇注射填充美容的临床效果.方法 自2010年7月至2013年10月,应用透明质酸对32例求美者进行红唇注射填充美容.注射方法为线性或连续多点注射,注射层次为口轮匝肌浅面,观察临床效果、维持时间及不良反应.结果 本组共32例求美者,注射填充治疗后,美容效果明显;上唇填充量为0.8~1.5ml,平均1.1ml;下唇填充量为0.5~1.2ml,平均0.8ml.维持时间6~8个月.注射后即刻,局部肿胀,未发生血管栓塞、感染、出血、红斑等并发症.结论 利用透明质酸进行红唇注射填充,是一种安全有效的方法,值得推广使用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨将Nlite激光联合微电针除皱应用于面部年轻化美容的临床效果。方法:对皮肤松弛或皱纹明显的面部老化者,联合应用Nlite激光和微电针进行除皱治疗。结果:63例面部皮肤老化者,总有效率为98%,半年有效维持率78%,疗效满意。结论:Nlite激光联合微电针除皱既能改善面部浅表皱纹又能收缩面部肌肉促进其紧缩,具有起效快、效果显著及疗效持久的特点,是面部年轻化美容的好方法。  相似文献   

肉毒毒素A面部除皱致严重副反应1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李某,女,45岁,身高1.64cm,体重61Kg,曾有化妆品过敏史,于2002年4月21日来我院要求做面部除皱,经检查,该患者额纹较重,范围广,额部静止时均有数条明显的皮肤凹陷性皱纹,且额肌活动时加深加重,鱼尾纹较轻。根据患者情况,我们先是采用奥美定除皱一针灵做填充注射,2周后来院  相似文献   

真皮下切割除皱术的实验与临床应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据植皮后不产生皱纹的原理,进行真皮下分离和切割,以增加真皮组织中胶原蛋白的含量,修复断裂的胶原。实验结果表明,术后15天,经切割的皮肤面积缩小30%左右(P<0.01),表皮层增厚,表皮真皮交界处表皮钉加深,乳突增高,皮面平坦,无凹凸不平。临床应用后,可明显减少外眦鱼尾纹、鼻唇沟皱纹,对消除细小皱纹具有良好疗效。  相似文献   

透明质酸填充注射在医学美容中的临床应用和并发症   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着现代医学美容技术和生物材料科学的快速发展,利用注射填充美容的方法使颜面年轻化越来越受到青睐。注射填充美容即将生物材料或人工合成生物材料注射入真皮层或皮下,通过不同的作用机理达到减少皮肤皱褶或塑形的一大类非手术美容方法。美国FDA于1981年首次批准牛胶原用于皮肤填充剂,2003年透明质酸类注射美容产品上市,每  相似文献   

目的 探索一种有效、简便、安全、无创的治疗面部动力性皱纹的方法.方法 自2003年6月至2008年6月,对163例面部动力性皱纹求美者采用A型肉毒毒素注射的方法,在已标记注射点的面部行肌肉及皮下的多点注射,间隔3~6个月可重复注射.结果 注射后2~3 d起效,3~7d显效.治疗后随访所有求美者3~12个月,其中148例求美者的皱纹完全消失,15例求美者的皱纹明显改善.无胀痛、淤血、头晕、恶心等不适症状及其他严重并发症发生.结论 此方法简便易行、安全有效、创伤小、无瘢痕,易为广大求美者所接受,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

目的 探讨应用羟丙基甲基纤维素-透明质酸钠溶液作为皮肤填充剂治疗面部皱纹的效果.方法 自2006年11月至2008年5月,对60例患者面部共107处皱纹进行羟丙基甲基纤维素-透明质酸钠溶液的注射填充,观察注射后的临床效果、持续时间和不良反应等.依据面部皱纹WSRS分级标准,对比注射前后的照片并将结果分为显效、有效和无效.结果 所有注射部位皱纹在注射后即刻得到明显改善,随访6个月,有效率为100%.最常见的注射后不良反应是局部疼痛、肿胀和皮肤发红,其次为皮下淤血、局部硬结或不平,未出现感染.色素沉着、肉芽肿、血管栓塞等并发症.结论 医用羟丙基甲基纤维素-透明质酸钠溶液作为填充剂治疗面部皱纹具有创伤极小、疗效肯定、安全性高等特点,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨芪人抗皱霜祛除皮肤皱纹的临床疗效。方法:将90例符合纳入标准的受试对象随机分为试验组和对照组。试验组使用芪人抗皱霜,对照组使用普通祛皱霜,分别于皮肤皱纹测试部位外涂,每日早晚各涂一次,使用周期为40天。试验前后均拍照进行皮肤皱纹等级及积分评价,同时用硅橡胶复制皮肤皱纹模型,应用图象分析软件对其进行分析处理。结果:临床观察结果表明,芪人抗皱霜能够降低受试对象的皱纹积分,降低皮肤皱纹深度及皮肤皱纹粗糙度,并优于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论:芪人抗皱霜有较好的祛皱美容作用,未发现任何不良反应,不失为一种安全有效的美容产品。  相似文献   

Recently, injectable hyaluronic acid gel has been widely used in soft-tissue augmentation. We performed this study to identify the feasibility of hyaluronic acid gel for the augmentation of the glans penis. In experiment I, 0.2 cm(3) of hyaluronic acid gel (HA) was injected into the dermis of the glans penis of 25 New Zealand white rabbits via a 30 G needle. At 3, 7, 14, 30, and 90 days after injection, histological changes of glans were studied, respectively. In experiment II, 0.5 cm(3) of HA was injected into the dermis of the glans penis of 14 Beagle dogs via a 27 G needle. At 6 months after injection, histological changes of the glans penis were also evaluated. At the time of autopsy, the lung, liver, and spleen were studied for systemic adverse reaction in each separate experiment.In experiment I, various sized cavities filled with amorphous basophilic materials were noted in the lamina propria and corpus spongiosum of the glans penis. All implants were positively stained on alcian blue. The intensity decreased in a time-dependent manner. Until 14 days, minimal inflammatory reactions were noted, but no signs of inflammation were identified at 90 days. With the gradual decrease of inflammation, fibrosis and deposition of collagen were noted. In experiment II, implants were well maintained at 6 months after injection in the lamina propria. Grade 1 of the inflammatory reaction was noted in one case. In both the experiments, all the specimens were free from any foreign body reaction and systemic adverse reactions.In conclusion, these results suggest that hyaluronic acid gel can be easily injected into the lamina propria of the glans penis and reside until 6 months. Injectable hyaluronic acid gel has a potential as a new bioimplant for the augmentation of the glans penis.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射美容的临床与组织学评估   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射后并发症的临床与组织学特点。方法 对 1998年至 2 0 0 3年接诊的 5 2例在外院注射了聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶 ,并引起并发症患者的临床资料进行了总结与组织学研究。为了便于比较 ,另选 12例 1988年~ 1994年期间接受液态硅胶注射的患者取出的组织病理切片与之对照研究。结果 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射后并发症以局部硬结最多见 ,而且多发生在注射后 1~ 2年左右时间里。人体组织对注射的聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶的反应为多核异物巨细胞增生 ,并形成肉芽肿。与液态硅胶比较 ,注射的聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶引起组织的淋巴细胞反应弱 ,材料周围的纤维包膜较薄。机体内长期存留的聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶可能会引起局部组织变性反应。结论 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶作为软组织填充剂的安全性需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

The clinical applications of mammary ductoscopy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND: Mammary ductoscopy (MD) is a newly developed endoscopic technique that allows direct visualization and biopsy examination of the mammary ductal epithelium where most cancers originate. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in the office setting. This article reviews the rationale, current clinical applications, and limitations of MD. METHODS: A literature search was performed using Pubmed for indexed articles published over the past 30 years using the key words "mammary ductoscopy," "breast ductoscopy," "ductal lavage," and "nipple aspiration." The most important articles were analyzed and discussed. RESULTS: MD is a useful diagnostic adjunct in patients with pathologic nipple discharge. Furthermore, it can reduce the number and extent of duct excision surgeries for pathologic nipple discharge. There is a clear need to design prospective clinical trials that evaluate the potential role of MD in breast cancer screening, guiding risk-reducing strategies, and as an adjunct to breast-conservation surgery. CONCLUSIONS: MD is useful in the management of PND, but its potential role in the early detection or management of breast cancer requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon is believed to have first developed two million years ago enabling humans to run twice as fast. However if the Achilles tendon is so important in terms of evolution, then why is this tendon so prone to injury – especially for those more active like athletes. The Achilles tendon had an integral role in evolving apes from a herbivorous diet to early humans who started hunting for food over longer distances, resulting in bipedal locomotion. Evolutionary advantages of the Achilles tendon includes it being the strongest tendon in the body, having an energy-saving mechanism for fast locomotion, allows humans to jump and run, and additionally is a spring and shock absorber during gait. Considering these benefits it is therefore not surprising that studies have shown athletes have thicker Achilles tendons than subjects who are less active. However, contradictory to these findings that show the importance of the Achilles tendon for athletes, it is well known that obtaining an Achilles tendon injury for an athlete can be career-altering. A disadvantage of the Achilles tendon is that the aetiology of its pathology is complicated. Achilles tendon ruptures are believed to be caused by overloading the tensed tendon, like during sports. However studies have also shown athlete Achilles tendon ruptures to have degenerative changes in the tendon. Other flaws of the Achilles tendon are its non-uniform vascularity and incomplete repair system which may suggest the Achilles tendon is on the edge of evolution. Research has shown that there is a genetic influence on the predisposition a person has towards Achilles tendon injuries. So if this tendon is here to stay in our anatomy, and it probably is due to the slow rate of evolution in humans, research in genetic modification could be used to decrease athletes’ predisposition to Achilles tendinopathy.  相似文献   

The Universal Serial Bus Endoscope: Design and Initial Clinical Experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endoscopic forehead lift is a well-established procedure in aesthetic plastic surgery. Many agree that currently available video-endoscopic equipment is bulky, multipieced and sometimes cumbersome in the operating theater. A novel system, the Universal Serial Bus Endoscope (USBE) was designed to simplify and reduce the number of necessary equipment pieces in the endoscopic setup. The USBE is attached by a single cable to a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port of a laptop computer. A built-in miniaturized cold light source provides illumination. A built-in digital camera chip enables procedure recording. The real-time images and movies obtained with USBE are displayed on the computers screen and recorded on the laptops hard disk drive. In this study, 25 patients underwent endoscopic browlift using the USBE system to test its clinical usefulness, all with good results and without complications or need for revision. The USBE was found to be reliable and easier to use than current video-endoscope equipment. The operative time needed to complete the procedure by the authors was reduced approximately 50%. The design and main technical characteristics of the USBE are presented.Presented in part at the Annual International Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Symposium, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, November 2001.  相似文献   

腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术的安全性及可行性。方法 2005年9月至2009年6月,对36例胰腺体尾部肿物行腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术。术前34例诊断为胰腺体尾部良性肿物,2例不除外恶性,肿物中位直径5cm,平均(1.2~12)cm。结果所有手术均在全腹腔镜下完成。21例行保留脾脏的胰体尾切除(15例保留脾动静脉,6例未保留脾动静脉),14例行胰体尾加脾切除,1例既往行胰体尾及脾切除者行胰体部切除。手术中位时间248min,平均(118~400)min,中位出血量100ml,平均(50~800)ml,术后中位住院时间9d,平均(6~21)d。无胰漏或脾梗死发生,2例包裹性积液,均保守治疗治愈,1例引流管口感染。所有患者得到随访,中位随访时间25.5个月,平均(1~46)个月,均无复发。结论胰腺体尾部肿物行腹腔镜胰腺远端切除术安全、可行。  相似文献   

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