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In a finding that reflects international experiences, nurses in Australia have been identified as the occupation at most risk of patient‐related violence in the health‐care sector. A search of the literature was undertaken to explore this concept, with a focus on the emergency department and triage nurses. Significant findings included the fact that nurses are subjected to verbal and physical abuse so frequently that, in many instances, it has become an accepted part of the job. This attitude, combined with the chronic under‐reporting of violent incidents, perpetuates the normalization of violence, which then becomes embedded in the workplace culture and inhibits the development of preventative strategies and the provision of a safe working environment. Nurses are entitled to a safe workplace that is free from violence under both the occupational health and safety legislation and the zero‐tolerance policies that have been adopted in many countries including Australia, the UK, Europe, and the USA. Therefore, policy‐makers and administrators should recognize this issue as a priority for preventative action.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a qualitative project conducted to investigate the education and training requirements that non-mental health trained emergency nurses need to enable them to effectively care for psychiatric patients presenting to a West Australian emergency department. Non-mental health trained nurses are ill-equipped in their psychiatric knowledge, assessment and communication skills to provide best possible care to the one in ten patients presenting to the emergency department with a complex mental health issue. The area of assessment and management of mental health patients in the emergency department is a complex one and staff are required to assess, triage and manage these patients appropriately. Furthermore, with aggression and violence increasing, emergency department nurses are concerned about their safety in the workplace. Focus groups with emergency nurses and semi-structured interviews with subject matter experts were conducted at one West Australian teaching hospital. The findings of the project demonstrated that these nurses considered that customer focus, workplace aggression and violence, psychiatric theory, mental health assessment and chemical dependence as key learning areas. These findings will form a platform for further education and training for ED staff.  相似文献   

Incidents of aggression are frequent occurrences in hospitals, particularly the emergency department. Aggression creates instability in the environment, impacts on patient care outcomes and leads to increased levels of stress in staff. Regular exposure to aggression in the workplace can have detrimental effects on health professionals’ ongoing quality of life. The emergency department is a gateway to care and is heavily populated 24 h a day. Therefore, it is essential that all health professionals are confident and well prepared to manage aggression.Based upon a review of the literature this paper outlines the causes of aggression and provides an interdisciplinary action plan for intervening with aggressive patients in the emergency department. The importance of interdisciplinary ownership and the well planned management of aggression are outlined.When well managed, the impact of aggression can be limited. Stability in the emergency department ensures that health professionals can be responsive to the community’s needs for emergency care. This leads to the provision of effective and timely care and a stable work environment for all health professionals.  相似文献   

Internationally, violence in the emergency department (ED) is of a constant concern to emergency practitioners. Frequently, both original research papers and anecdotal reports emphasise the phenomenon of alcohol related aggression in the ED. In this first paper, we highlight the literatures discussion of alcohol related violence in the emergency department and the potential psychological effects of alcohol intoxication. In the second we offer personal and organisational strategies clinical nursing staff may consider appropriate to minimise the risk of assault when caring for service users projecting alcohol related aggression.  相似文献   

Internationally literature emphasises concern regarding the phenomenon of violence and aggression within the emergency field. This paper emphasises the important role education and training may play in reducing the risk of staff being exposed to violent or aggressive experiences. Furthermore, the paper emphasises, explores and discusses well recognised theories relating to aggression development. These theories can be used to explain both organisational strategies designed to minimise aggression in the emergency department and situational factors contributing to the development of aggressive interactions.  相似文献   

Aims. A literature review was conducted to identify and evaluate the research base underpinning care for emergency department patients who have experienced domestic violence. Background. The extent of domestic violence in the general population has placed it high on health and social policy agendas. The Department of Health has recognized the role of health care professionals to identify and provide interventions for patients who have experienced domestic violence. Method. Systematic review. Results. At least 6% of emergency department patients have experienced domestic violence in the previous 12 months although actual prevalence rates are probably higher. Simple direct questioning in a supportive environment is effective in facilitating disclosure and hence detecting cases of abuse. Although routine screening is most effective, index of suspicion screening is the current mode of practice in the UK. Index of suspicion screening is likely to contribute to under‐detection and result in inequitable health care. Patients with supportive networks have reduced adverse mental health outcomes. Women will have negative perceptions of emergency care if their abuse is minimalized or not identified. Women want their needs and the needs of their children to be explored and addressed. Access to community resources is increased if patients receive education and information. Conclusion. Domestic violence is an indisputable health issue for many emergency department patients. Practitioners face challenges from ambiguity in practice guidelines and the paucity of research to support interventions. Recommendations for practice based on the current evidence base are presented. Relevance to clinical practice. The nursing care for patients in emergency and acute health care settings who have experienced domestic violence should focus on three domains of: (1) Providing physical, psychological and emotional support; (2) Enhancing safety of the patient and their family; (3) Promoting self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

Assaults on health care staff have been a fact of life since the earliest years of organised health services, but it is only in recent years that governments have begun to acknowledge the problem. Assaults not only inflict physical and emotional injury, but undermine morale, create a climate of fear, and subvert the quality of care. They are also costly in terms of lost labour, compensation, and legal and procedural expenses. The response to violence in health care settings has thus far ranged from what might be called the 'Ostrich position', in which it is simply ignored, to training in self-defence, the deployment of security staff in clinical areas, conflict resolution training and, more recently, the policy of 'zero tolerance'. This paper examines the rationale for zero tolerance policies, drawing on their origins and applications in the United States and Britain. It suggests that zero tolerance is an ineffective response to violence in health care settings, and its adoption by authorities in Australia should be rejected. It is further argued, that resource allocation and marginalisation are identifiable and modifiable factors contributing to violence in our health care systems.  相似文献   

How can health care staff be helped by learning about aggression and violence in health care settings. This is a report of how 'Case Reports' were used as a basis for staff development through educational intervention and organisational change. The project was carried out in two stages. Firstly, 'Case Reports' were collected to document and illuminate the experiences of health care staff, and these reports were used as a basis for teaching and learning. Secondly, opportunities were provided for health care staff to review existing policies and guidelines relevant to aggression and violence in health care settings. The views of 253 health care staff from five Health Authorities were explored. Health care staff reported 1) experiencing verbal abuse, hostility, actual contact violence, fears and anxieties during work; 2) that although they were exposed to aggression and/or actual contact violence, training was sparse or non-existent; 3) that policies and guidelines where they existed were out of data and were not relevant to the variety of health care settings in which they worked; and 4) that their skills in this area could be improved through training, with particular attention to listening skills, facilitation skills; verbal and non-verbal communication and assertion skills.  相似文献   

Emergency Departments (ED) are providing care for increasing numbers of patients who present as a result of criminal or interpersonal violence and patients may be victims, suspects or perpetrators. As a result, the role of emergency nurses in the recognition, collection and preservation of forensic evidence is increasing. There is little published literature about the role and responsibilities of emergency nurses regarding the collection and preservation of evidence in the state of Victoria and this is complicated by a lack of department and organisation policy and the need for more specific educational preparation of emergency nurses in this area. While it is well accepted that the primary focus of nursing care will always be the physical and emotional care of the patient, the increasing importance of the role of emergency nurses in the recognition and collection of forensic evidence in Victoria is now being recognized and the need for education of emergency nurses in this area understood. This paper reviews the literature related to the recognition, collection and preservation, of forensic materials in EDs by emergency nurses in the state of Victoria and discusses the role of emergency nurses in Victoria in caring for patients who present as victims of violence and in whom the collection and preservation of forensic evidence is required.  相似文献   

Workplace violence is a growing concern among health care workers, especially staff working in emergency departments. Emergency department leaders have oversight accountability that includes mitigation of workplace violence risks and staff education related to workplace violence prevention. Challenges associated with workplace violence events include disruption of safe patient care, decreased staff job satisfaction, and increased turnover. Improving safety for staff, patients, and visitors requires a culture focused on safety. A summary of current regulations, standards, and resources available to date is provided, including a list of mitigation strategies that can be easily translated into practice by emergency nurse leaders.  相似文献   

Violence and aggression experienced by emergency nurses has been the focus of international concern. This paper examines the phenomena of violence experienced by emergency department nursing staff from an international perspective by reviewing original, published research studies. Methodological inconsistencies and concerns, a lack of comprehensive studies and persistent under-reporting may mean that the reality of clinical practise has not being captured by researchers. The literature suggests that clients presenting with weapons in the emergency department may be characteristic of North American departments but is much less likely to occur in the United Kingdom were weapons use is much more likely to be opportunistic. Excessive verbal abuse is a global phenomenon and nursing staff and organisations may be significantly affected by workplace violence. However, violence against nursing staff remains poorly researched or understood.  相似文献   

Background. Reported rates of workplace violence are increasing and studies of violence and aggression to health service staff in the United Kingdom have largely focused upon mental health and accident and emergency units. The study of violence and aggression in other specialties has been neglected. This paper reports the findings from a survey of staff perceptions of training and support in an elderly care and head injury unit. Aims and objectives. Staff in a care of older people and head injury unit, half of whom were nurses, were surveyed to identify their experiences of violence and aggression in the workplace, their receipt of training, the relevance of training and knowledge of support services. Methods. An anonymous semi‐structured questionnaire was sent to all nursing, therapy and psychology staff in the unit. Quantitative data were analysed by SPSS and content analysis was adopted for the qualitative data. Results. Just over half the participants had experienced an incident of violence or aggression in the past 12 months. Training was judged to be relevant by almost 90% of respondents but was not always delivered in line with trust guidance. Staff who had been involved in incidents were more likely to identify training needs. A higher percentage of nurses than other professions were involved in incidents, but they were not as aware of the staff support department as other professional groups. Conclusions. The findings indicate that care of older people and head injury units should examine more closely the delivery of staff training on violence and aggression, and invite staff to identify their training needs. A national survey of approaches to staff support may be worthwhile. Relevance to clinical practice. Staff who had received training judged it to be relevant to their working situations, but outstanding training needs should be identified and addressed. Confidential staff support facilities should be well publicized.  相似文献   

The impact of violence on the carers has yet to be clearly defined and explored. Research has shown that there is significant under-reporting of violence against emergency department personnel. There exist published reports of serious injury or death to staff due to violence occurring in the emergency department. Physical violence occurs in about 50% of violent incidents. The occurrence of threats, assault not resulting in injury, and the psychological impact of such violence need further examination. The part workplace violence has to play in occupational stress and ‘burnout’ are all issues yet to be comprehensively studied and reported. One study has shown a significant reduction in assault and injury in staff trained in aggression control techniques. Further evaluation of aggression control training and psychological debriefing are needed to determine the effect of such measures on the incidence of violence and its sequelae on care givers. Only when there is further research to determine the physical, emotional and financial impact on the carer can the cost of violent events be defined and give financial justification to employers for investing in measures aimed at reducing the impact of these events on the carer.  相似文献   

Violence in the emergency department (ED) is a global problem. In our first paper, we highlighted the potential psychological effects of alcohol intoxication, the literatures discussion of alcohol related violence in the emergency department and the importance of developing positive nurse/service user relationships. In this second paper, we discuss personal and organisational strategies clinical nursing staff may consider appropriate to minimise the risk of assault when caring for service users projecting alcohol related aggression.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression (DASA) is an assessment tool that has been validated to predict violent or aggressive behavior in psychiatric inpatient settings. Its validity has not been established for use in the emergency department.MethodsThe DASA was implemented within the electronic health record of an academic medical center with inpatient psychiatric services. A retrospective analysis was conducted using Spearman rank-correlation coefficients to compare a final risk score with the subsequent occurrence of violence or aggression, defined as the use of hard leather physical restraints or the administration of intramuscular sedative medication. A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to summarize the predictive accuracy of the tool to assess aggression in behavioral health patients in the emergency department.ResultsA total of 3,433 scores were analyzed, representing 1,548 patients. The DASA had predictive validity with increasing scores comparing all tested cutoff scores against incidence of violence and aggression. The area under the curve comparing scores of 0 versus more than 0 was 0.79. The median time to subsequent aggression was 110 minutes.DiscussionThe DASA has predictive validity for use in evaluating behavioral health patients in the ED setting in an urban academic medical center. The tool is capable of predicting violence or aggression within a time frame conducive to the implementation of noninvasive measures. The DASA should be tested in other ED settings to further establish its predictive validity.  相似文献   

There has been an increase in violence and aggression in emergency departments (EDs) in recent years. Among professional health care workers, nurses are more likely than other staff members to be involved in aggressive incidents with patients or relatives. This research study was undertaken to determine nurses’ perceptions of the factors that cause violence and aggression in the ED. Using a qualitative approach, twelve nurses working in an Irish ED were interviewed. Thematic analysis of the interview data revealed that environmental and communication factors contributed to violence and aggression in the ED. Participants perceived waiting times and lack of communication as contributing factors to aggression, and triage was the area in the ED where aggression was most likely to occur. A number of key recommendations arise from the study findings and they all relate to communication. To address the aggression that may arise from waiting times, electronic boards indicating approximate waiting times may be useful. Also, information guides and videotapes on the patient’s journey through the ED may be of benefit. Consideration to the appointment of a communication officer in the ED and communication training for ED staff is also recommended.  相似文献   

IntroductionComplex personal duress alarms may be implemented as part of a multicomponent approach to preventing and mitigating workplace violence in emergency departments. Evaluation of duress alarms after implementation has been identified as a gap in the literature. The purpose of this quality improvement project was to examine the impact of a duress alarm system on workplace violence and user experience in an urban emergency department.MethodsA comprehensive system evaluation was performed using a mixed-methods approach, which included retrospective data review, key informant interviews, observations, and a survey. Forty clinical staff at an emergency department in North Carolina were interviewed and provided feedback on the duress system.ResultsFindings indicated that the duress system was not associated with a decrease in workplace violence, and that the majority of clinical staff did not even wear the duress alarm. Staff indicated that the primary barriers to use of the alarm were the bulky design of the alarm badge, inadequate education about the alarm device and process, and the lack of a reliable and timely response from security.DiscussionOngoing engagement of clinical staff is critical to the success of health care technology implementations. Staff feedback, periodic re-education, and recurring process evaluations are vital to ensuring the continued relevance of systems, especially when staff safety is the intended purpose.  相似文献   

Although violence is increasing in most workplaces, it has become a significant problem in health care professions. Not only has the number of incidents increased but also the severity of the impact has caused profound traumatic effects on the primary, secondary and tertiary victims. More health care professionals than ever are suffering from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.Addressing the problem of violence in the workplace has been exacerbated by a lack of a clear definition of what constitutes aggression and violence. As a result, some administrators have been slow to commit resources to prevent further incidents and mitigate the impact. This article describes the magnitude of the problem from both an academic research and an operational perspective. A definition is presented as an initial step towards standardizing the research, and establishing an appropriate baseline upon which intervention policies and procedures can be created. This benchmark will also help to encourage empirical research into aggression and violence in health care professions and other professions. Further research needs to be conducted to create a comprehensive instrument that can more accurately measure the range of incidents and the severity of the impact.  相似文献   

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