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In the following experiments, an attempt was made to determine the role of the ovary in the control of food intake and body weight regulation during lactation. In the first study, it was found that concentrations of estradiol benzoate effective in suppressing food intake and body weight in nonlactating animals were not effective during lactation. In the second experiment, ovariectomy during lactation was shown not to produce the usual increases in food intake and body weight or change in meal patterns known to occur after ovariectomy in the nonlactating rat. These results suggested that lactating animals behave the as though functionally ovariectomized and that the removal of the ovaries is of no additional consequence. The further observation that animals nursing small litters gained weight considerably more rapidly than animals nursing large litters led to the prediction that these animals would also be more responsive to the suppressive effects of EB. In the third study, EB in concentrations which are not effective in suppressing body weight in animals nursing large litters was found to suppress body weight in mothers with small litters. However, since these animals also showed a decline in milk yield, a number of alternative interpretations of these results were considered. These results, together with data concerning levels of ovarian hormones during gestation and lactation led to the hypothesis that pregnant and lactating animals undergo an elevation in body weight set-point, similar in magnitude and quality to elevations following ovariectomy in the nonlactating animal.  相似文献   

Ovariectomized (OVX) rats eat more and gain weight more rapidly than sham-operated (SO) rats and estradiol (E(2)) treatment attenuates food intake and body weight gain in OVX rats. Studies were designed to test the hypothesis that the alpha subtype of the estrogen receptor (ERalpha) mediates the attenuating effects of E(2) on food intake and body weight gain while the beta subtype (ERbeta) mediates opposing actions that lead to increased food intake and body weight gain. Female rats were SO or OVX and treated daily with vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO) or E(2) (10 microg/day), or the ERalpha-selective agonist, 4,4',4'-(4-propyl-[1H]-pyrazole-1,3,5-triyl)trisphenol (PPT, 0.5 mg/day), or the ERbeta-selective agonist, 2,3-bis(4-hyroxyphenyl)-propionitrile (DPN, 0.5 mg/day) for 14 days. Total food intake was significantly reduced by E(2) and PPT, but not DPN. Total body weight gain was significantly increased in OVX rats compared to SO rats and treatment with E(2) or PPT, but not DPN, significantly decreased total body weight gain to levels that were not significantly different from SO rats. A dose-response study of PPT indicated that at 0.25 mg/day, PPT significantly reduced total 21-day food intake and body weight gain and, at 0.13 and 0.06 mg/day, PPT significantly reduced total body weight gain compared to OVX rats without significantly reducing total food intake. A dose-response study of DPN indicated that none of the three doses of DPN significantly altered total 21-day food intake or total body weight gain. These results suggest ERalpha mediates the attenuating effects of estrogens on food intake and body weight gain while ERbeta has no effect on these variables.  相似文献   

The total food consumption of experimentally naive rats following 24, 48, 72, and 96 hr fasts was observed during the period of the recovery of body weight. The total amount of food consumed in excess of prefast food consumption was found in all groups to be equivalent to 24 hr intake and was, therefore, independent of degree of fast and body weight lost. Moreover, it was found that rats recover lost body weight following a fast even when intake is held to prefast levels. These findings suggest that the regulation of body weight may be under the control of mechanisms in addition to the control of food intake.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of ovariectomy and estradiol replacement on the body weight and food intake of mice that had previously been treated with either gold thioglucose or saline. Ovariectomy and estradiol benzoate injections altered food intake in gold thioglucose-treated mice as much as in saline controls. Ovariectomy increased body weight in saline controls but it was without effect on the body weight of gold thioglucose-treated mice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study in ovariectomized (Ovx) rats, as a model of menopausal status, of the effects of melatonin (M) and/or estradiol (E), associated or not with food restriction, on body weight (BW) and serum leptin levels. METHODS: Female SD rats (200-250 g) were Ovx and treated with E, M, E+M or its diluents. Control sham-Ovx rats were treated with E-M diluents. After 7 weeks being fed ad libitum, the animals were exposed for 7 more weeks to a 30% food restriction. We measured: food intake, BW, nocturnal and diurnal urinary excretion of sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), leptin in midday and midnight blood samples, glucose, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides. RESULTS: Day/night rhythm of aMT6s excretion was preserved in all cases. The increase of aMT6s excretion in M-treated animals basically affected the nocturnal period. In animals fed ad libitum, E fully prevented Ovx-induced increase of BW, leptin and cholesterol. Melatonin reduced food intake and partially prevented the increase of BW and cholesterol, without changing leptin levels. Under food restriction, M was the most effective treatment in reducing BW and cholesterol. Leptin levels were similar in M, E or E+M treated rats, and lower than in untreated Ovx rats. CONCLUSIONS: Our result gives a preliminary experimental basis for a post-menopausal co-treatment with estradiol and melatonin. It could combine the effectiveness of estradiol (not modified by melatonin) with the positive effects of melatonin (improvement of sleep quality, prevention of breast cancer, etc.). The possible beneficial effects of melatonin which could justify its use, need to be demonstrated in clinical trials.  相似文献   

The effects of 17-alpha and 17-beta estradiol on food intake, body weight and hoarding behavior in ovariectomised rats were investigated. For five days, ten animals received subcutaneous injections of both isomers (10 micrograms/kg/day) in a counterbalanced design. Hoarding tests were conducted on the last three days of each 5-day injection period. 17-Alpha estradiol significantly reduced food intake but was without effect on body weight. 17-Beta estradiol reduced food intake significantly more than the alpha form and also significantly reduced body weight. These differential effects suggest that stereoisomers of estradiol may be acting on separate regulatory systems. The treatments did not change hoarding activity compared to pre-treatment levels.  相似文献   

Two groups of ten human subjects received 30 g or 50 g respectively of glucose injected into the arteria mesenterica superior. Sweet gustatory sensation was explored by presenting a range of solutions. The evolution of hedonic responses before and after intraarterial glucose loads was recorded by asking the subjects to score pleasantness and unpleasantness on a +2, ?2 scale. Intraarterial glucose load did not affect the responses. It is concluded that the negative alliesthesia normally occurring after oral and intragastric feeding does not have its origin in hepatic glucoreceptors.  相似文献   

In contrast to photoperiodic rodents, the nonphotoperiodic laboratory rat's food intake and body weight was unaffected by melatonin treatment (Silastic implants). Constant dark and constant light were equally ineffective as well in disturbing these regulatory behaviors.  相似文献   

The relations of voluntary wheel exercise, food intake, water intake, metabolic rate, and body weight were determined for mutant mice (bg, cJ, Ay, and ob) with C57BL/6J genetic background and also for littermate controls. Mutant groups high in body weight (Ay and ob) had lower metabolic rates, were less active, and ate more food than controls. The nonobese mutants (cJ, and bg) had higher metabolic rates than controls, but different behavioral mechanisms for control of body weight during voluntary wheel exercise. Voluntary wheel activity for the albino (cJ) mice was similar to that of controls, but food intake increased proportionally more for albinos than controls. Food intake was similar for beige (bg) mutants compared with controls, but the beige group engaged in less voluntary wheel activity than controls.  相似文献   

Female, androgenized female (AF), and male rats were given access to 1 of 3 diets—chow (C), high-dextrose (D-chow:dextrose, 2:1), and high-fat (F-chow:Crisco, 2:1) for 2 months. Caloric intake (CI), water intake, and body weights were monitored daily. Responses to gonadectomy and a single injection of estradiol benzoate (EB) were also studied. For females, F- and C-fed rats had comparable CI's, whereas D-fed rats chronically ate much less. For males, F-fed rats overate, whereas C- and D-fed rats had comparable CI's. The pattern of CI of AF rats fed the 3 diets was intermediate between that of males and females. Male rats were less responsive to the anorexic effects of EB than were the other two groups, and the F-diet potentiated the anorexic effects of EB in all three groups. Results are discussed in terms of a sex difference in the hypothalamic regulation of feeding behavior which is modulated by gonadal hormones.  相似文献   

Seventeen Sprague Dawley rats received, subcutaneously, 250 mg·kg–1 of capsaicin divided into 10 increasing doses (10–50 mg·kg–1) and administered on 7 successive days. Nine controls were treated with an isotonic saline solution using the same protocol. The rats spent, in succession, 5 weeks at 20° C, 6 weeks at 33.5° C, 6 weeks at 8° C, 4 weeks at 30° C and, finally, 5 weeks at 20° C ambient temperature. Their mean food intake (FI), water intake (WI) and body weights were recorded daily. In the 2 groups of rats, FI was inversely related to ambient temperature. However, during the first few days of the exposures, FI in treated rats was greater than controls in the warm environment and less in the cold environment. In controls, WI increased linearly with ambient temperature in the warm environment. This relation was not found in treated rats: they drank less water than controls and lost body weight. During the first days at 8° C ambient temperature, rectal temperature decreased in treated rats and two animals died.The results are similar to those described for rats with hypothalamic lesions. They may also be related to a peripheral effect of the drug.This work was supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (C.N.R.S. L.A. 181) and by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (I.N.S.E.R.M., A.T.P. 80-79-112)  相似文献   

Separate groups of rats were chronically fed diets adulterated with either bitter tasting quinine sulfate (QSO4), equal amounts of quinine in the less bitter form of quinine tannate (QT), or an amount of sucrose octaacetate (SOA) determined to have aversive taste properties equal to the QSO4 diet. Dietary adulteration with SOA did not affect food intake or body weight. Dietary adulteration with quinine resulted in an initial reduction in food intake that showed a relative recovery but remained depressed compared to the intake of a group eating a quinine-free diet. Ingestion of diets containing equal amounts of quinine base resulted in equivalent chronic body weight reductions, despite different aversive diet characteristics. These results suggest that bitter taste is not the significant variable underlying the body weight effects of quinine but that quinine exerts some postingestive effect on body weight mediated by a slight but sustained decrease in the level of energy intake.  相似文献   

Body weight and food intake of lean and obese, male and female Osborne-Mendel rats following treadmill exercise were compared. Rats were assigned, separately by sex, to one of three diet groups; Group 1 was fed a low fat (10%) diet throughout the study, Group 2 was fed a high fat (55%) diet for 16 weeks and then switched to the low fat diet 1 week prior to exercise, and Group 3 was fed the high fat diet throughout the study. To control for differences in work output between the leanest and heaviest animals, exercise intensity was adjusted across groups such that all exercised rats had equivalent energy expenditure. After a 3 day training period, the exercise was successively increased over 8 days until a work output of 374.9J was reached. Relative to their respective controls, obese exercised males showed a reduction in body weight but no change in food intake. In contrast, exercised females showed no change in body weight or food intake, regardless of dietary condition.  相似文献   

The body weight and reported food intake of 34 women were measured at the midpoint of the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. Both body weight and reported food intake were significantly higher during the luteal phase than during the follicular phase. In addition, sweetness (sucrose) preferences were measured on both occasions before and after a glucose load. Examination of the pre- to post-load changes revealed a significant decline during the luteal phase and the absence of such a decline in the follicular phase. The results were discussed in terms of the influence of ovarian hormones on food regulation and carohydrate metabolism.  相似文献   

Bulbectomy was performed on European male wild hamsters in autumn, habitual phase of weight decline and entrance into hibernation. Total bulbectomy suppresses both nest building behavior and hibernation, and is followed by an immediate increase in food intake and obesity. The body weight curve of totally bulbectomized animals is in opposition of phase with that of the controls. Incomplete bulbectomy suppresses nest building behavior but hibernation is present with a diminution of periodic arousals. Hyperphagia starts in spring after the terminal arousal; it is similar to that of the total bulbectomized animals. Anosmic animals do not differ from the control animals.  相似文献   

Thirteen experiments on 348 ovariectomized female rats examined the relationship between estradiol's effects on food intake and body weight and on plasma triglycerides, free glycerol, and fatty acids. The time course of estradiol benzoate effects on food intake and weight gain differed from the time course of triglyceride elevation. The antiestrogen, nafoxidine, given with estradiol blocked the hypertriglyceridemia, but not the weight loss, resulting from estradiol benzoate. Estradiol benzoate treatment for up to three days had no significant effect on plasma triglyceride levels following intragastric and intravenous triglyceride administration. Changes in plasma triglyceride following Triton WR-1339 indicated that the absolute rates of plasma triglyceride clearance were not impaired by estradiol. These results contradict Wade and Gray's [31] hypothesis about the mechanism of estradiol-induced hypophagia.  相似文献   

The effect of lateral hypothalamic lesions upon the level of maintained body weight was studied in gonadally intact and ovariectomized female rats. The body weight of both the gonadally intact and ovariectomized animals declined after lesioning; but, while the weight level of the ovariectomized animals remained approximately 10% below normal, the body weight of the intact group steadily approached that of nonlesioned controls. This result suggests that ovarian factors contribute to the smaller effect on body weight as reported by others for females with lateral hypothalamic lesions. Further support for this hypothesis was found in the observations that (1) the reduced effect of lateral hypothalamic lesions on body weight of gonadally intact females was associated with prolonged periods of diestrus and (2) the normal weight suppressing effects of estrogen were attenuated by lateral hypothalamic lesions in the ovariectomized animals.  相似文献   

The efficiency of food utilization following a period of restricted caloric intake was examined under controlled feeding conditions. By restricting caloric intake, the body weight of two groups of rats was reduced to either 92 or 81% of that of an unrestricted control group. For one week, all animals were then fed daily an amount of food equal to their prerestriction intake, adjusted for the intervening change in metabolic mass (FIBWkg0.75=K). During this period of realimentation, the control animals gained an average of 1.6 g body weight while ingesting 156.1 g of food. The two restricted groups gained 21.4 g on 154.2 g food and 29.6 g on 140.4 g food, respectively. This inverse relationship between weight gain and food intake provides evidence that underweight animals utilize food more efficiently than do undeprived control animals.  相似文献   

Estrogens have been shown to decrease, and androgens to increase body weight (BWt) of guinea pigs (GPs). The magnitude of the BWt sex difference shown by intact adult GPs is due primarily to these concurrent, or activational, effects of gonadal steroids. However, a small but significant sex difference in BWt persists in animals gonadectomized at birth, indicating that early hormonal exposure may permanently influence certain steroid sensitive weight regulatory mechanisms in the two sexes. Three experiments were therefore designed to investigate the short term effects of estradiol and testosterone on food intake (FI) and BWt of gonadectomized adult male and female GPs. In the first experiment, GPs gonadectomized in adulthood were given a single injection of 6 micrograms estradiol benzoate (EB). Although EB treatment reduced FI and BWt of both females and males, significantly larger reductions occurred in females. In the second experiment, GPs gonadectomized at birth received treatments of oil or 2 micrograms EB for 7 days. EB treatment also produced significantly larger effects on FI and BWt in the neonatally gonadectomized females. The third experiment involved GPs gonadectomized as adults who were injected with either oil or 1 mg/day testosterone propionate in oil (TP) for 32 days. Compared to changes in oil injected controls, TP produced significantly larger increases in male BWt than female BWt. Therefore, although GPs show only minor sex differences in BWt which might relate to prenatal gonadal hormonal exposure, significant sex differences remain in their responsiveness to the activational effects of gonadal steroids on FI and BWt in adulthood.  相似文献   

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