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INTRODUCTION Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a dimerous polypeptide with a molecular weight of 46kD. Its target is the endothelial cells, especially promoting their mitochysis (1) . The application of VEGF protein or trans- VEGF gene technique could enhance collateral circulation in the ischemic myocardium and extremities and EDRF- dependent expansion of the coronary vessels, as well as improve the blood supply of the ischemic areas (2).The new study revealed that VEG…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To observe the regulating effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiotensin II (ANG II) on the frog's pericardium, lymphatic stomata and angiogenesis so as to reveal their effects and mechanism on the mesothelial permeability, lymphatic stoma regulation and myocardial hypertrophy. METHODS: VEGF and ANG II were injected into the frog's peritoneal cavity so as to examine the changes of the pericardial stromata by using transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and computerized imaging analysis. RESULTS: Scattered distributed pericardial stomata were found on the parietal pericardium of the frog with a few sinusoid mesothelial cells, whose blood supply was directly from the cardiac chambers flowing into the trabecular spaces of the myocardium (because there are no blood vessels in the myocardium of the frog). The average diameters of the pericardial stomata in VEGF and ANG II groups were 1. 50 microm and 1.79 microm respectively, which were much larger than those in the control group (0.72 microm, P < 0.01); the average distribution densities of the stomata were 8. 25/0.1 mm2 and 12.80/0.1 mm2 in VEGF and ANG II groups, which were also much higher than those in the control group (3.57/0.1 mm2, P < 0.01); the sinusoid areas in VEGF and ANG II groups were 2442.95 microm2/0.1 mm2 and 2121.79 microm2/0.1 mm2, which were larger than that in the control group (995.08 microm2/0.1 mm2 , P < 0.01); no angiogenesis was found in the frogs of the experimental groups. CONCLUSIONS: VEGF and ANG II could strongly regulate the pericardial stomata by increasing their numbers and openings with larger diameters and higher distribution density. They could also increase the sinusoid areas with the result of the higher permeability of the pericardium, which clearly indicated that VEGF and ANG II could speed up the material transfer of the pericardial cavity and play an important role in preventing myocardial interstitial edema. Yet there was no strong evidence to show the angiogenesis in the myocardium.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION  Basicfibroblastgrowthfactor (bFGF)isanintenselymitogenicaswellasangiogenicsinglechain 1 7 2kDpep tide ,whichiswidelydistributedinbloodvessels ,cardiactissuesandotherorgans .InvivoadministrationofbFGFleadstomyocardiumangiogenesisthathasbeendemon…  相似文献   

R6SLnn Obetif Evaluer les effets de Wet de rkM sur as. mebo Faire la cul-ture Primaire de N et obServer les effets de dthentes concntrations de tal et de N sur laProlifdration de HPDLF, les activitis de Af, ta Syntha de I' osthalcine et Ia formtion des nduIesmithelifor. holfots W (5 -- 100ng/ml ) stimule de facon sghificative la Prolifhetion de HPtw.te activithe de Af sont nettement aewthe por 5ng/ml de tal. A 0, 5 -- 100ng/ml, tw n' a pesd' effet sur la optha de I' osMlcine et la f…  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate the effects of several vasoactive peptides on the development of arterial restenosis after balloon angioplasty.Methods. In rat aortic artery restenosis model produced by denudation of aortic endothelia, we observed changes of endothelin (ET), angiotensin II (AII), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and adrenomedullin (Adm) in plasma and aorta with radioimmunoassay and expression of hypertension-related gene (HRG-1) with semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and studied the effects of these peptides on intimal hyperplasia, intima/media ratio and MAPK activities of aortic artery after angioplasty respectively. Furthermore, in cultured cells, we studied the effects of these peptides on vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and expression of HRG-1 of VSMC from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats with 3H-TdR incorporation and RT-PCR respectively.Results. After angioplasty, the levels of ET and AII in plasma and aorta significantly increased, accompan  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the mechanism of a novel angiotensin n type 1 receptor-associated protein (ATRAP) interfering with angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 (AT1) receptor-mediated vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth and neointimal formation. Methods VSMCs isolated from thoracic aorta of adult Sprague-Dawley ( SD) rats were used in this study. ATRAP Cdna was subcloned into pcDNA3 vector and then transfected into VSMCs. DNA synthesis and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and phospho-ERK expressions in VSMCs were assayed by measurement of 3H thymidine incorporation and Western blotting, respectively. Morphological changes were observed in the balloon injured artery with or without transfection of ATRAP Cdna using 12-week-old male SD rats. Results ATRAP overexpression in VSMCs inhibited angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) -induced 3H thymidine incorporation 48 hours after Ang Ⅱ stimulation (P < 0.05). In VSMC, Ang Ⅱ stimulation increased the phosphorylation of ERK, which reached the peak around 60 minutes. The activation of phospho-ERK was significantly decreased by ATRAP (P < 0.05). Neointimal formation was markedly inhibited by ATRAP overexpression in injuried arteries. Conclusions The AT1 receptor-derived activation of ERK plays an essential role in Ang Ⅱ-induced VSMC growth. The growth inhibitory effects of ATRAP might be due to interfering with AT1 receptor-mediated activation of ERK in VSMC growth and neointimal formation.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the mechanism of a novel angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptor-associated protein (ATRAP) interfering with angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 (AT1) receptor-mediated vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) growth and neointimal formation. Methods VSMCs isolated from thoracic aorta of adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were used in this study. ATRAP cDNA was subcloned into pcDNA3 vector and then transfected into VSMCs. DNA synthesis and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and phospho-ERK expressions in VSMCs were assayed by measurement of ^3H thymidine incorporation and Western blotting, respectively. Morphological changes were observed in the balloon injured artery with or without transfection of ATRAP cDNA using 12-week-old male SD rats. Results ATRAP overexpression in VSMCs inhibited angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ)-induced ^3H thymidine incorporation 48 hours after Ang Ⅱ stimulation ( P 〈 0. 05 ). In VSMC, Ang Ⅱ stimulation increased the phosphorylation of ERK, which reached the peak around 60 minutes. The activation of phospho-ERK was significantly decreased by ATRAP ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Neointimal formation was markedly inhibited by ATRAP overexpression in injuried arteries. Conclusions The AT1 receptor-derived activation of ERK plays an essential role in Ang Ⅱ-induced VSMC growth. The growth inhibitory effects of ATRAP might be due to interfering with AT1 receptor-mediated activation of ERK in VSMC growth and neointimal formation.  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate the role of matrix metalloproteinase-7 (MMP-7) expression in caricinogenesis and progression of gastric cancer.Methods. We studied MMP-7 expression and microvessel density (MVD) in adjacent mucosa and primary foci of 113 cases of gastric cancer by streptavidin -biotin -immunoperoxidase method using anti -MMP-7 and anti-CD34 antibodies. MMP-7 expression and mean MVD were compared with clinicopatholog-ical features of gastric cancer, with the relationship between MMP-7 expression and MVD concerned in gastric cancer.Results. MMP-7 showed positive expression in adjacent mucosa of gastric cancer (29.20%, 33/113), less than that in gastric cancer (69.03%, 78/113). MMP-7 expression in primary foci of gastric cancer was positively correlated with tumor size, invasive depth, metastasis and TNM staging (P<0.05), but not with differentiation or growth pattern of gastric cancer (P>0.05). Positive correlation of mean MVD with tumor size, invasive depth, metastasis and TNM staging was found  相似文献   

It is well known that hyperlipemic serum can cause injury to the vascular endothelial cells. The toxic effect may be due to lipid peroxides. Rat endothelial cells were cultured in hyperlipemic sera with Pollen Typhae components, Vit E (16μg/ml) and Vit C (100μg/ml) added separately. Pollen Typhae and Vit C significantly stimulated the synthesis of prostacylin (determined as 6-oxo-PGP_(1α) by radioimmunoassay) by the cultured cells. Vit E and Vit C markedly decreased the amount of MDA (malondialdehyde, the end product of lipid peroxides, determined by TBA reaction) in these cells. These results indicated that Pollen Typhae, Vit E and Vit C may have some beneficial effect in prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The immunity of patients with chroniccor pulmonale has been investigated and com-pared with that of healthy individuals.Cel-lular immunity was found markedly lowerthan in healthy individuals.In order to im-prove immunity and resistance to disease in  相似文献   

ANGIOTENSIN II type1(AT1) receptor is akey mediator in the effect of angiotensin I(Ang II) on cardiovascular remodeling aswelas homeostasis.1Several studies have raised the possibility that theC-term inal cytoplasm ic domain of this receptor in- teractswi…  相似文献   

An attempt has been madc to dcvelop an in vitro system for the study of implantation in mice. Endomctrial cells were obtained from adult fertile ICR mice on Day I of pregnancy.Cells were cultured for 4 days in one of the following media: I) 0.2 ml CEHFM; 2) 0.2 ml  相似文献   

We have reported less blood pressure changesin open heart surgery with acupuncture as com-pared with intravenous anesthesia.Since 1980we have studied separately the effects of acupunc-ture and intravenous anesthesia using the par-ameters of the impedance cardiogram,cardiaccontractility and pulmonary diastolic pressure indog experiments,and also studied the effects em-ploying the impedance cardiogram in open heartsurgery as an index to evaluate the patients' car-diac performance.  相似文献   

R6sumeobjectifPourdluciderleseetsd,oligonucleotidesantisensantiusPML/RARaetanti-PMLsurcroissance,dmerenciationetaPoPtosedeligniecellulaireNB4.MdthodesColorationparWrightetaitemPloyeepourobserverlamorPhologiecellulaire,flowucytometrieetelectroPhor6sedeDNAsurgelpouraPoPtosecellulaire,essaiparculturesurmethylcellulosepourmesured'unitedeformationdecoloniedescellulesleucemiques(AML-CFU)etexclusiondecolorationpartryPanbleupournumerationdescellulesvivantes.R/suItatsLesoligonucldotidesant…  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe the circulatory effects of Isoflurane on animals and patients, using both invasive and noninvasive methods and to evaluate the possibility of application of this general anesthetic during cardiac operation. According to various MAC. the results were divided into two groups in experimental research (8 dogs ). i.e. group Ⅰ(n=41)<1 MAC, group Ⅱ(n=27)>1 MAC, and in clinical study (31 patients), there were 3 groups, group Ⅰ(n=104)<1 MAC, group Ⅱ(n=59)>1 MAC≤2 MAC, group Ⅲ(n=15)>2 MAC. The main changes following isoflurane were as follows: 1. Preload (CVP, PCWP) CVP elevated both in animals and patients (P>0.05), PCWP increased significantly in Clinical Ⅰand Ⅱ(P<0.05), 2. Afterload (MAP, SVR, PAP, PVR) MAP and SVR decreased in both animals and patients MAP (P<0.01), SVR (P>0.05), but PAP and PVR elevated in both group (P>0.05) except in Clinical ⅢPAP and PVR were increasing (P<0.01, P<0.05); 3. Myocardial contractility, with no variation in all patients (P>0.05), but depressed in animals (P<0.05); 4. HR increased (P<0.01) but no arrhythmia; 5. SV showed no change in animals (P>0.05) but decreased in patients (P<0.05), and CO had no change in both animals and patients. It demonstrated that the effects of Isoflurane on cardiovascular function in animals or patients with noncardiac diseases were quite minimal. Although the deteriorative effect on myocardial function in patients with heart disease was less than that of Enflurane and Fluothane, during administering Isoflurane in open heart surgery especially in poor cardiac function, Isoflurane combined with intravenous anesthesia was suggested.  相似文献   


Vitexin rhamnoside(VR)is one of the activeprinciples extracted from the leaves of hawthorn(Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.vat.major N.E.Br.).Theaction of VR on the performance of cultured ratheart cells and rat heart ceils deprived of oxygen andglucose was observed.Results showed no evidentchanges in the heart beat rate,rhythm,range orstrength of heart ceil clusters before and after me-dication.VR did not counter the actions of ouabainand aconitine at cellular levels.Results also demon-strated VR's protective action on cultured heart cellsdeprived of oxygen and glucose.  相似文献   


Twenty-six male adult rabbits were divided randomly into 2 groups. The scrota of experimental rabbits were exposed to 2450 MHz microwave. Intrateticular temperature was deteced  相似文献   

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