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R Buchli  W Burkart 《Health physics》1989,57(5):753-759
The external gamma radiation and the indoor air Rn (222Rn) concentration were measured in 55 houses of the South East Grisons, the Urseren valley, and the Upper Rhine valley (crystalline subsoils) and in 39 houses of the Molasse basin and the Helvetic nappes (sedimentary subsoils). In homes located on a crystalline subsoil, a mean cellar gamma level of 1.40 mGy y-1 was measured, which is twice the mean gamma level of 0.70 mGy y-1 found in homes built on a sedimentary subsoil. The cellar 222Rn gas concentration is about six times higher in houses with a crystalline subsoil (1232 Bq m-3) than in houses with a sedimentary subsoil (201 Bq m-3). Although a weak correlation is observed between the mean gamma radiation levels and mean cellar 222Rn gas concentrations for the five subregions investigated, the gamma levels and the 222Rn gas concentrations do not correlate for single homes. For the population living on the ground floor of a house with a crystalline subsoil, the gamma radiation and the indoor air 222Rn lead to estimated mean exposures of 1.16 mSv and 9.44 mSv effective dose equivalent per year, respectively. In houses with a sedimentary subsoil, these mean exposures lead to 0.68 mSv y-1 and 3.22 mSv y-1, respectively. A mean tap water 222Rn content of 38.3 Bq L-1 and 10.4 Bq L-1 was measured in 31 villages with a crystalline subsoil and 73 villages with a sedimentary subsoil, respectively. Radon-222 degasing from the tap water into the indoor air leads to an additional exposure of about 0.11 mSv y-1 and 0.03 mSv y-1 in homes with a crystalline subsoil and homes with a sedimentary subsoil, respectively.  相似文献   

A year-long, multipollutant, indoor air quality study involving 70 occupied houses in four states was completed in 1987. All of the houses included in the study had a partial or complete basement with a concrete slab floor and block walls. On an approximately quarterly schedule, integrating monitors for short-lived Rn progeny, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, and water vapor were exposed for 1 wk in each house on both the basement and main floors. At the beginning of the study, a pair of alpha-track detectors were placed on top of the refrigerator in the kitchen (or some other sampling location on the main floor) and at a location in the basement. One detector at each location was left in place for a year while the other detector was retrieved and replaced once every 3-mo period. In addition, short-term measurements of Rn and 222Rn progeny were made at all sampling locations once per quarter. In this study, comparisons were made between: (1) seasonal and annual averages, (2) summer and winter averages, (3) living-area and basement results, (4) 222Rn and 220Rn progeny, and (5) short- and long-term measurements. The Rn and Rn progeny concentrations in houses near Huntsville, AL were found to be well above recommended action levels (150 Bq m-3). For houses near Birmingham, AL, summer Rn concentrations were found to exceed winter concentrations, whereas for the other houses in the study, winter concentrations exceeded summer concentrations. Potential alpha energy concentrations (PAEC) from 220Rn progeny were found to be generally less than PAEC from 222Rn.  相似文献   

A nationwide survey of Australian homes was conducted to determine the average annual dose equivalents to the Australian population from exposure to Rn and gamma radiation. The exposure to Rn was measured using solid-state track detectors (SSTD), while the gamma radiation dose was concurrently determined using thermoluminescent dosimetry. Dosimeters were placed in approximately 3,400 randomly distributed homes (representing about 1 in 1,400 occupied dwellings) for 12 mo. The average Rn concentration in Australian homes measured over a year is 11 Bq m-3. Using appropriate conversion factors, the annual average effective dose equivalents to the Australian population were determined to be 0.5 mSv and 0.9 mSv for Rn and gamma radiation exposure, respectively.  相似文献   

Indoor Rn concentrations and Rn in adjacent karst terrains were studied at four houses with crawlspaces in Huntsville, AL. In warm summertime weather, Rn-rich air may vent through limestone solution cavities exposed as holes at the surface of the properties. A probable interrelated-finding is that the indoor levels of 222Rn are distinctly higher in the summer than winter. The karst underlying the homes is structurally faulted and, in all probability, facilitates Rn transport from the solution cavities to the crawlspaces. Abrupt day-to-day changes in indoor Rn concentrations were recorded in addition to large seasonal changes. If the owners or residents of these particular homes had attempted to make, and interpret, short-term screening measurements for Rn during the fall season, problems, including false negatives, could have arisen because of order-of-magnitude changes in Rn concentration occurring over a few days. The best time of year to make screening measurements would be during the summer when indoor Rn concentrations are more likely to reach their maximum values.  相似文献   

The contribution of 222Rn from domestic water wells to indoor air was investigated in a study of 28 houses near Conifer, CO. Air concentrations determined by alpha-track detectors (ATDs) and continuous radon monitors were compared with the predictions of a single-cell model. In many of the houses, the water supply was shown to contribute significantly to levels of indoor 222Rn. The data from the ATD study were augmented with a continuous monitoring study of a house near Lyons, CO. The well water in that house has the highest known concentration of 222Rn in water yet reported (93 MBq m-3). The temporal pattern in the indoor 222Rn concentration corresponds to water-use records. In general, it is difficult to quantify the proportion of indoor radon attributable to water use. Several lines of evidence suggest that the single-cell model underestimates this proportion. Continuous-monitoring data, although useful, are impractical due to the cost of the equipment. We propose a protocol for 222Rn measurement based on three simultaneous integrating radon detectors that may help estimate the proportion of indoor 222Rn derived from the water supply.  相似文献   

We studied the seasonal variation of the environmental radon progeny (214)Bi activity in the whole bodies (WB) of women and men participating in community-based studies at the Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center (GFHNRC), the (214)Bi background activity of the GFHNRC whole body counter (WBC) steel room, and ambient air (222)Rn concentration in the homes of Grand Forks residents, over the 1988-2004 time period. In this cross-sectional epidemiological study, (214)Bi activity in women and men, in the WBC steel room, and (222)Rn concentration in resident homes fluctuated such that the highest values were observed in winter and the lowest in summer, respectively. (214)Bi activity in the WB of human subjects was higher in women who have more (214)Bi activity per unit mass than men. Apart from their common seasonal pattern, human WB (214)Bi activity (lnBq) was comparatively higher than that for the ambient air (222)Rn activity in a human-equivalent volume of 72 L.  相似文献   

J Bigu 《Health physics》1988,55(3):525-532
Radon-222 and 220Rn progeny are found in some Canadian underground U mines. Because both can contribute to lung dose, their experimental determinations are important. The relationship between 222Rn progeny Working Level [WL(Rn)] and 220Rn progeny Working Level [WL(Tn)] has been investigated in U mines. Experimental measurements extended from 1981 to 1986 and consisted of about 700 measurements of each WL(Rn) and WL(Tn). The data were analyzed by standard linear and power-function regression analysis. A power-function relationship between WL(Rn) and WL(Tn) seemed to fit the experimental data best. The relationship obtained permits the calculation of WL(Tn) from experimental values of WL(Rn). The relationship is useful for lung-dose-calculation purposes and in mine-ventilation-engineering calculations.  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements were made of such properties as the fraction of charged and uncharged atoms, the balance of radioactive equilibrium between 222Rn and its daughters, and the concentration of aerosol particles and their mean radii in tunnel air. It became clear that the behavior of 222Rn decay products in tunnel air could be expressed well by equations based on a simple model, taking the following into account: the attachment of free atoms to aerosol particles, the deposition of radioactive particles on the tunnel wall, emission of alpha recoils from aerosol particles and the surface of the tunnel wall, and radioactive decay. In addition, the effective attachment coefficient of an observed RaA-atom was found to agree well with that calculated. The results obtained should facilitate in the future estimation of the relation between 222Rn daughters and the lung dose to the population.  相似文献   

A personal 222Rn and gamma-ray detector has been developed. The detector precision is limited only by the Poisson counting error and has a lower limit of detection in this study of 4.5 kBq m-3 h (4 pCi L-1 day). The detector was used in a study of 52 homes in Illinois to measure the personal exposure vs. the simultaneous exposure on all levels of the home. The ratio of personal exposure to basement 222Rn concentration averaged 0.22, with a high degree of scatter (R2 = 31%). The ratio of personal exposure to first floor 222Rn concentration was 0.71, with good correlation (R2 = 85%). In the absence of personal monitoring data, the best estimate of personal exposure appears to be from measurements in the first-floor living space of the home.  相似文献   

Results are presented from approximately 9000 Rn measurements made in New York state, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The estimated statewide geometric mean concentrations were 28.1 Bq m-3 and 55.8 Bq m-3 for basements in New York state, 27.5 Bq m-3 for living rooms and 108.9 Bq m-3 for basements in North Carolina, and 25.0 Bq m-3 for living rooms in South Carolina.  相似文献   

The rate of 222Rn gas transport through earthen materials controls 222Rn releases to the atmosphere and to indoor environments. The key soil-related parameters characterizing 222Rn transport in earthen materials are the 222Rn diffusion coefficient and the soil air permeability. Simple correlations have been developed for predicting the 222Rn diffusion coefficient and the air permeability of soils based on fraction of water saturation, total porosity, and arithmetic mean particle diameter. Correlations are based on 1,073 diffusion coefficient measurements and 137 soil air permeability measurements. The geometric standard deviations between the correlation predictions and the measurements are 1.98 for the diffusion coefficients and 2.31 for the soil air permeabilities.  相似文献   

Passive integrating activated C detectors were used to study the regional distribution and temporal variation of 222Rn in indoor air in dwellings in the Beijing region. Measurements were made in 537 dwellings, which were either detached houses or multi-family apartments. The city-wide study was completed in 1985. The distributions are approximately log-normal with 90% of the dwellings having 222Rn levels less than 60 Bq m-3. The weighted average 222Rn concentration has been found to be 22.4 Bq m-3. Averages for detached houses and multi-family dwellings are 25.9 and 15.2 Bq m-3, respectively. Assuming an equilibrium factor of 0.5 and an occupancy factor of 0.8, the average equilibrium equivalent concentration of 222Rn progeny is 11.2 Bq m-3 and the annual average effective dose equivalent is 1.1 mSv.  相似文献   

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