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BackgroundMost pre-registration nursing students require employment during their studies which may entail undertaking another qualification.This paper describes how one university developed a program whereby undergraduate nursing students complete the national vocational education – HLT33115 Assistant in Nursing qualification through recognition of prior learning, a self-directed education package and completion of an objective structured clinical examination.ObjectiveTo discuss the development of an ‘Assistant in Nursing’ in the acute care environment program for pre-registration undergraduate nursing degree students using the national vocational education framework.DesignThis program maps the national ‘Assistant in Nursing- Acute Care’ vocational qualification to the pre-registration registered nurse degree. Upon successful completion of this program students can work as Assistants in Nursing within the acute care environment.ConclusionsThis program enables student nurses to work as Assistants in Nursing within the acute care environment. This provides employment in a health facility and opportunities for students to immerse themselves in the clinical environment whilst continuing their studies. This may assist students to gain a deeper insight into their future role as a nurse, build networks within the nursing community and assimilate into the clinical environment. This program design may prove useful as a template for other nursing faculties wishing to implement a similar program.  相似文献   

张欢 《中华现代护理杂志》2011,17(16):1868-1871
目的探讨护理本科生对于护理关怀的认知水平及影响因素,为护理本科生关怀能力的培养提供理论依据。方法采用方便抽样对北京某高校护理学院二、三、四年级157名护理本科生进行问卷调查。结果护理本科生在专业技术方面得分高于其他维度,二年级护理本科生在专业技术方面得分高于三、四年级,差异有统计学意义(F=4.679,P〈0.05)。护理本科生对护理关怀重要性的认同、对护理课程的兴趣(社会心理方面、专业技术方面、正确的情感投入)均呈现正相关(P〈0.05)。不同年级护理本科生对关怀行为的认知单项得分比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论护理本科生对护理关怀行为的认知水平有待提高,学校应通过加强人文关怀教育,运用多种教学手段提高学生对于护理课程的兴趣,帮助学生全面理解关怀的内涵,提高护理本科生护理关怀行为的认知水平。  相似文献   

将2007级57名护理本科生分为12组,以学生为主体设计情景模拟教学病例。采用流程图的形式,评价学生在模拟情景中运用、分析和整合知识的能力;通过对设置的情景教学病例的演示,评价学生的技能掌握及运用情况;采用自制的以学生为主体进行情景教学病例设计的效果评价表,了解学生对情景教学模拟效果的评价。结果学生完成了12个重点疾病的流程图,并对重点疾病的发生发展过程有了全面、深入、形象的认识;学生通过观看模拟过程的录像进行自我评价,对自身护理技能操作中存在的问题有了清晰的认识;学生认为以学生为主体设计情景模拟教学病例加深了对相关疾病知识的了解,培养了临床思维能力等。  相似文献   

目的探讨对专科护生进行循证护理教育的效果。方法以整群抽样法选取2010级专科护生4个班(每班30人),设观察组与对照组各2个班,两组护生均接受学校常规教学,在第四学期,对照组护生选修非循证护理教育类课程,观察组护生选修循证护理教育培训课,并对两组护生在选修课教学前及实习4个月后进行循证护理素质及评判性思维能力的测试。结果护生实习4个月后,观察组的循证护理素质总分及循证知识、技能2个维度得分显著高于高于对照组(P<0.05),观察组评判性思维能力总分及除系统化能力以外6个维度的得分显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论在校循证护理教育有利于提高专科护生的循证护理素质。  相似文献   



Standardized patient was useful for knowledge acquirement, communication skills, self-efficacy, learning motivation and clinical skill acquirement in the literature.


The aim of this study was to compare the effects of standardized patient and low-fidelity mannequin use in teaching hygiene care.


This study was conducted as a randomized controlled study. The study was conducted on first-year nursing students in a nursing school in Turkey. The study inclusion criteria were as follows: voluntary acceptance of study participation, and participation in theoretical lectures on hygiene education. Eighty students were recruited for the study population. The students were divided into two groups consisting of 40 students in each group. The intervention group performed the simulation using a standardized patient, and the control group performed the simulation using a low-fidelity mannequin. The same simulation scenarios were used for both groups.


The hygiene care performance scores and students’ satisfaction and self-confidence scale and simulation design scale scores of the students in the standardized patient group were significantly higher than in the low-fidelity mannequin group. The students in the standardized patient group also showed less stress-related physical reactions in the actual environment and with an actual patient, experienced less difficulty during practice, felt more adequate, and better transferred the skills they had learned in the laboratory to clinical practice.


Simulation with standardized patient is an effective teaching method for improving outcomes hygiene care skills of nursing students.  相似文献   

人文关怀能力是现代护理事业发展的动力和灵魂,是建立和谐护患关系的保证,本文从护生的人文关怀能力国内外研究现状、存在的问题及相应对策等几个方面进行综述.  相似文献   

目的 探讨情景模拟教育对护生护理能力的效果。方法 以老年护理学为教学内容,将30例接受情景模拟法教学的护生设为观察组,30例接受传统教学方法的护生设为对照组,2组教学时间一致。比较2组护生的评判性思维以及护理能力。结果 观察组的开放思想、分析能力、求知欲、认知成熟程度等各方面的评判思维评分均高于对照组。观察组护生的护理基本原则、日常生活护理、用药安全、护理操作等护理能力评分高于对照组。结论 情景模拟教学能够提高护生对老年患者的护理能力,激发评判性思维。  相似文献   

ObjectiveIncrease student knowledge and comfort with caring for a transgender individual and confronting colleagues when exhibiting poor cultural intelligence.BackgroundTransgender patients often experience health care inequities, including heteronormative microaggressions in communication and policies. Simulation has been a successful means of providing students with the education, tools, and experience necessary to combat systemic injustice in health care. Simulation is an interactive pedagogy that allows nursing students to practice assessment, patient care, and difficult conversations in a controlled, risk-free environment.Design/ MethodsPrelicensure nursing students role-played a simulation created as an interactive learning strategy to promote culturally sensitive assessment of a transgender patient and their caregiver, including assessing for pronouns and providing patient-centered care. The simulation included preforming a difficult conversation between nurses to cultivate an environment of being an upstander. The simulation demonstrated holistic methods of assessing and supporting unique patient needs for the patient who is transgender.ResultsNursing students reported they felt that their comfort with advocacy and ability to communicate with transgender patients, as well as with their families, and health care team members was enhanced after completing the simulation.ConclusionSimulation has the ability to reduce discomfort and discrimination in health care for transgender patients by equipping students with culturally sensitive and inclusive communication tools and providing them with risk-free environment where they can learn to provide care for this vulnerable population in preparation for successful future encounters.  相似文献   

通过优化实践教学体系,建立以突出创新能力培养为核心的满足多层次学习需要的4个实践教学训练平台,包括基础护理技能训练平台、专科护理技能训练平台、人文护理技能训练平台、特色社会护理服务平台,形成课堂-校园-社区-医院四位一体的实践教学网络,系统训练学生的专业技能,培养学生的科学思维、创新意识、创业精神和社会服务的综合素质,以适应未来社会对护理人才的需求.  相似文献   

为提高医学护理学学生的综合实践能力,模拟教学被广泛应用到了医学护理教育中.介绍了利用模拟教学对实习前的护理本科生进行综合模拟培训的做法,以及对以后开展教学的建议.  相似文献   

This article provides a broad overview of simulation use in nursing education. An example of a simulation experience focusing on the development and debriefing of a medication safety exercise is presented based on a theoretic approach. Questions for future consideration by nursing educators and researchers are also presented with the ultimate goal of producing safer patient care and more deliberate reflecting practitioners.  相似文献   

目的 探讨仿真模拟教学法在手术室护理带教中的应用及效果.方法 将手术室实习的100名本科护生分为对照组和实验组,每组各50名.对照组采用传统教学模式,实验组增设仿真模拟教学模式,比较两组护生实习效果,包括出科操作考核、自我评价、带教老师评价、手术医生评价、患者评价.结果 实验组护生各项评价得分高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 仿真模拟教学能使护生更系统、更快掌握专科实践技能,激发护生的学习兴趣,提高对知识的综合应用能力、护患、医护沟通合作能力以及培养手术室整体护理思维,进一步提高教学质量.  相似文献   

高仿真模拟人模拟教学是通过计算机控制,使模拟人表现出相应的症状和体征,结合配置的模拟临床环境,使学生以护士的角色对患者进行各项护理,从而得到综合技能发展的一种教学  相似文献   

目的探讨提高护理学生临床实践能力的教学方法。方法将111名护理本科生分为观察组55名、对照组56名。观察组进行临床护理全程模拟实验,对照组采用传统的护理操作训练方法。结果观察组学生对临床护理全程实验的效果评价较高,其理论考试成绩明显优于对照组,带教教师对观察组学生能力的满意度也明显高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),但护理操作考核成绩差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论临床护理全程模拟实验可以缩短教学与临床的差距,使学生快速进入临床护士角色,进而提高学生的临床实践能力。  相似文献   

目的 探索Kolb学习模型在护理实习生人文关怀能力培养中的应用效果。方法 以2019年6月和2020年6月进入昆山市中医医院临床实习的护生作为研究对象,其中2019年实习的护生109名为对照组,2020年实习的护生116名为观察组。观察组采取基于Kolb学习模型的人文关怀临床带教,对照组采取传统方法行人文关怀临床带教。实习结束时分别采用护生人文关怀量表和自主学习能力量表来测评两组护生的学习效果。结果 观察组护生人文关怀能力和自主学习能力各维度得分均高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论 Kolb学习模型应用于护生人文关怀教学中,可以提高护生人文关怀能力及自主学习能力,提升教学质量。  相似文献   

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