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目的 测评医院为职工提供的服务质量,了解职工感受,提出建议,最终提升医疗服务质量.方法 根据ServQual量表5个维度的国际定义,自行设计22个问项的职工调查问卷.采用分层抽样法对职工进行调查.数据录入SPSS20.0统计软件,运用描述性统计和非参数统计分析法分析.结果 职工有形性感受满意,移情性感受最差,可靠性、响应性、保证性感受一般.40 ~ 49岁组职工感受差;临床一线职工感受差,尤其是医生感受差.结论 医院应采取积极措施为职工服务,提高职工感知服务质量.  相似文献   

目的 测评医院患者和职工的感知服务质量,了解患者就诊和职工工作满意程度,提升医疗服务质量。方法 根据ServQual量表5个维度定义设计患者组与职工组两套量表,每套量表共设22个问项的问卷调查表,分别对医院门诊、住院患者和职工发放问卷,并让职工填写患者卷自评对患者提供的服务质量,用数据SPSS20.0统计分析。结果 患者卷和职工自评卷5个维度感受满意。职工卷有形性感受满意,移情性和可靠性感受性差,保证性与响应性感受性次之。女职工较男职工感受性好,30~49岁组职工感受性差,临床一线职工感受性差,其中以医技人员和医生为突出。结论 医院应保护职工利益、需求,合理安排工作时间与强度。提升职工感知服务质量更能提升患者感知的医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

目的运用Servperf量表研究并评价医疗检查感知服务质量。方法基于Servperf量表对患者进行调查分析。结果 (1)医疗检查服务质量的水平较低,其总体得分率为66.53%;(2)在医疗检查服务质量的量表里共有5个评价维度,按照患者认可程度由优至差依次是保证性、有形性、可靠性、响应性和关怀性(67.45%,67.33%,67.08%,65.98%,65.03%);(3)医院对患者所承诺的事情都能及时完成、医疗检查设施具有吸引力、现代化的医疗检查设备、医生总是乐于帮助病人、医院营业时间合理5个条目进入了影响医疗检查满意度的回归方程中,影响程度依次降低。结论感知服务质量的高低直接影响着医疗检查满意度,提升医疗检查的服务质量需要采取针对性措施。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查患者对医院服务质量期望与实际感知之间的差距,从患者感知角度,有针对性采取措施,提升医院服务质量。方法:设计SERVQUAL量表对某医院364名患者进行医院服务质量期望与感知情况问卷调查。结果:感知均值均显著低于期望均值,IPA分析显示,可靠性、有效性维度处于高期望高感知区域,经济性和响应性维度处于高期望低感知区域,有形性维度处于低期望高感知区域,人性化和信任感维度处于低期望低感知区域。结论:该医院住院患者感知到的服务质量较期望服务质量还有一定差距,可靠性和有形性方面需继续保持,经济性和响应性方面可以作为宣传点吸引患者;人性化和信任感方面应该作为发展医院特色的契机,有形性方面是医院在今后的工作中需要重点发展的内容。  相似文献   

目的研究基于患者视角的杭州市三级甲等(三甲)医院服务质量评价量表。方法采用现场调查的方法,抽取杭州市7所三甲医院的364名患者进行问卷调查,运用统计分析方法对调查的问卷进行信度、效度检验分析。结果经过统计分析,本研究量表的Cronbach’sα信度系数为0.90,5个因子累计贡献率为69.89%。结论本研究所构建的量表具有较高的信度和效度,能够对杭州市三甲医院医疗服务质量进行有效的评价。  相似文献   

参考PZB修正的SERVQUAL量表,采用文献分析、问卷调查的方法,构建评价社区卫生服务质量的原始指标,通过预调查进行项目分析后修正问卷,以期开发出适合当前国情特点和体现医疗卫生体制改革阶段性特征的社区卫生服务服务质量测量量表。  相似文献   

目的构建互联网诊疗服务质量评价量表并进行信效度检验。方法以SERVQUAL模型为基础,使用文献回顾、半结构访谈和专家函询法,初步构建互联网诊疗服务质量评价量表。通过预调查保证量表条目语言表述的准确性、通俗性。采用便利抽样法,于2021年1月-2月在北京市某三甲医院按就诊号顺序随机抽取至少互联网诊疗1次的340名门诊患者进行量表调查,并运用SPSS 17.0和AMOS 23.0 软件检验量表信效度。结果互联网诊疗服务质量评价量表包括可靠性、便捷性、响应性3个维度共15个条目。探索性因子分析提出3个公因子,累积方差贡献率为49.04%。总量表Cronbach's α系数为0.899,可靠性维度、便捷性维度和响应性维度的Cronbach's α系数分别为0.787、0.723、0.610。验证性因子分析结果显示,该量表模型拟合度较好,量表因子结构稳定。结论基于SERVQUAL模型构建的互联网诊疗服务质量评价量表具有较好的信效度,可用于评价互联网诊疗服务质量,从而为医疗机构改进互联网诊疗服务质量提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:调查公立医院患者对人文服务质量的期望和实际感受的情况,为深化人文医院建设提供建议。方法:以南京市某三甲综合性公立医院就诊患者为调查对象,采用修订的Servqual量表调查就诊患者对医院人文服务质量的期望与实际感受之间的差距,运用统计学描述、t检验和IPA矩阵分析调查数据。结果:296名被调查的患者对医院人文服务质量的总体评价为-0.07,20个条目和5个维度的得分均为负值。在承诺的事情及时完成、医务人员关心并及时帮助、准确告知就诊时间段等8个方面,人文服务质量尚未达到患者的期望且具有一定的改进空间。结论:患者对医院人文服务质量总体期望较高、总体感受较好。针对需改进的人文服务方面,建议开展调研,加强人文服务顶层设计;开拓创新,引领人文品牌示范。  相似文献   

笔者以中医健康科普作为一种社会服务,从理论的视角,运用服务质量决定因素模型和差距分析原理探析科普服务的持续改进。通过模型与逻辑推理,抓准中医科普服务现状的痛处及其五大因素表现,探寻科普服务传递过程中五个认识间差距。通过缩小差距,形成有目的系统地提升中医科普服务质量。最后,以广东省中医院的自身经验,梳理总结出中医健康科普对和谐医患具有正向积极效用。  相似文献   

目的医务人员评价本医院医疗服务质量,提高医院竞争力。方法运用Servqual评价量表对医务人员进行问卷调查,得出医院医务人员医院医疗服务质量现状。结果医院的医务人员仪表、医务人员专业知识等方面存在优势;医院在医院设备设施、医院对患者承诺等方面存在提高空间。结论针对医院服务质量存在的问题,管理者应采取相应措施提高医疗服务质量。  相似文献   

Physicians, nurses, and consumers in the New York City area were asked to indicate which of 76 acute-care hospitals they would be willing to be patients in if they became seriously ill. Percentages of favorable judgments ranged from a high of 95% for one university hospital to a low of less than 10% for a community hospital. Over half of all responding physicians, nurses, and consumers indicated that they would not wish to be a patient in the majority of the 76 hospitals sampled. Although a high degree of consistency (r = .93) was observed among all three types of respondents, physicians were on the average significantly more pessimistic (X percentage of favorable judgments = 34) than nurses and consumers. All three groups indicated a statistically significant (p less than .001) preference for larger hospitals as well as institutions that were affiliated with a medical school in some way.  相似文献   


We found that 36% of 815 consecutive patients on a general medical service of a university hospital had an iatrogenic illness. In 9% of all persons admitted, the incident was considered major in that it threatened life or produced considerable disability. In 2% of the 815 patients, the iatrogenic illness was believed to contribute to the death of the patient. Exposure to drugs was a particularly important factor in determining which patients had complications. Given the increasing number and complexity of diagnostic procedures and therapeutic agents, monitoring of untoward events is essential, and attention should be paid to educational efforts to reduce the risks of iatrogenic illness.  相似文献   

[目的]分析地市级公立医院住院患者在医疗技术、医德医风、服务态度、流程管理、医疗费用、就医环境等方面的就医体验,对地市级公立医疗服务质量进行科学评估,为进一步提高地市级公立医院服务质量提供依据.[方法]从某市域内选取4家公立医院的518名患者进行面对面问卷调查.采用描述性分析方法、Friedman M秩和检验、Pear...  相似文献   

Describes research undertaken to assess the quality of service provided by a public university health clinic. The SERVQUAL instrument was administered to patients of the University of Houston Health Center in order to evaluate customer perceptions of service quality. The results of this study are currently being incorporated into the clinic's strategic planning process, specifically with respect to future resource allocation towards quality improvement projects.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The issues surrounding the measurement and provision of service quality in a health care setting are becoming increasingly important to nursing. This research study aims to apply the SERVQUAL measurement instrument in a Scottish colposcopy clinic. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The study involved adapting the SERVQUAL instrument to the colposcopy setting and asking a sample of patients to complete the questionnaire. Patient expectations of service were obtained on first attendance at the clinic. Patient perceptions of service received were obtained on completion of treatment. Perceptions and expectations are then compared to identify where the largest service gaps exist. FINDINGS: Although patient satisfaction with the overall service provided was generally high, the instrument provided evidence of where specific service improvements were needed. The largest service quality gap was for the reliability of service. The research also revealed the need for improved premises. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Although the study has a limited sample size, it does appear that the SERVQUAL instrument has a useful diagnostic role to play in assessing and monitoring service quality in nursing, enabling nursing staff to identify where improvements are needed from the patients' perspective. The study has raised a number of issues which would form the basis for useful further research. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Service quality from the patients' perspective should be routinely monitored and assessed. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The findings should be useful to nursing staff seeking to assess, and improve, service quality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim was to carry out a prospective study about the characteristics of the public seen at a psychiatric emergency room and of its service. METHODS: The data were acquired though a protocol developed for this study and applied to all the patients seen during two months. RESULTS: 600 protocols were filled out, corresponding to 96.5% (487 patients) of the attendance during the study period. Most of the patients seen were males, single, with a low educational level, professionally inactive and living with their families. The most frequent diagnoses were psychoactive substance use disorders (26.3%), schizophrenia (15.5%), manic episode (11.8%), major depression (10.9%) and non-psychotic disorders (10.9%). There were differences between gender in some diagnostic categories. After initial evaluation, 2/3 were medicated, (1/2) stayed under observation, and (1/4) stayed more than 10 hours in the service unit. About 20% of the attendance resulted in hospitalization and 60% in referrals to outpatient services. Discharges due to evasion represented only 2.0% of the total. Returning service users did not differ from those seen only once to what concern marital status, professional situation and household conditions. However, returning users presented a higher frequency of previous hospitalization and psychotic disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with severe psychiatric disorders were seen in an actual emergency situation. The psychiatric emergency service has been expanding its actions and has been an effective part of the mental health service network.  相似文献   

Permanent education has been a source of constant reflections due to a rapid technological evolution, which brings about changes in work organization, and requires updated knowledge from workers. In the context of this new technological paradigm in production relations and work organization, we analyzed the permanent education activities involving outsourced workers in the cleaning sector of a university hospital and evaluated their knowledge about work environment contamination risks and the importance of their work for health maintenance. Six semi-structured interviews were carried out with the outsourced workers in the cleaning sector and two with the persons in charge of permanent education for these workers, besides four activity observation periods and the field diary. All workers considered permanent education essential because they had no previous experience in relation to hospital cleaning.  相似文献   

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