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Ⅰ型骨质疏松症 (即绝经后妇女骨质疏松症 )是由于妇女绝经后卵巢功能衰退 ,雌激素水平低落所致骨代谢紊乱 ,致骨吸收大于骨形成 ,使骨量丢失 ,骨质疏松患者X线表现有骨小梁稀疏、模糊及椎体压缩契形变等。现就我院利用壮骨胶囊治疗Ⅰ型骨质疏松症74例观察其前后X线变化情况报告如下 :1 临床资料1.1 对象 绝经后妇女 10 5例 ,随机分为两组 :①中药壮骨胶囊 (治疗组 ) :74例 ,年龄 4 9~ 76岁 ,平均62 .4 9岁。停经史 :≤ 5年 8例 ,6~ 10年 2 2例 ,11~ 15年 18例 ,>15年 2 6例 ,平均 13.91年。②钙尔奇D治疗组 (对照组 ) :31例 ,年龄…  相似文献   

目的:观察中医"补虚化瘀"法结合依降钙素注射液和碳酸钙咀嚼片(Ⅱ)治疗老年性骨质疏松症的临床效果。方法:将临床确诊为老年性骨质疏松症的患者168例随机分为2组,治疗组84例在给予肌注依降钙素注射液和服用碳酸钙咀嚼片(Ⅱ)的基础上联合补虚化瘀法中药组方进行治疗;对照组84例则单纯应用依降钙素注射液和碳酸钙咀嚼片(Ⅱ)治疗。结果:16周后,对照组患者骨痛缓解总有效率为84.5%,治疗组患者骨痛缓解总有效率为97.6%,对比两组治疗后有效率存在明显差异,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:中西医结合治疗老年性骨质疏松症,其疗效显著,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

随着社会进入老龄化时代,骨质疏松已经成为挑战人类健康的主要原因之一。同样,近几年来我院门诊骨质疏松病人就诊人数逐年剧增,尤其自购进DPX双能X线骨密度仪以来更为明显。现将经骨密度仪测试T值〈-2.5SD的50例病人,采用仙灵骨葆治疗后观察效果报告如下。  相似文献   

随着社会进入老龄化时代,骨质疏松已经成为挑战人类健康的主要原因之一。同样,近几年来我院门诊骨质疏松病人就诊人数逐年剧增,尤其自购进DPX双能X线骨密度仪以来更为明显。现将经骨密度仪测试T值〈-2.5SD的50例病人,采用仙灵骨葆治疗后观察效果报告如下。  相似文献   

随着社会进入老龄化时代,骨质疏松已经成为挑战人类健康的主要原因之一。同样,近几年来我院门诊骨质疏松病人就诊人数逐年剧增,尤其自购进DPX双能X线骨密度仪以来更为明显。现将经骨密度仪测试T值<-2.5SD的50例病人,采用仙灵骨葆治疗后观察效果报告如下。  相似文献   

强筋健骨胶囊治疗老年性骨质疏松症的临床研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨质疏松症是严重威胁老年人健康的疾病,是全身性骨量减少、骨结构改变,并伴有骨脆性增加及易导致骨折的疾病,60岁以上老年人有30%患有骨质疏松症和骨痛病。2000年5月~2002年5月,笔者应用强筋健骨胶囊治疗老年性骨质疏松症患者120例,取得较好疗效,现报道如下。  相似文献   

补肾壮骨胶囊治疗中老年骨质疏松症临床观察报告   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨质疏松及其引发的骨折是中老年常见的骨科疾患,根据中医“肾主骨”理论,我科近2年采用补肾壮骨胶囊治疗中老年骨质疏松引起的前臂烧骨远端骨折30例;进行该药物促进骨痴生长,加速骨折愈合的观察,结果疗效满意。1临床资料为例病人中,女兀例,男4例,左侧前臂挠骨远端骨折12例,右侧骨折16例,双侧骨折2例;年龄45一乃岁,45-55岁4例,56-65岁14例,66-75岁12例。X线确诊为前臂挠骨远端骨折,新鲜骨折(l周内应诊),闭合性骨折(稳定型),包括横断骨折,嵌插骨折,裂缝骨折。排除病理性骨折,开放骨折及严重粉碎性骨折,骨折达不…  相似文献   

中药壮骨胶囊治疗Ⅰ型原发性骨质疏松症74例临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨中药壮骨胶囊对Ⅰ型原发性骨质疏松症的疗效及其与骨代谢的关系。方法 采用益肾健脾的中药壮骨胶囊治疗74例绝经后妇女原发性骨质疏松症,并与钙尔奇D治疗的31例作对照。结果 3个月后其总有效率达91.89%,骨质疏松程度、血ALP、CT、E2皆显著改善,且显著优于对照组(P〈0.05~0.01)。无明显副反应。结论 绝经后妇女骨质疏松症主要由肾虚所致,采用中药补肾健脾治疗,疗效显著优于补钙、雌  相似文献   

目的 评价补肾壮骨胶囊治疗原发性骨质疏松症的确切疗效。方法 将100例原发性骨质疏松症患者随分成两组,分别用补肾壮骨胶囊和盖天力片治疗,观察临床症状和体征改善情况,观测治疗前后腰椎骨密度变化。结果 补肾壮骨胶囊治疗组症状体征明显改善,骨密度提高显著,疗效明显优于盖天力片治疗组。结论 补肾壮骨胶囊是治疗原发性骨质疏松症的有效药物。  相似文献   

Background Jaw osteonecrosis possibly associated with the administration of bisphosphonates is expected to be treated with a non-pharmacologic approach. This study aimed to determine whether noninvasive, mechanically mediated vibration would inhibit the decline in bone mineral density (BMD) that follows menopause, enhance the BMD of the lumbar and femoral neck, and reduce chronic back pain in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
Methods A total of 116 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis participated in this study, and they were divided into groups A (66 patients) and B (50). Group A received vibration treatment (Subjects vertically stand on the vibration platform, with a vibration frequency of 30 Hz, amplitude of 5 mm; they received the treatment five times per week, ten minutes each time and totally for six months), whereas women of group B served as controls without any treatment. L2-4 BMD, bilateral femoral neck BMD, and body mass index (BMI) were recorded before the treatment or at the third and sixth months of the treatment respectively. After the ending of the treatment, the change of BMD in each group was compared and analyzed. Chronic back pain was evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS) at baseline and the third and sixth months of the treatment.
Results Of the 116 women, 94 including 51 women from group A ((61.23±8.20) years) and 43 women from group B ((63.73±5.45) years), completed the study. There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics including age, BMI, menopausal years, lumbar BMD, femoral neck BMD, and VAS between the two groups. The lumbar BMD of the 51 women in group A increased by 1.3% (P=0.034) after vibration treatment for 3 months and by 4.3% at the sixth month (P=0.000). The lumbar BMD in group B was decreased at the third month, but there was not statistical significance (P〉0.05) At the sixth month, it was decreased by 1.9% (P 〈0.05). The femoral neck BMD of the 51 women in group A was slightly in  相似文献   

目的观察阿伦膦酸钠对绝经后妇女原发性骨质疏松症的有效性和安全性。方法绝经后骨质疏松患者130例,将患者完全随机分成观察组及对照组,各65例。观察组每周口服阿伦膦酸钠70mg和元素钙(碳酸钙)及骨化醇;对照组口服元素钙(碳酸钙)及骨化醇。疗程均为12个月;通过骨密度仪观察治疗前及治疗后的骨密度的变化。结果治疗12个月后,观察组L2~4和股骨颈平均骨密度明显高于治疗前和对照组治疗后[L2~4:(844±116)mg/cm3比(788±76)mg/cm3、(785±64)mg/cm3;股骨颈:(681±71)mg/cm3比(644±72)mg/cm3、(662±90)mg/cm3],差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05或P<0.01)。治疗过程中未发现与药物有关的不良反应。结论阿伦膦酸钠治疗绝经后骨质疏松症有效且安全。  相似文献   

目的 探讨鳗鱼降钙素治疗绝经后骨质疏松症的疗效.方法 将70例绝经后骨质疏松症患者随机分为两组,治疗组40例,应用鳗鱼降钙素治疗,20 IU肌注每周一次,疗程6个月;对照组30例.两组均口服钙尔奇D(含元素钙600 mg,维生素D125 IU)每天一片,疗程6个月.两组治疗前后均测定2~4腰椎、骨股颈及wards三角骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD),记录患者临床症状.结果 治疗组2个月后骨痛改善率高于对照组(P<0.01),治疗组患者腰2、腰3、腰椎均值BMD较前明显升高(P<0.05).对照组BMD治疗前后无明显变化(P>0.05).结论 鳗鱼降钙素与钙剂联合应用对治疗绝经后骨质疏松症有减轻疼痛,改善症状,同时增加骨密度作用.  相似文献   

补肾法对大鼠绝经后骨质疏松模型的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:研究补肾法对大鼠绝经后骨质疏松模型激素含量及骨密度等作用,揭示补肾法治疗骨质疏松的机制.方法:将健康雌性SD大鼠32只,随机分成4组:正常组、模型组、西药组、补肾组,各8只. 除正常组外对其他组大鼠进行摘卵巢手术制造绝经后大鼠模型(去势后大鼠). 术后1 wk,西药组灌服浓度为50 mg/L的尼尔雌醇,每只灌服5 mL/wk,其他时间灌服等量生理盐水;补肾组灌服浓度为200 g/L的补肾中药,每只灌服5 mL/d ;正常组和模型组每日同时灌服等量生理盐水. 投药8 wk 后进行摘眼球取血,取左侧股骨. 采用双能X线骨密度仪测量大鼠股骨骨密度(BMD),采用ELISA法测定血清雌二醇(E2)含量.结果:正常组、西药组、补肾组与模型组相比,BMD和E2: P值均<0.01. E2: 正常vs西药(P<0.01);正常vs中药(P<0.01).结论:补肾法能够增加去势大鼠BMD、血清E2,从而对绝经后骨质疏松有治疗作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨雌二醇联合1,25-二羟维生素D3[1,25(OH)2D3]对绝经后骨质疏松症(PMOP)大鼠的治疗作用,并阐明其作用机制。  相似文献   

Objective To identify the optimal dosage of 17β-estradiol gel+oral progestin for preventing bone loss in postmenopausal Chinese women.Methods A 3-year open label, randomized, prospective clinical trial was conducted.Sixty healthy women who had been postmenopausal for 1 to 5 years were recruited and divided into following 4 groups: group 1, percutaneous gel 17β-estradiol (E(2)) 1.5 mg/d plus micronized progesterone (MP) 100 mg/d; group 2, percutaneous gel 17β-estradiol (E(2)) 1.5 mg/d plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) 2 mg/d; group 3, percutaneous gel 17β-estradiol (E(2)) 0.75 mg/d plus micronized progesterone (MP) 100 mg/d; and group 4, percutaneous gel 17β-estradiol (E(2)) 0.75 mg/d plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) 2 mg/d. Estrogen and progestin were given continuously for 25 days per month.Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured using quantitative computed tomography (QCT) for trabecular bone of L2-5 and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for L2-4 and hip 5 times during the trial at baseline and at the 6-, 12-, 18-, 24- and 36-month visits.Results Fifty-nine patients (98.3%, 59/60) stayed in the study for 1 year, 56 patients (93.3%, 56/60) for 2 years, and 51 (85%, 51/50) for 3 years.On average, menopausal symptoms were relieved by 80% after 6 months of treatment.By the 24th month, the mean increase in BMD ranged from 4.3% to 7.5% in trabecular bone; and by the 36th month, it ranged from 4.2% to 6.2% in L2-4 and 1.61% to 3.77% in the neck.There were significant difference after treatment (P&lt;0.05).Among the four groups, no significant difference (P&gt;0.05) was found in improvement of symptoms, levels of bone markers or BMD.Conclusion A daily dose of estradiol gel, either 0.75 mg or 1.5 mg, is effective in preventing early postmenopausal bone loss and relieving menopausal symptoms.After 3-year treatment, spinal BMD could increase steadily, so does hip BMD, especially in the first 2 years.  相似文献   

熊萍  董刚强  李世云  林勇  饶进  杜春  苟晓琴  李龙英 《西部医学》2012,24(10):1967-1968
目的观察鲑鱼降钙素和凯思立D治疗绝经后骨质疏松症的疗效。方法将128例绝经后骨质疏松症患者随机分为对照组和治疗组各64例,对照组口服凯思立D,1片/d;治疗组则在此基础上加用鲑鱼降钙素肌肉注射,50IU/次,1次/周,两组疗程均为6个月。治疗结束后,比较两组患者的疗效及不良反应情况。结果治疗组总有效率为92.2%,明显高于对照组53.1%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);治疗组的骨密度较治疗前明显提高(P〈0.05),而对照组的骨密度则无明显变化,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.5)。结论鲑鱼降钙素联合凯思立D治疗绝经后骨质疏松症疗效好,可明显改善症状,增加骨密度。  相似文献   

阿仑膦酸钠防治绝经后骨质疏松的疗效   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察国产阿仑膦酸钠防治绝经后骨质疏松症的疗效。方法56例50~74岁骨量减少或骨质疏松的绝经后妇女随机分为两组(每组28人),每日给予阿仑膦酸钠10mg/d或安慰剂,两组均加服碳酸钙片和维生素D,治疗6个月。试验前后用双能X线吸收法检测腰椎和髋部的骨矿密度(bonemineraldensity,BMD),同时检测骨转换的生化指标。结果与治疗前相比,治疗组腰椎BMD平均增加5%(P<0.01),对照组各部位的BMD均下降(P<0.05);治疗组骨吸收指标和骨形成指标均降低,其中NTx下降最明显,近75.7%(P<0.001),而对照组却无显著性变化。结论国产阿仑膦酸钠能降低绝经后妇女的骨转换,增加骨量。  相似文献   

With the aging of the population,the inci-dence of pri mary osteoporosis is getting higher andhigher,among which post menopausal osteoporosis(PMOP)is the most commontype.As an effectivemedicine to inhibit bone absorption,bisphospho-nates has become the main medicationtotreat oste-oporosis.In this clinical trial,we investigated theefficacy of residronate sodium,the third-generationbisphosphonates made in China,in the treat mentof PMOP by exploring its effect on bone mineraldensity(BMD)and b…  相似文献   

目的:探讨老年女性低骨密度值的相关因素,为老年女性骨质疏松的早期防治提供理论依据。方法:用双能X线吸收法(DEXA)测定915例第一汽车制造厂60~74岁退休女性职工尺桡骨的骨密度值,并对年龄,大米、杂粮、海产品、牛奶、酸奶、咖啡、豆浆、面、鸡蛋、水果的摄入量,是否吸烟,是否饮酒及绝经年数等进行问卷调查,同时测量身高、体质量。结果:年龄、是否经常摄入面、鸡蛋和水果、是否吸烟、绝经年数、体质指数(BMI)与骨密度值有关,差异有显著性(P<0.05);多重逐步回归分析显示:年龄与骨密度值呈负相关(B=-0.440,P<0.05),绝经年数与骨密度值呈负相关(B=-0.314,P<0.05),是否吸烟与骨密度值呈负相关(B=-0.650,P<0.05),BMI与骨密度值呈正相关(B=0.959,P<0.05)。结论:高龄、吸烟、绝经年数长、低BMI是60~74岁女性原发性骨质疏松的相关危险因素 。  相似文献   

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