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Organization of lateral geniculate-hypothalamic connections in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The location and chemical identity of neurons interconnecting the lateral geniculate complex and the hypothalamus were analyzed in order to provide further information on the anatomical substrates for the entrainment of circadian rhythms. A particular objective of the study was to characterize the neurons projecting between the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) of the lateral geniculate complex and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and related anterior hypothalamic areas. The connectivity experiments employed five combinations of fluorescent tracer injection and were combined with immunohistochemical localization of either neuropeptide Y (NPY), met-enkephalin (mENK) or the vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)/peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) group. IGL efferents. Injection of tracer into the SCN results in retrograde labeling of NPY-immunoreactive neurons in the IGL as would be expected from prior work. These neurons and their terminals also contain the C-flanking peptide of the NPY precursor molecule (CPON). In addition, there are two additional groups of neurons in the IGL that project either to the SCN or the contralateral IGL but do not exhibit NPY immunoreactivity. These include a substantial population of cells that project to the SCN and an even larger group of neurons which project to the contralateral IGL and contain mENK immunoreactivity. Hypothalamic efferents. Injection of tracer into the IGL results in retrograde labeling of scattered neurons throughout the SCN and immediately adjacent anterior hypothalamus ipsilaterally and also in labeling of a small number of neurons in the same areas on the contralateral side of the brain. In rare instances, individual SCN neurons appear to project to both IGLs. However, the retrochiasmatic area (RCA) contains the largest number of retrogradely labeled neurons following tracer injections into the IGL. These neurons are concentrated along the midsagittal plane and in the lateral RCA ipsilateral to the injected IGL. None of the labeled neurons in the SCN or adjacent anterior hypothalamus exhibit VIP or PHI immunoreactivity. These observations indicate that the anatomical relations between the geniculate complex and the anterior hypothalamus are more complex than previously shown. First, the geniculohypothalamic tract arises from two distinct groups of IGL neurons: one contains NPY/CPON immunoreactivity; the chemical content of the other is not characterized at the present time. Second, the commissural projection between the two IGLs is formed by a third group of neurons, and these cells contain mENK immunoreactivity. Finally, reciprocal projections from the hypothalamus to the IGL arise from neurons in the retrochiasmatic area, SCN, and adjacent anterior hypothalamus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The pineal gland, via the daily pattern of melatonin (MEL) secretion, is directly involved in the conduction of photoperiodic information. The duration of MEL secretion is proportional to the duration of the dark period and, whatever the photoperiod is, MEL synthesis occurs 3 or 4 h after the dark onset in Syrian hamsters. In order to determine the relative importance of the duration or the coincidence hypothesis, a daily infusion protocol was used in sexually active pinealectomized hamsters. Long duration of MEL infusion (10 h) completely inhibit testes whereas short duration infusion (5 h) had no effect. When the animals were infused twice within 2 h 30 min separated by 3 h, they presented a complete gonadal atrophy, similar to the one observed with the 10 h infusion. Measurement of plasma MEL during the infusion and seperation periods revealed that MEL reached physiological nighttime values during the infusion period and fell to daytime values 1 h after the end of an infusion period. Thus, the results could not be due to a time additive action of the two MEL pulses. An intermediate response was observed when the 2 signals were applied across the light/dark transition. Gonadal regression did not occur when the 2 periods of infusion were separated by 5 h 30 min. The efficiency of this type of infusion was not dependent on the ambiant photoperiod since similar results were obtained in long and short photoperiods. The infusion was also as effective during the day as well as during the night. These results suggest that there is a rhythm of sensitivity to MEL, based on the coincidence hypotheses, that are important for transmission of photoperiodic information. This rhythm of sensitivity to MEL seems to be entrained by MEL itself, since the efficiency of the two pulses of MEL is not dependent of time of application and/or of photoperiod.  相似文献   

The orexins are recently discovered neuropeptides that reportedly play a role in energy homeostasis, in addition to various other physiological processes. The synthesis of orexin A undergoes diurnal variation in certain areas of the brain, while the mutation of the orexin receptor 2 gene has been implicated in canine narcolepsy. Since the circadian pacemaker in the suprachiasmatic nucleus modulates the sleep/wake cycle, there is a putative role for orexins in the mammalian circadian system. In this study, immunohistochemical techniques were used to determine the distribution of orexin A in the structures of the hypothalamus and thalamus of Syrian and Siberian hamsters. In both species, the pattern of immunoreactivity was similar. Cells immunoreactive for orexin A were noted in the lateral hypothalamic area. Immunoreactive varicose orexin A fibres were found throughout the hypothalamus. The suprachiasmatic nucleus possessed little or no immunoreactive orexin A fibres in its core, but had fibres at its periphery. The thalamus of both species contained comparatively few immunoreactive fibres, which were mainly localised around the midline. The thalamic intergeniculate leaflet contained a plexus of immunoreactive orexin A fibres throughout its rostro-caudal extent. Three areas of the brainstem, the dorsal and median raphe nuclei and the locus coeruleus, were also investigated owing to their relevance to the circadian system and all were found to contain immunoreactive orexin A fibres. The presence of orexin A-immunoreactive fibres in the neural architecture of the mammalian circadian system suggests an important role for orexin A in circadian timekeeping processes.  相似文献   

The intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) is a distinct division of the lateral geniculate complex that participates in the regulation of the circadian rhythm through its projections to the circadian pacemaker located in the suprachiasmatic nuclei of the hypothalamus. A high number of neuropeptide Y (NPY) cell bodies has been described in the IGL by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. The present study investigated whether NPY in the IGL is influenced by the length of the daily photoperiod. By using in situ hybridization we show a significant increase of the number of NPY mRNA containing neurons in the mid-part of the IGL of Syrian hamsters maintained in a short photoperiod compared to those kept in a long photoperiod. On the other hand, NPY mRNA expression per cell in the IGL is similar in both photoperiods tested.  相似文献   

Behavioral (nonphotic) stimuli can shift circadian rhythms by serotonin (5-HT) and/or neuropeptide Y (NPY) inputs to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) circadian clock. Based on the idea that behavioral phase resetting is modulated by endogenous changes in postsynaptic sensitivity to such transmitters, hamsters were exposed to constant light (LL; approximately 250 lx) for 1-3 days, which suppresses locomotor activity and eliminates the daily rhythm of SCN 5-HT release measured by microdialysis. Groups subjected to brief LL or maintained under a light/dark cycle (LD) received phase-resetting treatments with the 5-HT(1A,7) agonist (+/-)-2-dipropyl-amino-8-hydroxyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronapthalene (8-OH-DPAT) or sleep deprivation (SD). Animals were released to constant darkness at the start of the treatments. Phase advances to 8-OH-DPAT and SD during the day were 11 and 3 h for LL vs. 2 and 1 h for LD, respectively. Phase delays during the night were -12 and -5 h for LL vs. no responses for LD, respectively. Phase-transition curves for both LL treatments had slopes approximating 0, indicative of Type 0 phase resetting. For all treatments, the degree of locomotor suppression by LL was not correlated with the phase shift magnitude. Re-establishing locomotor activity by overnight food deprivation did not prevent potentiated shifting to SD. However, re-establishing peak extracellular 5-HT levels by intra-SCN 5-HT reverse microdialysis perfusion in LL did significantly reduce potentiated 8-OH-DPAT phase advances. Constant light also enhanced intra-SCN NPY-induced phase advances during the day (6 vs. 2 h for LD). These results suggest that LL promotes Type 0 phase resetting by supersensitizing 5-HT and/or NPY postsynaptic responses and possibly by attenuating the amplitude of the circadian pacemaker, thus enhancing circadian clock resetting nonspecifically.  相似文献   

The hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), site of the circadian clock, has been thought to be equally and completely innervated by each retina. This issue was studied in animals that had received an injection of the tracer cholera toxin subunit B (CTb) conjugated to Alexa 488 into the vitreous of one eye, with CTb-Alexa 594 injected into the other. Retinal projections to the SCN and other nuclei of the circadian system were simultaneously evaluated by using confocal laser microscopy. Each retina provides completely overlapping terminal fields throughout each SCN. Although SCN innervation by the contralateral retina is slightly denser than that from the ipsilateral retina, there are distinct SCN regions where input from one side is predominant, but not exclusive. A dense terminal field from the contralateral retina encompasses, and extends dorsally beyond, the central SCN subnucleus identified by calbindin-immunoreactive neurons. Surrounding the dense terminal field, innervation is largely derived from the ipsilateral retina. The densest terminal field in the intergeniculate leaflet is from the contralateral retina, which completely overlaps the ipsilateral projection. Most nuclei of the pretectum receive innervation largely, but not solely, from the contralateral retina, although the olivary pretectal nucleus has very dense patches of innervation derived exclusively from one retina or the other. Retina-dependent variation in terminal field density within the three closely examined nuclei may indicate areas of specialized function not previously appreciated. This issue is discussed in the context of the melanopsin-containing retinal ganglion cell projections to several nuclei in the circadian visual system.  相似文献   

Ovarian steroid hormones regulate circadian period and phase, but classical receptors for these hormones are absent in the circadian pacemaker localized in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SCN). In order to determine whether effects of oestrogen may be exerted through steroid-binding systems afferent to the SCN we have performed double label immunocytochemistry for oestrogen receptor-alpha(ER-alpha) and the retrograde tracer cholera toxin B subunit (CtB) after its application to the SCN. Most of the areas that contain ER-alpha-immunoreactive (ERalpha-ir) cells also contained cells afferent to the SCN. The percentage of neurones afferent to the SCN which show ERalpha-immunoreactivity varies between areas. As many as one-third of the neurones afferent to the SCN in some parts of the preoptic area and the corticomedial amygdala are ERalpha-ir. Very few of the afferent neurones from the septum and the central grey are ERalpha-ir, whereas an intermediate proportion of afferents from the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and the arcuate nucleus are ERalpha-ir. Our retrograde tracing results were compared with results of anterograde tracing from some of the sites containing SCN afferents. Using a combined retrograde and anterograde tracing technique we tested the possibility that single ERalpha-ir neurones afferent to the SCN could receive reciprocal innervation by SCN efferents. Although we found SCN input to some SCN afferent neurones, we found no evidence of reciprocity between single ERalpha-ir cells and the SCN. Our results indicate the existence of oestrogen binding systems afferent to the SCN. These neuroanatomical pathways may mediate effects of gonadal steroid hormones on circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

A high-affinity, discretely localized melatonin receptor has been characterized and mapped within the brain and pituitary of the Syrian hamster using the high specific activity ligand [125|]iodomelatonin and a combination of in vitro autoradiography and membrane homogenate receptor assays. Specific binding of radioligand was found in regions of the epithalamus and hypothalamus in the brain and the pars tuberalis of the pituitary. Excitatory amino-acid lesions destroyed [125|]iodomelatonin binding within the brain, demonstrating that binding sites are located on neurons. Analysis of [125|]iodomelatonin binding to membrane homogenates of the pars tuberalis revealed a linear relationship between specific ligand binding and the amount of tissue. The time-course of specific binding at 37°C reached equilibrium after 30 min and remained stable thereafter. The addition of increasing concentrations of [125|]iodomelatonin alone and in the presence of 1 μM melatonin showed that specific binding reached equilibrium at 80 to 100 pM. Analysis of the saturation isotherm using a one-site binding model was consistent with a single receptor site with a Kd of 29.3 (±5.9 SEM) pM and Bmax of 2.54 (±0.19 SEM) fmol/mg protein.  相似文献   

The intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) in the rat is a distinctive subdivision of the lateral geniculate complex that participates in the regulation of circadian function through its projections to the circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The present investigation was undertaken to provide a precise definition of the IGL and a characterization of its neuronal organization including neuronal morphology, chemical phenotype, connections, and synaptic organization. The IGL extends the entire rostrocaudal lenght of the geniculate complex and contains a distinct population of small to medium neurons. In Golgi preparations, the neurons are multipolar with dendrites largely confined to the IGL. The neurons can be subdivided into three groups on the basis of neurotransmitter content and projections: (1) neurons that contain GABA and neuropeptide Y and project to the SCN; (2) neurons that contain GABA and enkephalin and project to the contralateral IGL; and (3) a small group of neurons that projects to the SCN but not characterized as yet by neurotransmitter content. The IGL receives dense, bilateral input from retinal ganglion cells and dense substance P input of unknown origin. A number of neurons in the anterior hypothalamic area and, particualrly, the retrochiasmatic area project to the IGL, and there are sparse projections from brainstem monoamine and cholinergic neurons. The synaptic organization of the IGL is complex with afferents terminating in glomerular complexes that include axoaxonic synapatic interactions. Virtually all IGL afferents synapse upon dendrites and spines, with the densest synaptic input occurring on the distal portions of the dendritic arbor. The organization of the IGL and its connections as revealed in this analysis is in accord with its role in the integration of visual input with other information to provide feedback regulation of the SCN integration of visual input with other information to provide feedback regulation of the SCN pacemaker. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The circadian clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), receives a major afferent from the median raphe nucleus (MRN). In the Syrian hamster, only about 50% of the cells giving rise to this afferent contain serotonin. There is mixed evidence as to whether the serotonergic portion of this projection is involved in non‐photic phase shifting of circadian locomotor rhythms. In order to better characterize the non‐serotonergic projections, we conducted retrograde tract tracing using the beta subunit of cholera toxin combined with multi‐label immunohistochemistry. Similar to previous findings, almost half of the retrogradely labeled cells contained serotonin. Additionally, approximately 30% of the retrogradely labeled cells contained vesicular glutamate transporter 3 (VGLUT3), but not serotonin. Surprisingly, some dorsal raphe cholera toxin labeling was also noted, particularly in animals with central‐SCN injections. To determine if the non‐serotonergic projections were important for non‐photic phase shifts elicited by MRN stimulation, the MRN was electrically stimulated in animals pretreated with SCN injection of either the serotonin neurotoxin 5,7‐dihydroxytryptamine or vehicle control. Intact animals phase advanced to midday electrical stimulation of the raphe while lesioned animals did not. Together, these results show that although some of the non‐serotonergic raphe projections to the SCN contain VGLUT3, it is the serotonergic raphe innervation of the SCN that is critical for non‐photic phase shifting elicited by MRN stimulation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested a role for histamine in mediating effects of light on rodent circadian systems. We combined behavioural and neuroanatomical studies to analyze the potential role of histamine in circadian rhythm regulation of Syrian hamsters. The effects of histamine and the selective H2 receptor agonist dimaprit on free-running locomotor activity rhythms were monitored. In addition, histamine projections were mapped immunohistochemically. Histamine (0.5 μl of 1 mM) microinjected into the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus induced very small delay phase-shifts, which were significantly greater than those elicited by vehicle at circadian time (CT) 18. No other significant differences were observed. Dimaprit (0.5 μl of 1 mM) microinjected into the region of the suprachiasmatic nucleus at CT 6 and CT 18, induced very small phase-shifts which were significantly different from the effects of vehicle, but did not resemble those of light. Numerous cell bodies immunopositive for histamine were found in the tuberomammillary nucleus of the posterior hypothalamus, while histamine immunoreactive fibres were seen in the periventricular nucleus and paraventricular nucleus of the anterior hypothalamus. The suprachiasmatic nuclei were largely devoid of immunostaining. Finally, preliminary electrophysiological studies demonstrated that ionophoretic application of histamine and the H2 receptor agonist dimaprit elicit inconsistent and weak responses in the hamster suprachiasmatic nucleus in vitro. The results presented here show that microinjections of HA or dimaprit into the SCN region do not mimic the effects of light on hamster circadian rhythms, and the SCN of the Syrian hamster is almost devoid of histaminergic fibres. These studies suggest that histamine does not play a prominent role in circadian rhythm regulation in this species.  相似文献   

Dopamine and melatonin have both been implicated in mediating maternal influences on the developing circadian system of altricial rodents. The aim of these studies was to investigate their role in the entrainment of the circadian system of the adult Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus). In-situ hybridization revealed that D1-dopamine receptor (D1-R) mRNA was expressed in the adult suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) at levels comparable to neonates. As dopamine has been postulated to mimic photic stimulation during early development, experiment 1 compared the effects of a D1-R agonist and a light pulse on free-running wheel running rhythms in hamsters maintained in constant dim red light. A phase response curve to light was generated, revealing clear phase delays early in the subjective night, and large phase advances in the late subjective night. However, the D1-R agonist (SKF 81297, 2 mg/kg, s.c.) did not produce consistent phase shifts at any circadian phase. Experiment 2 tested the ability of this dopaminergic agonist to modulate photic responses of the circadian system. Free-running animals were pre-treated with SKF 81297 (2 mg/kg, s.c.) 30 min before a 15 min light pulse given early or late in the subjective night. This agonist had no effect on the magnitude of phase shifts at either circadian time. In experiment 3, light pulses at CT13–15 induced expression of the immediate early gene c-fos in the SCN, as assessed by immunocytochemistry for the protein product. In contrast, SKF 81297 (2 mg/kg, s.c.) at the same phase did not induce c-fos in the SCN, despite marked c-fos induction in the caudate-putamen, nor did it affect photic induction of c-fos in the SCN. To investigate whether dopamine might be involved in nonphotic regulation of the circadian system in adult hamsters, experiment 4 compared the response of free-running hamsters to a series of injections of SKF 81297 (2 mg/kg, s.c.) or melatonin (1 mg/kg, s.c.), since melatonin receptor expression in the SCN also persists into adulthood. Animals were treated every 23.5 h for 6 days. The serial injections of melatonin produced cumulative phase advances of up to 3 h when delivered in late subjective day, but not when presented in late subjective night. Hamsters did not respond to SKF 81297 or vehicle treatment at either circadian phase. Moreover, pre-treatment with the dopaminergic agonist did not affect the phase-advancing effects of melatonin when both were given in the serial injection protocol. These results demonstrate clear phase-dependent effects of light pulses and melatonin on circadian rhythms in Siberian hamsters, but suggest that D1-Rs in the SCN no longer modulate photic or melatonin-dependent entrainment pathways in the adult.  相似文献   

为探讨视交叉上核 (SCN)神经元对褪黑素敏感性的昼夜节律改变的机制 ,先对仓鼠进行持续光照或摘除松果腺 ,然后制成下丘脑薄片 ,记录昼夜周期中 SCN神经元的自发单位放电 ,并观察其对褪黑素的反应。结果表明 ,取自正常光照动物的脑薄片 ,SCN对外源性褪黑素产生抑制反应的单位数量有昼多夜少的节律性。取自持续光照条件下或摘除松果腺动物的 SCN,对外源性褪黑素反应的昼夜节律性消失。持续光照条件下 ,起抑制反应的单位数量增加 ,引起反应的阈值无明显改变 ;在摘除松果腺后 ,起抑制反应的单位数量减少 ,引起反应的阈值升高。实验结果提示 ,SCN神经元对外源性褪黑素敏感性 ,与内源性褪黑素水平和褪黑素受体的适应性调制有关 ,还可能与松果腺和内源性褪黑素的其他神经生化作用有关。  相似文献   

This study investigated central glutamatergic function in relation to photoperiodically-induced changes in the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH). The experimental approach was to compare the central effects of glutamate agonists on LH secretion in reproduc-tively active hamsters kept in long days (LD) with those in photoinhibited hamsters kept in short days (SD) for 6 weeks and having regressed testes. Agonists were delivered via a cannula into the III ventricle of freely moving hamsters, and blood samples collected 10 to 15 min after the start of the infusion. A high dose (3.0 nmole) of N-methyl-D-L-aspartate (NMDA) induced significant (P<0.01) increases in serum concentrations of LH in hamsters in both photoperiods, though the NMDA-induced increase relative to endogenous LH concentrations was greater in SD than in LD. However, a lower dose of NMDA (0.3 nmole) revealed a difference in sensitivity. This dose significantly increased serum LH (P<0.05) in hamsters in SD but had no effect in those in LD. The seasonal difference in response to NMDA was compared with the response to an equimolar dose of a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), a non-NMDA agonist. This dose of AMPA (0.3 nmole) induced a two-fold increase (P<0.05) in serum concentrations of LH in hamsters in both photoperiods, relative to vehicle-treated controls. In a third experiment the dose-response effects of central AMPA on LH secretion were examined more closely. The sensitivity of LH secretion to stimulation with AMPA did not differ between SD- and LD-housed hamsters. Thus the photoperiod-related difference in sensitivity to stimulation with glutamate agonists is specific for NMDA receptor-mediated activation, rather than a passive reflection of differences in the capacity to secrete GnRH/LH in SD and LD photoperiods. To investigate the site of action of NMDA, the expression of the c-fos immediate-early gene, as assessed by immunocytochemistry for its protein product Fos, was used as a marker of neuronal activation, because previous studies in rodents indicate that a high proportion of GnRH neurons express c-fos at the time of the mid-cycle LH surge. NMDA induced widespread expression of c-fos in many periventricular regions including the medial preoptic area (PDA) and ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus. However, dual ICC revealed that in neither photoperiod was Fos present in GnRH-positive neurons 1 h after infusion of 3 nmole of NMDA, despite the increases in LH secretion induced by the infusion. AMPA injected icv at doses which released LH did not enhance expression of c-fos in the hypothalamus. Thus, in the male, enhanced expression of c-fos cannot be detected in GnRH neurons at the time of increased secretion of this hormone induced by glutamate agonists. In conclusion, these results show that both NMDA and non-NMDA glutamatergic pathways potentially regulate LH secretion in the Syrian hamster. The increased sensitivity to NMDA but unaltered sensitivity to AMPA in photoinhibited hamsters in SD is consistent with the view that changes in photoperiod might induce specific alterations in NMDA-mediated pathways that ultimately regulate GnRH neurosecretory activity.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is delivered to the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) circadian pacemaker via an input from the thalamic intergeniculate leaflet. NPY can inhibit light-induced responses of the circadian system of Syrian hamsters. Here we studied whether an antagonist to NPY receptors can be used to potentiate photic phase shifts late in the subjective night. First we determined by in situ hybridization that both NPY Y1 and Y5 receptor mRNA are expressed in the SCN of Syrian hamsters. Second, similar to our previous findings at Zeitgeber time 14 (ZT 14, where ZT 12 was the time of lights off), we found that NPY applied at ZT 18.5 onto the SCN region of brain slices maintained in vitro could block NMDA-induced phase advances of the spontaneous firing rate rhythm, and this blocking effect was probably mediated by the Y5 receptor, since co-application of Y5 receptor antagonists completely reversed the effect of NPY, while application of a Y1 receptor antagonist had no effect under the same conditions. Third, we found that co-treatment with a Y5 receptor antagonist in vivo (s.c., 10 mg/kg) not only reversed the effect of NPY applied to the SCN in vivo through a cannula but also significantly potentiated the light-induced phase advance in the absence of NPY. This is the first report of a NPY receptor antagonist having such an effect, and indicates that NPY Y5 receptor antagonists could be clinically useful for potentiating circadian system responses to light.  相似文献   

Timing of the circadian clock of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is regulated by photic and non‐photic inputs. Of these, neuropeptide Y (NPY) signaling from the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) to the SCN plays a prominent role. Although NPY is critical to clock regulation, neither the mechanisms modulating IGL NPY neuronal activity nor the nature of regulatory NPY signaling in the SCN clock are understood, as NPY release in the SCN has never been measured. Here, microdialysis procedures for in vivo measurement of NPY were used in complementary experiments to address these questions. First, neuronal release of NPY in the hamster SCN was rhythmic under a 14L : 10D photocycle, with the acrophase soon after lights‐on and the nadir at midday. No rhythmic fluctuation in NPY occurred under constant darkness. Second, a behavioral phase‐resetting stimulus (wheel‐running at midday that induces IGL serotonin release) acutely stimulated SCN NPY release. Third, bilateral IGL microinjection of the serotonin agonist, (±)‐2‐dipropyl‐amino‐8‐hydroxyl‐1,2,3,4‐tetrahydronapthalene (8‐OH‐DPAT) (another non‐photic phase‐resetting stimulant), at midday enhanced SCN NPY release. Conversely, similar application of the serotonin antagonist, metergoline, abolished wheel‐running‐induced SCN NPY release. IGL microinjection of the GABA agonist, muscimol, suppressed SCN NPY release. These results support an intra‐IGL mechanism whereby behavior‐induced serotonergic activity suppresses inhibitory GABAergic transmission, promoting NPY activity and subsequent phase resetting. Collectively, these results confirm IGL‐mediated NPY release in the SCN and verify that its daily rhythm of release is dependent upon the 14L : 10D photocycle, and that it is modulated by appropriately‐timed phase‐resetting behavior, probably mediated by serotonergic activation of NPY units in the IGL.  相似文献   

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