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随着我国医疗保险体制改革的深入 ,药品市场的竞争日趋激烈 ,我国的制药企业也遇到了新的机遇和挑战。谁能把握好未来的趋势 ,占得市场先机 ,谁就能取得领先于行业的竞争优势 ,而运用新技术开发新产品就成了企业发展的关键。要成为具有竞争优势的制药企业 ,一定要防止生产同一品种的低水平重复现象 ,以避免企业产生缺乏竞争优势、产品滞销、资金难以回笼等多种负面影响。中国在不久加入WTO后 ,将面临世界各国制药企业产品的冲击 ,竞争将更加激烈 ,对于国内企业来说 ,抓紧开发新产品、培育市场优势已经刻不容缓 ,国家目前对新药研究和开发…  相似文献   

开放药品委托加工是我国医药发展的现实选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋瑞霖 《首都医药》2005,12(11):54-55
核心提示:我国是医药消费大国,但远不是医药强国,原因在于我国的新药开发能力薄弱。随着经济的发展,人民生活水平不断提高,公民对健康保障的需求越来越强烈。目前,我国医药市场上存在着企业过多过滥的情况,国际制药企业的高度集中与我国制药工业的极度分散,形成鲜明的对比,而解决这一问题的一个重要措施,就是适当开放药品的委托加工。对国外专利药品和国内新药的委托加工,不仅可以提高现有企业的固定资产利用率,还可以提高我国制药行业的整体水平,减少药品生产企业的重复建设。激励科研单位开发新药和专业投资机构向国外购买专利技术的积极性。以我国制药工业现有实力,“以仿为主,仿创结合”是我国医药发展的现实选择。  相似文献   

于嘉 《首都医药》2001,(6):10-11
新药对于制药行业,意味着企业的生命与丰厚的利润。世界制药工业的发展史就是新药研究开发不断发展并取得成就的历史,制药工业发展100年来,成功开发出新药近500种,为人类征服疾病,提高生活质量作出了无与伦比的贡献。现在,每年能否推出一种以上的新药已成为衡量一个国际性制药企业的关键。  相似文献   

制药企业:站在新起点上的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁伟明 《中国药业》2001,10(10):18-20
中国加入WTO将成现实.站在新的起点上,制药行业如何把握机遇,调整策略,以新的姿态迎接“入世”的挑战,是很值得思考的问题。要充分认识加入WTO对我国药业发展带来的重大影响,尽早进入状态研究应变对策,制定相应措施,才能趋利避害应付挑战。 一.现状与问题 我国现有制药企业6300多家,销售额合计起来还不及一个世界排名第10位的药业大公司的销量,而在这些企业中绝大多数是重复建设的劳动密集型的中小型企业,并仍有1000多家企业在亏损中挣扎。生产的西药97%为仿制药品.新药研究开发水平与发达国家相比尚有较大…  相似文献   

印度制药工业开始加大对研究与开发的投入,制定并实施“与贸易有关的知识产权”专利法,大力开展新药的研究与开发。印度充分利用现有制药工业的优势,广泛开展国际合作和外包服务,努力发展非专利药和商标名药的研究、开发和生产。印度制药工业大力发展世界级制药公司,积极参与全球医药市场的竞争。所有这些表明印度制药工业开始向西方公司挑战。  相似文献   

1企业目前存在的问题 虽然我国药品生产企业已取得巨大成就,但仍存在很多问题。企业规模小竞争水平低,产品结构不合理,新药研究开发能力弱,产品科技含量低,药品生产从业人员的素质还有待提高,企业管理水平相对低.行业内的产品质量参差不齐,整体水平较差,使行业竞争处于不规范和恶性竞争的状态,严重影响了制药行业的发展。这样的现状对我们制药业必定会带来很多副面的影响。  相似文献   

日本的药品消费在国际上居第二位,所以日本药品市场受到各国大型制药企业的关注。日本的制药企业为了谋取自己的生存,在与国际跨国制药公司合作开发新药的同时,也致力于独创新药的开发。目前日本新药开发的费用为100亿~200亿日元,而10年以前是50亿~70亿日元。目前日本药品约有10%供出口,而本世纪末的目标为30%。原因是国  相似文献   

王普善 《华夏医药》2008,3(2):113-120
“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”医药领域的知识创新,是制药企业核心竞争力的集中表现,对以高技术为特徵的医药产业的生存和发展具有重要作用。新药研究与开发(R&D),是现代制药企业创新战略最重要的体现和最核心的内容,对企业的经营战略具有重要影响。新药研究与开发的成就代表制药工业发展的里程碑,新药研究与开发的成败决定制药企业的盛衰。  相似文献   

“创新是一个民族的灵魂。是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”医药领域的知识创新,是制药企业核心竞争力的集中表现,对以高技术为特征的医药产业的生存和发展具有重要作用。新药研究与开发(R&D),是现代制药企业创新战略最重要的体现和最核心的内容,对企业的经营战略具有重要影响。新药研究与开发的成就代表制药工业发展的里程碑,新药研究与开发的成败决定制药企业的盛衰。  相似文献   

如今在全球化、顾客需求多样化的竞争环境中,技术创新已成为许多产业尤其是高新技术产业成功的关键。医药产业是公认的研究密集型产业,几乎所有的国际医药公司都在技术进步、新药研制上投入了大量的资源和精力,技术领先是医药产业竞争的核心。然而,随着全球经济一体化进程的逐渐深入,我国医药产业在技术方面的缺陷,变得日益尖锐起来。我国制药企业新药研发能力相当薄弱,仿制一直是我国医药工业的主要技术手段。技术创新的匮乏也成为我国制药企业面临的国内市场无序竞争及国际市场无法立足局面的主要原因。因此如何尽快完成由模仿到创新的转变已成为我国制药企业面临的紧要问题。  相似文献   

First admissions and readmissions for alcoholism have risen steeply in recent decades. This study looked at readmission histories for four cohorts of alcoholics first admitted to inpatient psychiatric treatment in 1967-68, 1973, 1977 or 1979. Over the twelve years the first cohort was observed, alcoholics on average spent 254 days in treatment and had 2.14 alcohol-related readmissions. However the distributions were very skewed: 50% stayed less than 92 days and 45.6% had no readmissions at all. All four cohorts yielded similar results over comparable time periods and all showed markedly skewed distributions reflecting the diversity of readmission histories among alcoholics. Policy decisions about alcoholism inpatient treatment must take account of this diversity.  相似文献   

The evolution of insulin treatment of diabetes has dramatically changed the natural course of this disease. Modern recombinant DNA technology has brought about many new insulin analogues with improved pharmacokinetics, resulting in better glycemic control. In addition, improved insulin delivery systems, such as insulin pumps and pens, have been introduced to provide convenience and to enhance patient compliance. Efforts are currently being devoted to developing noninvasive insulin formulations, such as oral and pulmonary insulin. A number of products are at different stages of clinical trials. Meanwhile, the quest for a permanent cure for diabetes continues. The frontier of diabetes research has gone through a period of substantial expansion, with the emergence of new areas that include gene therapy, islet cell transplantation and diabetic vaccine. Technological breakthroughs, such as recombinant DNA, nanotechnology, microarray-aided genomics and proteomics, will provide more profound insights into the pathogenesis, and the immunological and biological basis of diabetes. Our growing knowledge in these areas will ultimately contribute to the discovery of preventive methods against or a cure for this disease.  相似文献   

Indications for laboratory tests for toxoplasmosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Methamphetamine dependence presents a serious problem not only for patients but also for society. Medical treatment has mainly targeted psychotic symptoms such as hallucination and delusion, and ignored the symptoms of craving, which are the major cause of dependence. Therefore, the risk of lapse into methamphetamine reuse remains very high. Although development of both medicines and programs for treatment of craving is needed, progress has been hampered by the lack of appropriate scales for assessing the severity of dependence and craving. On the other hand, recent breakthroughs in genomic sciences and molecular medicine have made it possible to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying craving in animals. This paper reviews studies on the development of scales for assessing the severity of methamphetamine dependence and craving, together with recent data on candidate medicines for craving treatment in animals. The reliability and validity of the revised Addiction Severity Index -Japanese version (ASI-J) was confirmed after its administration to 100 drug abuse patients. The Craving Index was also newly developed, and its validity for prediction of relapse was confirmed. In animal experiments, fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, was recognized as a candidate medicine for treatment of methamphetamine dependence.  相似文献   

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