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目的探讨皮肤多重扩张技术在治疗头面颈部烧伤后瘢痕整形中的应用。方法采集并分析2008年1月~2010年12月德阳金荣医学美容专科医院收治的32例头面颈部烧伤后瘢痕患者,应用皮肤多重扩张技术植入扩张器于头部、面部、颈部,经注水1~3个月后行扩张皮瓣修复瘢痕创面,观察皮肤多重扩张技术的有效扩张情况及术后并发症的发生情况。结果所有患者均获得较好的治疗效果,经过6个月~1年的随访,修复创面的功能及外形较满意,其中1例扩张器外露,2例局部血肿,经对症处理后痊愈。结论在治疗头面颈部烧伤后瘢痕中,应用皮肤多重扩张技术是一种较好的方法。  相似文献   

40例大面积烧伤病人鼻胃管插入最佳时机探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王月玲  王月珍 《现代医药卫生》2005,21(11):1433-1434
大面积烧伤伴有头面颈部烧伤后,因为头面颈部血液、淋巴液循环丰富,软组织疏松,头面颈部水肿特别严重,渗出多,伤后4~6小时即明显肿胀,24~36小时达高峰[1]。现分析我院2002年1月~2004年7月,40例大面积烧伤病人插入鼻胃管成功率与伤后时间关系,探讨置管最佳时机。1资料与方法1  相似文献   

小儿头面部烧伤的护理体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯莉萍  叶素琴 《现代医药卫生》2010,26(20):3166-3167
我科2006年4月~2009年11月共收治小儿头面、颈部烧伤32例,根据小儿的解剖生理特点,密切观察病情,及时发现并正确处理各种病情变化,31例患儿均痊愈出院,死亡1例.现将小儿头面、颈部烧伤的护理体会总结如下.  相似文献   

我们自1988年2月至1992年4月,采用刺五加叶粉治疗Ⅱ°烧伤98例,疗效显著,现报告如下。一、一般资料:98例患者中,男性57例,女性41例;年龄14个月~71岁,烧伤时间2小时~14天:烧伤面积1~15%;深度:浅Ⅱ°57例、深Ⅱ°例41;感染创面16例;烧伤部位为头面、躯干和四肢.均为沸水热气及火焰烧伤。二、治疗方法:先将刺五加叶于铁锅内文火焙干呈黄褐色,研细末装瓶备用。用浓茶水或1:1000的新洁尔灭溶液冲洗消毒创面,去除粘附在创面上的异物,剪除水泡表皮,清除坏死组织及脓液。无菌棉签或棉球拭干创面液体。然后在创面上涂一层桐油或菜油。将药粉均匀撒在创面上。以药粉不被桐油或菜油浸湿为度.再以无菌纱布覆盖包扎。2~3日换药1次。三、疗效观察:98例患者全部治愈。其中49例1例上药15分钟左右止痛,4~6天痂下一期愈合;45次7~14天脱痂痊愈.4例因治疗不及时,创面感染  相似文献   

22例眼化学烧伤的治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我科自1996年以来,共收治化学烧伤合并眼烧伤22例,现将治疗体会总结如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组化学烧伤合并眼烧伤22例34眼,均为男性工人,年龄21~47岁,平均30.7岁。烧伤至入院时间1~24h,平均3.7h。22例均系工作中高温化学物质高压喷出致伤。其中18例29只眼为不等浓度的硫酸、硝酸、盐酸等酸烧伤;4例5只眼为氢氧化钠、熟石灰等碱烧伤。1.2处理办法入院后除常规处理四肢和躯干化学烧伤外,均用生理盐水立即冲洗伤眼,尽快冲洗和稀释眼睑及结膜囊内化学物质,嘱患者睁眼、瞬目、转动眼球…  相似文献   

利多卡因氯霉素复合液持续冲洗治疗眼烧伤的临床观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐旭  王峰 《安徽医药》2002,6(4):27-28
目的观察利多卡因氯霉素复合液持续结膜囊冲洗治疗眼烧伤的疗效.方法对56例共105只眼,致伤因素分别为电弧伤、化学伤、火焰伤、热水(油)烫伤,给予利多卡因氯霉素复合液持续结膜囊冲洗治疗.结果总有效率为92.3%,仅有4例6只眼发生角膜穿孔、真菌性角膜炎等严重并发症,1例出现视网膜部分剥落.结论利多卡因氯霉素复合液持续结膜囊冲洗治疗眼烧伤是一种简单易行、效果满意的方法,值得临床推广应用.  相似文献   

130例化学烧伤的治疗分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马文熙  谭谦 《江苏医药》1992,18(3):135-136
1959年6月~1990年6月共收治各种原因化学烧伤130例。烧伤部位以下肢为多(72例),头面部烧伤106例,累及眼球者49例。本组治愈率98.46%。本文提出伤后现场急救和早期处理的重要性,应立即使用大量清水冲洗创面,要优先处理特殊部位烧伤,并提出要十分重视化学烧伤合并伤及合并中毒的诊断与急救。  相似文献   

头面颈部烧伤的呼吸道观察与护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陶建华  史南玫 《江西医药》2010,45(2):178-179
在烧伤病人中,头面、颈部烧伤所占比例较大且常合并吸入性损伤,如不仔细观察和加强护理.常可发生意外而造成严重后果。我科于2007年6月~2008年12月共收治头面、颈部烧伤患者42例.现将本组患者的呼吸道观察和护理报告如下。  相似文献   

邓金星  卢旭波  阳泳 《江西医药》2008,43(9):911-914
目的 探讨花炮硝火烧伤的的临床特征和治疗方法.方法 回顾分析近17年1385例临床资料.结果 1385例中治愈723例(52.8%),死亡226例(16.3%),肢体伤残率高.结论 花炮硝火烧伤患者具有其独特的临床特征,治疗应重视尽早治疗吸人性损伤,着重休克期的治疗,早期治疗预防烧伤并发症的发生,加强四肢烧伤创面治疗,预防肢体功能障碍.  相似文献   

头面部是常见烧伤部位之一 ,其部位面积不大 ,但对病人生理、心理造成损伤却不小。我院从 1990年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 12月共收治颜面硫酸烧伤 2 3例 ,其中男 18例 ,女 5例。合并眼部损伤 18例 ,面积最大 2 8%三度 ,最小 2 %深二度。现将护理体会总结如下。眼部损伤的护理重点是保护角膜 ,避免继续受损伤 ,因此要早期诊断及时处理 ,以减轻对视力损害。1 局部处理伤后应立即给予大量生理盐水或清水冲洗一个小时 ,冲洗时动作要轻柔 ,压力不可太大 ,冲洗时不可直接对着角膜冲洗。2 防止感染应抬高头部 ,减轻水肿 ,避免头面部分泌物流入眼内 ,注…  相似文献   

蒽酮硫酸法与苯酚硫酸法测定竹节参多糖含量的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 考察蒽酮硫酸法与苯酚硫酸法测定竹节参多糖(Panax japonicus polysaccharides,PJPS)含量的可行性并比较其差异,建立竹节参多糖含量测定方法.方法 对蒽酮硫酸法和苯酚硫酸法测定竹节参多糖含量的显色条件和方法学进行研究,比较2种方法测定结果的差异.结果 蒽酮硫酸法含量测定结果高于苯酚硫酸法,其差异有统计学意义,蒽酮硫酸法的线性、重现性和稳定性都优于苯酚硫酸法.结论 蒽酮硫酸法比苯酚硫酸法更适合测定竹节参中多糖的含量.  相似文献   

苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平治疗原发性高血压40例临床疗效   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
班士忠 《天津药学》2009,21(4):38-39
目的:观察苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平治疗原发性高血压的临床降压效果及不良反应。方法:40例门诊原发性高血压病人选用苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平治疗,2.5mg/d口服,1次/d,疗程8周。结果:治疗第2周和第8周总有效率分别为85.0和95.0%,不良反应发生率7.5%。结论:苯磺酸左旋氨氯地平降压效果良好,平稳,不良反应少。  相似文献   

本文以甲壳素为原料,采用硫酸水解工艺制备N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖,研究硫酸浓度、反应时间、反应温度、硫酸加入量等影响因素对N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖产率的影响,确认硫酸浓度70%、反应温度50℃、反应时间7h、硫酸加入体积为甲壳素质量2倍的条件为比较适宜的反应条件,为本工艺产业化提供可靠的参考数据。  相似文献   

Four groups of 20 guinea pigs were sequentially exposed by inhalation to either air followed by sulfuric acid aerosol, ozone followed by sulfuric acid aerosol, ozone followed by air, or air followed by air to determine whether ozone preexposure sensitizes guinea pigs to the airway constrictive effects of sulfuric acid aerosol. All first exposures to ozone or air were 2 h in duration; all second exposures to sulfuric acid or air were for 1 h. All ozone and sulfuric acid exposures were 0.8 ppm and 12 mg/m3, respectively. Animals were observed for respiratory distress during exposure, and excised lungs were quantitated for trapped gas and wet/dry ratios. None of the guinea pigs developed dyspnea, and wet/dry ratios were not altered. Ozone significantly (p less than 0.05) increased trapped gas volumes, which were 44% (ozone-acid) to 68% (ozone-air) greater than in the air-air group. Trapped gas volume was 23% greater in the ozone-acid group than in the air-acid group, but the difference was not statistically significant (p less than 0.20). Thus, ozone increased gas trapping but did not significantly sensitize guinea pigs to the bronchoconstrictive action of sulfuric acid.  相似文献   

Urban air pollution in the United States is composed of a complex mixture of particles and gases. Among the most prominent products of the atmospheric pollutants are sulfur oxides and ozone. In this report, we use two exposure protocols to examine the interaction between exposure to these two pollutants. In the first exposure regimen, guinea pigs were exposed to sulfuric acid (pure sulfuric acid mist or sulfuric acid layered on ZnO) for 1 h. Each exposure is followed 2 h later by another exposure to 0.15 ppm ozone for 1 h. Pulmonary function parameters were measured immediately after the ozone exposure. In guinea pigs that were exposed to 300 micrograms/m3 pure sulfuric acid mist, subsequent exposure to 0.15 ppm ozone did not produce additional change in pulmonary functions. In guinea pigs that were exposed to 84 micrograms/m3 sulfuric acid layered on ZnO, subsequent exposure to 0.15 ppm ozone produced more than additive alterations in vital capacity and diffusing capacity. In the second exposure regimen, guinea pigs were exposed to 24 micrograms/m3 sulfuric acid layered on ZnO for 3 h/d for 5 d. On d 8 and 9, animals received two additional daily 3-h exposures to 24 micrograms/m3 sulfuric acid layered on ZnO, and pulmonary functions were measured at the end of the daily exposure. Greater reductions in lung volumes and diffusing capacity were observed in animals on d 9 than would be observed in animals that received no additional exposure. In the third exposure regimen, guinea pigs were exposed to 24 micrograms/m3 sulfuric acid layered on ZnO for 3 h/d for 5 d. On d 9, animals were exposed to 0.15 ppm ozone for 1 h and pulmonary functions were measured at the end of the ozone exposure. Ozone exposure on d 9 induced reductions in lung volumes and diffusing capacity that were not observed in animals receiving exposures to either ozone or sulfuric acid layered ZnO alone. We conclude that single or multiple exposure to sulfuric acid-layered ZnO sensitizes guinea pigs to subsequent sulfuric acid or ozone exposure.  相似文献   

Previously we have demonstrated that a synergistic interaction, as evaluated by several biochemical, toxicological, and morphological responses of the lung, results from exposure of rats to ozone (O3) in conjunction with moderate concentrations of acidic, but not neutral, aerosols. To extend these studies, groups of rats were continuously exposed to either O3 or sulfuric acid aerosol alone, or to combinations of these pollutants. Pulmonary responses from these rats were measured by assay, after exposures for 6 hr to 7 days, of total lavageable protein content, total lung tissue protein content after 5, 7, or 9 days of exposure, or apparent collagen synthesis rates from lung tissue after 7 days of exposure. While the lavageable protein content from rats exposed for 3 days to 0.1 or 1.0 mg/m3 of sulfuric acid aerosol alone was not different from control values, significant elevations from control values were observed from groups exposed to 0.12, 0.20, or 0.64 ppm of O3. Synergy was demonstrated by this assay upon exposure of rats to 0.20 ppm of O3 in conjunction with 0.1, 0.5, or 1.0 mg/m3 of sulfuric acid aerosol. Similarly, the tissue protein content from rats exposed to 0.1 or 1.0 mg/m3 of sulfuric acid aerosol alone was indistinguishable from control values. Significant elevations from control values were observed by this assay from groups of rats exposed to 0.64 or 0.20 ppm of O3, and a synergistic interaction was demonstrated between 0.64 ppm of O3 and 1.0 mg/m3 of sulfuric acid aerosol. Furthermore, synergy was observed by quantification of increased total lung protein between 0.20 ppm of O3 + 40 micrograms/m3 and higher concentrations of sulfuric acid aerosol. Values of the lung collagen synthesis rate from rats exposed to 0.1, but not 1.0, 0.5, or 0.04 mg/m3 of sulfuric acid aerosol were significantly higher than values from lungs of control animals. Significant elevations from control values were also observed by this assay from groups of rats exposed to 0.64 or 0.20 ppm of O3. A synergistic interaction was demonstrated by the collagen synthesis rate assay between groups of rats exposed to 0.64 ppm of O3 + 0.20 mg/m3 and higher concentrations of sulfuric acid aerosol or between groups exposed to 0.20 ppm of O3 + 40 micrograms/m3 and higher concentrations of sulfuric acid aerosol. These results demonstrate synergy between O3 and sulfuric acid aerosol upon exposure to concentrations of each pollutant at or near peak hourly ambient levels in polluted urban atmospheres.  相似文献   

1. After one oral dose of 100 mg triamterene plasma levels of triamterene (TA) and its metabolites hydroxytriamterene (OH-TA) and hydroxytriamterene sulfuric acid ester (OH-TA-ester) were studied in patients with normal and impaired renal function and in patients submitted to hemodialysis. Triamterene and its metabolites were also determined in the urine and the dialysate, respectively. 2. Hydroxytriamterene sulfuric acid ester (OH-TA-ester) representing a phase-II-metabolite of triamterene was found to yield plasma concentrations which were always higher than those of native TA. 3. In decreased renal function the elimination half-lives (t 1/2) of TA and OH-TA-ester were increased yielding elevated plasma levels of TA and its metabolites. The data of t 1/2 for TA and OH-TA-ester correlated with the creatinine clearance in an almost hyperbolic fashion. 4. Dialysance values of about 2 to 4 ml/min were determined for TA and OH-TA-ester.  相似文献   

Reactions of Phenyl Substituted Barbiturates in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid Three reactions of phenobarbitone in concentrated sulfuric acid were investigated. (1) With sodium nitrite in concentrated sulfuric acid phenobarbitone forms an orange EDA-complex (Ph. Eur.). (2) With an excess of formaldehyde in 83, 7% sulfuric acid phenobarbitone gives a ruby colour (DAB 7) which is due to the formation of carbenium ions. The final product of the reaction is a yellow substance with methylene- and oxymethylene bridges. (3) The reaction of phenobarbitone with piperonal in sulfuric acid (DAB 7-DDR) is in reality a reaction with formaldehyde, which is formed as an intermediate, Only 1/13 mole of formaldehyde is formed per mole of phenobarbitone. The green colour is due to a quinone structure without methylene- or oxymethylene bridges. In this reaction piperonal can be replaced by hexamethylentetramine or trioxane.  相似文献   

A method for the analysis of potential endocrine-disrupting compounds, such as phenolic halogenated compounds (e.g., chlorinated and brominated phenols) and hydroxylated PCBs, in blood plasma is presented. Neutral halogenated compounds, specifically brominated diphenyl ethers and PCBs, are also included in the evaluation. An efficient denaturation and extraction step is described, and three methods for lipid removal are evaluated. The latter includes a nondestructive method based on high-resolution gel permeation chromatography (HR-GPC), a newly developed silica gel/sulfuric acid column, and lipid removal by sulfuric acid treatment. Recoveries, based on gas chromatography with an electron capture detector (GC-ECD), were between 70 and 90% for most of the studied compounds. The recoveries of phenolic compounds were generally slightly lower than those of the neutral compounds. The sulfuric acid treatment and silica gel/sulfuric acid column gave the highest yields for acid stable compounds, although a few target compounds were lost during that treatment and all compounds were recovered with the HR-GPC method.  相似文献   

Summary The hydragogue and laxative effect of the sulfuric acid ester and the free diphenol of 4,4-dihydroxydiphenyl-(pyridyl-2)-methane was investigated in rats. In contrast to the free diphenol, the sulfuric acid ester did not show any hydragogue or absorptive inhibiting effect in colon segments of fasted rats, i.e. in the absence of feces in the colon. In fed rats, i.e. in the presence of feces in the colon, however, a dose of the sulfuric acid ester as low as 0.5 mg/segment diminishes the absorption of water significantly. The absorption of water in the rat colon was completely inhibited by 2 mg of the sulfuric acid ester persegment.The sulfuric acid ester is split by microorganisms in the feces of rats and, thus, the free diphenol is liberated. It can be shown by in vitro incubation of the sulfuric acid ester in the presence of rat feces that free diphenol appears. The resulting amount is sufficient to inhibit the absorption of water from the colon.After oral administration the laxative effect of the sulfuric acid ester starts considerably earlier than that of the free diphenol. The reasons for this difference are discussed.  相似文献   

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