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Pediatric nutrition surveillance system--United States, 1980-1991.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The CDC Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System (PedNSS) monitors the general health and nutritional characteristics of low-income U.S. children who participate in multiple public health programs. This system is intended to characterize trends and patterns in key indicators of nutritional status so that the information can be used for program planning and targeting. The indicators monitored by PedNSS are birth weight, childhood growth status, anemia, and breast-feeding patterns. From 1980 through 1991, the trends for low birth weight, low height-for-age (shortness), low weight-for-height (thinness), and high weight-for-height (overweight) were stable for all children monitored by the PedNSS, with the exception of Asian children, who were predominantly of Southeast Asian refugee background. In the early 1980s, the prevalence of low birth weight and shortness was higher among Asian children than among children of other racial or ethnic groups who were monitored by the PedNSS. However, these prevalences declined steadily from 1980 through 1991. By 1991, the prevalences of low birth weight and shortness for Asian children were similar to those observed for children of other races/ethnic groups. Overall, low-income U.S. children had a slightly lower height-for-age than expected, indicating that some of these children were at a health and nutritional disadvantage. The prevalence of overweight varied among different racial/ethnic groups; Hispanic and Native American children had the highest prevalences of overweight. The 20%-30% prevalence of anemia among low-income children monitored by the PedNSS was higher than among the general population, reflecting in part the preferential enrollment and retention of anemic children by public health nutrition programs and also indicating that many children had inadequate iron nutrition. From 1980 through 1991, the prevalence of anemia declined > 5% for most of the age- and race/ethnicity-specific groups monitored by PedNSS. That decline represents an improvement in iron nutritional status. PedNSS is a useful system for the monitoring and characterization of the nutrition status of low-income children at both state and national levels.  相似文献   

Trichinosis surveillance, United States, 1987-1990.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since the Public Health Service began recording statistics on trichinosis in 1947, the number of cases reported by state health departments each year has declined. In the late 1940s, health departments reported an average of 400 cases and 10-15 deaths each year; from 1982 through 1986, the number declined to an average of 57 cases per year and a total of three deaths for the period. From 1987 through 1990, 206 cases of trichinosis from 22 states, including 14 multiple-case outbreaks, were reported to CDC. In 1990, two large outbreaks associated with commercial pork accounted for 106 cases. In the 192 instances in which a suspect food item was identified, pork was implicated in 144 (75%) cases, walrus meat in 34 (18%), and bear meat in 14 (7%). Sausage, the most frequently implicated pork product, was associated with 128 of the 139 cases for which a form of ingested pork was specified. Before 1990, the proportion of cases of trichinosis attributable to consumption of commercial pork had declined steadily. This decline was probably due to a combination of factors, including laws prohibiting the feeding of garbage to hogs, the increased use of home freezers, and the practice of thoroughly cooking pork. Although the incidence of trichinosis has decreased substantially since national reporting was initiated in 1947, a dramatic increase in 1990, resulting from two large outbreaks, emphasizes the need for further education and control measures.  相似文献   

CDC has created an HIV incidence surveillance system in selected areas of the United States as a component of its national human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) reporting system. The purpose of the new system is to estimate the number of new HIV infections occurring each year in the United States. Initial results published recently for 2006 showed that 73% of new infections were in males, 45% were in blacks, and 53% were in men who have sex with men (MSM). To provide additional subpopulation estimates by age group, race/ethnicity, and HIV transmission category, CDC conducted a more detailed analysis of data from the new surveillance system. The results indicated that, in 2006, of new HIV infections among males, 72% were in MSM. Among MSM with new infections, 46% were white, 35% were black, and 19% were Hispanic. Among MSM aged 13-29 years, the number of new HIV infections in blacks (5,220) was 1.6 times the number in whites (3,330) and 2.3 times the number in Hispanics (2,300). Among females, the predominant HIV transmission category was high-risk heterosexual contact, which accounted for 80% of new infections. The HIV incidence rate for black females was 14.7 times the rate for white females, and the rate for Hispanic females was 3.8 times the rate for white females. MSM (of all races), blacks, and Hispanics were represented disproportionately in 2006 among those with new HIV infections. The new incidence data will help guide local, state, and national intervention measures tailored to those populations at greatest risk for HIV infection.  相似文献   

Maternal mortality surveillance, United States, 1979-1986   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To understand further the epidemiology and causes of maternal death, the Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC, reviewed all identified maternal deaths in the United States, including Puerto Rico, for the period from 1979 through 1986. The maternal mortality ratio for the period was 9.1 deaths/100,000 live births. The ratios increased with age and were higher among women of black and other minority races than among white women for all age groups, particularly for women ages greater than or equal to 40 years. Unmarried women had a higher risk of death than married women. Women who had received any prenatal care had a lower risk of dying than women who had received no care (RR = 0.19, 95% confidence limits (CL) 0.15, 0.23). Women who received no prenatal care had a gestational age-adjusted risk of maternal death 5.7 times that of women receiving care defined as "adequate." The risk of maternal death increased with decreasing levels of education for all age groups, particularly among women ages greater than or equal to 35 years. The causes of death varied for different outcomes of pregnancy; pulmonary embolism was the leading cause of death following the delivery of a live birth. Future studies aimed at developing strategies to reduce the risk of maternal deaths in the United States should use enhanced surveillance and collect more information about each death, which would allow for better understanding of factors associated with maternal mortality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies of truck drivers and cardiovascular disease (CVD), myocardial infarction, or ischemic heart disease (IHD) are limited, although studies of other professional drivers reported increased risk. METHODS: US mortality data from 1979 to 1990 for ages 15-90 were used to calculate proportional mortality ratios (PMRs) for heart disease and lung cancer for short and long haul truck drivers. Analysis was performed for Black (998 short haul and 13,241 long haul) truck drivers and White (4,929 short and 74,315 long haul) truck drivers separately. RESULTS: The highest significantly elevated proportionate heart disease (IHD, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and other forms of heart disease) and lung cancer mortality was found for White and Black male long haul truck drivers age 15-54. Mortality was not significantly elevated for short haul truck drivers of either race or gender, nor for truck drivers who died after age 65, except for lung cancer among White males. An indirect adjustment suggested that smoking could explain the excess IHD mortality, but no direct data for smoking or the other known risk factors for heart disease were available and occupational exposures were not measured. CONCLUSIONS: The highest significant excess proportionate mortality for lung cancer, IHD and AMI was found for long haul truck drivers who were under age 55 at death. A cohort or longitudinal study of heart disease among long haul truck drivers, that obtains data for occupational exposures as well as lifestyle risk factors, could help explain inconsistencies between the findings of this and previous studies.  相似文献   

Homicide surveillance--United States, 1979-1988.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
From 1979 through 1988, 217,578 homicides occurred in the United States, an average of greater than 21,000 per year. Homicide rates during this 10-year period were about 1.5 times higher than the rates during the 1950s. The national homicide rate of 10.7/100,000 in 1980 was the highest ever recorded. Homicide occurs disproportionately among young adults. Among the 15- to 34-year age group, homicide is the fourth most common cause of death among white females, the third most common cause among white males, and the most common cause among both black females and black males. In 1988, nearly two-thirds (61%) of homicide victims were killed with a firearm, 75% of these with a handgun. More than half (52%) of homicide victims were killed by a family member or acquaintance, and about one-third (35%) of homicides stemmed from a conflict not associated with another felony. The homicide mortality rate among young black males 15-24 years of age has risen 54% since 1985. Ninety-nine percent of the increase was accounted for by homicides in which the victim was killed with a firearm. The surveillance data summarized in this report should assist public health practitioners, researchers, and policymakers in addressing this important public health problem.  相似文献   

During the latter half of the 1980s, an epidemic of syphilis occurred throughout the United States. A comparison of regional rates of primary and secondary syphilis in 1990 indicated that the rates were highest in the South, followed by the Northeast, the West, and the Midwest. Primary and secondary syphilis rates from 1986 through 1990 exhibited different regional patterns. Rates of primary and secondary syphilis in the West peaked in 1987 and declined from 1987 to 1990. Rates increased in the Northeast and the South from 1986 to 1990, but the increase reached a plateau in the Northeast in 1990. Rates did not begin to increase in the Midwest until 1988. More detailed analyses of the syphilis epidemics in specific communities in each region are needed to better understand the regional patterns. A comparison of these findings across regions could be helpful in evaluating which sexually transmitted disease intervention and control programs are most effective during epidemic periods.  相似文献   

Behavioral risk factor surveillance, 1986-1990.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Since 1984, an increasing number of states (including the District of Columbia) have participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). This report provides state-specific estimates of the prevalence of selected health-risk behaviors for the years 1986 through 1990. Apparent trends and progress toward several of the year 2000 national health objectives are discussed, both for the entire adult population (persons ages greater than or equal to 18 years) and selected high-risk demographic subgroups. Now that BRFSS includes 45 states and covers over 90% of the nation's adult population, it can be used both as a measure of state-specific risk factor prevalence and an indicator of national trends.  相似文献   

During the period 1989-1990, 117 cases of tetanus were reported from 34 states, for an average annual incidence of 0.02/100,000 population. Fifty-eight percent of patients were > or = 60 years of age, while seven (6%) were < 20 years of age, including one case of neonatal tetanus. Among adults, the risk of tetanus in those > 80 years of age was more than 10 times the risk in persons ages 20-29 years. The case-fatality rate increased with age, from 17% in persons 40-49 years of age to 50% in those > or = 80 years of age. Only 11% of patients reported having received a primary series of tetanus toxoid before disease onset, while 31% lacked a history of tetanus vaccination. Tetanus occurred following an acute injury in 78% of patients. Of patients who sought medical care, only 58% received tetanus toxoid as part of wound prophylaxis. Tetanus remains a severe disease that primarily affects unvaccinated or inadequately vaccinated older adults. Increased efforts are needed to reduce the risk of tetanus among the elderly. Health-care providers should take every opportunity to review the vaccination status of their patients and provide tetanus vaccine when indicated.  相似文献   

Tularemia is a zoonotic disease caused by the gram-negative coccobacillus Francisella tularensis. Known also as "rabbit fever" and "deer fly fever," tularemia was first described in the United States in 1911 and has been reported from all states except Hawaii. Tularemia was removed from the list of nationally notifiable diseases in 1994, but increased concern about potential use of F. tularensis as a biological weapon led to its reinstatement in 2000. This report summarizes tularemia cases reported to CDC during 1990-2000, which indicate a low level of natural transmission. Understanding the epidemiology of tularemia in the United States enables clinicians and public health practitioners to recognize unusual patterns of disease occurrence that might signal an outbreak or a bioterrorism event.  相似文献   

In Shandong Province, China, programmes were initiated in 1991 for mass immunization against poliomyelitis and for the immediate reporting of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). The incidence of non-poliomyelitis AFP was found to be 0.46-0.61 cases per 100,000 children per annum. It appeared that illness resembling the Guillain-Barré syndrome was underreported. The incidence of such illness peaked among children aged 2-3 years. Although laboratory investigations have improved, in 1992 they were still inadequate in nearly a third of confirmed poliomyelitis cases. As the prevalence of wild poliovirus declines in China, reliable laboratory support needs to be established and adequately sensitive and specific AFP surveillance be developed if poliomyelitis is to be eradicated.  相似文献   

Reported tetanus cases and tetanus deaths have declined substantially since widespread implementation of tetanus immunization. However, preventable morbidity and mortality continue to occur. During 1979-1984, 74-95 cases of tetanus were reported annually to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and 20-31 deaths were reported annually by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). To evaluate further the health impact of tetanus, the authors assessed the completeness of national tetanus mortality data. They reviewed tetanus case report forms received at CDC from the states and NCHS multiple-cause-of-death tapes for 1979-1984. CDC reports recorded 129 deaths and NCHS mortality tapes 197 deaths. Year of death, state, age, and sex were used to match CDC and NCHS deaths, identifying 78 deaths reported to both sources. Using the methodology of Chandra Sekar and Deming, the authors estimated the actual number of tetanus deaths for 1979-1984 to be 326 (95% confidence interval 291-361). Based on this estimate, the completeness of reporting to CDC was 40%, to NCHS 60%, and to the combined systems 76%. To evaluate the reasons for underreporting, the authors contacted 14 states that had reported greater than or equal to 10 cases of tetanus to CDC during 1979-1984 to obtain death certificates for all tetanus deaths and additional information on all tetanus cases. Thirteen states submitted 108 death certificates for review. Coding and other systematic errors did not explain the low reporting efficiency. Failure to list tetanus as a cause of death on the death certificate was the primary reason for nonreporting of tetanus deaths to NCHS. These results suggest that NCHS tetanus mortality data may not be as complete as previously assumed and that tetanus mortality, and probably morbidity, are higher than previous reports have indicated.  相似文献   

During the 1989-90 influenza season, 98% of all influenza viruses isolated in the United States and reported to CDC were influenza A. Almost all those that were antigenically characterized were similar to influenza A/Shanghai/11/87(H3N2), a component of the 1989-90 influenza vaccine. Regional and widespread influenza activity began to be reported in late December 1989, peaked in mid-January 1990, and declined rapidly through early April 1990. Most of the outbreaks reported to CDC were among nursing-home residents. Considerable influenza-associated mortality was reflected in the percentage of deaths due to pneumonia and influenza (P&I) reported through the CDC 121 Cities Surveillance System from early January through early April. More than 80% of all reported P&I deaths were among persons greater than or equal to 65 years. In contrast to the predominance of influenza A during 1989-90, during the 1990-91 influenza season 86% of all influenza virus isolations reported were influenza B. Widespread influenza activity was reported from mid-January through April 1991, with regional activity extending into May. Outbreaks were reported primarily among schoolchildren, and no evidence of excess influenza-associated mortality was found. Almost all the influenza B isolates tested were related to influenza B/Yamagata/16/88, a component of the 1990-91 influenza vaccine, but were antigenically closer to B/Panama/45/90, a minor variant.  相似文献   

We analyzed National Center for Health Statistics data on drownings in bathtubs and Consumer Product Safety Commission data on bathtub-related injuries for the years 1979-80 and 1979-81, respectively. Seven hundred ten persons drowned in bathtubs in 1979 and 1980, for a crude mortality rate of 1.6 per million persons per year. Although there was an excess of deaths in the spring, there was no important seasonal trend. Mortality rates in the Pacific and Mountain states were higher than in other states. Persons at the extremes of age were at greatest risk of death, with mortality rates of 5-6 per million per year. Black males aged 20-64 years had substantially elevated mortality rates compared to White males. The prevalence of personal risk indicators varied with age, with a frequent history of being left unattended among children less than 5 years old, a frequent history of seizures among persons 5-39 years old, a frequent history of alcohol or drug use among persons 40-59 years old, and frequent evidence of having fallen among those at least 60 years old. Bathtubs are potentially dangerous, and the prevention of drownings in them can be approached through a combination of passive and active strategies.  相似文献   

Babesiosis is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Babesia that infect red blood cells. Babesia infection can range from asymptomatic to life threatening. Clinical manifestations might include fever, other nonspecific influenza-like symptoms, and hemolytic anemia. Babesia parasites in nature usually are tickborne but they also are transmissible via blood transfusion or congenitally. In recent years, reports of tickborne and transfusion-associated cases have increased in number and geographic distribution. However, the lack of a standard case definition hindered the ability of public health authorities to monitor cases and to develop evidence-based prevention and control measures. In January 2011, national surveillance for human babesiosis was begun in 19 jurisdictions (18 states and one city), using a standard case definition developed jointly by CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. This report summarizes the results for 2011. For the first year of babesiosis surveillance, health departments notified CDC of 1,124 confirmed and probable cases. Cases were reported by 15 of the 18 states where babesiosis was reportable; however, 1,092 cases (97%) were reported by seven states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York [including New York City], Rhode Island, and Wisconsin). Cases were identified in persons aged <1-98 years; 57% were in persons aged ≥60 years. Among patients for whom data were available, 82% (717 of 879) had symptom onset dates during June-August. Ongoing national surveillance using the standard case definition will provide a foundation for developing evidence-based prevention and control measures to reduce the burden of babesiosis.  相似文献   

Necrotizing enterocolitis mortality in the United States, 1979-85.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The Multiple Cause of Death Mortality data from the National Center for Health Statistics were analyzed to describe epidemiologic characteristics and trends in deaths related to necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) among infants in the United States from 1979 to 1985. The average annual mortality rate (multiple cause mortality) for NEC was 13.1 deaths per 100,000 live births. NEC annual mortality rates decreased significantly during the study period for White and Black infants, male and female infants, and infants in the Northeast, North Central, and South regions. Black infants were approximately three times more likely to die from NEC than White infants, and the NEC infant mortality rate was highest in the South.  相似文献   

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