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We report a case of jejunal perforation caused by infection with taeniid tapeworm possessing unusual morphology that has not been previously described. Among five cestodes recovered during operation, one exhibited a bifurcation at the posterior end and the other harbored a lateral branching of immature segments from the main strobila. By sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene and the 28S rRNA gene has confirmed them to be Taenia saginata saginata.  相似文献   

本文采用Meta分析方法对文献报道的都匀亚洲带绦虫研究结果进行了综合分析,得出的结果支持“都匀牛带绦虫”为都匀亚洲带绦虫的结论。  相似文献   

1 病例资料患者,女,14岁,体重5 2kg ,西藏人,藏族。2 0 0 2年8月从拉萨来到江苏常州民族中学就读初中。该生在西藏期间,喜食风干牛肉,曾发现大便内有似面条样的节片,常有腹部不适等症状。2 0 0 3年2月作者等用透明胶纸肛拭方法对患者进行检查,连续3d均查到绦虫虫卵,并检获绦虫节片。驱虫治疗采用槟榔南瓜子疗法:空腹服南瓜子仁粉70 g ,2h后服70g槟榔煎剂,0 .5h后再服藩泻叶冲剂导泻。3h后病人排出带绦虫完整虫体1条。3个月后随访,腹部症状消失,大便中未再发现节片。2 虫卵与虫体的形态鉴定2 .1 虫卵 显微镜检查虫卵,直径约40 μm ,呈球…  相似文献   

A total of 942 slaughtered cattle at Nsukka, Enugu, Abakaliki, Nkalagu and Onitsha slaughter houses were examined for evidence of Cysticercus bovis infection. 430 animals (45.65 per cent) were in the 2-4 year age group. 38 animals had cysticerci in their tissues. Out of the 38 infected cattle 26 (68.42 per cent) were in the 2-4 year group. Of these 26 cattle, 20 (76.92 per cent) had viable cysts in parts of their body while 6 (23.1 per cent) had dead cysts. 2 out of the infected 20 cattle had viable cysts in the liver but only one had viable cysts in the lung. The number of cysts found per carcase was between 1 and 5.23 (60.53 per cent) of the 38 infected carcases had single infection and 15 (39.47 per cent) had multiple infection. Most commonly infected parts were the heart, tongue, masseter muscle, diaphragm with its pillar, muscle of arm, muscle of thigh, liver, oesophagus and lung in that order. The prevalent rates for Nsukka, Enugu, Abakaliki, Nkalagu, Onitsha slaughter houses were 4.35 per cent, 3.2 per cent, 4.10 per cent, 7.5 per cent and 4.07 per cent respectively. Bovine cysticercosis infection in cattle can be controlled by environmental sanitation and through meat inspection done by well trained meat inspectors.  相似文献   

Infection with tapeworms is a major problem in many parts of the world. Patients may be asymptomatic or have a significant morbidity depending on the species. Infection with Taenia species is sometimes found by expulsion of eggs or proglottids in stool. Species specific diagnosis of Taenia is difficult, but possible. We present a case of Taenia saginata incidentally discovered, and risk factors for transmission, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment.  相似文献   

患者女性 ,36岁 ,蒙古族牧民。 4月前出现无明显诱因的腹痛 ,并伴有双下肢瘫痪。当地医院用蒙药治疗效果不佳。在北京某医院按视神经脊髓炎治疗 ,患者能行走 ,但出现间歇性四肢痉挛性抽搐 (每次持续不足 1m in)。1997年 6月 2 0日入我院神经内科 ,体检 :意识清 ,定向力、视力均正常 ,视野无缺失 ,眼球运动自如 ,四肢肌力、肌张力正常 ,右侧平T6 - T1 0 感觉减退 ,左侧平 T6 - T1 0 感觉减退 ,双下肢膝腱反射亢进。头部 MRI扫描未见异常 ,B超肝、胆、脾、胰、双肾未见异常 ,心电图、胸片均正常。取脑脊液检寡克隆带阴性 ,脑脊液常规检查…  相似文献   

Twenty-six individuals infected with Taenia saginata, 18 males and eight females ranging in age from 19-46 years, were treated successfully by a single oral dose of praziquantel at 10 mg kg-1 body weight. The drug was well tolerated, and no appreciable side effects were observed. Of the 26 patients, eight harboured one worm and the remainder harboured two or more worms; eight worms were obtained from one individual. In all 75 worms were recovered, ranging in length from 1.05-4.55 m, with a mean length of 2.26 +/- 0.36 m. The number of segments per worm ranged from 283-758, with a mean of 450 +/- 57.6. The mean wet and dry weights of the worms were found to be 26.1 +/- 2.7 g and 4.00 +/- 0.32 g respectively. The mean length of the worms, the mean number of segments per worm and the mean wet and dry weights were observed to decrease significantly (P less than 0.01) with an increase in the number of worms harboured by the patient.  相似文献   

目的分析牛带绦虫可溶性抗原蛋白组分.方法用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)对牛带绦虫成虫、牛囊尾蚴及牛带绦虫虫卵的可溶性抗原进行分析.结果牛带绦虫不同抗原的蛋白质区带主要分布于14~116kD之间.成节显示37条,主带14条(分子量分别为100,68,63,45,43,41,37,35,29,25,20,17,15,13kD);孕节显示35条,主带11条(分子量分别为68,63,45,43,35,29,25,20,17,15,13kD);虫卵显示9条,主带3条(分子量分别为68,38,25kD);囊尾蚴显示12条,主带6条(分子量分别为68,36,35,16,14,12kD).结论成虫的成节和孕节的蛋白图谱差别不大但与囊尾蚴的蛋白图谱有显著差别, 成虫和囊尾蚴的抗原可能有差别.  相似文献   

Praziquantel given in single doses of 12, 15 and 20 mg/kg body weight was applied in treatment of Taenia saginata infection (61 persons) and in four doses against Hymenolepis nana infection (1 person). Only one person not being cured shows that the compound has given a very high cure rate in clinical trial. 10% of patients treated complained of subjective mild side effects, which disappeared during 24 h after drug administration.  相似文献   

目的 观察小鼠感染都匀亚洲带绦虫和从江牛带绦虫后血清免疫学指标的动态变化。方法 取新鲜都匀亚洲带绦虫和从江牛带绦虫孕节,分别用生理盐水洗净,置37℃水浴箱孵化成六钩蚴、经皮下或腹腔接种小鼠。分别于感染后40、60、75d取血作免疫学检查。结果 两实验组小鼠感染六钩蚴后血清免疫球蛋白均升高,其中IgM在感染后40d达高峰,之后开始下降;IgG、IgA在感染后60d达高峰,之后下降;补体C3、C4水平下降,至感染后75d,都匀亚洲带绦虫感染组和从江牛带绦虫感组分别下降82.8%和77.5%;检查两组小鼠血白细胞总数及分类,除嗜酸性粒细胞比例升高外其余无明显改变。结论免疫抑制小鼠感染都匀亚洲带绦虫和从江牛带绦虫后血清免疫学指标均发生显著改变,符合免疫应答规律。但从江牛带绦虫感染小鼠后,免疫学指标变化更明显。  相似文献   

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