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广州市流动人口妇女儿童患病就医现状分析 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3
目的:了解流动人口中妇女儿童卫生保健现状、存在的主要问题和原因、发现与户籍当地妇女儿童卫生保健服务的差距,为卫生行政主管部门及政府提供决策依据。方法:2003年8月~2003年9月,采用国务院妇儿工委统一调研方案,对广州市4个区866户流动妇女家庭一对一入户调查,5个问卷130个问答,逐项访谈。结果:家庭月均总收入小于1500元者占47·58%,家有子女1~5人,妇女的平均年龄27·88岁,平均居住广州时间为5·38年,有39·61%的妇女来自广东省内,约93%的妇女文化程度是中小学文化,有近半数妇女有病不就医,儿童有1/3生病不就医,有超过95%以上无医疗保险,超过50%无保健卡,儿童中以感冒、腹泻、营养不良最为常见。结论:流动人口妇女对自身保健要求低,意识差,对子女儿童保健能配合,但限于经济和社会环境,患病就医者仍处低水平,对照“两纲”要求,流动人口妇女儿童卫生保健与户籍当地者相比存在差距,因此,政府重视、政策支持,是改善流动人口妇女儿童卫生状况的关键。 相似文献
The study was based on 77 semi-structured in-depth interviews and 3 small group discussions which were conducted with informants in Windhoek, Namibia and rural Mpumalanga province, South Africa. Children (abuse survivors and others), parents, men and women from the community and a range of key informants (such as police, social workers, health workers, NGO staff and teachers) were asked about their experiences and perceptions of child rape and child rearing. This study has its roots in the recent popular concern about the high prevalence of child rape in Southern Africa. Drawing on the data, we reflect on aspects of the social context of child rape in South Africa and Namibia that at least provide space for, without actually legitimating, these acts. We argue that children are rendered vulnerable to abuse because of a series of ideas which create opportunities, the most important of which is the dominant patriarchal ideology, compounded by the pronounced age hierarchies found in these societies. The high status of men, with respect to particularly girl children, leads to vulnerability through reducing girls' ability to refuse sexual advances and generating expectations in men that they should control women and children. Rape is often an act of punishment, used to demonstrate power over girl children and manufacture control. Rape is also used as an instrument of communication with oneself (the rapist) about masculinity and powerfulness. This ability to avoid being caught was important in some rapes. Some children are rendered vulnerable by coming from backgrounds where the likelihood of cases being pursued was low. Whilst it is often said that communities abhor child rape, responses to cases show that often strong action is not taken against perpetrators and the girls may be equally, or predominantly, blamed. In cases close to home, perpetrators are often protected. Thus the dominant message is that much as child rape is abhorred, responses are highly inadequate. Advances in gender equity are central to positive change. 相似文献
Jyothis T George Kavitha S Rozario Jeffrin Anthony Edward B Jude Gerard A McKay 《Human resources for health》2007,5(1):6-6
As many as 30% of doctors working for the National Health System (NHS) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) have obtained their primary qualifications from a country outside the European Union. However, factors driving this migration of doctors to the UK merit continuing exploration. Our objective was to obtain training and employment profile of UK doctors who obtained their primary medical qualification outside the European Union (non-European doctors) and to assess self-reported reasons for their migration. 相似文献12.
Two drug abuse prevention curricula were tested to determine their efficacy in preventing the onset of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use among adolescents. The first program focused on prevention through social pressure resistance training. The second featured affective education approaches to prevention. Curricula were tested on seventh grade students. Subjects were pretested just prior to the program and were post-tested at 12 and 24 months. Post-test analyses indicated that the social program delivered to seventh grade subjects was effective in delaying the onset of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use. No preventive effect of the affective education program was observed. By the final post-test, classrooms that had received the affective program had significantly more drug use than controls. 相似文献
Evaldo Nascimento Demetrios F. Fernandes Edva P. Vieira Antonio Campos-Neto Jill A. Ashman Fabiana P. Alves Rhea N. Coler Lisa Y. Bogatzki Stuart J. Kahn Anna Marie Beckmann Samuel O. Pine Karen D. Cowgill Steven G. Reed Franco M. Piazza 《Vaccine》2010
Forty-four adult patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, controlled, dose-escalating clinical trial and were randomly assigned to receive three injections of either the LEISH-F1 + MPL-SE vaccine (consisting of 5, 10, or 20 μg recombinant Leishmania polyprotein LEISH-F1 antigen + 25 μg MPL®-SE adjuvant) (n = 27), adjuvant alone (n = 8), or saline placebo (n = 9). The study injections were given subcutaneously on Days 0, 28, and 56, and the patients were followed through Day 336 for safety, immunological, and clinical evolution endpoints. All patients received chemotherapy with meglumine antimoniate starting on Day 0. The vaccine was safe and well tolerated. Nearly all vaccine recipients and no adjuvant-alone or placebo recipients demonstrated an IgG antibody response to LEISH-F1 at Day 84. Also at Day 84, 80% of vaccine recipients were clinically cured, compared to 50% and 38% of adjuvant-alone and placebo recipients. The LEISH-F1 + MPL-SE vaccine was safe and immunogenic in CL patients and appeared to shorten their time to cure when used in combination with meglumine antimoniate chemotherapy. 相似文献
Alejandro Llanos-Cuentas Wessmark Calderón María Cruz Jill A. Ashman Fabiana P. Alves Rhea N. Coler Lisa Y. Bogatzki Sylvie Bertholet Elsa M. Laughlin Stuart J. Kahn Anna Marie Beckmann Karen D. Cowgill Steven G. Reed Franco M. Piazza 《Vaccine》2010
Adult patients with mucosal leishmaniasis (ML) were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-escalating clinical trial and were randomly assigned to receive three injections of either the LEISH-F1 + MPL-SE vaccine (consisting of 5, 10, or 20 μg recombinant Leishmania polyprotein LEISH-F1 antigen + 25 μg MPL®-SE adjuvant) (n = 36) or saline placebo (n = 12). The study injections were given subcutaneously on Days 0, 28, and 56, and the patients were followed through Day 336 for safety, immunological, and clinical evolution endpoints. All patients received standard chemotherapy with sodium stibogluconate starting on Day 0. The vaccine was safe and well tolerated, and induced both humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Furthermore, intracellular cytokine staining showed an increase in the proportion of memory LEISH-F1-specific IL-2+ CD4 T-cells after vaccination, which was associated with clinical cure. This clinical trial shows that the LEISH-F1 + MPL-SE vaccine is safe and immunogenic in patients with ML. 相似文献
目的 开发适用于评价婴幼儿照护人回应性照护水平的量表,并检验其信效度.方法 以依恋理论为基础,参考国际上回应性照护评估量表,初步构建量表条目,2020年3-5月对2 759名0~4岁儿童家长进行问卷调查,进一步检验量表信效度.采用探索性因子分析与验证性因子分析检验量表的结构效度,长处与困难问卷(SDQ)被用于检测量表的... 相似文献
Mechanisms to enhance the effectiveness of allied health and social care assistants in community‐based rehabilitation services: a qualitative study 下载免费PDF全文
Pamela Enderby MBE DSc PhD MSc FRCSLT 《Health & social care in the community》2015,23(4):389-398
This research aims to describe the factors associated with successful employment of allied health and social care assistants in community‐based rehabilitation services (CBRS) in England. The research involved the thematic analysis of interviews and focus groups with 153 professionally qualified and assistant staff from 11 older people's interdisciplinary community rehabilitation teams. Data were collected between November 2006 and December 2008. Assistants were perceived as a focal point for care delivery and conduits for enabling a service to achieve goals within interdisciplinary team structures. Nine mechanisms were identified that promoted the successful employment of assistants: (i) Multidisciplinary team input into assistant training and support; (ii) Ensuring the timely assessment of clients by qualified staff; (iii) Establishing clear communication structures between qualified and assistant staff; (iv) Co‐location of teams to promote communication and skill sharing; (v) Removing barriers that prevent staff working to their full scope of practice; (vi) Facilitating role flexibility of assistants, while upholding the principles of reablement; (vii) Allowing sufficient time for client–staff interaction; (viii) Ensuring an appropriate ratio of assistant to qualified staff to enable sufficient training and supervision of assistants; and (ix) Appropriately, resourcing the role for training and reimbursement to reflect responsibility. We conclude that upholding these mechanisms may help to optimise the efficiency and productivity of assistant and professionally qualified staff in CBRS. 相似文献
Teachers play a significant role in the socialization of children. One of the responsibilities involved with teaching is disciplining, an area where teachers teach their male and female students in accord with their beliefs and expectations as to which behaviors are appropriate in which situations. In this study, teachers' beliefs about the use of appropriate discipline philosophies for the misbehaviors of male and female students were explored. Participants were one hundred and thirty teachers employed in public schools located in a mid-sized southeastern city in the US. Teachers were found to have different beliefs with regard to the use of discipline philosophies for the misbehaviors of male and female students. The most significant implication of this study was that teacher training and education programs need to be re-evaluated and geared at raising awareness toward gender issues and thus creating equal opportunities for boys and girls. 相似文献