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Helicobacter pylori induces CCL20 expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Human Helicobacter pylori infection gives rise to an active chronic gastritis and is a major risk factor for the development of duodenal ulcer disease and gastric adenocarcinoma. The infection is accompanied by a large accumulation of immunoglobulin A (IgA)-secreting cells in the gastric mucosa, and following mucosal immunization only H. pylori-infected volunteers mounted a B-cell response in the gastric mucosa. To identify the signals for recruitment of gastric IgA-secreting cells, we investigated the gastric production of CCL28 (mucosa-associated epithelial chemokine) and CCL25 (thymus-expressed chemokine) in H. pylori-infected and uninfected individuals and the potential of gastric B-cell populations to migrate toward these chemokines. Gastric tissue from H. pylori-infected individuals contained significantly more CCL28 protein and mRNA than that from uninfected individuals, while CCL25 levels remained unchanged. Chemokine-induced migration of gastric lamina propria lymphocytes isolated from patients undergoing gastric resection was then assessed using the Transwell system. IgA-secreting cells and IgA(+) memory B cells from H. pylori-infected tissues migrated toward CCL28 but not CCL25, while the corresponding cells from uninfected patients did not. Furthermore, IgG-secreting cells from H. pylori-infected patients did not migrate to CCL28 but instead to CXCL12 (SDF-1alpha). However, chemokine receptor expression did not correlate to the migratory pattern of the different B-cell populations. These studies are the first to show increased CCL28 production during gastrointestinal infection in humans and provide an explanation for the large influx of IgA-secreting cells to the gastric mucosa in H. pylori-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Psoriasis is a TNF-α/IL-23/IL-17A–mediated inflammatory skin disease that causes a significant socioeconomic burden in afflicted patients. IL-17A–producing immune cells, including Th17 cells, are crucial effector cells in the development of psoriasis. IL-17A stimulates epidermal keratinocytes to produce CCL20, which eventually recruits CCR6 + Th17 cells into the lesional skin. Thus, the CCL20/CCR6 axis works as a driving force that prepares an IL-17A–rich cutaneous milieu. In this review, we summarize the current research topics on the CCL20/CCR6 axis and the therapeutic intervention of this axis for psoriasis.  相似文献   

Chemokines are important mediators of the immune response to pathogens, but can also promote chronic inflammatory states. Chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6) is found on immature DC and effector/memory T cells, and binds a single ligand, CCL20, with high affinity. Here, we investigated the role of CCL20 and CCR6 in a pulmonary viral infection caused by RSV, a ubiquitous virus that can cause severe pulmonary complications. Neutralization of CCL20 during RSV infection significantly reduced lung pathology and favored a Th1 effector response. CCR6‐deficient animals recapitulated this phenotype, and additionally showed enhanced viral clearance when compared with WT mice. No differences were observed in migration of T cells to the lungs of CCR6?/? animals; however, a significant reduction was observed in numbers of conventional DC (cDC), but not plasmacytoid DC, in CCR6?/? mice. A pathogenic phenotype could be reconstituted in CCR6?/? mice by supplying cDC into the airway, indicating that mere number of cDC dictates the adverse response. Our data suggest that blockade of the CCL20/CCR6 pathway provides an environment whereby the attenuated recruitment of cDC alters the balance of innate immune cells and mediates the efficient antiviral response to RSV.  相似文献   

AIMS--To evaluate further the relation between gastric malignant lymphoma of the mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) and Helicobacter pylori. METHODS--One hundred and sixty two surgical specimens of MALT lymphoma were retrospectively investigated to determine tumour type and inflammatory patterns. In 121 cases biopsy specimens obtained before surgery were available and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, periodic acid Schiff, Giemsa and Warthin-Starry stains. RESULTS--Residual lymphoid follicles were found less often in high grade malignant than in low grade malignant MALT lymphomas. Chronic active gastritis was shown within the mucosa at some distance from the tumours in 143 of 146 specimens. In all the cases for which biopsy specimens could be evaluated, colonisation of the mucosa by H pylori had occurred. Lymphoid follicles and lymphoid aggregates were detected in 82.7% of the antral, and in 85% of the body mucosa specimens. CONCLUSIONS--These data support the hypothesis that H pylori has an important role in the development of MALT lymphomas. Furthermore, the chronic inflammation preceding malignant transformation might enhance the probability of malignant transformation via chronic stimulation of the lymphoid tissue. This might in part indicate why MALT lymphomas occur most often in the stomach.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori infection and chronic gastritis in gastric cancer.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
AIMS: To investigate the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori associated chronic gastritis in patients with gastric cancer. METHODS: Serum IgG antibodies for H pylori were determined in 54 consecutive patients with gastric carcinoma. The prevalence of H pylori in gastric mucosa was also examined histologically (modified Giemsa) in 32 patients from whom adequate biopsy specimens of the antrum and corpus were available. Thirty five patients with gastrointestinal tumours outside the stomach and 48 with non-gastrointestinal malignancies served as controls. RESULTS: Of the 54 patients, 38 (70%) had H pylori antibodies (IgG) in their serum (three additional patients had H pylori antibodies IgA, class specific but not IgG specific). This prevalence was significantly higher (p less than 0.05) than that (49%) in the 35 controls. No differences in prevalence of H pylori antibodies were found between gastric cancer cases of intestinal (IGCA) or diffuse (DGCA) type, both these types showing H pylori antibodies (IgG) in 71% of the patients. In the subgroup of 32 subjects, five patients had normal gastric mucosa and four showed corpus limited atrophy ("pernicious anaemia type" atrophy of type A). All of these nine patients had no evidence of current or previous H pylori infection in serum (no IgG antibodies) or in tissue sections (negative Giemsa staining). The remaining 23 patients had antral or pangastritis, and all had evidence of current or previous H pylori infection. CONCLUSIONS: H pylori associated chronic gastritis was the associated disease in 75% of the patients with gastric cancer occurring equally often in both IGCA and DGCA groups. About 25% of cases seem to have a normal stomach or severe corpus limited atrophy, neither of which showed evidence of concomitant H pylori infection.  相似文献   

CCR6 is expressed by multiple leucocyte subsets, including peripheral blood memory T cells, and mouse models implicate a role for this receptor in diverse inflammatory responses that include allergic airway disorders, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune encephalitis. In order to study the role of CCR6 in humans, we have investigated the patterns of CCR6 expression and function on T cells from the peripheral blood, skin, nose and lung, in health and in allergic disease. Results show that CCR6 was expressed consistently on a higher proportion of tissue versus peripheral blood-derived CD4+ T cells (P < 0.01). CCR6 was expressed predominantly on CD4+ compared with CD8+ cells in both blood- and tissue-derived T cells (P < 0.001). The number of cells showing CCR6 expression was not proportionally greater in peripheral blood or nasal mucosal T cells of subjects with symptomatic allergic rhinitis. CCR6+ cells demonstrated enhanced functional responses to CCL20 and CCL20 was increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of asthmatics following endobronchial allergen provocation (P < 0.05). Thus, CCR6 may be important in the regulation of T cell recruitment to tissue and up-regulation of CCL20 expression may contribute to the recruitment and/or retention of effector T cells in allergic asthma.  相似文献   



CCL20 and its receptor CCR6 have been shown to play a role in the onset, development and metastatic spread of various gastrointestinal malignancies. In this study, the expression profile and clinical significance of the CCL20/CCR6 system in distinct benign, pre-malignant and malignant pancreatic tissues was investigated.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified increased cathepsin X expression in H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa. Here, we describe further up-regulation in gastric cancer and report on the role of inflammatory cytokines required for cathepsin X up-regulation in H. pylori-infected gastric mucosa, as well as on consequences for cellular invasion. Biopsy specimens were taken from the antrum, corpus and cardia of H. pylori-infected and non-infected patients. Gastric cancer samples were obtained from patients undergoing gastric surgery. Cathepsin X was detected in gastric mucosa by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Induction of cathepsin X expression in epithelial and inflammatory cells caused by H. pylori infection was tested in in vitro contact and non-contact co-cultures of AGS cells and monocytic cells. Patients with H. pylori gastritis showed significantly higher cathepsin X mRNA (2.5-fold) and protein (1.6-fold) expression than H. pylori-negative patients. Cathepsin X was also up-regulated in gastric cancer (3-12-fold) compared to non-neoplastic mucosa. Cathepsin X was predominantly expressed by macrophages in the mucosal stroma and in glands of the antral mucosa. In addition, tumour cells stained for cathepsin X in 26 (68%) patients with gastric carcinoma. In general, staining was significantly more common (20 vs. 6 patients) and more intense (3.55 vs. 0.83) in intestinal type gastric cancer than in the diffuse type. In vitro cell culture experiments revealed that intercellular signalling between pathogenicity island (PAI)-positive H. pylori-infected epithelial cells and macrophages via soluble factors in the culture medium seems to be responsible for increased expression of cathepsin X in monocytes. Using antisense oligonucleotides, cathepsin X up-regulation was directly associated with higher invasiveness in vitro. Although no correlation of cathepsin X expression and TNM stage was found, our study demonstrates that cathepsin X plays a role not only in the chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa but also in the tumourigenesis of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

Originally, chemokines and their G‐protein‐coupled receptors were described to regulate multiple physiological functions, particularly tissue architecture and compartment‐specific migration of white blood cells. Now, it is established that the chemokine/chemokine receptor system is also used by cancer cells for migration and metastatic spread. Here, we examined the relative levels of CC‐chemokine CCL20 and its corresponding receptor CCR6 in resection specimens from patients with different malignant and non‐malignant colorectal diseases as well as in colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). CCL20/CCR6 mRNA and protein expression profiles were assessed by quantitative real‐time PCR (qRT‐PCR), enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in resection specimens from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC, n = 15), colorectal adenoma (CRA, n = 15), colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC, n = 61) and colorectal liver metastases (CRLM, n = 16). Corresponding non‐diseased tissues served as control. In contrast to UC tissues, the CCL20/CCR6 system showed a distinct upregulation in CRA, CRC and CRLM related to corresponding non‐affected tissues (P < 0.05, respectively). Furthermore, CRA, CRC and CRLM tissue samples displayed significantly higher protein amounts of CCL20 in comparison with UC specimens (< 0.05, respectively). Our results strongly suggest an association between CCL20/CCR6 expression and the induction of CRA, CRC and the development of CRLM. Therefore, CCL20 and CCR6 may provide potential targets for novel treatment strategies of CRC.  相似文献   

AIMS: An increase in the proliferative state of the gastric epithelium has been attributed to infection with Helicobacter pylori. In order to obtain a more precise estimate of the magnitude of this change, the proliferative state of 17 cases of florid H pylori associated follicular gastritis was examined using the antibody MIB-1. METHODS: Comparable results were produced from control and gastritis cases by using a combination of two reproducible measures of the labelled cells. Dividing cells in the gastric mucosa are concentrated within a proliferating compartment, situated at the base of the crypts. This compartment was measured and expressed as a proportion of the total crypt length. The proportion of positively labelled cells within the compartment was also counted. RESULTS: The proliferation compartment in the gastritis cases occupied 45.6% of the gastric crypt compared with 15.4% in the control group. Of the cells in the proliferating compartment, 79.5% were positively labelled in the gastritis cases and 33.4% in the control group. CONCLUSIONS: The convoluted nature of the gastric crypt does not make it a forgiving experimental model. The use of long lengths of mucosa obtained from gastrectomy specimens permitted the production of consistent results, using a morphometric method. The greater than 100% difference in the proportion of proliferating cells between the two groups suggests that further investigation is warranted.  相似文献   

One hundred and eleven patients were included in the study. Thirty seven had erosive gastritis, thirty four chronic gastritis and forty were controls without any gastrointestinal diseases confirmed by symptoms and upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. Patients with erosive gastritis were divided into non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) users and non-users. H pylori status was determined by urease test, serology and/or histology. The prevalence of H pylori was compared between the various groups. The prevalence of H pylori infection in erosive gastritis, chronic gastritis and controls was 68%, 76% and 65%, respectively, the difference was not significant (P > 0.05), 8 out of 11 patients with erosive gastritis and NSAID use (73%) were positive for H pylori. Likewise 17/26 patients with erosive gastritis without NSAID use (65%) were positive for H pylori (P > 0.05). Body of the stomach (65%) was the commonest site for erosions compared to antrum (43%) or fundus (27%) (P < 0.02). H pylori infection does not predispose to erosive gastritis. NSAID use does not affect H pylori prevalence. Routine H pylori eradication is, therefore, not indicated in patients with erosive gastritis infection. Body of the stomach is the most predominant site for erosions.  相似文献   

Expression and role of CCR6/CCL20 chemokine axis in pulmonary sarcoidosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have shown previously that the chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CXCR6 are coexpressed by Th1 cells infiltrating the lung and the granuloma of patients with sarcoidosis. In this study, we evaluated the role of CCL20/CCR6 interaction in the pathogenesis of acute and chronic pulmonary sarcoidosis. By flow cytometry and molecular analyses, we have demonstrated that Th1 cells isolated from the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) of patients with sarcoidosis and T cell alveolitis are equipped with CCR6. Furthermore, CCR6(+) T cells coexpressed the chemokine receptors CXCR3 and CXCR6. Immunohistochemical analysis of lung specimens has shown that CCR6(+) T cells infiltrate lung interstitium and surround the central core of the granuloma. It is interesting that CCR6 was never detected on the alveolar macrophage (AM) surface, and it is observed in the cytoplasm of AMs from patients with sarcoidosis and alveolitis. The CCR6 ligand CCL20 was expressed by macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and epithelioid cells infiltrating the granuloma. Furthermore, detectable levels of CCL20 protein are seen in the BAL fluid components of patients with active sarcoidosis, and sarcoid AMs release the CCR6 ligand in vitro. From a functional point of view, sarcoid Th1 cells were able to respond to CXCL10, CXCL16, and CCL20 in migratory assays. In vitro kinetic studies demonstrated that CCR6 is induced rapidly by IL-2, IL-18, and IFN-gamma. In conclusion, T cells expressing CCR6, CXCR3, and CXCR6 act coordinately with respective ligands and Th1 inflammatory cytokines in the alveolitic/granuloma phases of the disease.  相似文献   

The frequency of Helicobacter pylori vacA alleles, cagA, and jhp0947 and their association with types and advanced forms of gastritis in 143 first-degree relatives of gastric cancer (GC) patients was assessed. The subjects included 64/143 with antral-predominant gastritis, 68/143 with pangastritis, and 11/143 with corpus-predominant gastritis, with or without atrophy or intestinal metaplasia (IM). Further classification included the severity of atrophy or IM. Group I (40/143) included the subjects with moderate-marked atrophy or IM, group II (58/143) those with no atrophy or IM, and group III (45/143) with mild atrophy or IM. The frequency of vacA s1 was 79.7%, vacA s2 20.3%, m1 49.7%, m2 50.3%, cagA 76.2%, and jhp0947 58%. The most prevalent combination was vacAs1 cagA (+) (65.7%) (P=0.001). Of the 143 subjects, 85 (59.4%) showed atrophy or IM, and 40/85 (47%) developed the moderate-marked atrophy or IM. No significant correlation was found between genotypes and the types of gastritis, non-atrophy, atrophy, or IM and severe forms of atrophy or IM (P>0.05). It is proposed that H. pylori genotype status might not be considered as an important determinant of the types and advanced forms of gastritis in the first-degree relatives of GC patients.  相似文献   

CCR7 chemokine-receptor expression on tumour cells of gastric carcinoma has been associated with lymph-node metastasis and is thought to play an important role in metastasis. However, so far it is unknown whether CCR7 is newly up-regulated on gastric carcinoma or already expressed in non-neoplastic gastric epithelium. Therefore, epithelial CCR7 expression was investigated in the process of gastric carcinogenesis: non-inflamed mucosa --Helicobacter pylori gastritis -- intestinal metaplasia/dysplasia -- gastric carcinoma. CCR7 was expressed by gastric epithelium in non-inflamed gastric mucosa (n = 5), H. pylori gastritis (n = 17), intestinal metaplasia (n = 10), dysplasia (n = 3) and on tumour cells in 20 of 24 patients with gastric carcinoma (13/14 intestinal-type; 7/10 diffuse-type) as tested by immunohistochemistry. As CCR7 expression by gastric epithelium was significantly stronger in H. pylori gastritis than in non-infected mucosa, the influence of H. pylori on CCR7 receptor expression of gastric epithelial cells was investigated by fluorescence activated cell sorter analysis. H. pylori strains up-regulated the CCR7 chemokine-receptor in CCR7-positive cell lines. No difference in CCR7 up-regulation between cag(+) and cag(-)H. pylori strains was found. Epithelial CCR7 up-regulation by H. pylori may alter the metastatic fate of gastric carcinoma. Additionally, CCR7 expression not only on gastric carcinoma, but also on non-neoplastic gastric epithelium, suggests a novel biological function.  相似文献   

The neutrophilic infiltration has been regarded to represent the activity of Helicobacter pylori gastritis. It may involve the epithelium and/or lamina propria. The incidence and degree of the two types of infiltration do not correlate with each other frequently. We correlated the two types of neutrophilic infiltration with H. pylori infection and other pathologic parameters respectively in 300 randomly selected gastric biopsies as well as serial biopsies from a separate group of 95 patients who were treated for H. pylori infection. The "random biopsies" had chronic gastritis of various degrees, and the organisms were identified in 239 cases (79.7%); in the "treated group," the organisms disappeared completely in 62 cases (65.3%). Characteristically, the intraepithelial neutrophilic infiltration was predominantly localized to the proliferative zone of the gastric mucosa (zone 2) where the density of H. pylori was considerably lower than the surface epithelium. In the "random biopsies," both acute epithelial and interstitial neutrophilic infiltration correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with the H. pylori infection. In the "treated group," however, only acute epithelial inflammation correlated significantly (p < 0.01) with the eradication of infection while acute interstitial inflammation did not. Acute epithelial inflammation was no less frequently present in advanced chronic gastritis than in early chronic gastritis. Acute epithelial inflammation of the proliferative zone is a characteristic pathologic finding of H. pylori gastritis, and appears to be directly associated with the pathogenesis of H. pylori gastritis and its progression.  相似文献   

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