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嘈杂语噪声下汉语语句测听中的学习效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 验证采用噪声下语句识别表进行言语测听时是否存在"学习效应"(learning effect),并确定在使用本测试材料时需要几张练习表才能抵消学习效应.方法 选取年龄18~25岁、听力/言语发育正常且日常以汉语普通话为交流方式的64名受试者,在-3、-5、-7、-9 dB四种信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR)条件下进行语句识别率测试.采用32张嘈杂语噪声下汉语普通话语句识别表(每表10句,每句3~7个  相似文献   

目的 获得噪声下声调识别测试(t o n e identification in noise test,TINT)材料的听力正常人识别成绩-强度(performance-intensity,PI)函数。方法 利用已确立的TINT测试材料对16名年龄在21~28岁、以普通话作为日常交流语言的听力正常人进行声调识别测试,使用SPSS17.0统计软件对结果进行分析。结果 听力正常成人PI 斜率分别为8.6%/dB(男声)、7.3%/dB(女声)(P =0.11);听力正常成人PI函数信噪比50阈值分别为男声(-12.9±0.8)dB、女声(-13.6±1)dB(t =2.7,P =0.016);声调类型和播音者性别对PI曲线阈值的影响即存在交互作用(F =11.7,P<0.001)、亦存在独立作用(声调类型:F =83.7,P<0.001;播音员性别:F =31.0,P<0.05),其中听力正常人一声和四声识别阈值明显低于二声和三声识别阈值。结论 本研究初步建立基于TINT测试材料的听力正常人噪声下声调识别PI函 数,以期为临床工作和科学研究提供一个可选择的测量工具。  相似文献   

目的 研究嘈杂语噪声下普通话语句识别测听材料在学龄前儿童言语测听中的效度、信度和敏感度指标,并分析年龄、性别因素对测听结果的影响.方法 招募54名北京市4~6岁听力言语正常儿童(分成4.0~、4.5~、5.0~6.0岁三组,每组18名,男女各半),应用27张中文嘈杂语噪声下普通话语句识别表,采用随机区组裂区设计,在幼儿园简易声场(本底噪声<40 dB A)在SNR=+1、-2、-5 dB三种条件下由同一扬声器播放语句(强度固定为65 dB SPL)和噪声,由儿童复述所听到的语句,逐一计算各表的言语识别率.结果 ①多种信噪比下的识别率得分在各表之间的差异无统计学意义;②各表对学龄前儿童的识别率(performance)-信噪比(SNR)函数显示,SNR50阈值为-1.96±0.19 dB SNR,斜率为15.8%±1.1%/dB;③各表得分经"合理化的"反正弦变换,推定在95%置信度下的临界差值(critical difference,CD)为24.6%;④4~4.5岁儿童与另两组儿童之间的得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.000 000),另二组儿童之间的得分差异无统计学意义(P=0.895 199).男女之间的差异也有统计学意义(P=0.000 000).结论 ①27张中文嘈杂语噪声下的普通话语句识别表,对学龄前儿童彼此等价;②学龄前儿童50%语句识别率所对应的SNR50接近-2 dB,测试的敏感度为15.8%/dB,均低于成人水平;③男女儿童在噪声下的语句识别能力虽略有差异,但远小于信度指标所对应的24.6%的临界差值;④每表测试时间仅1.5分钟,适用于4.5岁以上的城市儿童.  相似文献   

正常人汉语噪声竞争下言语测听的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
选用自行录制的单音节语音材料,对46名听力正常青年人在3种不同噪声竞争下进行言语测听。选用的噪声为白噪声(whitenoise,WN)、言语噪声(speechnoise,SN)和自行录制合成的多人谈话声(Babblenoise,BN)。将测得言语识别率结果用两个参数的数学模型来表达信噪比(signal-to-noiseratio,S/N)与识别率间的关系。对正常人同时测试了安静条件下5个言语声级和3种噪声条件下5个S/N时的言语识别率。安静条件下测得的结果与沈晔结果相近,平均言语接受阈只相差1.8dB。噪声条件下言语识别率皆随S/N的变化而变化,同一噪声下,S/N越小识别率越低,S/N越大识别率越高。不同噪声下,50%识别率水平时的S/N有明显差别,S/N在BN下最大,在WN下最小,说明不同噪声对言语识别的影响不同。噪声下测得言语清晰度曲线斜率比安静条件下要陡,不同噪声间清晰度曲线斜率无明显差别。本研究同时证实言语识别率的标准差与识别率水平和测试词表中词的数目相关。  相似文献   

目的 通过对解放军总医院研制的12张普通话儿童语句测听词表的难度等价性研究,判断该套材料是否符合言语测听材料的标准,以期挑选出具有难度一致性的词表应用于临床.方法 选取36名听力正常青年受试者,采用听说复述的方式,进行12组句表的测试(每组句表有50个关键词),以关键词计分,然后对各表得分进行统计学分析.结果 进行双因素(表号和强度)方差分析和Post-Hoc两两比较,12张测试表无统计学差异.结论 12张语句识别表具有较好的难度等价性,可应用于临床测试和实验研究.  相似文献   

目的 初步确定人工耳蜗使用者声调感知的特点,并进行分析研究.方法 利用自主开发的噪声下声调识别测试材料(tone identification in noise test,TINT)在Speech Performance测试平台的控制下对20例母语为汉语普通话人工耳蜗使用者声调识别能力进行评估,获得各声调识别成绩以及声调识别混淆矩阵.采用χ2检验(chi-square test)对本组人工耳蜗使用者汉语声调识别成绩差异进行统计学分析.结果 ①本组人工耳蜗使用者的汉语普通话声调识别总成绩(百分制得分)分布48.75%~98.75%,平均成绩(76.38±17.29)%;②各声识别成绩平均值差异显著(χ2=2358.357,P<0.01),由高到低分别为T3(85.75%)>T4(85.25%)>T1(69.75%)>T2(64.75%),即本组人工耳蜗植入者感知T3、T4较为容易、感知T1、T2较为困难;③声调识别混淆矩阵提示T2(35.35%)、T1(30.25%)混淆度明显高于T4(14.75%)、T3(14.25%),并且各个声调之间的混淆趋势不同,T1易被混淆为T2(18.25%)、T2易被混淆为T3(24.00%).结论 时域特性明显的声调更易被人工耳蜗群体识别,因此应根据声调感知难易程度制定针对性的声调康复训练方案,综合利用听觉信息和视觉信息改善声调,特别是一声、二声的识别能力.  相似文献   

目的:为克服现有中文言语测听材料在成年耳蜗植入者中的天花板效应,依照英文AzBio句表的开发流程,开发一套更难的、更贴近现实生活的中文普通话语句测听表,并在成人耳蜗植入者验证其等价性。方法:选取成人日常生活口语素材,邀请2男2女播音专业学生在本底噪声低于20 dB(A)的隔声室内录音1 020句,以声码器技术仿真成5通道人工耳蜗的音效,编撰成51张表,以拉丁方设计在17名听力正常人中进行言语识别率测试,从均值±1标准差( xˉ±1s,61.9%至92.2%)的范围内挑选出同质性良好的600句(每个播音人150句,识别率均值78.0%),编撰成每表20句共30张CMnBio句表。另行招募30例使用年限12个月~12年不等的成年人工耳蜗植入者,在65 dBSPL声级下依序测试30张表的言语识别率。采用拉丁方设计方案,每张测试表都有同样的机会成为首张测试表,以避免练习效应和疲劳效应的干扰。使用SPSS 18.0统计软件进行数据分析。 结果:(1)30例人工耳蜗植入者的言语识别率呈现出较大的个体间差异,但每例植入者对30张表的言语识别率相对稳定。(2)对言语识别率进行合理化的反正弦变换后,计算每例植入者每表识别率与其30张表平均识别率的差值;以30张CMnBio表作为考察对象,对30例植入者的上述差值进行重复测量的方差分析, F=3.503 1, P<0.001;进而采用 Post Hoc Tukey两两比较,除第4、5、10、29号表外,其余26张表之间差异无统计学意义( P>0.05)。(3)26张等价CMnBio句表在30例成年人工耳蜗植入者中的识别率为(65.4±13.3)%,呈良好的正态分布。(4)采用 n=65的二项分布模型可最好地反映表间的变异性。 结论:本研究建立了面向成年人工耳蜗植入者、具有良好等价性的26张普通话CMnBio句表,并提供了使用单张表和二张表时识别率得分95%置信度下的临界差值。为普通话成人人工耳蜗临床实践及开展跨语种成效对比研究,提供了一个可避免天花板效应的实用工具。  相似文献   

目的验证新编中文普通话版嘈杂语噪声下语句识别表在视、听、视+听三种模式下的等价性。方法招募27名听力正常人,采用二因素(视听模式、测试表号)重复测量实验设计,分别在单视觉.单听觉(65dB SPL言语强度、-6dB信噪比)及视听结合三种模式下,在声场中完成对27张嘈杂语噪声下语句识别表的言语识别率测试。三种视听模式及测试表号在所有受试者中均衡排布。结果综合三种视听模式的识别率,27张表的识别率无显著性差异(F=0.929,P=0.568)。视.听、视+听三种模式下的语句识别率分别为33.4±14.1%、40.9±14.4%、91.4±7.3%,两两之间均表现出显著性差异。结论视觉信息的补充,可有效提高噪声下的语句感知能力。新编中文普通话版嘈杂语噪声下语句识别表在视。听、视+听三种模式下均等价,可用于人工耳蜗植入疗效的评估。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to develop the Polish sentence matrix test (PSMT) to measure intelligibility of speech presented against a background noise. The PSMT consists of five columns containing: 10 names, 10 verbs, 10 numerals, 10 adjectives, and 10 nouns. Since each word was available as a separate sound file, it was possible to generate different sentences by juxtaposing randomly selected words taken from respective columns. This approach allows 100 000 unique sentences of a fixed grammatical structure to be generated. The speech reception threshold (SRT), i.e. the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) providing 50% speech intelligibility and S50, the slope of an intelligibility function at the SRT point, were shown to be ?9.6 dB and 17.1 %/dB, respectively. Note that in this study dB is regarded as dB SNR, otherwise reference is given. PSMT was also evaluated using an adaptive 1-up/ 1-down staircase procedure in investigations with and without participation of an experimenter. No significant differences were shown for SRTs obtained in these investigations.


El propósito de este estudio fue desarrollar la prueba matriz de frases en polaco (PSMT) para medir la inteligibilidad de lenguaje presentado contra ruido de fondo. El PSMT consiste de cinco columnas que contienen: 10 nombres, 10 verbos, 10 numerales, 10 adjetivos y 10 palabras. Dado que cada palabra estaba disponible como un archivo de sonido separado, fue posible generar diferentes frases por medio de la yuxtaposición aleatoria de palabras seleccionadas tomadas de las respectivas columnas. Este enfoque permite la generación de 100.000 frases singulares con una estructura gramatical fija. El umbral de recepción del lenguaje (SRT), p.e., la tasa de señal-ruido (SNR) brindando el 50% de inteligibilidad del lenguaje, y el S50, la pendiente de una función de inteligibilidad en el punto del SRT, fueron –9.6 dB y 17.1%/dB, respectivamente. Note que en este estudio los dB corresponden a dB SNR, a menos que se brinde otra referencia. También se evaluó el PSMT usando un procedimiento adaptativo en escalera de 1 hacia arriba y 1 hacia abajo, en investigaciones con y sin un experimentador. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para los SRT obtenidos en estas investigaciones.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop Polish sentence tests for accurate measuring of speech intelligibility in masking interfering noise. Two sets of sentence lists have been developed. The first set was composed of 25 lists and was used for sentence intelligibility scoring. The second set was composed of 22 lists and was used for word intelligibility scoring. The lists in each set have been phonemically and statistically balanced. The speech reception threshold (SRT) and slope of the psychometric function at the SRT point (S50) were determined in normal-hearing subjects. It was found that the mean SRT and mean list-specific S50list for the first set were equal to ?6.1 dB and 25.5%/dB, respectively. The mean SRT and the mean list-specific S50list for the second set were:?7.5 dB and 20.8%/dB. Due to a relatively steep slope of the psychometric functions, the Polish sentence tests were shown to be accurate materials for speech intelligibility measurements against interfering noise. They are the first sentence speech-in-noise tests developed for Slavonic languages.  相似文献   

Objective: Development of an Italian matrix sentence test for the assessment of speech intelligibility in noise. Design: The development of the test included the selection, recording, optimization with level adjustment, and evaluation of speech material. The training effect was assessed adaptively during the evaluation measurements with six lists of 20 sentences, using open- and closed-set response formats. Reference data were established for normal-hearing listeners with adaptive measurements. Equivalence of the test lists was investigated using the open-set response format at three signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Study sample: A total of 55 normal-hearing Italian mother-tongue listeners. Results: The evaluation measurements at fixed SNRs resulted in a mean speech reception threshold (SRT) of ? 7.3 ± 0.2 dB SNR and slope of 13.3 ± 1.2 %/dB. The major training effect of 1.5 dB was observed for the first two consecutive measurements. Mean SRTs of ? 6.7 ± 0.7 dB SNR and ? 7.4 ± 0.7 dB SNR were found from the third to the sixth adaptive measurement for open- and closed-set test response formats, respectively. Conclusions: A good agreement has been found between the SRTs and slope and those of other matrix tests. Since sentences are difficult to memorize, the Italian matrix test is suitable for repeated measurements.  相似文献   


Objective: A Dutch matrix sentence test was developed and evaluated. A matrix test is a speech-in-noise test based on a closed speech corpus of sentences derived from words from fixed categories. An example is “Mark gives five large flowers.” Design: This report consists of the development of the speech test and a multi-center evaluation. Study sample: Forty-five normal-hearing participants. Results: The developed matrix test has a speech reception threshold in stationary noise of ? 8.4 dB with an inter-list standard deviation of 0.2 dB. The slope of the intelligibility function is 10.2 %/dB and this is slightly lower than that of similar tests in other languages (12.6 to 17.1 %/dB). Conclusions: The matrix test is now also available in Dutch and can be used in both Flanders and the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Fluctuating interfering noises are highly suitable for speech audiometry because of the large inter-individual variability in intelligibility results. This study explores the maximum duration of silent intervals in the masker as an important factor underlying sentence intelligibility in fluctuating noise. Three versions of speech-simulating fluctuating interfering noises based on the icra noises (Dreschler et al, ) were explored: The original noise which simulates one interfering speaker and contains pause durations up to two seconds, as well as two modified versions with pause durations limited to 250?ms and 62.5?ms, respectively. In addition, a stationary speech-shaped noise was used. Test-retest reliability as well as speech reception threshold (SRT) and speech intelligibility function slope were determined with hearing-impaired subjects. All fluctuating noises differentiated very well between subjects. Partial rank correlation analysis showed that SRTs in fluctuating noise with longest maximum pause durations mostly depended on SRTs in quiet. SRTs in fluctuating noises with smaller maximum pause durations correlated both with SRTs in quiet and in stationary noise.


Los ruidos fluctuantes de interferencia son muy apropiados en logoaudiometría debido a la gran variabilidad inter-individuos en los resultados de inteligibilidad. Este estudio explora la duración máxima de intervalos de silencio en el enmascarador, como un importante factor subyacente en la inteligibilidad de frases en medio de ruido fluctuante. Se exploraron tres versiones de ruidos fluctuantes de interferencia simulando lenguaje, con base en los ruidos icra (Dreschler y col., 2001): el ruido original que simula la interferencia de un hablante y contiene pausas de hasta 2 segundos de duración, y también dos versiones modificadas con pausas de duración limitadas a 250 mseg y 62.5 mseg, respectivamente. Además, se utilizó un ruido estacionario moldeado como lenguaje. Se determinó la confiabilidad test-retest al igual que la pendiente de las funciones del SRT y la inteligibilidad del lenguaje, en sujetos hipoacúsicos. Todos los ruidos fluctuantes se diferenciaron muy bien entre los sujetos. Un análisis de correlación de rango parcial mostró que los SRT en ruido fluctuante con las duraciones más prolongadas de pausa máxima, dependían del SRT en silencio. Los SRT en ruido fluctuante con duraciones menores de pausa máxima, correlacionaron tanto con los SRT en silencio como con el ruido estacionario.  相似文献   

Fluctuating interfering noises are highly suitable for speech audiometry because of the large inter-individual variability in intelligibility results. This study explores the maximum duration of silent intervals in the masker as an important factor underlying sentence intelligibility in fluctuating noise. Three versions of speech-simulating fluctuating interfering noises based on the icra noises (Dreschler et al, 2001) were explored: The original noise which simulates one interfering speaker and contains pause durations up to two seconds, as well as two modified versions with pause durations limited to 250 ms and 62.5 ms, respectively. In addition, a stationary speech-shaped noise was used. Test-retest reliability as well as speech reception threshold (SRT) and speech intelligibility function slope were determined with hearing-impaired subjects. All fluctuating noises differentiated very well between subjects. Partial rank correlation analysis showed that SRTs in fluctuating noise with longest maximum pause durations mostly depended on SRTs in quiet. SRTs in fluctuating noises with smaller maximum pause durations correlated both with SRTs in quiet and in stationary noise.  相似文献   

目的对一组汉语普通话双音节词表的等价性进行分析。方法选择12名听力正常的受试者对已编辑好的6张(每张40词)等言语识别阈级并具有粗放"音位平衡"特征的汉语普通话双音节词表进行等价性实验,每张词表在言语听力级0、4、8、12dBHL等4个强度上进行测试,受试者聆听6张词表的顺序不同。受试者依强度从低到高的顺序进行4轮测试,记录每张词表在各强度级的正确率。使用SPSS12.0统计软件对各张词表的正确率进行双因素方差分析(词表序号、测试强度)。结果6张词表相互间等价性较好(F=0.022,P〉0.01),不同测试强度下得分有显著差异(F=583.249,P〈0.01)。结论一组具有等价性及音位平衡特征的汉语普通话双音节词表已编制完成。  相似文献   

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