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樊晓峰  赵静  孙小玉  李晓冬 《药学教育》2010,26(6):36-38,53
从人员管理,仪器管理,档案管理等三个方面,参考系统管理理论,探讨实验室实现动态管理的基本方案,以适应时代要求,提高实验室管理水平.  相似文献   

定点医院不仅是参保人员获取基本医疗服务和实现基本医疗消费的主体,又是直接控制医疗费用的载体,还是具体与参保人员接触、沟通、落实医保政策的场所。定点医院成为基本医疗保险管理体系中极为重要的组成部分,总额预付下如何加强医保管理与政策落实是否到位,直接关系到控制医保费用的关键所在。  相似文献   

医院全面质量安全管理考核方法与实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全面质量安全管理是指全面质量与医疗安全管理.医院质量管理是医院管理中的核心,如何实现医院全面质量管理(TQM)是医院管理者所面临的主要问题.医疗安全直接关系到患者的安全,它是医疗质量的前提和最基本要求,没有医疗安全就没有医疗质量.TQM 理念和方法的提出及其在医院管理中的应用为成功解决这一问题提供了理论和实践指导.建立科学合理、规范有序的医院全面质量与医疗安全管理考核机制,将完善制度、优化流程、全面监控、加强沟通、整改到位等措施,贯穿于基础质量、环节质量和终末质量控制的各个环节,是实施医疗质量持续改进的长效机制.  相似文献   

科研管理是以现代管理科学的基本原理为理论基础.遵循科研规律,运用决策、计划、组织、控制等基本管理职能.用科学方法管理科研工作,有效地发挥人、财、物、信息等要素的作用,以实现科研目标的活动过程。  相似文献   

程月珍 《现代医药卫生》2004,20(14):1425-1427
加强内涵建设,实施全面质量管理,逐步建立起由策划、共识、落实、评估、反馈、纠正、和再实施七个环节构成的管理链条:进一步完善质控量化考核体系,推行全成本核算。这是新的医疗模式和新的医疗市场的必然要求,是医院管理的发展方向,是医院管理水平与时俱进的象征,是实现医院可持续发展战略的基本保证。  相似文献   

我院是总部“军字一号”工程(高级版)首批试点单位。经过2年多的努力,一期、二期工程已全部运行,基本实现了医疗、药品、经济信息计算机网络化管理。医务处作为组织实施的行政部门,在实现计算机管理与医疗工作相结合的过程中起到了枢纽作用,现将我们的体会介绍如下。  相似文献   

戴翠萍 《现代医药卫生》2007,23(13):2054-2054
课堂管理是一项融科学和艺术于一体的富有创造性的工作。课堂管理是指教师通过协调课堂内的各种教学因素而有效地实现预定的教学目标的过程,课堂是教学的基本场所.课堂中交织着各种教学因素和由这些教学因素相互作用形成的各种关系。课堂管理的主要功能就是协调、控制、整合这些教学因素及其关系,使之形成一个可以控制的有序整体,从而保证课堂教学活动的顺利进行。课堂管理因素的多样化.导致课堂管理内容的多方面。  相似文献   

医院固定资产管理存在的问题及对策探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
固定资产是医院开展医疗、教学、科研所必不可少的基本物质要素,也是医院赖以生存和发展的重要资源之一。固定资产管理是医院管理的重要组成部分,如何科学有效地搞好固定资产管理,以确保其安全和完整,充分发挥其效能,实现其保值增值,对提高医院的经济效益和社会效益,增强医院的竞争力十分重要。本文针对基层医院固定资产管理中存在的问题,探讨加强医院固定资产管理的对策。  相似文献   

王伟  刘永红  高日  王宜民  田学卒 《河北医药》2013,(19):3006-3007
推行乡村卫生服务一体化管理是深化基层医药卫生体制改革、优化农村卫生资源、实现城乡居民基本公共卫生服务均等化的工作基础,有利于加强农村卫生机构建设、管理与服务。具体内容是在县级卫生行政部门统一规划和组织实施下,以乡镇为范围,对乡镇卫生院和村卫生室的行政、业务、药械、财务和绩效考核等方面进行规范管理[1]。在一体化管理中,乡镇卫生院受卫生行政部门委托,在做好公共卫生服务和常见病、多发病诊疗等综合服务的同时,承担对村卫生室的管理和指导职  相似文献   

目的:介绍实施药品计算机网络化管理的人员培训。方法:调查分析本院药剂科人员目前的业务素质,针对岗位职责要求对药学人员进行分层次培训。结果:通过分层次培训,本院药学人员基本掌握了实施药品计算机网络化管理必需的知识和操作技能,药品计算机网络化管理得到顺利实施。结论:加强人员培训,是实现医院药品计算机网络化管理的关键。  相似文献   

Recently, the separate trajectories of pharmacy benefit management and pharmacogenomics converged. Pharmacogenomic tests have become more widely available for clinical use and at costs within the range of typical health care services. Pharmacy benefit payers continue to seek the precision they can apply to their coverage policies and clinical programs that pharmacogenomics offers. We describe how pharmacogenomics can now make sense as part of a pharmacy benefit and also how pharmacogenomics can be applied in a benefit coverage policy and clinical programs. Detail is provided on clinical program development and implementation processes featuring pharmacogenomics. We also discuss the research needed to support ongoing program development involving pharmacogenomics and describe the current roles of benefit payers and administrators in these research efforts. The legal and ethical dimensions of applying pharmacogenomics in pharmacy benefits are covered and in particular how benefit payers and administrators need to navigate between genetic exceptionalism and applicable laws and regulations. Finally, some thoughts are provided on future opportunities and challenges for pharmacogenomics in pharmacy benefit management and pharmacy in general.  相似文献   

药物重整是药物治疗管理的一个重要部分,也是精准用药门诊的工作重点。专业药师运用专业知识为患者重整并优化药物治疗方案,开展用药教育并进行随访。本文主要分析3例在精准用药门诊实践中临床药师开展以药物重整为重点的药物治疗管理的案例。  相似文献   

临床药理学学科的应用是实现精准药学的基石.本文从理论教学与技能实践角度,探讨在精准医疗背景下,以精准药学为导向,运用多元化教学方法,提升临床药理专业学生的综合素质,加强师资团队能力,培养适应精准医疗发展要求的临床药理学专业人才.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence (AI)-based predictive models are being used to foster a precision medicine approach to treat complex chronic diseases such as autoimmune and autoinflammatory disorders (AIIDs). In the past few years the first models of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have been produced by molecular profiling of patients using omic technologies and integrating the data with AI. These advances have confirmed a complex pathophysiology involving multiple proinflammatory pathways and also provide evidence for shared molecular dysregulation across different AIIDs. I discuss how models are used to stratify patients, assess causality in pathophysiology, design drug candidates in silico, and predict drug efficacy in virtual patients. By relating individual patient characteristics to the predicted properties of millions of drug candidates, these models can improve the management of AIIDs through more personalized treatments.  相似文献   

借鉴风险管理的理论,结合本中心药物临床试验风险管理的应用现状,分析论述如何对临床试验日常管理活动进行风险识别、评估、控制和效果评价,提出药物临床试验机构如何有效进行风险控制的多项建议。  相似文献   


Statistical methods are often required in the pharmaceutical industry to ensure that precision parameters of interest are kept within acceptable levels. For example, analytical methods are validated to determine whether the method is fit for its intended purpose before used in a decision process. In these cases, analytical methods are evaluated on the basis of precision parameters of interest. An analysis of variance approach based on a random effect model is commonly used for describing precision parameters. Bounds on precision parameters are needed to quantify the uncertainty present in the data. Several frequentist, fiducial, and Bayesian approaches have been used for constructing bounds on precision parameters. However, in some cases, there is no clear guidance on how to effectively apply some of these methods. Other recently proposed (and less known) methods have been reported to have very good statistical properties and are rarely, or to the best of our knowledge, never used in precision studies. We survey and compare methods for constructing confidence intervals of linear combinations of variance components in a balanced random effect model. We consider not only widely used traditional methods, but also those that are less well known. We further elucidate potential issues and provide general guidance on the construction of the confidence intervals. Finally, the methods are demonstrated with two examples from applications with similar kinds of data.  相似文献   

A strategy is discussed for the validation of chromatographic methods that are developed to quantify drugs in biological matrices. Both the validation terminology and the hypothesis testing are briefly reviewed. The emphasis is on the design of the experiments required to allow a reliable conclusion about acceptance or rejection of the bioanalytical method. In particular, it is explained how to evaluate the calibration line, devise experiments to estimate precision and bias and how to determine the stability of the analyte between the time of the sample collection and the analysis of the processed sample.  相似文献   

省级重点实验室是区域性科技创新体系的重要科技基础设施,也是开展科技创新和人才培养的重要平台。以广东省生物活性药物研究重点实验室为例,从建立资源共享平台、建立健全实验室管理制度和建设科研队伍等方面,探讨如何创新重点实验室管理模式,充分利用现有资源,促进高素质人才培养,更好地服务于科技、经济和社会发展。  相似文献   

In various pharmaceutical applications, repeated measurements are taken from each subject, and model parameters are estimated from the collected data. Examples include dose response modeling and PK/PD studies with serial blood sampling, among others. The quality of the information in an experiment is reflected in the precision of estimates of model parameters, which is traditionally measured by their variance-covariance matrix. In this article, we concentrate on the example of a clinical PK study where multiple blood samples are taken for each enrolled patient, which leads to nonlinear mixed effects regression models with multiple responses. The sampling scheme for each patient is considered a multidimensional point in the space of admissible sampling sequences. We demonstrate how to optimize the precision of parameter estimates by finding the best number and allocation of sampling times. It is shown that a reduced number of samples may be taken without significant loss of precision of parameter estimates. Moreover, our approach allows for taking experimental costs into account, which leads to a more meaningful comparison of sampling schemes and to potential cost savings.  相似文献   

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