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The occurrence of changes in the kidneys after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) was evaluated with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in 34 patients, utilizing T1-weighted spin-echo pulse sequences. Five of the 34 patients underwent bilateral ESWL therapy before MR imaging. Of the 39 kidneys studied, 29 (74%) showed one or more changes on MR imaging: subcapsular or perinephric fluid (n = 10), focal (n = 16) or diffuse (n = 8) loss of the corticomedullary junction (CMJ), and focal areas of increased (n = 7) or decreased (n = 3) signal intensity. The CMJ changes were more prominent with increasing numbers of shock waves administered during the procedure. These relatively subtle changes detected on MR imaging may not be apparent with other imaging techniques. The long-term clinical significance of these findings is not yet known, although no apparent serious renal pathologic condition was detected.  相似文献   

Concerns about the safety of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy include the risk of vascular damage and the genesis of hypertension. We evaluated gross specimens and barium microangiograms of the right kidneys of 14 rabbits exposed to shock waves; the untreated left kidneys served as controls. Six rabbits were assessed immediately after shock wave treatment, whereas the other eight rabbits had the same procedure 3 months later. All six acute phase animals showed microangiographic changes indicative of shock wave trauma, including cortical, subcapsular, and medullary extravasation of barium and patchy loss of efferent vessels. No significant vascular abnormalities were seen in the control kidneys. All kidneys treated from the animals that had delayed microangiography showed macroscopic evidence of fibrotic capsular thickening and parenchymal scarring. Microscopically, there was crowding of glomeruli and areas of avascularity. In this model, shock waves damaged the cortical circulation and resulted in persistent alterations of the microvasculature that potentially could be responsible for the abnormal secretion of renin.  相似文献   

In order to identify a high-risk group for the development of arterial hypertension after extracorporeal shock wave nephrolithotripsy (ESWL), we correlated the increase in renovascular resistance induced by ESWL in 79 normotensive patients with changes in arterial blood pressure occurring 20 (+-3) months after therapy. Renal vascular resistance was measured as resistive index (RI) by duplex Doppler sonography in both kidneys. Mean RI before treatment was 0.620±0.035 (SD). After treatment, we observed a significant and age-dependent increase in the RI in the treated kidney to 0.673 ± 0.06. Of the patients with a post-ESWL RI> 0.690, 39% developed hypertension. Posttherapy RI values surpassing 0.690 showed a 0.8 sensitivity and a 0.7 specificity in predicting arterial hypertension. Intrarenal Doppler ultrasound (US) is useful to find the high-risk group for arterial hypertension after ESWL. Correspondence to: R. Knapp  相似文献   

目的 研究肾结石患者经不同能量的冲击波碎石治疗后,患者肾血流的近期变化,并探讨体外冲击波碎石治疗最优能量.方法 29例肾结石患者,分为两组,分别用9~10kV(19例)、10~11kV(10例)进行体外冲击波治疗,并在治疗前即时、后24~72h行双能量多层螺旋CT灌注扫描,监测患者肾脏各项灌注参数,并同时监测治疗前后血肌酐、尿素氮等参数变化.结果 肾结石患者碎石前、后肾脏结石周围区域(能量冲击中心区域)各项灌注参数MIP、血流量(BF)、血容量(BV)、对比剂达峰时间(TTP)、毛细血管表面通透性(PS)及平均通过时间(MTT)均存在统计学差异,P<0.05;远结石区域治疗前、后各项灌注参数无统计学差异,P>0.05.治疗前、后血肌酐、尿素氮无统计学差异,P>0.05.结论 本研究表明CT灌注成像各项血流动力学参数变化可用于评估体外冲击波碎石治疗前、后肾功能的变化,且血流灌注参数变化早于血肌酐、尿素氮等变化.此外,本研究证实9~10kV、10~11kV为肾结石体外冲击波治疗的安全能量.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare changes in gadolinium enhancement at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with outcome in mediastinal lymphoma after treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-one patients with bulky mediastinal lymphoma (17 with Hodgkin disease, 14 with non-Hodgkin lymphoma) underwent serial MR imaging before and up to 50 months after treatment, with routine follow-up (including computed tomography). Signal intensity ratios between masses and muscle were calculated on T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and contrast material-enhanced T1-weighted spin-echo MR images. The percentage enhancement and signal intensity ratios of mediastinal masses on T2-weighted MR images were calculated at diagnosis and during and after treatment. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients with persistent complete remission had a mean percentage enhancement of residual masses (4%; range, -26% to 40%) that was significantly lower than that of initial masses (78%; range, 41%-124%). Although the mean signal intensity ratio of residual masses on T2-weighted images was significantly lower than that of initial masses, an increase in this ratio was observed in four patients after treatment. In seven patients with relapse, the percentage enhancement value of the residual mass was as high as that of the initial mass. CONCLUSION: Gadolinium enhancement of lymphomatous masses of the mediastinum decreased markedly after treatment in patients in continuous complete remission but not in patients with relapse.  相似文献   

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), either alone or in combination with percutaneous or retrograde techniques, has rapidly become the procedure of choice for the treatment of intrarenal and upper ureteral calculi. Complications have been few so far and usually have been urinary obstructions or hemorrhages. Most fluid collections observed after ESWL are asymptomatic and their detection usually does not prolong hospitalization or alter therapy. In five patients out of 2,149 patient treatments symptomatic renal hematomas developed within a few hours after ESWL for renal calculi. In two of these patients the partial thromboplastin time was mildly prolonged. In four patients blood volume replacement was required to treat a falling hematocrit reading or hypotension. Diagnosis of the hematomas was initially made with sonography, although computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were used to further define the distribution and extent of retroperitoneal hematomas. Severe ipsilateral flank pain and rapid decrease in the hematocrit reading after ESWL strongly suggest significant bleeding from the treated kidney and require prompt radiologic confirmation and careful clinical treatment until there is evidence that the hemorrhage has stopped.  相似文献   

Ultrasound is used after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of gallbladder stones to assess fragmentation. In many patients with apparently successful fragmentation, the posttreatment studies show an intraluminal, echogenic focus within the gallbladder, with posterior acoustic shadowing characteristic of an intact stone. Cholesterol gallstones were fragmented in vitro by means of lithotripsy, and the sonographic appearance of the fragmented stones was followed up over time to study factors that might affect the process. After lithotripsy, fragments settled and produced an echogenic focus with posterior shadowing indistinguishable from the appearance of an intact stone. These experimental observations led to the development of a clinical maneuver to overcome the diagnostic pitfalls posed by the reaggregation of stone fragments in situ. This rollover maneuver helps distinguish between intact stones and fragments, and prevents both diagnostic errors in follow-up and unnecessary retreatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We sought to evaluate various MR imaging signs of plantar fasciitis and to determine if a difference in these findings exists between clinically typical and atypical patients with chronic symptoms resistant to conservative treatment. CONCLUSION: We found signs on MR imaging that, to our knowledge, have not been described in the scientific literature for patients with plantar fasciitis. These signs included occult marrow edema and fascial tears. Patients with these manifestations seemed to respond to treatment in a manner similar to that of patients in whom MR imaging revealed more benign findings.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma: chemotherapy-induced changes at MR imaging.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Fifty-seven patients undergoing chemotherapy for osteosarcoma underwent evaluation with magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to identify changes related to a good or poor response. Spin-echo MR images obtained after preoperative chemotherapy were compared with images obtained before treatment. Histopathologic examination of each resected specimen was used to quantify the response. An increase in tumor volume and increased or unchanged edema were predictive of a poor histopathologic response (predictive values, 85%-92%). Decreased or unchanged tumor volume and a decrease in edema were poor predictors of a good response (predictive values, 56%-62%). Improved tumor demarcation, an increase in the size of areas of low signal intensity, and a decrease in joint effusion occurred independently of histopathologic response in almost half of the patients. With a subjective interpretation of MR images, poor respondents can be identified if an increase in tumor volume or no decrease in the amount of edema is seen. Subjective criteria do not contribute to the identification of good respondents.  相似文献   

Objective. To determine the postoperative appearance of the plantar fascia on MR imaging after a fasciotomy has been performed, and to compare the postsurgical appearance of the fascia after an open and endoscopic procedure.<@head-abs-p1.lf>Design and patients. Fifteen asymptomatic volunteers (12 women, 3 men; age range 22–49 years, mean age 33 years) with prior fasciotomies for treatment of longstanding plantar fasciitis were studied. Fourteen volunteers had a unilateral release and one volunteer had bilateral releases, allowing for assessment of 16 ankles. Eight fasciotomies were performed through an open incision and eight were performed endoscopically. The average time between surgery and imaging was 24 months (range 11–46 months). The site of surgery was established from the operative reports. Proton density (PD)-weighted and T2-weighted images in three orthogonal planes were obtained on a 1.5-T magnet. In eight studies, T1-weighted sagittal and STIR sagittal images were included. The fascia in each ankle was assessed for morphology and signal intensity. Perifascial soft tissues and bone marrow were assessed for edema. Preoperative MR studies were available in five volunteers.<@head-abs-p1.lf>Results. There was no apparent difference in the postoperative appearance of the ankle after an open or endoscopic procedure except for scar formation in the subcutaneous fat which was common after an open procedure (P<0.05). Three ankles had a gap in the fascia (one open, two endoscopic). The plantar fascia measured a mean of 7.0 mm (range 5–10 mm) at the fasciotomy, and 8.3 mm (range 6–12 mm) at the enthesis. At the fasciotomy, 11 of 13 ankles had an indistinct deep contour and 9 of 13 had an indistinct superficial contour. At the enthesis, 13 of 16 ankles had an indistinct deep contour and 6 of 16 had an indistinct superficial contour. Compared with preoperative MR studies there was an average reduction in the fascial thickness at the enthesis of 14% (range 9–20%), but the thickness at the fasciotomy nearly doubled. No edema was evident in the fascia, perifascial tissues, deep plantar muscles, or calcaneal bone marrow.<@head-abs-p1.lf>Conclusions. The average thickness of the plantar fascia in asymptomatic volunteers after surgery is nearly 2–3 times that of normal. While there is increased thickness at the site of surgery, the changes in morphology and signal intensity were most prominent at the enthesis. The key observation was absence of edema in the fascia and perifascial soft tissues. This baseline information may be of value when assessing MR studies of symptomatic patients. Received: 23 March 1999 Revision requested: 19 May 1999 Revision received: 4 June 1999 Accepted: 9 June 1999  相似文献   

Delayed MR imaging changes in acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: White matter lesions on MR images obtained from patients with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) have been reported to appear shortly after symptom onset, and their resolution has been claimed to parallel recovery. To elucidate the temporal evolution of these lesions and to associate the changes on MR images to the patients' clinical condition, we performed serial MR imaging on patients with ADEM. METHODS: Several consecutive T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery scans were obtained from four previously healthy adult patients with ADEM within the first days after the onset of symptoms and again during the recovery period. MR imaging was done first on a weekly to biweekly basis and later at 1- to 2-month intervals for up to 8 months. RESULTS: MR scans of three of these patients did not show any specific abnormalities until several weeks after the onset of the disease. As the lesions later appeared, their number increased during the recovery period. CONCLUSION: MR imaging performed during the first days after the onset of the disease may not reveal any pathologic findings. The appearance of the ADEM-associated MR imaging changes may be associated with recovery rather than decline. It remains to be studied whether the new MR imaging techniques reveal the lesions associated with ADEM faster than the conventional T2-weighted imaging.  相似文献   

Cranial fasciitis is a rare bone lesion in childhood. We report the first case in an adult, with CT and MR imaging, and suggest some diagnostic keys. Received: 5 August 1998; Revision received: 6 November 1998; Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

Uterine changes after dilation and curettage: MR imaging findings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine what, if any, changes occur in the appearance of the uterus on magnetic resonance (MR) images after dilation and curettage (D&C), nine women without endometrial abnormality underwent imaging before D&C and on day 2 and day 7 after D&C. On day 2, markedly hypointense curvilinear areas in the endometrial canal were noted on MR images in all patients (P = .0002). By day 7, these areas decreased in size in five (62%) and completely resolved in the rest (P = .022). There was no significant change in the width of the endometrial stripe or in the width or signal intensity of the junctional zone or myometrium after D&C. The junctional zone was focally disrupted in one patient who underwent D&C that was complicated by a uterine perforation. Therefore, curvilinear areas of low signal intensity (most likely representing clot) in the endometrial canal were visualized on MR images within 2 days of uncomplicated D&C and decreased in size or resolved over time. Significant widening of the endometrial stripe or disruption of the junctional zone was not observed after uncomplicated D&C.  相似文献   

Nodular fasciitis in the head and neck: CT and MR imaging findings   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to describe the CT and MR imaging findings of nodular fasciitis occurring in the head and neck region. METHODS: CT (n = 6) and MR (n = 4) images obtained from 7 patients (3 men and 4 women; mean age, 19.4 years; age range, 1-48 years) with surgically confirmed nodular fasciitis in the head and neck were retrospectively reviewed. All patients presented with a palpable mass in the head and neck that was noticed 1-3 months earlier: 5 in the face, one in the occipital scalp, and the remaining one in the supraclavicular fossa. We investigated the CT and MR imaging characteristics with emphasis on the location, size, internal content, margin, enhancement pattern, and signal intensity of the lesion. RESULTS: All lesions appeared as a discrete mass on imaging, ranging from 1.0 cm to 4.6 cm in diameter (mean, 2.2 cm). Six lesions, all of which appeared benign, were located in the subcutaneous tissue superficial to the deep cervical fascia. The remaining lesion was located deep to the temporalis muscle and showed an aggressive imaging appearance, markedly eroding the bony orbit and skull. Five lesions were solid, and 2 lesions were partly or completely cystic in appearance. Five lesions were well defined, whereas 2 lesions were ill defined. Four of 5 solid lesions showed moderate to marked diffuse enhancement, whereas the remaining lesion demonstrated mild enhancement. Two cystic lesions showed peripheral, nodular, or rim-like enhancement. Compared with muscle, both solid lesions had isointense signal intensity on T1-weighted images and hyperintense signal intensity on T2-weighted images, whereas the signal intensity of the solid portions of the deep-seated, partly cystic lesion was isointense on both T1-weighted and T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION: Although rare, nodular fasciitis occurs as a discrete solid or cystic mass in the head and neck, depending on the predominant stromal components. When one sees a head and neck mass with a superficial location and moderate to marked enhancement on CT and MR imaging, nodular fasciitis should be included in the differential diagnosis, especially in patients with a recently developed, rapidly growing mass and a history of recent trauma.  相似文献   

Twenty-five temporomandibular joints (TMJs) were studied in 20 patients who had undergone meniscoplasty. In all patients, preoperative magnetic resonance (MR) images showed anteriorly dislocated disks; all patients underwent a similar postoperative MR examination an average of 6 months after surgery. The results of these studies were correlated with clinical results of surgery, which were classified as poor, fair, good, or excellent at follow-up MR imaging. In 10 TMJs (eight patients [40%]) the clinical results were excellent or good; in 15 TMJs (12 patients [60%]), fair or poor. The position of the disk relative to its preoperative position was a good discriminator in determination of the clinical success of meniscoplasty. After surgery, in all patients with good or excellent results, the disks appeared to be in a normal or an improved position compared with that prior to surgery; in those with poor or fair results, the TMJs had anteriorly dislocated disks that showed no improvement.  相似文献   

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