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Activation of nalve dense CD4+ T cells by plate-bound anti-CD3antibodies favors the development of Th1 cells which, upon re-stimulation,produce significant amounts of INF- but no IL-4. However, co-activationof such naive T cells in the presence of IgE [anti-dlnitrophenyl(DNP)]-loaded bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) on platescoated with anti-CD3 antibodies and DNP-BSA led to the developmentof IL-4-produclng Th2 cells. The same result could be observedif irradiated (800 rad) BMMC were applied as co-stimulators.Moreover, BMMC could be replaced by the supernatant of IgE-activatedBMMC suggesting that a soluble mediator, presumably IL-4, wasresponsible for this effect. This assumption was substantiatedusing neutralizing anti-IL-4 antibodies which abolished theBMMC-medlated Th2 development in all cases. Addition of IL-12,a cytokine that was shown to antagonize the Th2-promoting effectof IL-4 in vivo, could not inhibit the development of IL-4-producingT cells, but gave rise to a T cell population which producedrelatively high amounts of IL-4 and IFN-. Since BMMC representthe in vitro equivalent of mucosai mast cells these data suggestthat IgE-activated mucosai mast cells can bias an emerging Tcell dependent Immune response towards a Th2 dominated reactionby the initial production of IL-4.  相似文献   

Three-color flow cytometric analysis was used to define surfacemarkers which identify the Th2-type CD4+ cells responsible forthe eosinophilia and elevated serum IgE typical of tissue invasivehelminth infections. A group of six mAba to well known cellsurface markers were screened for differential expression onCD4+ CD45RO+ lymphocytes from normal individuals (NL; n = 6)and filaria-infected patients (PT; n = 10). The majority ofmarkers were expressed equally by both groups, but the CD4+CD45RO+ cells in the PTs showed significantly higher levelsof expression of HLA-DR than those of NLs (P = 0.014). ThisCD4+ HLA-DR+ subpopulation was then studied further for itsexpression of an additional 10 activation and adhesion molecules.CD27 showed a trend for lower intensities of expression on PTCD4+ HLA-DR+ cells than on those of NLs. Analysis of the serumfrom both NLs and PTs revealed that PTs had significantly higherlevels of soluble CD27 and CD25 (IL-2R) In the serum than NLs(P < 0.01 and P = 0.022 respectively) indicating a generalstate of Immune activation and differentiation. Functional analysisof the CD4+ HLA-DR+ and the CD4+ CD27 subpopulatlonsrevealed that the CD4+ HLA-DR+ cells produced significantlyhigher levels of IL-5 than the CD4+ HLA-DR cells (P <0.04), and the CD4+ CD27 cells produced significantlyhigher levels of both IL-4 and IL-5 than the CD4+ CD27cells (P <0.05 and P <0.001 respectively). Thus, whilethe CD4+ CD27 and CD27+ subpopulatlons contain Th1 andTh0 cells, only the CD4+ CD27 population contains theTh2 cells (producing both IL-4 and IL-5).  相似文献   

Clonal deletion and/or inactivation establishes tolerance toself antigens. Endogenous and exogenous (bacterial) superantigens,like the staphylococcal enterotoxlns, induce ligand-specificclonal anergy in vivo and thus are believed to mirror aspectsof post-thymic tolerance mechanisms in mature peripheral T cells.Here we analyzed the level of anergy of ligand-responsive Vß8+T cells from staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB)-primed micein vivo and in vitro. Upon in vitro restimulation with SEB,CD4+Vß8+ and CD8+Vß8+ T cells failed toproduce IL-2. However, functional IL-2 receptors were triggered,since supplementation with IL-2 induced clonal growth in virtuallyall CD4+Vß8+ and CD8+Vß8+ T cells as determinedby limiting dilution analyses. Thus in vitro unresponslvenessof lymphocytes from SEB-primed mice reflects the inability ofSEB-reactlve Vß8+ T cells to produce IL-2. Surprisingly,anergy as defined in vitro was at variance with that in vivo.Following further challenge with SEB, systemic and acute lymphokineproduction (Including IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor) occurredwith almost identical peak values and kinetics to primary invivo responses, and D-galactosamlne-sensltlzed mice succumbedto lethal shock. Polymerase chain reaction analyses revealedthat CD4+Vß8+ expressed IL-2-specific mRNA in vivoupon restimulatlon with SEB. While lymphokine production andexpression of the IL-2 receptor was similar to the responseto in vivo primary stimulation, only CD8+Vß8+ T cellsexpanded clonally upon reintroductlon of SEB in vivo. Henceprimed Vß8+ T cells challenged with SEB display invitro anergy yet in vivo responsiveness, at least in part. Weconclude that the state of anergy is reversible, dependent uponthe quality of activation signals provided in in vivo ratherthan in in vitro culture conditions.  相似文献   

Mice infected with the L3 of the filarial nematode Brugia pahangimake a strong Th2 response characterized by elevated levelsof antigen-specific IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10. Here we show thatB cells from these animals are the major proliferating populationin vitro with depletion of B cells or infection of µMTmice, resulting in reduced levels of antigen-specific proliferation.B cells also act as antigen-presenting cells (APC) to CD4+ cellsas demonstrated by the switch in cytokine profiles upon B celldepletion. The efficiency of B cells in antigen presentationis attenuated by IL-10 which down-regulates the expression ofB7-1 and B7-2 on the surface of B cells both in vitro and invivo. Thus, IL-10 may modulate CD4 responses in L3-infectedmice by suppressing the expression of B7 ligands on B cells.In support of this hypothesis, blockade of the IL-10R in vivoresults in increased proliferation of CD4+ cells. We proposethat B cells participate in a negative feedback loop: IL-10elicited by infection with L3 and produced by B cells (and CD4+cells) down-regulates the expression of B7 molecules on theB cell surface, attenuating their efficiency as APC to CD4+T cells and restricting their expansion.  相似文献   

The interaction of CD28 and its ligands is critical for antigen-inducedT cell activation. Recent studies have demonstrated the existenceof at least two members of the B7 receptor family. In this report,the co-stimulatory signals provided by CD80 (B7-1) or CD86 (B7-2)were compared to CD28 ligation by mAb. We demonstrate that thekinetics of induction of T cell proliferation after anti-CD3stimulation was similar regardless of the form of co-stimulation.Similarly, B7-1 and B7-2 could both maintain long-term expansionof CD4 cells. The co-stimulatory effects of both B7-1 and B7-2were dependent on CD28 cross-linking, based on complete inhibitionof proliferation by CD28 antibody Fab fragments. Co-stimulationwith B7-1 and B7-2 induced high levels of cytokine secretionby resting T cells, and the effects of B7-1 and B7-2 could notbe distinguished. This conclusion is based on analysis of theinitial activation of CD28+ T cells. as well as T cell subpopulationsconsisting of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Both B7-1 and B7-2 couldelicit IL-4 secretion from CD4+ T cells while anti-CD28 antibodyinduced substantially less IL-4 secretion. Furthermore, bothB7-1 and B7-2 could stimulate high levels of IFN- and IL-4 fromCD4+CD45RO+ cells, while neither B7 receptor could co-stimulateIFN- and IL-4 secretion from CD4+CD45RA+ T cells. B7-1 and B7-2could, however, co-stimulate CD4+CD45RA+ T cells to secreteIL-2. By contrast, when previously activated T cells were tested,re-stimulation of CD4+ T cell blasts with B7-1 or B7-2 resultedin higher secretion of IL-4 and IL-5 than anti-CD28, while re-stimulationwith anti-CD28 antibody maintained a higher level of secretionof IL-2 and IFN- than B7-1 or B7-2. These observations may haveimportant implications because they suggest that the mannerof CD28 ligation can be a critical determinant in the developmentof cytokine secretion that corresponds to Th1- and Th2-likepatterns of differentiation. Together these observations suggestthat there are no Intrinsic differences between B7-1 and B7-2in their ability to co-stimulate the populations of cells thatwe have tested.  相似文献   

Peripheral lymphoid tissues of Ipr mice contain a large proportionof TCRß/CD3+CD4CD8 T cells that lacksurface CD2 and express the B cell isoform of CD45, B220. Thissubset of T cells does not proliferate or produce IL-2 in responseto mitogenic signals or TCR–CD3 ligation. At the sametime, these abnormal T cells display several characteristicsof an activated phenotype. Collectively, these properties ofIpr CD4CD8 T cells have functional parallels withanergic T cells. A critical co-stimulatory molecule implicatedin the prevention of or recovery from anergy is CD28, whichbinds the ligand BB1/B7 on certain accessory cells. Ipr CD4CD8T cells express normal levels of CD28 which is capable of transducinga strong proliferative signal to these cells in co-stimulationwith mitogens. However, proliferation of Ipr CD4CD8T cells in response to CD28 co-stimulation does not reach thelevels observed in normal T cells stimulated under similar conditions.Stimulation with anti-CD28 mAb in conjunction with phorbol myristateacetate and lonomycin promotes cell cycling in the CD2subset of CD4CD8 T cells, and results in a slightinduction of CD2 levels during the course of the culture period.However, the majority of cells obtained at the end of the cultureperiod remain TCRß+ CD4CD8, CD2low/–and B220high, similar to freshly isolated CD4CD8Ipr T cells. In contrast, if IL-2 is included in the cultures,a strong shift toward a CD2+ phenotype is observed by a majorityof the Ipr T cells. Upon repeat stimulation, these Ipr CD4CD8T cells can now proliferate in an IL-2-dependent manner whenstimulated with only anti-CD3 mAb or mitogens, in the absenceof exogenous IL-2 or anti-CD28 mAb. These data show that thehyporesponsiveness of Ipr CD4CD8 T cells doesnot result from a lack of CD28 expression, that it is not afixed state, and that it can be reversed by the induction ofcell cycling in the presence of IL-2. These observations extendthe parallels between Ipr CD4CD8 T cells and anergicT cells.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cell clones have been demonstrated to display a differentialsensitivity for the induction of cAMP. In the present studywe investigated whether the differential sensitivity of CD4+T cell clones for cAMP inducers is also applicable to freshlyisolated phenotypically and functionally distinct CD4+ T cellsubsets that develop naturally in aging mice. Our results showthat the concanavalin A induced and anti-CD3 induced proliferativeresponse of CD4+ T cells from young mice is more sensitive forprostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and forskolin than that of their agedcounterparts, although the IL-2 production by these cells wasequally sensitive. In contrast, only a slight or no inhibitoryeffect of these cAMP inducers was found when the cells werestimulated with the combination of phorbol myristate acetateand lonomycln. In contrast to the findings obtained with Tn2clones, IL-4 production by freshly isolated CD4+ T cells wasinhibited by the cAMP inducers, whereas exogenous IL-2 had norestorative effect. However, the IL-4 production by CD4+ T cellsfrom aged mice was less sensitive than the IL-4 production byCD4+ T cells from young mice, although CD4+ T cells from agedmice showed significantly higher levels of intracellular cAMPin response to PGE2. These higher levels of cAMP were relatedto the increased fraction of memory cells in aged mice: theMel-14 Pgp-1++ CD4+ T cells responded with at least 2-foldhigher levels of intracellular cAMP than the naive cells inyoung as well as in aged mice. Although memory CD4+ T cellsfrom young as well as aged mice responded vigorously to PGE2by an enhancement of intracellular cAMP, only the IL-4 productionby cells from young mice was significantly inhibited. Therefore,it is not likely that the induction of cAMP is a major eventin the skewing of a primary response towards a Th2 type of response.  相似文献   

Early in HIV infection, CD4+ lymphocytes exhibit the propertiesof an anergic state characterized by unresponslveness to mltogensor to TCR stimulation and by defective IL-2 production. As tyrosinephosphorylation is the earliest of the biochemical events initiatedby stimulation of CD3-TCR, we studied protein tyrosine phosphorylationin purified CD4+ lymphocytes from 25 asymptomatic seropositlvepatients (CD4 T cells >350/mm3) previously stimulated invitro by immobilized antl-CD3 mAb or by co-lmmoblllzed antl-CD3and antl-CD28 mAbs. Purified CD4+ lymphocytes from HIV-lnfectedpatients exhibited defective early protein tyrosine phosphorylationin response to CD3 activation when compared with normal subjects.This defect was observed mainly in patients in whom prollferatlveresponses to immobilized antl-CD3 ranged from 2 to 50% of controlvalues obtained in healthy donors, and was frequently associatedwith increased cellular levels of p59fyn and decreased cellularlevels of p56ick. Interestingly, these defects appeared to correlatewith the degree of impairment in thymidine incorporation. SinceCD28 mAbs have been reported to enhance prollferatlve responsesto the CD3–TCR pathway in cloned murine or human anergicmodels and to induce tyrosine phosphorylation in human T cells,we studied the role of CD28 mAb as a co-signal. Although antl-CD28co-stlmulatlon augmented the prollferatlve responses in bothcontrols and HIV-lnfected patients, It failed to correct thetyrosine phosphorylation pattern in the latter. Our resultssuggest a relationship between defective early protein tyrosinephosphorylation and impairment of proliferatlve responses inCD4 T cells from HIV-lnfected patients, and evidence is providedthat associated altered cellular levels of the fyn and Ick tyrosinekinases might play an important role in the anergic responseobserved early during HIV infection.  相似文献   

The functional heterogeneity of the CD4+ T cell response toPlasmodium chabaudi has been evaluated. Using a limiting dilutionassay system and a variety of assays to detect -interferon (IFN-),interleukln-2 (IL-2), IL-3, and T helper (Th) cells for malaria-specificantibody production, the precursor frequencies of P. chabaudl-reactiveT cells have been calculated. The patterns of lymphokines producedby individual microcultures of the limiting dilution assay generallysupported the Idea of two functionally distinct CD4+ subsets:one which produces IFN- and IL-2 (Th1) and one which Is an effectivehelper cell for antibody production (Th2) However, it couldnot be determined whether the overiapping functions observedin some cultures represented T cells which could produce allfactors or separate clones which were developing In the samewells. During the first 14 days of an erythrocytic Infectionof P. chabaudi the predominant T cell response was of the Th1-tupe.The frequency of these cells decreased after 14 days. By 3 weeksafter Infection the CD4+ T cell response was characterized byTh2 cells, as defined by their ability to act as helper cellsin the production of malaria-specific antibody. These data supportthe hypothesis that early clearance of P. chabaudi may be antibody-Independentbut that the final clearance mechanism coincides with the appearanceof helper cells and antibody.  相似文献   

Efficient immunologic tolerance, defined as antlgen-speclflcunresponslveness, can be peripherally induced by the l.v. Injectionof syngenelc splenocytes coupled with antigen using ethylenecarbodilmlde (ECDI). We have previously reported that unresponslvenessinduced via l.v. Injection of syngenelc splenocytes coupledwith intact, UV-lnactlvated Theiler's murine encephalomyelitisvirus (TMEV-SP) resulted in ‘split tolerance’. Bothvtrus-speclflc delayed-type hypersensltlvlty and lgG2a levelswere inhibited, whereas lgG1 levels were increased when comparedwith sham tolerized controls. In the present report we demonstratethat tolerance induced by l.v. Injection of TMEV-coupled splenocytesresulted in antigen-specific inhibition of T cell proliferation,as well as IL-2 and IFN- production in response to both wholeTMEV and the immunodomlnant viral epitope. Additionally, toleranceinduction resulted in abrogation of Th1 -derived [IL-2, IFN-and LT/tumor necrosis factor-ß (TNF-ß)]cytokine mRNA expression in response to In vitro stimulationwith UV-inactlvated TMEV as determined by reverse transcrlptasepolymerase chain reaction. In contrast, expression of Th2-derived(IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10) cytokine mRNA was not affected in tolerizedmice. Tolerance functioned directly at the level of CD4+ Th1cells at both the induction and effector limbs as depletionof CD8+ T cells both prior to in vivo tolerizatlon or in vitroculture had no effect on inhibition of Th1-specific responses.The mechanism of In vivo tolerance induction appeared to beanergy of CD4+ Th1 cells since IL-2, IFN- and LT/TNF-ßmRNA expression as well as virus-specific prollferatlve responsescould be restored by addition of rlL-2 to In vitro culturesof tolerant, CD4+ Th1 populations. These results suggest thatin vivo ‘split tolerance’ Induced by l.v. Injectionof ECDI-flxed, antigen-coupled splenocytes involves anergy ofTMEV-speclflc, CD4+ Th1 lymphocytes and concomitant primingof Th2 cells. The induction of antlgen-speclflc, in vivo anergyhas important implications in the design of therapeutic strategiesfor immunopathologic diseases mediated by Th1 lymphocytes, especiallyT cell-mediated autoimmune disorders.  相似文献   

In the present study, the requirements and characteristics forthe production of IL-13 by human T cells, T cell clones andB cells were determined and compared with those of IL-4. IL-13was produced by human CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte subsets isolatedfrom peripheral blood mononuclear cells and by CD4+ and CD8+T cell clones. CD4+ T cell clones belonging to Th0, Th1-likeand Th2-like subsets produced IL-13 following antigen-specificor polyclonal activation. In addition, EBV-transformed B celllines expressed IL-13 mRNA and produced small amounts of IL-13protein. Expression of IL-13 mRNA and production of IL-13 proteinby peripheral blood T cells and T cell clones was induced rapidlyand was relatively long lasting, whereas IL-4 production bythese cells was transient In addition, IL-13 mRNA expressionwas induced by modes of activation that failed to induce IL-4mRNA expression. IL-13 shares many biological activities withIL-4 which Is compatible with the notion that the IL-13 andIL-4 receptors share a common component required for signaltransduction. However, IL-13 lacks the T cell-activating propertiesof IL-4. Here we have shown that this is related to the factthat T cells fall to bind radiolabeled IL-13 and do not expressthe IL-13-speclflc receptor component Taken together, theseresults indicate that the differences In expression and biologicalactivities of IL-4 and IL-13 on T cells may have consequencesfor the relative roles of these cytokines In the immune response.  相似文献   

Using two mAb, one specific to the alternative exon 6-dependentepitope of CD45 molecules(JH6.2) and one a natural thymocytotoxicautoantibody (NTA) with an unknown reactive epitope (NTA260),we subdivided splenic CD4+ T cells from 2-month-old BALB/c miceinto five phenotypically distinct subsets. CD45RC+NTA260(SI) cells were phenotypically analogous to CD4+ T cells predominatingin newborn mice and produced a significant amount of IL-2, butnot so IL-4, IL-10 or IFN- when stimulated with immobilizedanti-CD3 mAb in vitro. They appeared to consist mainly of naiveThP cells. The CD45RC+;NTA260+ (S II) subset also produced IL-2,but not other cytokines; however, the IL-2 levels produced weremuch higher than seen with the S I subset, thereby suggestingthe predominance of further maturated ThP cells. The D45RCNTA260+(S III) subset mainly produced IL-4, IL-10, IFN- and less IL-2,and contained memory cells that helped the secondary antibodyresponse to a recall antigen, and hence contained Th2 and probablya mixture of Th0 and Th1 cells. The CD45RCNTA260(S IV) subset was a poor responder to the immobilized anti-CD3mAb. The CD45RCbrightNTA260dull(S V) subset consisted of a smallnumber of cells that were phenotypically analogous to activatedCD4+ T cells. While an age-associated decrease in the proportionof S I and less markedly in S II and in turn increase in S IIIsubsets of CD4+ T cells occurred in normal BALB/c mice, autoimmunedisease-prone (NZBxNZW)F1 mice showed a marked age-associateddecrease in the proportion of not only S I, II but also IIIsubsets. As aged (NZBxNZW)F1 mice carry CD4+ T helper cellsfor IgG anti-DNA antibody production, such age-associated polarizationto the S IV subset appears to be critical in the pathogeneslsof autoimmune disease in these mice.  相似文献   

Mice depleted of B cells from birth by treatment with anti-µantibodies can control but not clear an infection with the malariaparasite Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi (AS). Splenic CD4+ T cellsfrom these mice were unable to mount a significant Th2 responseto the parasite in vitro as shown by much lower precursor frequenciesof Th cells for antibody production and of IL-4-producing cellscompared with the response of control-treated mice. CD4+ T cellsof the anti-µ-treated mice which respond to antigens ofP. chabaudi chabaudi maintained a Th1 phenotype throughout primaryinfection, in contrast to control mice in which a sequentialappearance of Th1 and Th2 responses was observed. These datashow that Th1 responses in anti-µ-treated mice are sufficientto control parasitemia but not to eliminate an infection. Thedata further suggest that depletion of B cells by treatmentwith anti-µ; antibodies reduces the generation of theTh2 subset during a primary response to P. chabaudi chabaudi.  相似文献   

After a 3 week course (approximately), during which there ismarked lymphoid hyperplasia, Trypanosoma musculi infectionsin young-adult mice are cured by an immune mechanism involvingantibodies of the IgG2a isotype. Both the lymphoid hyperplasiaand IgG2a antibody response are T-cell-dependent events andboth processes appear to be defective in aged mice. The purposeof the studies reported here was to elucidate the effects ofT.musculi infection on subsets of T cells for two reasons: (I)to gain insight into the probable roles of selected cytokines(IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-) in facilitating the production of curative,lgG2a antibodies, and (II) to examine the hypothesis that agingaffects the competence of CD4+ T cells to participate in immunologicalcontrol of infections. The major conclusions from these studiesare that: (I) T. musculi infection of mice induces rapid changein the CD4+ T cell population toward predominance of the activatedor memory (CD45RBloCD44hi) phenotype, cells which produce IFN-,II-3. IL-4 and IL-5, accompanied by profound Inhibition of IL-2production, and (II) in the old mice these changes are superimposedon the natural age-associated changes in the same direction(i.e. toward predominance of CD45RBloCD44hi T cells).Thus, inthe old animals, the combined changes of aging and infection,moving in the same direction, are devastating, resulting inthe aged animals being unable, or barely able, to control infection.  相似文献   

Particular subsets of T cells expressing the NK1.1 antigen havebeen proposed to play an immune regulatory role by their fastand strong production of cytokines, in particular IL-4. We soughtto determine factors driving the functional differentiationof NK1.1+ T cells. Since NK1.1+ T cells are exquisitely sensitiveto IL-7 stimulation, we analyzed the development, selectionand IL-4 production of NK1.1+ T cells in IL-7 deficient mice(IL-7–/–mice). Besides a sharp reduction of allT cell subsets, NK1.1+ T cells develop at normal relative frequenciesin IL-7–/–;mice. They also undergo a normal selectionprocess, as revealed by the biased Vß TCR repertoireidentical to the one in IL-7+/+ mice. However, NK1.1+ T cellsfrom IL-7+/+ mice were found to be impaired in IL-4 and IFN-production in in vitro and in vivo models. In addition, IL-7was able to restore IL-4 production by NK1.1+ thymocytes fromIL-7–/– mice. Finally, IL-7 but not IL-4 was ableto maintain and increase IL-4 production by NK1.1+ thymocytesfrom normal mice. These data suggest that the functional maturationof NK1.1+ T cells requires a cytokine-driven differentiationprocess, in which IL-7 plays a major role.  相似文献   

We have identified a small subset of CD3+, CD4+, CD8thymocytes that do not express Thy1 (CD90). This Thy1subset represents 1–3.7% of the total number of thymocytesin a naive mouse. CD4+Thy1 thymocytes express high levelsof CD3, intermediate to high levels of heat-stable antigen (HSA),and low levels of CD25, CD45RB, CD69, CD44 and CD62L. They producehigh titers of IL-4 and no IFN- upon stimulation in vitro, aresponse characteristic of Th2 cells. In the thymi of mice infectedneonatally with a high dose of the retrovirus Cas-Br-E MuLV,the frequency of CD4+Thy1 cells increased ~10-fold. High-dosevirus infection resulted in decreased HSA and increased CD44expression on CD4+Thy1 cells relative to cells from naivemice. CD4+Thy1 cells from high-dose infected mice alsosecreted IL-4 and not IFN- upon in vitro stimulation. We previouslyreported that infection of newborn mice with a high dose ofmurine retrovirus results in the induction of a non-protectiveanti-viral Th2 T cell response; CD4+Thy1 thymocytes witha Th2-like cytokine profile may play a role in determining thecytokine bias of this anti-viral response.  相似文献   

Because IL-12 restores allogeneic cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL)activity by T cells of aged mice in vitro, we initially assessedwhether IL-12 could overcome age-related deficits when givento aged mice in vivo. Growth of P815 (H-2d) was enhanced inaged compared with young BALB/c (H-2d) mice and tumor growthwas curtailed by IL-12 in both age groups. Unexpectedly, secondaryCTL stimulated ex vivo with P815 were reduced in IL-12-treatedmice compared with controls. Primary CTL generated ex vivo acrossMHC differences in IL-12-treated BALB/c and C57BL/6 young micewere reduced by 90–99%, were dose- and time-dependent,and were associated with reduced allo-stimulated NK-like activityand [3H]thymidine incorporation. IFN- was elevated in sera andin supernatants from allo-stimulated cultures from IL-12-treatedmice, while IL-4 was reduced in such supernatants, suggestingthat, despite reduced CTL, IL-12 was associated with increasedTh1- and reduced Th2-type cytokine production. IL-12 also inducedsplenomegaly, primarily due to increased numbers of cells lackingmarkers of mature T, B and NK cells, or macrophages, or polymorphonuclearleukocyte morphology. IFN- mutant mice exhibited reduced splenicenlargement in response to IL-12, suggesting that the splenomegalywas due, in part, to IFN- production. However, reduced CTL generationwas not due entirely to dilution of CTL precursor cells becausespleen cellularity and size increased 3-fold while CTL activitydecreased 10- to 100-fold, and CTL generation normalized toCD8+ T effector cells was still significantly reduced in IL-12-treatedmice. Interestingly, purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from IL-12-treatednormal mice exhibited greater proliferative and cytolytic activitiesrespectively compared with controls. Thus, effector T cellsin IL-12-treated mice were not impaired, but exhibited augmentedresponsiveness, suggesting that IL-12 induced complex interactionsamong spleen cell populations and that these effects, in part,are mediated by IFN-.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) and its receptor chemoattractant receptorhomologous molecule expressed on Th2 cells (CRTH2) have beenimplicated in the pathogenesis of numerous allergic diseases.We investigated the role of PGD2 and CRTH2 in allergic cutaneousinflammation by using a highly potent and specific antagonistof CRTH2. Administration of this antagonist ameliorated cutaneousinflammation caused by either repeated epicutaneous ovalbuminor FITC sensitization. Gene expression and ELISA analysis revealedthat there was reduced pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA or proteinproduced. Importantly, the CRTH2 antagonist reduced total IgE,as well as antigen-specific IgE, IgG1 and IgG2a antibody levels.This reduction in antibody production correlated to reducedcytokines produced by splenocytes following in vitro antigenchallenge. An examination of skin CD11c+ dendritic cells (DC)showed that in mice treated with the CRTH2 antagonist, therewas a decrease in the number of these cells that migrated tothe draining lymph nodes in response to FITC application tothe skin. Additionally, naive CD4+ T lymphocytes co-culturedwith skin-derived DC from CRTH2 antagonist-treated mice showeda reduced ability to produce a number of cytokines comparedwith DC from vehicle-treated mice. Collectively, these findingssuggest that CRTH2 has a pivotal role in mediating the inflammationand the underlying immune response following epicutaneous sensitization.  相似文献   

The present studnt Investigates the molecular by which IFN-produced as a result of in vitroIL-12 addministration exertsits anty-tumor,rIL-12 was administered three or five times intomice bearing CDA1M fibrosarcoma, OV-HM ovarian carcinoma orMCH-1-A1 fibosarcoma. This regimen induced complete regressionof CSA1M and OV-HM tumors but only transient growth inhibitionof MCH-1-A1 tumors. The anty-tumor effects of Il-12 were associatatedwith enhanced induction of IFN-becouse these effects were abrogatedby pretreatment of hosts with anti-IFN- antibody.Exposure inin vitro of the three types of tumor cells to rIFN- resultedin moderate to potent inhibition of tumor cell growth.IFNstimulatedthe expression of mRNAs for an inducible type of NO synthasa(INOS)in CSA1M cells and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenasa (IDO),an enzyme capable of degrading tryptophan, in OV-HM cells ,but induced only marginal levels of these mRNAs in MCH-I-ALcells. In association withiNOS gene expression, INF--stimulatedCSA1M cells produced a large amount of NO which functioned toinhibit their own growth in vitro. Although OV-HM and MCH-1-A1cells did not produce NO, they also exhibited NO susceptibility.Whereasthe tumor masses from IL-12-treated CSA1M-bearing mice inducedhigher levels of INOS (for CSA1M) or IDO and iNOS (for OV-HM)mRNAs,the MCH-1-A1 tumor mass expressed lower levels of iNOS mRNAalone.Moreover, massive infiltration of CD4+and CD8+ T cellsand Mac-1+ cells was seen only in the CSA1M and OV-HM tumors.Thus, these results indicate that IFN- produced after IL-12treatment induces the expression of various genes with potentialto modulate tumor cells and growth by acting directly on tumorecells or stimulating tumor-infiltrating lymphold cells and thatthe effectiveness of IL12 therapy is assoiated with the operation if these mechanisms.  相似文献   

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