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Developmental, cellular, and molecular basis of human breast cancer   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Breast cancer, which is the most common neoplastic disease in females and accounts for up to one third of all new cases of women's cancer in North America, continues to rise in incidence. In addition, the mortality caused by this disease has remained almost unchanged for the past 5 decades, becoming only second to lung cancer as a cause of cancer-related death. The failure in eradicating this disease is largely due to the lack of identification of a specific etiologic agent, the precise time of initiation, and the molecular mechanisms responsible for cancer initiation and progression. Despite the numerous uncertainties surrounding the origin of cancer, there is substantial evidence that breast cancer risk relates to endocrinologic and reproductive factors. The development of breast cancer strongly depends on the ovary and on endocrine conditions modulated by ovarian function, such as early menarche, late menopause, and parity. However, the specific hormone or hormone combinations responsible for cancer initiation have not been identified, and their role as protective or risk factors is still incompletely understood. A highly significant female hormone is estrogen, which is involved in the development of a variety of cancers, but it is still unclear whether estrogens are carcinogenic to the human breast. An understanding of whether estrogens cause mutations, and, if so, whether they act through hormonal effects activated by receptor binding, cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic activation, or compromise the DNA repair system, is essential for determining whether this steroid hormone is involved in the initiation or progression of breast cancer. This knowledge has to be based on a multidisciplinary approach encompassing studies of the development of the breast, influence of hormones on the differentiation of individual structures, and their interrelations in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. The analysis of the mechanisms involved would require confirmation in the adequate in vitro models and determination of the role played by genomic alterations in both cancer initiation and progression.  相似文献   

The limitations of mammography in the detection and evaluation of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) have long been recognized, presenting real clinical challenges in treatment planning for these tumors. However, advances in mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging present opportunities to improve the diagnosis and preoperative assessment of ILC. The evidence supporting the performance of each imaging modality will be reviewed, specifically as it relates to the pathology of ILC and its subtypes. Further, we will discuss emerging technologies that may be employed to enhance the detection rate and ultimately result in more effective screening and staging of ILC.  相似文献   

Summary Although valuable initial information can be gathered about transformation fromin vitro studies, human cancer occurs in the context of a complex interaction with its environment and must ultimately be studied in living animals. Transgenic animal models have been used to study breast transformation for a number of years and have yielded valuable information on the subject. In this paper, we will summarize results from our laboratories, and others, regarding the use of transgenic mice to study breast tumorigenesis. We will also suggest future directions for the use of transgenic models to understand, and hopefully, one day to cure the disease. Note: genes are referred to as lowercase names in italics (e.g.myc) and their protein products as uppercase (e.g. Myc).  相似文献   

Transgenic mouse models of human breast cancer   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Hutchinson JN  Muller WJ 《Oncogene》2000,19(53):6130-6137
The pathogenesis of human breast cancer is thought to involve multiple genetic events, the majority of which fall into two categories, gain of function mutations in proto-oncogenes such as c-myc, cyclin D1, ErbB-2 and various growth factors which are involved in supporting cell growth, division and survival, and loss of function mutations in so called 'tumor suppressor' genes, such as p53, which are involved in preventing unrestrained cellular growth. A number of mouse systems exist to address the significance of these mutations in the pathogenesis of breast cancer including transgenic mice expressing high levels of a specific gene in target tissues and knockout mice in which specific genes have been ablated via homologous recombination. More recently, the combination of these techniques to create bigenics as well as the use of 'knockin' and conditional tissue specific gene targeting strategies have allowed the models more reflective of the human disease to be devised. Studies with these models have not only implicated particular genetic events in the progression of the disease but have emphasized the complex, multi-step nature of breast cancer progression. These models also provide the opportunity to study various aspects of the pathogenesis of this disease, from hormonal effects to responses to chemotherapeutic drugs. It is hoped that through the combined use of these models, and the further development of more relevant models, that a deeper understanding of this disease and the generation of new therapeutic agents will result.  相似文献   

Summary We have established and characterized a series of variant cell lines in which to identify the critical factors associated with E2-induced malignant progression, and the acquisition to tamoxifen resistance in human breast cancer. Sublines of the hormone-dependent MCF-7 cell line (MCF7/MIII and MCF7/LCC1) form stable, invasive, estrogen independent tumors in the mammary fat pads of ovariectomized athymic nude mice. These cells retain expression of both estrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PGR), but retain sensitivity to each of the major structural classes of antiestrogens. The tamoxifen-resistant MCF7/LCC2 cells retain sensitivity to the inhibitory effects of the steroidal antiestrogen ICI 182780. By comparing the parental hormone-dependent and variant hormone-independent cells, we have demonstrated an altered expression of some estrogen regulated genes (PGR, pS2, cathepsin D) in the hormone-independent variants. Other genes remain normally estrogen regulated (ER, laminin receptor, EGF-receptor). These data strongly implicate the altered regulation of a specific subset or network of estrogen regulated genes in the malignant progression of human breast cancer. Some of the primary response genes in this network may exhibit dose-response and induction kinetics similar to pS2, which is constitutively upregulated in the MCF7/MIII, MCF7/LCC1 and MCF7/LCC2 cells.  相似文献   



Breast cancer (BC) is the most common type of cancer in women and the second cause of cancer-related mortality world-wide. The majority of BC-related deaths is due to metastasis. Bone, lung, brain and liver are the primary target sites of BC metastasis. The clinical implications and mechanisms underlying bone metastasis have been reviewed before. Given the fact that BC lung metastasis (BCLM) usually produces symptoms only after the lungs have been vastly occupied with metastatic tumor masses, it is of paramount importance for diagnostic and prognostic, as well as therapeutic purposes to comprehend the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying BCLM. Here, we review current insights into the organ-specificity of BC metastasis, including the role of cancer stem cells in triggering BC spread, the traveling of tumor cells in the blood stream and their migration across endothelial barriers, their adaptation to the lung microenvironment and the initiation of metastatic colonization within the lung.


Detailed understanding of the mechanisms underlying BCLM will shed a new light on the identification of novel molecular targets to impede daunting pulmonary metastases in patients with breast cancer.

A substantial part of all hereditary breast cancer cases is caused by BRCA1 germline mutations. In this review, we will discuss the insights into BRCA1 functions that we obtained from mouse models with conventional and conditional mutations in Brca1. The most advanced models closely resemble human BRCA1-related breast cancer and may therefore be useful for addressing clinically relevant questions.  相似文献   

Cathepsin D is a ubiquitously expressed lysosomal protease. Initially synthesized as an inactive precursor of 52 kD (pro-cathepsin D), the enzyme is subsequently converted to its active forms by proteolytic processing. Breast cancer cells, unlike normal cells, secrete high levels of pro-cathepsin D; this abnormal secretion is due to both overexpression of the gene and altered processing of the protein. Recent transfection experiments indicate that overexpression of cathepsin D can increase the metastatic potential of tumor cells in nude mice. This study complements clinical studies, which have shown than high cathepsin D concentrations in the cytosol of primary breast cancers may be predictive of subsequent metastasis, particularly for patients with axillary node-negative tumors. These results, and the potential mechanisms by which cathepsin D may promote metastasis, are considered here.  相似文献   

Breast cancer patients who acquire tamoxifen resistance may respond to second-line hormonal therapy or progress to true endocrine resistance. The biological basis for these processes are poorly understood. Following successful therapy with tamoxifen there is little evidence at relapse for change in either the host endocrine environment or drug metabolic profile to account for the development of acquired resistance. Many tamoxifen resistant tumours still retain a structurally and functionally normal oestrogen receptor (ER) and yet will grow independent of oestrogen. The oestrogen-regulated molecular events which normally govern the growth of hormone-sensitive breast cancer involve a complex autocrine and paracrine interaction between several peptide growth factors (including TGF alpha, IGF-1 and TGF beta), their receptors and signal transduction pathways. Evidence now exists that constitutive activity of many of these mediators of the mitogenic signal can bypass the cell's dependence on oestrogen and provide a mechanism for hormone-independent growth. Research into these molecular mechanisms may result in a better understanding of how to overcome the clinical problem of tamoxifen resistance.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor alpha and mouse models of human breast cancer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Humphreys RC  Hennighausen L 《Oncogene》2000,19(8):1085-1091
Transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha) is a principal molecule in the normal and neoplastic development of the mammary gland. Binding of TGFalpha to the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), activates the EGFRs' endogenous tyrosine kinase activity and stimulates growth of the epithelium in the virgin and pregnant mouse mammary gland. TGFalpha expression can be detected in breast cancer cells in vivo and in vitro and overexpression can elicit partial transformation or immortalized human and rodent mammary epithelial cells. Despite evidence implicating TGFalpha in the development of mammary neoplasia, the actual mechanism of TGFalpha-induced transformation is unclear. Transgenic mouse models targeting heterologus TGFalpha to the mammary gland have established TGFalpha overexpression can induce hyperproliferation, hyperplasia and occasional carcinoma. These transgenic studies demonstrated a facilitating, proliferative role for TGFalpha in the development of neoplasia and implicated several oncogenes that can cooperate with TGFalpha to transform the mammary epithelium. From studies of EGFR signaling pathways, inhibitory and modulating agents such as anti-EGFR antibodies and specific kinases inhibitors have been used to block the action of this pathway and prevent the development of TGFalpha-induced neoplasia and tumor formation. Studies in Stat5a knockout mice have established that the JAK2/Stat5a pathway can facilitate the survival of the mammary epithelium and can impact the progression of TGFalpha-mandated mammary tumorigenesis. Together these experiments indicate that TGFalpha and the EGFR signaling pathway are potentially amenable to therapies for treatment of human breast disease.  相似文献   

Studies performed to identify early events of ovarian cancer and to establish molecular markers to support of early detection and the development of chemopreventive regimens have been hindered by a lack of adequate cell models. Taking advantage of the spontaneous transformation of mouse ovarian surface epithelial (MOSE) cells in culture, we isolated and characterized distinct transitional stages of ovarian cancer as the cells progressed from a premalignant nontumorigenic phenotype to a highly aggressive malignant phenotype. Transitional stages were concurrent with progressive increases in proliferation, anchorage-independent growth capacity, in vivo tumor formation, and aneuploidy. During neoplastic progression, our ovarian cancer model underwent distinct remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton and focal adhesion complexes, concomitant with downregulation and/or aberrant subcellular localization of two tumor-suppressor proteins E-cadherin and connexin-43. In addition, we demonstrate that epigenetic silencing of E-cadherin through promoter methylation is associated with neoplastic progression of our ovarian cancer model. These results establish critical interactions between cellular cytoskeletal remodeling and epigenetic silencing events in the progression of ovarian cancer. Thus, our MOSE model provides an excellent tool to identify both cellular and molecular changes in the early and late stages of ovarian cancer, to evaluate their regulation, and to determine their significance in an immunocompetent in vivo environment.  相似文献   

Family history of breast cancer (BC) is a strong predictor for developing female BC. Whether this excess familiality differs within morphological BC subgroups remains unclear. We assessed the risk of lobular breast cancer (LOB) and any BC among relatives of probands with LOB. We used the Utah Population Database (UPDB) to estimate familial relative risks (FRR) as well as average relatedness, using the genealogical index of familiality (GIF) statistic. The UPDB, a population-based resource, links genealogical data from over 2 million individuals to the Utah Cancer Registry. Consistent with other studies, analysis of all BC cases showed significantly increased risk of BC to relatives (first-degree relative [FDR]: FRR = 1.83, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.75-1.90). Morphology-specific risks showed that relatives of LOB probands had an increased risk of LOB (FDR: FRR = 4.51, 95% CI = 2.79-6.89) and an increased risk of any BC (FDR: FRR = 2.47, 95% CI = 2.12-2.85); both measures were significantly greater than the all BC FRR estimates, and surpassed even generalized early-onset BC risk. GIF analyses corroborated the FRR results and indicated that the excess relatedness of LOB cases extended to third-degree relatives. Our findings suggest that LOB has a heritable component and may represent a genetically homogeneous form of BC. Pedigrees with excess LOB may be useful in isolating additional BC predisposition genes. Relatives of women with LOB are at higher risk for BC than relatives of other BC subtypes; a more rigorous BC screening regime may be warranted for these individuals.  相似文献   

Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC) has been reported to be less responsive to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) than invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). We sought to determine whether ILC histology indeed predicts poor response to NAC by analyzing tumor characteristics such as protein expression, gene expression, and imaging features, and by comparing NAC response rates to those seen in IDC after adjustment for these factors. We combined datasets from two large prospective NAC trials, including in total 676 patients, of which 75 were of lobular histology. Eligible patients had tumors ??3?cm in diameter or pathologic documentation of positive nodes, and underwent serial biopsies, expression microarray analysis, and MRI imaging. We compared pathologic complete response (pCR) rates and breast conservation surgery (BCS) rates between ILC and IDC, adjusted for clinicopathologic factors. On univariate analysis, ILCs were significantly less likely to have a pCR after NAC than IDCs (11 vs. 25?%, p?=?0.01). However, the known differences in tumor characteristics between the two histologic types, including hormone receptor (HR) status, HER2 status, histological grade, and p53 expression, accounted for this difference with the lowest pCR rates among HR+/HER2? tumors in both ILC and IDC (7 and 5?%, respectively). ILC which were HR? and/or HER2+ had a pCR rate of 25?%. Expression subtyping, particularly the NKI 70-gene signature, was correlated with pCR, although the small numbers of ILC in each group precluded significant associations. BCS rate did not differ between IDC and ILC after adjusting for molecular characteristics. We conclude that ILC represents a heterogeneous group of tumors which are less responsive to NAC than IDC. However, this difference is explained by differences in molecular characteristics, particularly HR and HER2, and independent of lobular histology.  相似文献   

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