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Influence of skin source, penetration cell fluid, and partition coefficient on in vitro skin penetration 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using split-thickness pig skin mounted on in vitro skin penetration-evaporation cells, standard conditions were developed to preserve the viability of the skin as judged by its ability to successfully graft to nude mice. The effects of variations from these conditions on the disposition of radioactivity of radiolabeled compounds were determined. No differences in percutaneous penetration were found for N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, parathion, and progesterone when Tyrode's solution was used in place of tissue culture media. The percutaneous penetration of benzo(a)pyrene on human and pig skin was unaffected by the presence of sodium azide in the tissue culture media; however, with mouse skin, penetration was lower when sodium azide was present. The disposition of radioactivity following topical application of five radiolabeled compounds was similar on fresh skin compared with skin that had been frozen and exposed to ethylene oxide, although variability of the values was greater with the treated skin. The percutaneous penetration of several compounds was determined on skin with and without the epidermis. The penetration of compounds with a lower log P (log octanol-water partition coefficient) increased to a greater extent (e.g., benzoic acid, log P = 2, sixfold increase) than compounds with a higher log P (e.g., DDT, log P = 5, twofold increase). To further validate the use of pig skin, the percutaneous penetration of 11 compounds on pig skin were correlated (r = 0.79) with the values obtained for human skin under standardized in vitro conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
S Y Lin S J Hou T H Hsu F L Yeh 《Methods and findings in experimental and clinical pharmacology》1992,14(8):645-654
The in vitro penetration of theophylline, sodium diclofenac and benzoic acid through artificial cellulose membrane and eight animal skins was investigated. The intact animal skins including stratum corneum (SC) and viable epidermis were taken from frog, snake with or without scales, nude mice, Sprague-Dawley rat, porcine and human prepuce and thigh skin. The results indicated that the penetration was fastest through cellulose membrane and frog skin and slowest through human prepuce and thigh skin. The snake skin with scales slowed down the penetration rate more significantly than the scaled skin. Benzoic acid was the fastest penetrant through all animal skins. The permeable behaviors of sodium diclofenac through SC and intact skin of snake, porcine and human were compared. In porcine, sodium diclofenac penetrated through SC at a rate 33 times higher than through intact skin, but in snake and human skin, the rate through SC was only 2.2 and 1.6 times higher than through intact ones. This implies that both viable epidermis and SC were the major rate limiting barriers in drug penetration. DSC thermograms and IR spectra showed that the SC of snake, porcine and human thigh were very similar in structure and components. The study suggests that snake skin, porcine skin and human prepuce skin could replace the human skin in in vitro drug penetration experiments. 相似文献
Concerns about the safety of diethanolamine (DEA) have been raised by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Therefore, we measured the extent of DEA absorption in human skin relevant to exposures from shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions. Radiolabeled [14C]-DEA was added to two commercial products from each class and applied to excised viable and non-viable human skin in flow-through diffusion cells. The products remained on the skin for 5, 30 and 24 h for shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions, respectively. After 24 h, most of the absorbed dose was found in skin: 2.8% for shampoos, 2.9% for hair dyes and 10.0% for body lotions. Only small amounts were absorbed into the receptor fluid: 0.08%, 0.09% and 0.9% for shampoos, hair dyes and body lotions respectively. There was no significant difference in the absorption of DEA through viable and non-viable skin or from product application doses of 1, 2 or 3 mg lotion/cm2. In 72 h daily repeat dose studies with a lotion, DEA appeared to accumulate in the skin (29.2%) with little diffusing out into the receptor fluid. Therefore, skin levels of DEA should not be included in estimates of systemic absorption used in exposure assessments. 相似文献
Polyurethane matrices containing up to 39% of the terpenes eucalyptol, L-limonene, D-limonene, dipentene or terpinolene were produced. Release of the terpenes directly to the acceptor fluid, as well as through isolated human epidermis and dermis, was studied. In the presence of dermis the penetration profiles were very similar to the release profiles, indicating that dermis does not present a barrier for penetration of terpenes. For all terpenes the penetration was slower in the presence of epidermis (K(p) was in the range 0.21-1.8x10(-3) cm/h). Release and penetration through the epidermis and dermis were fastest for dipenetene (mixture of D-limonene and L-limonene), being at least 3-4 times faster than for D-limonene and L-limonene. Large amounts of terpenes found in epidermis (approximately 1.5 mg/cm(2)) indicate that affinity of these compounds to the stratum corneum is very high. 相似文献
In order to quantitatively investigate the importance of transfollicular pathway for drug delivery, drug penetration through human scalp skin was investigated using liquid formulations containing lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs in vitro. The penetration pathway for drugs through the scalp skin was examined using fluorescent probes. Additionally, the drug penetration through the scalp skin was compared with that via human abdominal skin to clarify the usefulness of intrafollicular delivery. Lipophilic melatonin (MT) and ketoprofen (KP) showed high permeabilities through the scalp skin, although the flux of KP was much higher. Absorption enhancers, N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and isopropylmyristate, only slightly increased the fluxes. Hydrophilic fluorouracil (5FU) and acyclovir (ACV) penetrated through the scalp skin with relatively large fluxes. However, there was large variability in the fluxes of these drugs across scalp skin from different sources. When the relationship between the flux and hair follicle density was estimated, there was good correlation between the two (r = 0.651 for MT and r = 0.666 for ACV, P < 0.05). The histologic examination of the scalp skin, following application of the formulation with nile red or sodium fluorescein, indicated that the probes permeated into the junction of the internal and external root sheath of follicles and diffused into the dermis via the outer root sheath at the initial times. The penetration of nile red, a lipophilic probe, via the stratum corneum of scalp skin was later than that via the follicles. The permeation of MT and 5FU through the scalp skin was much higher than that via the abdominal skin, being 27 and 48 times as high as the abdominal skin, respectively. These results indicate that the drug delivery through the scalp skin will offer an available delivery means for drugs, particularly for hydrophilic drugs. 相似文献
Heike Wagner Karl Heinz Kostka Claus Michael Lehr Ulrich F Schaefer 《European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics》2003,55(1):57-65
Investigations to determine pH profiles across human stratum corneum (SC), in vivo as well as in vitro, were carried out using the tape stripping technique and a flat surface pH electrode. This method was extended to the deeper skin layers (=viable epidermis+dermis; DSL) in vitro. Statistically significant changes in the pH values were detected in the SC between in vivo and in vitro investigations and also between male and female skin in vivo. For the DSL, no gender-dependent differences in pH were observed. While the results achieved for the SC are in accordance with data already published in the literature, the values for the DSL were surprising: An alkaline pH, with a steep increase of about two pH units in the first 100 microm of the DSL and a plateau of this level was thereafter detected. Research was also done to examine the influence of different in vitro test systems on the results of pH measurements across the skin. A permeation model (Franz diffusion cell; FD-C) and a penetration model (Saarbruecken penetration model; SB-M) were compared. Experiments were carried out concerning the incubation time as well as the pH of the acceptor solution in the FD-C. Independent of the test system used, no change in the pH profiles could be observed for the SC, but a strong effect of the acceptor medium and its pH on the pH profiles across the DSL could be demonstrated using the FD-C, which showed itself partly after 30 min in statistically significant differences between incubated and formerly frozen skin. The results after the use of buffer solutions with different pH values, the pH across the DSL seemed to come into line with the one of the buffer solution, which was investigated for acidic as well as alkaline pH values. The results obtained with the flat surface pH electrode were confirmed using two different dyes: the pH-dependent fluorescent dye carboxy-SNARF-1 and the pH indicator bromthymolblue. 相似文献
Both human and animal skin in vitro models are used to predict percutaneous penetration in humans. The objective of this review is a quantitative comparison of permeability and lag time measurements between human and animal skin, including an evaluation of the intra and inter species variability. We limit our focus to domestic pig and rodent guinea pig skin as surrogates for human skin, and consider only studies in which both animal and human penetration of a given chemical were measured jointly in the same lab. When the in vitro permeability of pig and human skin were compared, the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient (r) was 0.88 (P < 0.0001), with an intra species average coefficient of variation of skin permeability of 21% for pig and 35% for human, and an inter species average coefficient of variation of 37% for the set of studied compounds (n = 41). The lag times of pig skin and human skin did not correlate (r = 0.35, P = 0.26). When the in vitro permeability of guinea pig and human skin were compared, r = 0.96 (P < 0.0001), with an average intra species coefficient of variation of 19% for guinea pig and 24% for human, and an inter species coefficient of variation of permeability of 41% for the set of studied compounds (n = 15). Lag times of guinea pig and human skin correlated (r = 0.90, P < 0.0001, n = 12). When permeability data was not reported a factor of difference (FOD) of animal to human skin was calculated for pig skin (n = 50) and guinea pig skin (n = 25). For pig skin, 80% of measurements fell within the range 0.3 < FOD < 3. For guinea pig skin, 65% fell within that range. Both pig and guinea pig are good models for human skin permeability and have less variability than the human skin model. The skin model of choice will depend on the final purpose of the study and the compound under investigation. 相似文献
Lyngbyatoxin A is produced by marine algae, and causes local cutaneous toxicity in swimmers. The purpose of this research was (1) to determine the partition coefficient of lyngbyatoxin A in octanol/water and (2) to use methods in vitro to measure the penetration and distribution of lyngbyatoxin A in guinea pig and human skin. Discs of excised guinea pig and human skin were mounted in diffusion chambers that exposed the epidermal surface to air and bathed the dermis with HEPES-buffered Hanks' balanced salt solution with gentamicin sulphate. The epidermal surfaces were dosed with 26 micrograms lyngbyatoxin A/cm2 dissolved in 13 microliters dimethyl sulphoxide/cm2. The diffusion chambers were incubated at 36 degrees C for varying periods (1.0-24 hr). HPLC was used to quantify lyngbyatoxin A. Skin penetration was calculated by summing the amount of lyngbyatoxin A recovered from the dermis and receptor fluid. The mean partition coefficient for lyngbyatoxin A was 1.53. Penetration of lyngbyatoxin A (expressed as a percentage of dose, n = 3) in guinea pig and human skin was 23 and 6.2 (respectively) after 1 hr of topical exposure. The amount of lyngbyatoxin A in the dermis and receptor fluid did not change significantly over time. 相似文献
K R Brain K A Walters D M Green S Brain L J Loretz R K Sharma W E Dressler 《Food and chemical toxicology》2005,43(5):681-690
Concern has been raised over the safety of diethanolamine (DEA) which may be present as a minor component of alkanolamide ingredients of cosmetic formulations. Skin penetration data were therefore generated for a range of typical formulations under in-use conditions. Seven rinse-off formulations (A-E, G and H), a leave-on emulsion (F), representing prototype cosmetic formulations and containing representative levels of DEA were prepared. Target levels of DEA were attained by inclusion of DEA as either (14)C-DEA or a combination of (14)C-DEA and unlabeled DEA. Skin permeation and distribution were evaluated using human skin in vitro, static diffusion cells and phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4) as the receptor phase. At least 12 replicate epidermal membranes were prepared from a minimum of four donors for each test group. Receptor phase samples were taken at appropriate time intervals. At the end of the test period, radioactivity remaining on the skin surface and on the diffusion cell donor cap was determined before the skin samples were tape-stripped. The remaining tissue was solubilized and radioactivity determined. Permeation was very low from all vehicles applied under in-use conditions (range 1-48 ng/cm(2) over 24 h). Comparison was also made between permeation and distribution of DEA from an infinite dose of a simple aqueous solution and the leave-on formulation (F) through paired samples of fresh and frozen full thickness skin from the same donors. When applied as an infinite dose in aqueous solution DEA permeation at 24 h was greater through frozen than through fresh skin. From the leave-on formulation, permeation was similar and very low for both fresh and frozen skin. Recovery of DEA after application of the aqueous solution to fresh human skin and subsequent aqueous and organic extraction of the epidermal and dermal tissue indicated that the majority (>98%) of DEA was in the aqueous extract, suggesting that DEA was in the free state and not associated with the lipid fraction. These data provide a basis for the estimation of the potential systemic exposure and safety margins for DEA in representative cosmetic formulations. 相似文献
The penetration and distribution of T-2 toxin in excised human abdominal skin has been determined for a dose range of 1.0-2.6 micrograms/cm2 skin using an ethanol vehicle and a saline receptor solution. In all cases the overall percentage penetration of T-2 after 48 h was low, the greatest amounts of toxin being present in the stratum corneum with less in the epidermis and relatively little in the dermis. Vehicle: skin partition coefficients support this finding. Neither penetration nor distribution were changed by a rabbit serum receptor solution. Electron micrographs showed that at 1.8 micrograms/cm2 and above the contents of the intercellular space are leached out to leave the integument as a porous membrane. The distribution of T-2 within the skin after 48 h would suggest that for doses up to 2.6 micrograms/cm2 the irritative and inflammatory effects on the skin would be of more immediate concern than would systemic toxicity. 相似文献
The aim of the present in vitro and in vivo studies was to compare the permeation and penetration of a 2.5% ketoprofen (CAS 22071-15-4) gel [Phardol Schmerz-Gel (Test-D)] with the permeation and penetration of two other ketoprofen gels (Ref-I, Ref-E) and an ibuprofen (CAS 15687-27-1) gel (Ref-D) on excised human skin. Furthermore, in vivo studies were performed. The permeation studies utilizing static Franz diffusion cells allow the determination of the transdermal (systemic) transport, whereas the penetration studies in vitro (according to the Saarbrücker model) and in vivo permit setting up a concentration-depth profile. For this purpose the permeation kinetics of ketoprofen from three different gels (each containing 2.5% ketoprofen) over a period of two days were determined at heat-separated human skin of different donors. The in vitro permeability coefficients for Test-D (6.50 x 10(-7) cm x s(-1)) and Ref-I (5.72 x 10(-7) cm x s(-1)) were comparable and the transport occurred for both by a factor of 8-9 faster than with Ref-E (0.78 x 10(-7) cm x s(-1)). In parallel to the permeation studies with ketoprofen, the permeability coefficient of caffeine from an ointment was assessed using the skin biopsies of the same donors as a quality assurance. In a second part of the studies, the in vitro penetration of ketoprofen from Test-D was determined over a period of 3 h at three different skin biopsies in comparison to a commercially available 5% ibuprofen gel (Ref-D). As a main result a concentration-depth profile for ketoprofen and ibuprofen could be issued. The ketoprofen (37.7 +/- 12.1 microg/cm2) and the ibuprofen (30.1 +/- 6.0 microg/cm2) penetrate to the same order of magnitude into the upper part of the Stratum corneum, whereas ibuprofen stronger accumulates in the deeper layers (ketoprofen: 27.3 +/- 8.5 microg/cm2; ibuprofen: 73.7 +/- 31.1 microg/cm2). An additional in vivo penetration study was performed with Test-D to set up an in vitro-in vivo (IVIV) correlation. Over a period of 3 h, the amount of ketoprofen in the Stratum corneum in vivo was 78.4 +/- 19.1 microg/cm2 being comparable to the in vitro data. 相似文献
Immortalized human corneal epithelial cells (HCECs) and human lens epithelial cells (HLECs) were cultured in vitro. Cells were observed under a phase-contrast microscope and the integrity of cell monolayers was assayed by transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) determination. The permeability of disulfiram (DSF) through a HCECs monolayer was compared with that of DSF through an excised rabbit cornea. The permeability coefficients of DSF through a HCECs monolayer and excised rabbit cornea were 29.5 +/- 4.8 x 10(-6) cm/s and 34.7 +/- 5.2 x 10(-6) cm/s, respectively. Diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) had high permeability through HLECs monolayer with a permeability coefficient of 44.6 +/- 7.1 x 10(-6) cm/s. The cytotoxicity of DDC against HLECs was investigated using the trypan blue exclusion test. For a DDC concentration of 5 mmol/l, more than 85% cells were viable. DH3a1 mRNA was expressed in cultured HLECs. The expression of aldehyde dehydrogenase 3a1 (ALDH3a1), which may be be responsible for DSF-DDC conversion, was detected using RT-PCR and agarose gels electrophoresis. These results demonstrate that the permeability of DSF can be detected and intra-ocular drug action may be predicted using the cultured HCEC and HLEC monolayers as model. 相似文献
An apparatus is described for convenient in vitro quantitation of the rate, extent, and character of living skin penetration by chemicals. Evidence that viability markedly affects epidermal penetration was based upon observations utilizing benzo(a)pyrene. This compound displayed saturation kinetics in the extent of penetration, marked elevation in the rate, and extent of penetration following induction of epidermal mixed function oxidase and negligible penetration of skin previously frozen. These data are interpreted to indicate that for certain compounds, such as benzo(a)pyrene where cutaneous metabolism is expected, meaningful in vitro measures of skin penetration should take into consideration the biochemical viability and metabolic status of the tissue. 相似文献
D G Fatouros H W M Groenink A M de Graaff A C van Aelst H K Koerten J A Bouwstra 《European journal of pharmaceutical sciences》2006,29(2):160-170
The aim of this study was to investigate the local changes in the ultrastructure of human skin after iontophoresis, using cryo-scanning, transmission and freeze fracture electron microscopy in human skin in vitro and in vivo. Human dermatomed skin was subjected to passive diffusion for 6 hours followed by nine hours of iontophoresis at 0.5 mA/cm2. The skin was processed and examined using both cryo-scanning electron microscopy (Cryo-SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In addition, iontophoresis patches were applied to healthy volunteers for 3.5h with 0.5h of passive delivery followed by 3h of iontophoresis at a current density of 0.25 mA/cm2. Subsequently, a series of tape stripping were performed, which were visualized by freeze fracture transmission electron microscopy (FFTEM). In vitro, the cryo-scanning electron microscopy study revealed that electric current induced changes in the water distribution in the stratum corneum. Transmission electron microscopy showed no local changes in the ultrastructure of the stratum corneum; however, layers of detached corneocytes were frequently observed especially at the anodal site. In vivo, there was no evidence of perturbation of the stratum corneum lipid organization; however, changes in the fracture were noticed deeper in the stratum corneum at the anodal side, indicating a weakening of the desmosomal structure. The in vitro/in vivo studies suggest that iontophoresis results in the formation of intercellular water pools (in vitro observation) and a weakening of the desmosomal structure (in vivo observation) only in the upper part of the stratum corneum. However, no changes in the lipid organization were observed in vitro and in vivo at the current densities of 0.5 and 0.25 mA/cm2, respectively. Therefore, even at relatively high current densities, no drastic changes in the ultrastructure of the stratum corneum are observed. As far as structural changes in stratum corneum are concerned iontophoresis is therefore a safe method at the experimental conditions we used. 相似文献
B C Lippold 《Pharmaceutica acta Helvetiae》1992,67(11):294-300
The main problem of the therapy with drugs applied to the skin is the high diffusional resistance of the intact stratum corneum. To increase the flux of a given drug the selection of the vehicle is of utmost importance. Incorporation of the drug at its maximal thermodynamic activity leads to the maximal possible flux, as in vivo studies show with different drugs. The formation of supersaturated solutions and dissociation equilibria as well as drug-vehicle interactions and drug depletion also result from the vehicle selection and influence the flux. The resistance of the stratum corneum is not a constant parameter. It may be reduced by specific vehicle effects, penetration enhancers and hydration. Examples for the increase of drug fluxes are given. 相似文献
The present paper reviews the comparative rates of skin penetration between rat and man for a total of 14 chemicals in in vitro absorption studies. The results showed that in vitro absorption assays are capable of demonstrating large differences in the rate of skin penetration. Saturation of absorption was also frequently observed at higher exposure levels. The highest absorption rates through rat and human epidermis were observed with compounds with a molecular weight of approximately 300, an aqueous solubility of approximately 1-6 mg/l, and a log10 (P(OCTANOL/WATER)) of approximately 3-4. When the absorption data for 3 compounds with a log10 (P(OCTANOL/WATER)) of 2.9-3.0 were compared, there appeared to be an inverse relationship between molecular weight/aqueous solubility and the rate of dermal absorption. Lipophilic compounds with low aqueous solubility (<4 mg/l) showed the highest penetration rates through rat skin, but this was not always the case for human skin. The human skin was invariably less permeable to all tested substances than rat skin, though no constant factor of difference could be identified. The factor of difference would not appear to be determined by molecular weight, lipophilicity, or aqueous solubility. The actual systemic exposure of humans may be significantly overestimated if risk assessment is based only on the results of an in vivo rat study. It would appear that dermal penetration through human skin should be based on the combined use of in vivo and in vitro data, using the following equation: %Human dermal penetration= [[% dermal penetration rat (in vivo)] x [rate dermal penetration human (in vitro)]] / [rate dermal penetration rat (in vitro)] 相似文献
Gillet A Compère P Lecomte F Hubert P Ducat E Evrard B Piel G 《International journal of pharmaceutics》2011,411(1-2):223-231
Vesicular systems have shown their ability to increase dermal and transdermal drug delivery. Their mechanism of drug transport into and through the skin has been investigated but remains a much debated question. Several researchers have outlined that drug penetration can be influenced by modifying the surface charge of liposomes. In the present work we study the influence of particle surface charge on skin penetration. The final purpose is the development of a carrier system which is able to enhance the skin delivery of two model drugs, betamethasone and betamethasone dipropionate. Liposomes were characterised by their size, morphology, zeta potential, encapsulation efficiency and stability. Ex vivo diffusion studies using Franz diffusion cells were performed. Confocal microscopy was performed to visualise the penetration of fluorescently labelled liposomes into the skin. This study showed the potential of negatively charged liposomes to enhance the skin penetration of betamethasone and betamethasone dipropionate. 相似文献