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萎缩性舌炎(atrophic glossitis)是多种疾病引起的舌粘膜的萎缩性改变。本文对它的病因、临床表现以及治疗方面作了初步的观察。  相似文献   

萎缩性舌炎的临床治疗观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究对与消化系统疾病及慢性贫血有关的20例萎缩性舌炎患者采取了针对病因治疗,疗效满意。患者均为女性,平均年龄62岁(45~68岁),病程为5个月~3年。20例患者经治疗后,贫血及细胞免疫功能均有不同程度的改善和提高。舌背充血、舌灼痛、食物刺激痛均消失。菌状乳头及丝状乳头全部增生长出者8例,乳头部分增生长出者12例  相似文献   

目的探讨萎缩性舌炎(atrophic glossitis,AG)分型及其与维生素B12(vitamin B12,VitB12)、叶酸(folic acid,FOL)及血细胞参数变化的相关性。方法 70例AG患者(AG组)按照是否伴有舌黏膜糜烂或溃疡分为复杂型AG组和单纯型AG组,65例无口腔黏膜病的志愿者为对照组,检测复杂型AG组、单纯型AG组及对照组外周血的Vit B12、FOL及血细胞参数水平,采用SPSS 25.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果复杂型AG组Vit B12水平低于单纯型AG组,且红细胞计数(red blood cell count,RBC)为(3.52±0.69)×1012·L-1,血红蛋白(hemoglobin,HGB)为(11.97±1.70)g·d L-1,白细胞计数(white blood cell count,WBC)为(4.85±1.16)×109·L-1,中性粒细胞计数(neutrophil count,NEUT)为(2.76±0.99)×...  相似文献   

萎缩性舌炎病因探讨及治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨萎缩性舌炎的病因及治疗。方法分析2000—2004年有完整记录的临床病例139例,并根据病因进行相应治疗。结果32例由口干引起,50例由念珠菌感染引起,57例由慢性贫血引起。慢性贫血引起的萎缩性舌炎中有28例患有慢性胃肠疾患,34例平均红细胞容积(MCV)高于正常;8例血红蛋白(Hb)低于正常;血清铁蛋白(SF)含量与正常相比无显著性差异,但有下降趋势。根据病因进行有效的治疗,取得满意的效果。结论萎缩性舌炎局部应抗真菌治疗,由慢性贫血等引起的萎缩性舌炎治疗中不应忽视维生素B6、B12、叶酸的应用。  相似文献   

本研究用中西医结合治疗萎缩性舌炎 50例 ,总有效率达 96 % ,尤其无相关全身性疾病者 ,疗效尤佳。  相似文献   

萎缩性舌炎是口腔黏膜最常见的疾病之一,是由多种因素引起的舌背黏膜的萎缩性改变,可伴有口干及烧灼感等非特异性症状。由于该病的病因复杂,临床难以进行特异性的治疗而多采用对因、对症治疗。本文将从系统性疾病、维生素缺乏、微生物感染和药物不良反应等方面对萎缩性舌炎病因的相关研究进展进行综述,以期为临床提供新的参考。  相似文献   

目的:调查老年住院患者萎缩性舌炎和蛋白质能量营养不良的发生率,探索两者之间的关系。方法:根据萎缩性舌炎的诊断标准调查87例老年住院患者及81例健康体检老年人萎缩性舌炎的发生率;应用微型营养评定(MNA)和简易微型营养评定(MNA-SF)分别对两组老年人进行营养评估,同时检测部分营养相关性血清生化指标。结果:老年住院患者萎缩性舌炎的发生率(20.7%)高于健康体检老年人(4.9%);根据MNA-SF评估结果,老年住院患者营养不良的发生率(42.4%)高于健康体检老年人(23.4%)。老年住院患者中,营养不良者患萎缩性舌炎的相对危险度是营养良好者的10.95倍(95%CI:2.86~41.94);萎缩性舌炎组患者平均MNA得分、平均血清白蛋白、平均血清胆固醇水平低于非萎缩性舌炎组患者。结论:老年住院患者中萎缩性舌炎及蛋白质能量营养不良的发生率较高,萎缩性舌炎的发生与营养不良有关,是营养不良的重要表现。  相似文献   

目的 通过文献计量学方法分析萎缩性舌炎(atrophic glossitis,AG)相关研究的热点及发展趋势,了解AG的研究现状,为今后的研究提供参考。方法 利用Web of Science核心合集(web of science core collection,WoSCC)数据库检索1900-01-01至2022-12-01有关AG的文献,并应用Bibliometrix软件对数据进行可视化分析。结果 共纳入70篇AG相关文献,2019年之前每年的发文量及被引频次均呈现稳定上升趋势。发文量排名并列第1位的作者是Chang JYF和Wang YP(各23篇),发文量排名首位的国家是中国(31篇),Taiwan University和Taiwan University Hospital(各25篇)占据研究机构发文量的并列第1位,发文量最多的期刊是Journal of the Formosan Medical Association(22篇)。AG的两大主要研究领域是内科-普通内科及牙科学、口腔外科和医学。AG相关文献高频关键词包括:atrophic glossitis(29次)、vitami...  相似文献   

萎缩性舌炎是指舌黏膜的萎缩性改变,可由多种全身性疾病引起。除舌乳头萎缩消失外,舌上皮全层以至舌肌都可萎缩变薄,全舌红绛,光滑如镜面,故又称光滑舌或镜面舌[1]。萎缩性舌炎的病因是复杂的,慢性贫血、干燥综合征及维生素缺乏等均可导致舌乳头的萎缩。因此,临床治  相似文献   

Nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to detect the presence of Helicobacter pylori in tongue mucosa in 268 patients divided into four groups according to their diagnosis: 87 with atrophic glossitis, 37 with benign migratory glossitis and 144 with burning mouth syndrome (BMS). The latter group was subdivided according to anatomic site of burning sensation: subgroup A (54 patients) with complaints limited to tongue and subgroup B (90 patients) with burning sensations in other parts of oral mucosa. H. pylori was found in 43 samples (16%). Bacteria were significantly less present in tongue mucosa affected with benign migratory glossitis compared with atrophic glossitis and BMS (P=0.025). This difference was more obvious when compared with atrophic glossitis only (P=0.006). Mucosal changes in these conditions might make the oral environment more acceptable for H. pylori colonization compared with normal mucosa, and this mechanism may play a role in its oro-oral transmission.  相似文献   

Changes in the oral microbial flora, some of which are related to mucosal disease, have been delected in the elderly, but the causes are not fully understood. This study has examined the possible role of micronutrient depletions in the reduced colonisation resistance and oral infection exhibited by some elderly subjects. The oral health, oral microbiology and micronutrient status of 37 geriatric patients aged 65–91 years (mean 81 years) were examined. Ten of the patients had no oral mucosal disease. Mucosal pathology in the remainder included erythema (27%). denture stomatitis (24%). angular cheilitis (16%) and atrophic glossitis (41%). Those with mucosal pathology had significantly lower serum iron concentrations ( P = 0.02). Serum or plasma concentrations of zinc, copper, selenium, C-reactive protein, transferring, caeruloplasmin, albumin, vitamin A and vitamin E were not significantly different between those with oral disease and those with healthy mouths. Similarly, activity of the selenium-containing enzyme, red cell glutathione peroxidase, did not differ significantly between the two groups. In both groups, plasma selenium concentrations (82%), red cell glutathione peroxidase activity (47%), plasma zinc concentrations (58%) and albumin concentrations (44%) tended to be below the lower limit of the reference interval. The influence of sub-clinical infection on these values is discussed.  相似文献   

目的:分析萎缩性舌炎(atrophic glossitis,AG)与贫血及相关因子、贫血类型及其他相关因素(口腔念珠菌感染、口干症)的关系。方法:收集124例萎缩性舌炎患者和53例健康对照者,检测2组血红蛋白(Hb)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、维生素B12、铁蛋白、叶酸含量、是否伴贫血及贫血类型、是否伴口干症及念珠菌感染。采用SPSS 20.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:124例患者中,伴发贫血占48.39%,伴发口干症占41.94%,伴发念珠菌感染占79.03%。伴维生素B12缺乏占29.03%,伴铁蛋白缺乏占22.58%,伴叶酸缺乏占11.29%。舌炎组血红蛋白、铁蛋白、维生素B12含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),伴发贫血、口干症和念珠菌感染人数显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:萎缩性舌炎发生与贫血、维生素B12缺乏、铁蛋白缺乏、口干症、口腔念珠菌感染密切相关,与叶酸缺乏不存在相关性。萎缩性舌炎伴发贫血患者中,伴大细胞性贫血情况尤为突出。  相似文献   

J Oral Pathol Med (2012) 41 : 500–504 Background: Atrophic glossitis (AG) is considered to be a marker of nutritional deficiency. In this study, we evaluated whether there was an intimate association of the deficiency of hemoglobin, iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid, high blood homocysteine level, and serum gastric parietal cell antibody (GPCA) positivity with AG. Methods: The blood hemoglobin, iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, and homocysteine concentrations and the serum GPCA level in 176 AG patients were measured and compared with the corresponding levels in 176 age‐ and sex‐matched healthy control subjects. Results: We found that 39 (22.2%), 47 (26.7%), 13 (7.4%), and 3 (1.7%) AG patients had deficiencies of Hb (men < 13 g/dl, women < 12 g/dl), iron (<60 μg/dl), vitamin B12 (<200 pg/ml), and folic acid (<4 ng/ml), respectively. Moreover, 38 (21.6%) AG patients had abnormally high blood homocysteine level, and 47 (26.7%) AG patients had serum GPCA positivity. AG patients had a significantly higher frequency of Hb, iron, or vitamin B12 deficiency, of abnormally elevated blood homocysteine level, or of serum GPCA positivity than healthy control subjects (all P‐values = 0.000). However, no significant difference in frequency of folic acid deficiency was found between AG patients and healthy control subjects. Conclusion: We conclude that there is a significant association of deficiency of hemoglobin, iron and vitamin B12, abnormally high blood homocysteine level, and serum GPCA positivity with AG.  相似文献   

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