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随着现代医学模式的转变,“图书疗法”对病人的积极作用日益为广大医护人员、患者所接受。早在20世纪初,西方一些国家就已开始探索并逐步在医院建立病人图书馆,对患者的治疗和康复起到了积极的作用。近年来国内一些医院图书馆也在为患者服务方面进行了尝试。传统医学只注重来自患者躯体方面的问题,而现代医学更看重患者身心两方面的健康。  相似文献   

袁英 《医院信息管理》2003,12(2):41-41,52
医院图书馆是否能在满足医护人员需求的基础上为病人服务,参与对疾病的治疗,即开展“图书辅助治疗”。这一理念虽然在我国尚未推广应用,但从某些迹象来看,如为病人提供报刊、杂志、电视、解答病因、病情,张贴医学科普专刊等,早已在许多医院中开展。其实这就是图书辅助治疗在临床中的具体体现。在未来医院的发展中,图书馆还应将病人纳入其服务对象,实施“图书辅助治疗”。  相似文献   

彭新评 《现代保健》2010,(32):169-170
介绍笔者所在图书馆独创的富含健康文化理念主动人性化服务的“温馨提示”,并向读者提供自我保健、减压放松、心理调适等相关图书及文献,特别是对患有不同病种慢性病的读者提供具有针对性自我配合调节方面的文献资料,进行医学图书馆“阅读疗法”和“图书治疗”的探索体验,为医学图书馆的文化创新特色服务。倡导发挥医学图书馆的特色健康文化平台作用,联合全国医学图书馆和公共图书馆共同把健康文化服务大众,满足市场需求。  相似文献   

本文就边疆地区医院图书馆如何建立“图书疗法”及配合医务工作人员更好地治疗病人进行了探讨,对开展此项工作的意义,必要性以及注意的问题采取哪些措施提出了一些具体要求。  相似文献   

所谓新型医学模式是指“生物-心理-社会医学模式”,其进步性在于医疗服务既治疗病人躯体疾病,又要调整病人的心理状态.并让其健康回归社会,回归自然。如何在这种模式下牢固坚持“以病人为中心”的服务理念,为病人提供更加“温馨、便捷、优质”的服务,是值得我们共同探讨的新课题。  相似文献   

知识管理在图书情报学领域的拓展,既对图书情报学产生了强烈的冲击,也为图书情报学的发展提供了机遇。医学图书馆如何满足于临床医疗、教学、科研的需要,适应建立学习型现代化医院的要求,改造与创新医院图书馆服务已成为必然。因此,研究医院图书馆从信息服务转向知识服务,用知识管理探索专科医院图书馆服务品质,是提高医院图书馆工作质量的核心环节。  相似文献   

以病人为中心 强化后勤服务职能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以病人为中心强化后勤服务职能杨建立李建红刘晓勤全国卫生工作会议以后,卫生部明确提出:医疗机构改革要“以病人为中心”,转变服务模式,提高医疗服务效率,改善服务态度,降低医疗成本,方便患者就医。这一改革目标的核心就是“以病人为中心”。“以病人为中心”是当...  相似文献   

图书馆涉介重大疑难疾病"信息诊疗"服务的分析与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医院图书馆利用丰富的馆藏资源和便利的网络信息为一些重大疑难疾病患者提供“信息诊疗”服务已成为近年来“一切以病人为中心”的重要课题。由于来医院就诊治疗的患者其学历、年龄、职业、居住地、家庭经济基础等及所掌握的医学常识多少的不同,对于身患一般性疾病的患者来说,常常是“听医生的”,开点药、打个针完事。然而,对于一些重大的、特殊的、疑难性的以及危及生命的疾病,不同的患者有各自不同的需求。从日常许多咨询电话可以确认。医院图书馆涉介重大疑难疾病,为患者提供“信息诊疗”服务是患者们迫切需求的。因此。充分利用馆藏资源和便利的网络信息,独立或配合主治医师涉足介入患者重大疑难疾病的“信息诊疗”就显得非常及时、重要,就能给诊疗中的病人及家属亲人般的感受。文章就“信息诊疗”涉介患者重大疑难疾病服务作一阐述,以帮助患者及家属认识了解“信息诊疗”,不断提高其生存及生活质量,共享现代医学科学资源成果,同时求索和探讨、完善图书馆的“信息诊疗”服务。  相似文献   

目的:总结分析三级医院与周边社区卫生服务中心建立“无缝链接”双向转诊模式的运行效果.方法:在“三甲”医院和周边两家社区卫生服务中心之间通过成立双向转诊职能部门、双向转诊顾问团、填写双向转诊联系单、定期召开医院与社区卫生服务中心的双向转诊交流会等方式建立了“无缝连接”双向转诊模式,并对患者、社区卫生服务中心和医院三方进行双向转诊模式运行效果满意度调查和评估分析.结果:接受该转诊模式的病人共204例,满意度调查结果显示:患者满意度为78.6%、社区医生满意度为85.4%、医院医生满意度为89.2%.患者满意主要体现在疾病治疗过程中方便、省钱、有专人管理、治疗有连续性;社区医生的主要受益是有了技术后盾,医院医生的受益是可以提高重病收治率和床位周转率.结论:“无缝链接”双向转诊模式可促进双向转诊可持续性实施,可为全国双向转诊制度的推行提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

报载:英国最近推出一项试验性计划:用图书来治疗人的疾病。 根据这项计划,从事读书疗法的专家,即“图书治疗医师”将根据患者的病情,就像医生为病人开处方一样,开列出一份包括小说、人物传记等书籍在内的图书目录,以书发人奋进,使人忘却烦恼,或是借一些笑话等内容来帮助他们治病。因而,这部分患有轻度或中度精神分裂症、焦虑及压抑症等病症的病人,去的自然不是医院而是图书馆。用图书治病,委实可喜可贺!  相似文献   

Moore RJ  Lenghaus C  Sheedy SA  Doran TJ 《Vaccine》2001,20(1-2):115-120
Expression library immunization (ELI) has previously been used in a number of disease models in mice. Here, we describe the first example of the application of ELI to a large animal model with the immunization of pigs against enzootic pneumonia, a disease caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. The development of new plasmid vectors and library screening methods facilitated the application of ELI to this disease by allowing random libraries to be screened for clones expressing recombinant proteins. In this way the vast majority of clones in random libraries that are unproductive can be eliminated, meaning that libraries are more likely to give protection and are subsequently easier to further screen and analyze. By using this approach we have used one library screen and two animal trials to progress from an original library of 20,000 clones to a group of just 96 clones.  相似文献   

Hospital libraries in the Netherlands provide a variety of services. In this paper two well-equipped hospital libraries, staffed by professionally qualified librarians, are described. Some hospital libraries rely on volunteers, supervised by professional librarians, while in others volunteers work completely on their own. Special services for elderly people are focused on persons who cannot visit the library by themselves. These services vary from visiting house-bound people to placing a small library in residential homes. Of special interest is the library work for aphasics in the Netherlands. The Section of Library Work for the Elderly, Sick and Handicapped Persons, a section of the Dutch Centre for Public Libraries and Literature (NBLC) is described.  相似文献   

This article summarizes a research project carried out with the nursing staff of South Buckinghamshire NHS Trust. A 'community profile' looked at nurses' use of library and information services for patient care purposes and found that only a small portion of all categories of qualified staff were library users. A postal questionnaire was used to investigate why nurses sought information, what they used it for, where they obtained it from and how valuable they perceived it to be. The results shown that personal and departmental collections were used quite frequently and the information was widely disseminated by the nurses to patients and their families, to colleagues and to students. The overall message from the survey was that the information obtained is valued highly and is used for various important purposes in health care delivery, such as educating patients and their families and revising treatment plans. However, nurses have difficulty in accessing libraries, which are judged to contain the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information. The data from the community profile and questionnaire were further analysed using soft systems methodology, in order to identify problems in the traditional model of information delivery to nurses via conventional library and information service. These were then investigated further and a series of recommendations for action drawn up.  相似文献   

目的 了解医院图书馆的图书污染状况,探讨引起医院交叉感染的途径;呼吁各级医疗卫生部门引起足够重视,控制传染源,切断传播途径.方法 分析医院图书馆的书刊污染状况,根据具体原因提出防护对策,包括对馆内环境及书刊进行定期消毒,加强图书流通管理,为特殊科室组建袖珍书库等.结果 医院图书馆的读者有其特殊性,图书的污染甚于其他普通图书馆,采取严格的消毒隔离措施很有必要.结论 医院图书馆书刊污染较为严重,应进行定期消毒;以利于保护读者、工作人员及患者的健康,防止交叉感染的发生.  相似文献   

In a partnership that characterizes the evolving trends of mutual goals and improved productivity between contractor and facility, Park Medical Center (Columbus, OH) contracts with Resources, Inc. to provide informational and educational services. As a result of this partnership, the staff has been reduced from six full-time, three part-time, and one volunteer to one full-time, two part-time, three as-needed, and one volunteer. Library patrons can obtain literature searches within 24 hours and have access to materials in the nation's major libraries. Resources, Inc. also administers the Continuing Medical Education Program provides documentation services for the podiatry residency program, and develops patient education materials for specific purposes. This article reviews how contracting library and educational services helped Park reduce costs, improve quality, and expand services.  相似文献   

This paper presents a wide-ranging overview of compact disc technology in the library environment. It raises important issues currently being debated in the literature and aims to question and stimulate thought on the nature and purpose of CD-ROM provision in health-care libraries.  相似文献   

Analysis of data recorded in 626 questionnaires on systems used to automate medical libraries by type of library showed that academic and industrial libraries automated all serial and book functions to a greater degree that the other types of medical libraries (hospital, governmental, institutional and medical centre). Almost 75% of the academic libraries had automated some or all serial functions; 80% had automated some or all book functions. Half of the hospital, institutional and medical centre libraries (50-51%) performed all serial functions manually; 29-40% performed all book functions manually. No software was used consistently by all types of libraries to process serials or books. Mainframe or minicomputers were used more by academic libraries to process serials and books than personal computers.  相似文献   

The demand for patient education, both from patients themselves and from accreditation agencies for health and managed care organizations, is becoming more insistent. This article outlines the components of a system that maintains a library of computer-based patient education handouts that can be quickly integrated into a physician's practice.  相似文献   

The study compares and contrasts the usage and views of three groups of health-care students (Pre-Project 2000, Project 2000 and BSc Occupational Therapy) on their library facilities. A literature review is included which underpins the importance of libraries for health-care students. Data was compiled from survey responses. The results demonstrate which libraries the students use, how often they use them, what they do in the libraries, and the stock used. They also show the level of student confidence and the services used. The implications of the study for future provision are considered.  相似文献   

A national patient library that stored and communicated findings from research on the comparative effectiveness of health services could be a valuable resource for patients and clinicians. It could assist in improving the quality of health care and help reduce inappropriate costs. Public confidence in a national patient library would require that its activities be insulated from government as well as from professional, provider, payer, and commercial groups and advocacy organizations. This article describes why such a library is possible and desirable, what it would do for whom, how it could be governed and financed, and how it could overcome initial challenges.  相似文献   

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