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Bipolar II disorder and its premorbid personality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study psychopathologically analyzes and compares the premorbid personalities associated with bipolar II disorder and unipolar depression. Using Cloninger's tridimensional personality theory, we evaluated 14 inpatients with bipolar II disorder and 14 inpatients with unipolar depression. The results indicate that the premorbid personality associated with bipolar II disorder is characterized as 'the reward-dependent, passive-avoidant/dependent tendency of personality' or 'the dependent tendency of personality'. We also clarified that atypical symptoms of bipolar II disorder, such as the hypomanic state and the mixed state, were induced by the mingling of this tendency with the melancholic personality type (Tellenbach) or the cycloid personality type (Kretschmer), both of which are based on syntony (Minkowski), categorized by the use of an obsessional defense mechanism to maintain stable social relations. When an insufficiency in the obsessional defense weakens the syntony, the dependent tendency engenders the symptoms stated above. Although few serious problems associated with the dependent tendency may have occurred previously, it may have resulted in conflicts with others after onset of the bipolar II disorder. Therefore, psychotherapy for these conflicts is necessary along with the administration of mood stabilizers.  相似文献   

Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine whether personality i.e. temperament and character interacts with age of onset in bipolar disorder.
Methods: Bipolar patients were recruited among in- and outpatients from lithium dispensaries of northern Sweden. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder type I and II. Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was used for measuring personality. TCI was administered to 100 lithium treated bipolar patients and 100 controls.
Results: Treatment response was significantly lower (p = 0.005) in patients with early onset compared with late onset. Family history (p = 0.013) and suicide attempts (p = 0.001) were also significantly more common in patients with early onset. Further, patients with early onset were significantly higher (p = 0.045) in the temperament factor harm avoidance (HA) than patients with late onset, but the difference was weak. Patients with early onset had more fear of uncertainty (HA2; p = 0.022) and were more shy (HA3; p = 0.030). Bipolar I patients showed similar results as those in the total bipolar group (I and II), with significantly higher HA (p = 0.019, moderate difference), HA2 (p = 0.015) and HA3 (p = 0.043) in patients with early onset compared with late onset. Bipolar II patients showed no differences between early and late age of onset but the groups are small and the results are therefore uncertain.
Conclusions: Early age of onset in bipolar disorder was correlated to an increase in severity, family history, poorer treatment response and poorer prognosis. Early onset was also correlated to personality.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Relatively few systematic data exist on the clinical impact of bipolar comorbidity in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and no studies have investigated the influence of such a comorbidity on the prevalence and pattern of Axis II comorbidity. The aim of the present study was to explore the comorbidity of personality disorders in a group of patients with OCD and comorbid bipolar disorder (BD). METHODS: The sample consisted of 204 subjects with a principal diagnosis of OCD (DSM-IV) and a Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) score>or=16 recruited from all patients consecutively referred to the Anxiety and Mood Disorders Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Turin over a period of 5 years (January 1998-December 2002). Diagnostic evaluation and Axis I comorbidities were collected by means of the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I). Personality status was assessed by using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Disorders (SCID-II). Socio-demographic and clinical features (including Axis II comorbidities) were compared between OCD patients with and without a lifetime comorbidity of BD. RESULTS: A total of 21 patients with OCD (10.3%) met DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime BD diagnosis: 4 (2.0%) with BD type I and 17 (8.3%) with BD type II. Those without a BD diagnosis showed significantly higher rates of male gender, sexual and hoarding obsessions, repeating compulsions and lifetime comorbid substance use disorders, when compared with patients with BD/OCD. With regard to personality disorders, those with BD/OCD showed higher prevalence rates of Cluster A (42.9% versus 21.3%; p=0.027) and Cluster B (57.1% versus 29.0%; p=0.009) personality disorders. Narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders were more frequent in BD/OCD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results point towards clinically relevant effects of comorbid BD on the personality profiles of OCD patients, with higher rates of narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders in BD/OCD patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This longitudinal follow-up study examined the predictive validity of relatives' expressed emotion in a group of patients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. METHOD: Thirty-five patients with DSM-III-R-diagnosed borderline personality disorder were followed up 1 year after they were discharged from a psychiatric hospital. Clinical outcome was assessed through interviews with patients and their family members. Expressed emotion in the patients' relatives, assessed at the time of the index admission, was then used to predict patients' subsequent clinical outcomes. RESULTS: Contrary to prediction, relatives' criticism and hostility did not predict how well patients did in the year after discharge. Neither did they predict rates of rehospitalization. Clinical outcome was strongly associated with family levels of emotional overinvolvement, however. Patients whose families scored higher on emotional overinvolvement had better clinical outcomes over the course of the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that the association between expressed emotion and patient outcome may be different for patients with borderline personality disorder than it is for patients with schizophrenia or mood disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To review the current knowledge of bipolar II disorder. METHODS: Literature was reviewed after conducting a Medline search and a hand search of relevant literature. RESULTS: Bipolar II disorder is a common disorder, with a prevalence of approximately 3-5%. Distinct clinical features of bipolar II disorder have been described. The key to diagnosis is the recognition of past hypomania, while depression is the typical presenting feature of the illness. This is responsible for a significant rate of missed diagnosis, and consequent management according to unipolar guidelines. It is unclear if bipolar II disorder is over-represented amongst resistant depression populations and if abrupt offset of antidepressant action is a phenomenon over represented in bipolar II disorder, reflecting induction of predominantly depressive cycling. A few mood-stabilizer studies available provide provisional suggestion of utility. A supportive role for psychosocial therapies is suggested, however, there is a sparsity of published studies specific to bipolar II disorder cohorts. A small number of short-term antidepressant trials have suggested efficacy, however, compelling long-term maintenance data is absent. CONCLUSIONS: An emerging literature on the specific clinical signature and management of the disorder exists, however, this is disproportionately small relative to the epidemiology and clinical significance of the disorder.  相似文献   

The validity and reliability of the diagnosis of bipolar II disorder has been questioned by means of comorbidity with nonaffective disorders, including substance abuse, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders. This study examined the comorbid diagnosis of a sample of bipolar II patients, comparing patients with comorbidity and those with "pure" bipolar II disorder. Forty Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) bipolar II patients were assessed by means of the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Lifetime Version (SADS-L) and Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R axis I (SCID-II) for personality disorders. Patients fulfilling RDC criteria for any psychiatric disorder (except personality disorders) or DSM-IV criteria for any personality disorder were compared with patients without comorbidity. For practical reasons, cyclothymia was not considered as a comorbid diagnosis. Half of the sample had lifetime comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders, mainly personality disorders (33%), substance abuse or dependence (21%), and anxiety disorders (8%). However, only the rates of suicidal ideation (74% v 24%, chi square [chi2] = 9.03, P = .003) and suicide attempts (45% v 5%, chi2 = 8.53, P = .003) were significantly different between patients with and without comorbidity. In summary, although the rates of comorbidity are relatively high in bipolar II disorder, most clinical and course variables are strikingly similar in patients with and without comorbidity except for suicidal behavior, suggesting that comorbidity does not reduce the validity of the diagnosis of bipolar II disorder.  相似文献   

Frances A, Jones KD. Bipolar disorder type II revisited. Bipolar Disord 2012: 14: 474–477. © 2012 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Because of their overlapping phenomenology and mutually chronic, persistent nature, distinctions between bipolar disorder and cluster B personality disorders remain a source of unresolved clinical controversy. The extent to which comorbid personality disorders impact course and outcome for bipolar patients also has received little systematic study. METHOD: One hundred DSM-IV bipolar I (N = 73) or II (N = 27) patients consecutively underwent diagnostic evaluations with structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV Axis I and cluster B Axis II disorders, along with assessments of histories of childhood trauma or abuse. Cluster B diagnostic comorbidity was examined relative to lifetime substance abuse, suicide attempt histories, and other clinical features. RESULTS: Thirty percent of subjects met DSM-IV criteria for a cluster B personality disorder (17% borderline, 6% antisocial, 5% histrionic, 8% narcissistic). Cluster B diagnoses were significantly linked with histories of childhood emotional abuse (p = .009), physical abuse (p = .014), and emotional neglect (p = .022), but not sexual abuse or physical neglect. Cluster B comorbidity was associated with significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and current depression. Lifetime suicide attempts were significantly associated with cluster B comorbidity (OR = 3.195, 95% CI = 1.124 to 9.088), controlling for current depression severity, lifetime substance abuse, and past sexual or emotional abuse. CONCLUSIONS: Cluster B personality disorders are prevalent comorbid conditions identifiable in a substantial number of individuals with bipolar disorder, making an independent contribution to increased lifetime suicide risk.  相似文献   

A review of follow-up studies of patients with bipolar manic-depressive disorder shows that this illness has a less favorable outcome than is generally considered, both from the standpoint of clinical course and that of social functioning.  相似文献   

We examined the association between affective disorders and eating disorders in 22 eating disorder inpatients who were interviewed using the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime Version. The first series of 11 were interviewed as part of an interrater reliability study; the second series, done as follow-up to the first, consisted of 11 consecutive admissions. Overall, there were 15 bulimics and seven anorexics. Nineteen patients had a major affective disorder, and 13 (59%) had bipolar II affective disorder. Bipolar II affective disorder appears to be a common finding in hospitalized patients with severe persistent eating disorders.  相似文献   

AIM: To find if bipolar II disorder (BPII) and major depressive disorder (MDD) were distinct categories or overlapping syndromes. METHODS: 308 BPII and 236 MDD outpatients, presenting for major depressive episode (MDE) treatment, were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV. History of mania and hypomania, and hypomanic symptoms present during MDE, were systematically investigated. Presence of zones of rarity between BPII and MDD depressive syndromes was assessed. Atypical and hypomanic symptoms were chosen because atypical features and depressive mixed state (ie, MDE plus more than 2 concurrent hypomanic symptoms, according to Akiskal and Benazzi 2003) were often reported to distinguish BPII from MDD depressive syndromes (more common in BPII). If BPII were a distinct category, distributions of these symptoms should show zones of rarity between BPII and MDD depressive syndromes. Histograms and Kernel density estimate were used to study distributions of these symptoms. RESULTS: BPII had significantly more atypical features and depressive mixed state than MDD. Histograms and Kernel density estimate curves of distributions of atypical and hypomanic symptoms in the entire sample did not show zones of rarity. CONCLUSIONS: Finding no zones of rarity supports a continuity between BPII and MDD (meaning partly overlapping disorders without clear boundaries).  相似文献   

Psychiatric family history of bipolar II disorder is understudied. The aims of the current study were to find the psychiatric family history of bipolar II patients using a new structured interview, the Family History Screen by Weissman et al (2000), and to find bipolar disorders family history predicting power for the diagnosis of bipolar II. One hundred sixty-four consecutive unipolar major depressive disorder (MDD) and 241 consecutive bipolar II major depressive episode (MDE) outpatients were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). The Family History Screen was used. Sensitivity and specificity of predictors of the diagnosis of bipolar II (bipolar [type I and II] family history, bipolar II family history, atypical depression, depressive mixed state, many MDE recurrences, early onset) were studied. Bipolar II subjects had significantly more bipolar I, more bipolar II (50.7%), more MDE, and more social phobia in first-degree relatives than did unipolar subjects. Bipolar II subjects had many more first-degree relatives with bipolar II than with bipolar I. Among the predictors of the diagnosis of bipolar II, bipolar II family history had the highest specificity (82.8%), while early onset had the highest sensitivity. Discriminant analysis of predictor variables found that bipolar II family history and early onset were highly significant predictors. In conclusion, bipolar II family history was common in bipolar II patients, and it had high specificity for predicting bipolar II. If detected, it could reduce bipolar II misdiagnosis by inducing careful probing for a history of hypomania.  相似文献   

Comorbidity of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in bipolar disorder is well documented. However, clinical characteristics of bipolar OCD are not well studied. The objective of the present study was to compare the clinical characteristics of bipolar and nonbipolar OCD. We chose 28 subjects with bipolar-OCD comorbidity from a sample of 80 remitted bipolar subjects (bipolar OCD) attending the outpatient services of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India, over a period of 11 months. We also recruited 78 nonbipolar OCD subjects consecutively during the same period from the OCD clinic of the institute. They underwent systematic assessment using both structured and unstructured clinical interviews and corroborative information obtained from the immediate family members and the hospital clinical charts. Bipolar OCD subjects were characterized by episodic course of OCD, high family loading for mood disorders, and comorbidity with depression, social phobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. They had less severe OCD and had somewhat different symptom profile compared with nonbipolar OCD. The OCD predated bipolar disorder in 54% of the bipolar OCD subjects; and in the remaining subjects, it had an onset during the course of bipolar disorder. Most bipolar OCD subjects reported worsening of OCD in depression (n = 22, 78%) and improvement in manic/hypomanic episodes (n = 18, 64%). Our findings suggest that OCD in those with a primary diagnosis of bipolar disorder is perhaps pathophysiologically related to bipolar disorder than to OCD. This is strongly supported by the episodic course of OCD, high familial loading for mood disorders, and worsening of OCD in depression with improvement in hypomania/mania phases. There is a need for systematic exploration of the OCD-bipolar comorbidity in both OCD and bipolar samples. Family-genetic and other neurobiological research and the prospective follow-up of bipolar and nonbipolar OCD subjects would further enhance our understanding of this complex comorbidity. The cross-sectional nature of the study based on retrospective assessment of course, the small sample size and the inclusion of only remitted bipolar subjects are the limitations of this study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to identify variables predictive of the psychosocial outcomes of borderline patients 2 years following an acute psychiatric hospitalization. Of the initial 88 inpatients scoring positive for the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines (DIB), 65 (73.8%) were reinterviewed, 14 (15.9%) refused, five (5.7%) were unable to be located, and four (4.6%) suicided. The dropouts (n = 19) were significantly more likely to be single, separated, or divorced, to be male, and to be diagnosed as having co-existing antisocial personality disorder than the followed-up probands (n = 69). In terms of global functioning, over the 2-year follow-up period, 61 (87.7%) of the 69 probands were judged to be functioning normally less than 50% of the follow-up interval. Using logistic regression, two variables, initial impulse action scores and poor premorbid functioning, predicted poor versus good outcome. This study supports the literature, which indicates that the early course of borderline personality disorder (BPD) is stormy. Impulsivity and poor premorbid functioning may be predictive of poor short-term outcome in borderline patients.  相似文献   

Hypochondriacal personality disorder diagnosed according to the Personality Assessment Schedule, a structured clinical interview, was related to outcome after 2 years and 5 years in a randomized, controlled trial of treatment of generalized anxiety, panic, and dysthymic disorders. Seventeen individuals (9%) from a population of 181 patients had hypochondriacal personality disorder and they experienced a significantly worse outcome than other patients, including those with other personality disorders, in terms of symptomatic change and health service utilization. This lack of improvement was associated with persistent somatization in hypochondriacal personality disorder. The results give further support to the belief that hypochondriacal personality disorder is a valid clinical diagnosis that has important clinical correlates, but further work is needed to establish the extent of its overlap with hypochondriasis as a mental state disorder.  相似文献   

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