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Increased levels of various porphyrin species have been reported in sickle cell anemia (SS) patients in the absence of lead poisoning and iron deficiency anemia, but conflicting data remain. Suspecting that SS patients may be heterogenous for this abnormality, we have studied zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) and protoporphyrin IX (PPIX) blood levels and find abnormally elevated levels of ZPP in those with low peripheral fetal hemoglobin (%HbF) levels. Two groups exist: one with less than 9% HbF and elevated ZPP, and one with greater than or equal to 9% HbF and normal ZPP levels (P less than 8.1 x 10(-4). There is a strong negative correlation of ZPP levels with %Hb F (r = -0.83, P less than 8.0 x 10(-5], and a moderate one with total hemoglobin levels (r = -0.55, P less than 0.05). These results suggest that ZPP may indeed contribute to the pathophysiology of the disease and/or serve as a marker of the severity of the disease.  相似文献   

Studies of a patient with acquired sideroachrestic anemia and metastaticcarcinoma of the prostate are presented. Although the administration of pyridoxine did not elicit a hematologic response, the administration of this vitaminwas associated with a remarkable accumulation of protoporphyrin within theerythrocytes. It is suggested that there were two defects in the hemoglobinbiosynthetic pathway: impaired incorporation of protoporphyrin into hemoglobin and defective delta-aminolevulinic acid synthesis. Pyridoxine had noeffect on the former hut partially corrected the latter.

Submitted on May 3, 1965 Accepted on July 10, 1965  相似文献   

Abstract: In a retrospective study the diagnostic value of erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) measurement as a means of distinguishing iron deficiency anemia from thalassemia syndromes in patients with microcytosis was explored. ZPP values were increased in all patients with iron deficiency and in part of the patients with thalassemia. The combined measurement of erythrocyte mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and ZPP resulted in a correct classification of patients with iron deficiency and with thalassemia in more than 95%. The predictive value of this method is better than the results obtained by using formulae derived from red cell indices. In population screening programs for thalassemia syndromes, in which MCV determination is used as the initial test, the ZPP test is recommended as a second test, in order to discriminate between patients with microcytosis due to iron deficiency and patients with microcytosis due to thalassemia syndromes.  相似文献   

The lack of an effective medical treatment for gastroparesis has pushed the research of new techniques of gastric electrical stimulation (GES) for nearly half a century of experimentation with a large variety of electrical stimuli delivered to the gastric wall of animals and patients with gastroparesis. Three principal methods are currently available: gastric low-frequency/high-energy GES with long pulse stimulation, high-frequency/low-energy GES with short pulse stimulation and neural sequential GES. The f...  相似文献   

The measurement of erythrocyte zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) with a hematofluorometer is known to be a simple and cost-effective method to screen iron deficiency and lead poisoning. We measured ZPP on blood samples from 201 children suffering from various diseases, which revealed that ZPP has better sensitivity and specificity for identifying iron deficiency than serum ferritin and percent transferrin saturation. ZPP levels in various anemias were also measured. ZPP rose markedly (> 200 mumol/mol heme) in untreated iron deficiency anemia and returned to normal in 3-4 months since the initiation of iron therapy. Moderate elevation of ZPP was observed in acute leukemia (at onset and during induction therapy), MDS, aplastic anemia and some other anemic conditions. These findings suggest that erythrocyte ferrochelatase may be unexpectedly affected in anemias even except lead poisoning.  相似文献   

Aim:  It was recently reported that serum retinol-binding protein (RBP), also known as retinol-binding protein 4 (RBP4), was positively associated with systemic insulin resistance. We hypothesized that an imbalance between RBP and retinol might be the underlying cause for this association.
Methods:  We studied the ratio between RBP and retinol in 233 humans divided into groups depending on normal glucose tolerance (NGT), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and presence or absence of obesity.
Results:  Plasma RBP and retinol levels were lower in patients with T2DM than in individuals with NGT (p < 0.05 and p < 0.0001 respectively). In contrast, RBP-to-retinol ratio was higher in individuals with T2DM (p < 0.0001) and IGT (p < 0.05). Following multivariate adjustment, RBP and retinol correlated positively with low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglycerides (p < 0.0001, except retinol and LDL: p < 0.001). RBP-to-retinol ratio correlated positively with glucose 2 h after an oral glucose tolerance test (p < 0.0001) and with C-reactive protein (p < 0.001). Retinol, RBP and adipose tissue RBP messenger RNA (mRNA) levels shared an inverse relationship with plasma interleukin-6, and adipose tissue RBP mRNA levels correlated positively with plasma tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and skeletal muscle TNF-α mRNA levels.
Conclusions:  Our results suggest that the excess of RBP relative to retinol, assessed as the RBP-to-retinol ratio, is more indicative of T2DM than RBP itself. Hence, the previously reported insulin resistance in mice induced by overexpression or injection of RBP could be because of higher levels of RBP relative to retinol rather than higher total levels of RBP. Moreover, TNF-α may have a role in RBP-mediated adipose to muscle crosstalk.  相似文献   

Age dependent changes in phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization were studied in mouse erythrocytes of different age groups (range 1-55 days) by using a newly developed double in vivo biotinylation (DIB) technique. Around 3-4% of the erythrocytes freshly released in the circulation were PS(+) but this proportion fell rapidly to 1% or less and did not increase at later time points. Blocking erythrocyte clearance from the circulation by in vivo depletion of macrophages (by treatment with clodronate loaded liposomes) for up to 7 days did not result in accumulation of PS(+) erythrocytes in the circulation indicating that the low percentage of PS(+) cells within old erythrocytes (age >40 days) was not related to the clearance of PS(+) erythrocytes by macrophages. In vitro treatment with stress inducing agents like deoxyglucose or Ca(++)/calcium ionophore resulted in a marked induction of PS externalization in mouse erythrocytes and this effect was most prominent in the youngest erythrocyte population (age <10 days). Kinetics of clearance of different age groups of stress exposed erythrocytes after intravenous infusion into recipient mice indicated that the young erythrocytes were cleared at fastest rate from the circulation as compared to erythrocytes of older age groups. Within young erythrocytes exposed to stress, PS(+) erythrocytes were preferentially cleared. Taken together our results suggest that PS externalization is unlikely to have a role in the removal of old erythrocytes from blood circulation but may have a role in the clearance of stressed and damaged young erythrocytes in blood circulation.  相似文献   

Exhaled nitric oxide (NO) remains a promising non-invasive marker for measuring inflammation in lung diseases. In cystic fibrosis (CF), exhaled NO measured at a single expiratory flow has been found to be normal or low. However, this measure cannot localize the anatomical site of NO production. The aims of this study were to apply a multiple-flow NO analysis to compare alveolar NO concentration and bronchial NO flux in CF children with healthy controls. Twenty-two children with CF and 17 healthy controls had exhaled NO measured at four different expiratory flows to calculate bronchial NO flux and alveolar NO concentration. Median (range) alveolar NO concentration was 2.2 (0.6-5.6) ppb for children with CF and 1.5 (0.4-2.6) ppb for healthy controls. Median (range) bronchial NO flux was 445 (64-1,256) pL/sec for children with CF and 509 (197-1,913) pL/sec for healthy controls. Children with CF had a significantly higher alveolar NO concentration, but no significant difference in bronchial NO flux compared to healthy children. In conclusion, children with CF have increased alveolar NO production, but not bronchial NO flux compared to healthy controls. The distal airway is a major site of inflammation in CF, and measuring alveolar NO may be a marker of distal inflammation in this disease.  相似文献   

Levels of erythrocyte delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase [ALA-dehydratase; porphobilinogen synthase; 5-aminolevulinate hydro-lyase (adding 5-aminolevulinate and cyclizing), EC], UROPORPHYRINOGEN-I synthase [Uro-synthase; porphobilinogen ammonia-lyase (polymerizing), EC 4.3;1.8], AND PROTOPORPHYRIN IX (Proto) were measured by sensitive semimicroassays using 2-5 mul of whole blood obtained from normal and anemic mutant mice. The levels of erythrocyte ALA-dehydratase and Uro-synthase showed marked developmental changes and ALA-dehydratase was influenced by the Lv gene. Mice with overt hemolytic diseases (ja/ja, sph/sph, nb/nb, ha/ha) had 10- to 20-fold increases in ALA-dehydratase, Uro-synthase, and Proto compared with their normal controls. Mice with an iron deficiency (mk/mk) and mice with hypoplastic anemias (W/Wv, Sl/Sld, an/an) had mild to moderate increases in these parameters. Elevated enzyme activities and Proto correlated well with the number of reticulocytes. Because all mice with anemias possessed elevated levels of ALA-dehydratase, Uro-synthase, and Proto independent of differences in their genotypes, the increase in these parameters is not likely to be the result of a specific gene defect. The increased enzyme activities and Proto concentration probably reflect increased frequency of young red cells that are still active in heme biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase deficient (PND) erythrocytes contain elevated levels of pyrimidine nucleotides and relatively normal purine nucleotide levels. The composition of this nucleotide pool has been examined by others, but not all of the abnormal red cell metabolites in this disorder were identified. We have isolated and positively confirmed the identity of cytidine diphosphate (CDP)-choline and CDP- ethanolamine from PND red cells using methods including proton FT-NMR, spectroscopy, and comparative mass spectrometry. The concentrations of these and other pyrimidine nucleotidase-deficient erythrocyte nucleotides were determined using anion-exchange high performance liquid chromatography and ultraviolet (u.v.) detection. The pyrimidine diphosphodiesters appear to be the most prominent abnormal pyrimidine nucleotides in PND red cells, accounting for 55% of the total red cell pyrimidine nucleotides in this disorder. It is proposed that these abnormal phosphodiesters may be related to the accelerated hemolysis in PND.  相似文献   

A 38-year-old man diagnosed with pure red blood cell aplasia was undergoing treatment with cyclosporine 200 mg/day. On day 41, the cyclosporine dose was increased to 250 mg/day. On day 45, the patient was hospitalized with fever, and ciprofloxacin 200 mg IV tid was begun. The level of cyclosporine was 297 ng/mL, which obliged us to reduce cyclosporine to 200 mg/day. On day 59, ciprofloxacin was discontinued. On day 80, the patient was hospitalized with fever, and levofloxacin 500 mg/d IV was begun. The patient was continued on cyclosporine 250 mg/day. On day 90, levofloxacin was discontinued. The cyclosporine dose-to-blood level ratio was maintained constant in subsequent controls. In this patient, the substantial and sustained increase in cyclosporine blood levels after ciprofloxacin was added to the patient's therapy and the decrease in cyclosporine blood levels after the withdrawal of ciprofloxacin suggest a potential interaction. Levofloxacin therapy could be a therapeutic alternative, although pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic studies should be conducted.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To measure the concentrations of thiamine and thiamine esters by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) in elderly patients treated with furosemide for heart failure and in a control group. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study of blood thiamine and thiamine ester concentrations. SUBJECTS: Forty-one patients admitted to hospital for heart failure and 34 elderly living at home. No vitamin supplementation was allowed. RESULTS: Compared with the healthy controls, furosemide-treated patients had significantly reduced whole blood thiamine phosphate (TP; 4.4 +/- 2.2 vs. 7.6 +/- 2.0 nmol L-1) and thiamine diphosphate (TPP; 76 +/- 21.5 vs. 91 +/- 19.8 nmol L-1) (mean +/- SD). When the thiamine concentrations were related to the haemoglobin concentrations, which were reduced in the heart failure patients, the levels of TP (nmol g-1 Hb) were 0.38 +/- 0.26 vs. 0.54 +/- 0.17 (P < 0.0001), and of TPP were 6.35 +/- 1.76 vs. 6.37 +/- 1.29 (P = 0.95). There were no differences in T and TP concentrations in plasma between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: The elderly patients with heart failure treated with furosemide have not reduced the storage form of thiamine, TPP, but only TP. This change is most likely not an expression of a thiamine deficiency, but rather of an altered metabolism of thiamine, which is not understood at present.  相似文献   

Background:Little is known about the renal handling of endogenous ouabain-like compound (OLC). The aim of this study was to determine the normal renal clearance of OLC and the effect of mild experimental uremia on plasma OLC and its clearance.Methods:Male Wistar rats were studied 8 weeks after subtotal (5/6th) nephrectomy (n = 8) and compared with a control sham-operated group (n = 8).Results:Plasma creatinine and OLC were higher in uremic animals compared with controls (creatinine 76 ± 5.6 μmol/L v 45 ± 9.6 μmol/L, respectively, P < .00005; OLC 195 ± 62 pmol/L v 121 ± 62 pmol/L, P < .02). Creatinine clearance and OLC clearance were lower in uremic animals compared with controls (creatinine 1.06 ± 0.12 mL/min v 1.58 ± 0.32 mL/min, respectively, P < .002; OLC 23.6 ± 10.4 μL/min v 33.2 ± 11.4 μL/min, P < .05). There were no significant differences (all P > .05) between the uremic and control groups in the fractional clearance of OLC (uremic 2.3% ± 1.0% v control 2.2% ± 1.0%), OLC excretion rate (uremic 6.2 ± 2.4 pmol/24 h v control 5.0 ± 1.1 pmol/24 h) or in the mean systolic blood pressure (BP) (uremic 132 ± 13 mm Hg v control 126 ± 3 mm Hg). The amount of OLC excreted per unit of functioning nephron mass was 78% higher in uremic animals than in controls. The rate of tubular absorption varied linearly with filtered load, did not differ between groups, and showed no evidence of saturation.Conclusions:The kidneys are an important excretion route for plasma OLC and moderate but significant increases may occur without inducing hypertension in the short term. The low fractional clearance of OLC is most likely due to tubular absorption and/or catabolism.  相似文献   

Miwa T  Zhou L  Hilliard B  Molina H  Song WC 《Blood》2002,99(10):3707-3716
Decay-accelerating factor (DAF) and CD59 are 2 glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored membrane proteins that inhibit complement activation at the C3 and C5b-9 step, respectively. CD59 is considered critical for protecting erythrocytes from spontaneous complement attack, as deficiency of CD59 or CD59/DAF, but not of DAF alone, on human erythrocytes renders them sensitive to complement lysis in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria syndrome. To evaluate the relative roles of CD59 and DAF in vivo, we have generated and studied a CD59 knockout and a CD59/DAF double-knockout mouse. CD59-deficient and CD59/DAF-double-deficient mouse erythrocytes were highly sensitive to antibody-induced complement lysis in vitro, yet neither CD59 knockout nor CD59/DAF double-knockout mouse developed spontaneous hemolytic anemia. Consistent with the latter observation, erythrocytes from the 2 strains of mutant mice were shown to have a normal lifespan in vivo. In contrast, mouse erythrocytes deficient in complement receptor 1 (CR1)-related gene y (Crry), a membrane C3 inhibitor with DAF and membrane cofactor protein activities, were rapidly eliminated from the circulation by a complement-dependent mechanism. Compared with DAF-deficient erythrocytes, Crry-deficient erythrocytes incurred higher levels of spontaneous C3 deposition in vivo. These findings demonstrate that CD59 and DAF are not indispensable on murine erythrocytes. Rather, effective C3 regulation on the cell surface, provided by Crry rather than DAF, is necessary for mouse erythrocytes to resist spontaneous complement attack. Our results raise the possibility that proper control of C3 activation may also be critical on human erythrocytes, where CR1 but not DAF could be the principal regulator of spontaneous C3 activation.  相似文献   

The definitive diagnosis of α-thalassemia involves detection of a deletion of one or more α-globin that encode the α-chains of Hb (hemoglobin). To determine whether DNA analysis is indicated, screening tests such as mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and Hb typing are employed. α-Thalassemia often correlates with normal or low HbA2 values. Zinc protoporphyrin (ZPP) is usually high in ferropenic anemia or lead-poisoning and is normal or slightly raised in ß-thalassemia. Therefore, ZPP is currently used as a marker to discriminate between ferropenic anemia and β-thalassemia. We investigated the diagnostic potential of ZPP < 150 μmol/mol heme in a screening strategy for α-thalassemia. We measured ZPP and performed DNA analysis for detecting the seven most prevalent α-thalassemia deletions, namely, α3.7, SEA, α20.5, α4.2, MED, FIL, and THAI, in the blood samples of 200 patients with MCV < 70 fL and HbA2 ≤ 3.5%. Deletions were detected in 9% subjects in the ZPP ≥ 150 group (n = 175) and 56% subjects in the ZPP < 150 group (n = 29); this difference was statistically significant (chi-square test, P < 0.001). We conclude that ZPP < 150 μmol/mol heme can be used in a new screening strategy for α-thalassemia.  相似文献   

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