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颞下颌关节盘移位的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颞下颌关节盘移位的临床意义杨德圣韩科颞颌关节的解剖决定了关节盘与髁突是一功能性复合体,关节运动包括转动和滑动。闭口位时髁突的横嵴正对其上的关节盘后带。关节盘的移位在尸体解剖、关节手术、关节造影、核磁共振中都已得到证实,有人在颞颌关节功能紊乱综合征分类...  相似文献   

金伶  殷新民  顾卫平  谢兰生 《口腔医学》2007,27(4):187-189,211
目的探讨下颌前伸运动时颞下颌关节内的应力分布情况。方法利用可视化人体图像建立包括上下牙列、下颌骨、颞下颌关节在内的三维有限元模型,在Patran中采用位移加载的方法模拟下颌前伸运动至对刃位,在Marc中计算并分析接触情况和应力分布特性。结果关节盘随髁突向前、下运动,髁突的前斜面首先与关节盘中间带中央部发生接触,随后髁突的外斜面与关节盘的中间带外侧部、关节窝的顶部与关节盘的后带发生接触。关节盘的中间带外侧部(3.10 Mpa)和髁突的前斜面(5.05 Mpa)等部位的应力值较大。结论在前伸运动时,应力集中区位于关节盘的中间带外侧部和髁突的前斜面。  相似文献   

目的研究颞下颌关节在最大闭口咬合状态下的接触方式和应力分布。方法用可视化人体图像数据先建立颞下颌关节的三维实体模型,在Marc中再进行有限元模型的建立,定义髁状突、关节盘、关节窝三者之间的接触关系,观察其接触特征。结果在最大闭口咬合接触下,髁状突先与关节盘后带与双板区交界处发生接触,同时,关节盘相对髁状突作向前滑动,髁突的等效应力值大于关节盘,而关节窝的应力水平最小。结论在最大闭口咬合状态下,关节盘后带与双板区的交界处以及中间带均为重要的应力缓冲区域。  相似文献   

颞下颌关节结构形态的测量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解颞下颌关节的结构形态,研究咬合运动与关节形态之间的关系,为关节镜手术时确定手术范围以及手术部位与邻近解剖标志之间的关系提供参考。方法 解剖测试7具尸体颞下颌关节髁突和关节窝的大小,前、后斜面斜度,髁突附着关节盘时的斜度,以及关节上腔前后隐窝壁之间的距离和分别至耳屏后缘中点的距离,分析颞下颌关节的结构形态。结果 测量髁突、关节盘、关节窝、关节上腔与邻近解剖标志之间关系的参数值。结论 (1)髁突通过关节盘与关节窝相协调吻合,并增大前斜面斜度,使运动中的髁突在骨性结构不溶的关节窝中趋于稳定;(2)髁突横嵴有一定成角,使髁突在侧向运动中可以与关节窝形成类似点面接触,而具有灵活性;(3)关节上腔前后隐窝壁之间距离,以及与耳屏后缘中点,外耳道软骨的距离,关节窝大小对颞下颌关节内窥镜术者掌握好穿刺深度、范围和方向都是重要的参数;(4)颞下颌关节在人的一生中一直处于不断的改建状态。  相似文献   

目的研究正常人牙尖交错位紧咬时颞下颌关节的接触特征及应力分布情况。方法建立颞下颌关节三维有限元模型,在Marc软件中定义髁突、关节盘和关节窝三者间的接触关系,运用接触模式,采用自动探测的方法求解有限元分析软件。结果牙尖交错位紧咬时,关节盘后带与双板区的交界处和髁突的后斜面首先发生接触,随后髁突的顶部、内侧面与关节盘的后带,髁突的前斜面与关节盘的中间带也发生接触。同一矢状面上Von Mises应力平均值的大小依次为:髁突>关节盘腹面>关节盘背面>关节窝。结论Marc所提供的接触分析模块能较为真实地反映牙尖交错位紧咬时颞下颌关节的接触特征;颞下颌关节各结构通过相互接触及关节盘的缓冲使应力分散和传递,反映颞下颌关节各解剖结构与生理功能之间具有良好的适应性。  相似文献   

目的 :为探讨安氏Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2 错与颞下颌关节紊乱病之间的关系。方法 :利用矫正薛氏位X线片对Ⅱ1错16人 ,Ⅱ2 错 17人的双侧颞下颌关节的髁突居关节窝的位置进行评价 ,并依据髁突居关节窝中的位置 (前移、居中、后移 ) ,从上述两类错中各选 5人做双侧颞下颌关节矢状位核磁共振扫描 ,观察关节盘的位置及形态变化。结果 :每一类型错髁突居关节窝中的位置并不一致 :Ⅱ1错髁突居关节窝中位 ,但轻度前移 ;Ⅱ2 错髁突居关节窝后位。当髁突居前位及中位时 :关节盘位置在正常范围且形态表现为正常的双凹形 ;髁突居关节窝后位时 :部分关节盘位置明显前移 ,且形态也表现出异常的前带增厚。结论 :大多数Ⅱ1错颞下颌关节结构基本正常 ;而Ⅱ2错部分患者表现出颞下颌关节结构异常 ,提示与颞下颌关节紊乱病关系密切  相似文献   

目的为探讨骨性和功能性Ⅲ类错与颞下颌关节紊乱病之间的关系。方法利用矫正薛氏位片对Ⅲ类骨性错19人,功能性错20人的双侧颞下颌关节的髁突居关节窝的位置进行评价,并依据髁突居关节窝中的位置(前移、居中、后移),从上述两类错中各选5人做双侧颞下颌关节矢状位核磁共振扫描,观察关节盘的位置及形态变化。结果每一类型错髁突居关节窝中的位置并不一致,但位置分布比较集中,Ⅲ类骨性和功能性错髁突明星居关节窝前位,当髁突居前位或中位时,关节盘位置在正常范围且形态为正常的双凹形,髁突居后位时,关节盘位置在正常范围或轻度前移,形态也都表现正常。结论Ⅲ类骨性和功能性错颞下颌关节结构基本正常,与颞下颌关节紊乱病关系不密切。  相似文献   

目的测量再定位牙合垫(ARS)戴入前后关节盘和髁突的位置改变,探讨ARS的治疗机制。方法选择22例单侧或双侧可复性颞下颌关节盘前移位患者进行研究,其中关节盘前移位的关节31侧,设为前移位组;关节盘位置正常的关节13侧,设为正常组。分别在闭口位(ARS戴入前)、对刃位和下颌最少前伸位(ARS戴入后)行磁共振成像扫描,测量不同下颌位置时的2组关节的盘突角度、关节盘和髁突位置的变化。结果1)盘突角度:闭口位时前移位组为54.23°,正常组为9.80°;对刃位和下颌最少前伸位时,前移位组的盘突角度多可回复至正常范围。2)关节盘位置:从闭口位至对刃位或下颌最少前伸位,正常组关节盘位置无明显改变,前移位组关节盘明显向后移动。3)髁突位置:从闭口位至对刃位或下颌最少前伸位,髁突在关节窝中向前下方移动,正常组与前移位组比较的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论ARS使髁突向前下方移动,关节盘向后回复。ARS的作用可能是阻止已经向后上方移动而复位的关节盘在闭口过程中再次发生前移位,起到固定作用。  相似文献   

临床治疗中,特别是髁突外伤骨折、正颌手术、修复咬合重建、正畸治疗以及在颞下颌关节紊乱病的诊断和治疗中,要考虑髁突在关节窝中的位置变化。本文通过文献回顾,结合我们的研究成果,讨论髁突在关节窝中的正常生理位置及其在颞下颌关节紊乱病特别是关节盘移位的诊断和治疗中的意义。目前多项研究认为,健康成年人髁突平均位置为基本中性,但存在较大变异;髁突后移可能是关节盘前移位的危险因素,关节盘前移位也可导致髁突后移;在关节盘移位的牙合垫治疗中,髁突在牙合垫戴入后显著向前、下移位,可有效改善盘突关系;稳定牙合垫使髁突前下移位不明显,改善盘突关系的效果有限。此外,再定位牙合垫使髁突前下移位还可促进髁突骨质的改建。  相似文献   

目的:为探讨安氏Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2错(牙合)与颞下颌关节紊乱病之间的关系.方法:利用矫正薛氏位X线片对Ⅱ1错(牙合)16人,Ⅱ2错(牙合)17人的双侧颞下颌关节的髁突居关节窝的位置进行评价,并依据髁突居关节窝中的位置(前移、居中、后移),从上述两类错(牙合)中各选5人做双侧颞下颌关节矢状位核磁共振扫描,观察关节盘的位置及形态变化.结果:每一类型错(牙合)髁突居关节窝中的位置并不一致:Ⅱ1错(牙合)髁突居关节窝中位,但轻度前移;Ⅱ2错(牙合)髁突居关节窝后位.当髁突居前位及中位时:关节盘位置在正常范围且形态表现为正常的双凹形;髁突居关节窝后位时:部分关节盘位置明显前移,且形态也表现出异常的前带增厚.结论:大多数Ⅱ1错(牙合)颞下颌关节结构基本正常;而Ⅱ2错(牙合)部分患者表现出颞下颌关节结构异常,提示与颞下颌关节紊乱病关系密切.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We investigated the changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy of the mandible for orthognathic surgery and the influence of positioning of the condylar process in the centre of the articular fossa before and during the operation for preventing changes in the TMJ postoperatively. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 28 patients with mandibular retrognathism had bilateral sagittal split osteotomies for mandibular advancement. In one group of 14 patients (28 TMJ), the condyles were placed in the centre of the articular fossa before and during the operation, and in the other group they were not. Differences on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were calculated and the results were evaluated. RESULTS: The main differences were found at maximal mouth opening. 15/28 TMJs (54%) that had not been positioned changed the position of the disc from physiological to anterior disc derangement with and without reduction postoperatively. In the 28 that had been positioned, changes were found in only 3 TMJs (11%) postoperatively. CONCLUSIONS: Fixing the condylar process in the centre of the articular fossa intraoperatively before bilateral sagittal split osteotomy is a factor in preventing postoperative structural changes in the temporomandibular joint.  相似文献   

Summary. Aim . The purpose of this study was to present a new visualizing method for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pathology in 3D at several condylar positions and to apply the method to a case of juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) with previously diagnosed bilateral TMJ disorder and to a subject without signs and symptoms from the TMJ.
Subject . The 20-year-old female patient had suffered from polyarticular JCA from the age of 6 years 8 months. The present study is based on a follow-up examination after the completion of orthodontic treatment with the Herbst appliance. Both TMJs were examined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at closed and open mouth positions. The mandibular condyle, the glenoid fossa and the articular disc were segmented and 3D reconstruction of these structures was carried out.
Results. The condyle was characterized by an increased sagittal diameter with osteophyte-like formation at the anterior aspect of the condylar head and flattening of the superior surface. The depth of the glenoid fossa was reduced and the articular eminence was remarkably flat. The articular disc was markedly diminished and posteriorly placed on the condylar head. The distance of the condylar path during mouth opening was reduced and the curvature of the condylar path was quite flat. The disc moved slightly posteriorly on the condylar head and remained in the glenoid fossa during mouth opening.
Conclusion. The imaging modality described improves visualization of TMJ morphology and gains insight into the TMJ pathology of the JCA patient, adding to understanding of the clinical problems.  相似文献   

This retrospective study evaluated the potential influence of the sagittal fracture pattern and articular disc displacement on the development of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) ankylosis. 33 sagittal fractures of mandibular condyles (SFMCs) in 19 patients were treated conservatively and were divided into non-ankylosis and ankylosis groups based on their prognosis. Using computed tomography (CT) images, the SFMCs were classified into types I, II and III, and the displacement of the articular disc was investigated using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). There were 19 (58%) SFMCs in the non-ankylosis group: 5 were type I SFMCs, which did not show any disc displacement; the other 14 were type II SFMCs, which included 5 cases without disc displacement and 9 cases with disc displacement. In the non-ankylosis group, the lateral poles were completely or incompletely covered by the discs. There were 14 (42%) SFMCs in the ankylosis group, all of which were type III SFMCs showing disc displacement, and the lateral poles in these cases were not covered by the discs. This investigation confirmed that the disc position was highly associated with the position of the fractured fragment and that some SFMC patterns, especially type III SFMCs, indicated a high risk of TMJ ankylosis.  相似文献   

目的: 回顾分析导致颞下颌关节强直的成人髁突骨折类型。方法:回顾口腔外科关节组2010—2012年收治的由髁突骨折保守治疗导致颞下颌关节强直,从损伤到发生强直有完整CT资料的成人病例,按照下颌支残端与关节窝的位置关系,将髁突骨折分为3级,0级为下颌支残端位于关节窝内,与之无接触;1级为下颌支残端位于关节窝内,与之有接触;2级为下颌支残端外上方脱位出关节窝。结合髁突骨折类型、骨折块移位程度和关节盘的位置、下颌骨其他部位骨折情况等,分析关节强直形成的原因。结果:13例(24侧)导致关节强直病例的髁突骨折有完整的CT资料,导致关节强直的髁突骨折类型均为囊内骨折,其中B型占70%。下颌支残端与关节窝的位置关系中,0级0侧;1级10侧,占41.7%;2级14侧,占58.3%。0级和1级的关节盘均伴髁突骨折块移位,后外侧带断裂。形成关节强直的髁突骨折中,77%伴颏部骨折,导致牙弓增宽。结论:下颌支残端与关节窝的位置关系对于预后判断有重要作用,其中0级不易引起关节强直;1级较容易引起关节强直,是手术的相对适应证;2级最容易引起关节强直,是手术的绝对适应证。其他危险因素还有髁突囊内B型骨折和合并牙弓增宽的下颌骨骨折。  相似文献   

To estimate the effects of skeletal class II malocclusion treatment using fixed mandibular repositioning appliances on the position and morphology of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Two independent reviewers performed comprehensive electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, EBM reviews and Scopus (until May 5, 2015). The references of the identified articles were also manually searched. All studies investigating morphological changes of the TMJ articular disc, condyle and glenoid fossa with 3D imaging following non‐surgical fixed mandibular repositioning appliances in growing individuals with class II malocclusions were included in the analysis. Of the 269 articles initially reviewed, only 12 articles used magnetic resonance imaging and two articles used computed tomography (CT) or cone‐beam CT images. Treatment effect on condyle and glenoid fossa was discussed in eight articles. Treatment effect on TMJ articular disc position and morphology was discussed in seven articles. All articles showed a high risk of bias due to deficient methodology: inadequate consideration of confounding variables, blinding of image assessment, selection or absence of control group and outcome measurement. Reported changes in osseous remodelling, condylar and disc position were contradictory. The selected articles failed to establish conclusive evidence of the exact nature of TMJ tissue response to fixed mandibular repositioning appliances.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc–condyle relationship in asymptomatic young adults. Ninety-three volunteers aged 19–23 years without temporomandibular disorder (TMD) symptoms underwent TMJ magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The condylar centre and apex methods were used to measure and analyse the position of the disc in the oblique sagittal plane, and the reliability of the two methods was compared by calculating the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Furthermore, 18 of the volunteers were randomly selected for three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the TMJ structure and the disc–condyle relationship. The 3D TMJ structure was established by semi-automatic segmentation of the condyle and articular disc in ITK-SNAP software; the condylar apex method was then performed. It was found that only 33.3% of the posterior edge of the articular discs were located in the normal 12 o’clock position with respect to the condyle. Moreover, this study suggests that the condylar centre method lacks accuracy when compared to the condylar apex method in regard to the measurement of the TMJ disc–condyle relationship (0 < ICCcen < ICCapex < 1). The position of the articular disc (left and right) was more forward in young women when compared to young men. However, there was no significant difference in the TMJ disc–condyle position between the left and right sides in the same individual, although the two joint discs in the same individual were not completely symmetrical.  相似文献   

??Abstract??The condylar position should be taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment of condyle fracture??orthognathic surgery??occlusal reconstruction and temporomandibular disorders. The normal condylar position in the glenoid fossa and its clinical significance in the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular disorders??for example the disc displacement??will be discussed here through the literature review and the combination of our research findings. Many research data suggested a centric position of condyle in a normal joint??with individually variances. A posterior condylar position might be a risk factor of disc displacement??and on the other hand??the disc displacement might induce condyle to move posteriorly. With the use of anterior repositioning splint for treating anterior disc displacement with reduction??the condyle moved anteriorly and inferiorly??the condyle-disc relationship could be improved immediately. Besides??splint therapy may facilitate regenerative remodeling of condyles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to elucidate positional relationships between temporomandibular joint (TMJ) components, including the articular discs, using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hemifacial microsomia (HFM). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty TMJs in 10 patients with HFM were examined at closed- and open-mouth positions using an MRI scanner. The condyle-fossa and disc-condyle relationships, disc configuration at the closed-mouth position, and the reduction of the disc at the open-mouth position were evaluated. RESULTS: On the unaffected side, the condyle-fossa and disc-condyle relationships appeared fairly normal at the closed mouth position. The disc-condyle relationship at the open-mouth position was also normal. The TMJ disc showed normal biconcave configurations at both closed- and open-mouth positions. On the affected side, there was considerable variation in the state of the TMJ. At the closed-mouth position, 5 of the 10 patients revealed fairly normal disc-condyle relationships, one patient showed anterior displacement of the disc, and four patients had no disc. Two patients appeared biconcave, three patients appeared biplanar, and one patient was hemiconvex. At the open-mouth position, the condyle and disc moved in harmony in five patients with normal disc-condyle relationships, but the disc was reduced in a patients with anterior disc displacement. The degree of the TMJ disc dysplasia did not necessarily correspond with the degree of mandibular dysplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The present study contributes to an improved understanding of TMJ pathology in patients with HFM. The results suggest that, in HFM patients, the examination of the TMJ using MRI is helpful for determining treatment procedures in mandibular distraction osteogenesis.  相似文献   

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