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林巧珍  黄琼华  林丽华 《全科护理》2014,(18):1712-1713
护理安全是指病人在接受护理的全过程中,不发生法律和法定规章制度允许范围以外的心理、机体结构或功能上的损害、障碍、缺陷或死亡[1]。治疗室是医院住院病房重要场所,是配置病人药液、存放药物、无菌物品、仪器、一次性医疗使用物品的地方。治疗室安全问题也是护理工作的重点,  相似文献   

在法律日益健全的今天,为确保肿瘤病人化疗药物静脉输液安全、有效、合理,预防和控制医疗纠纷和事故,分析静脉化疗药物配置室护士在日常工作中存在静脉药物配制的质量控制问题,如工作责任心不强,规章制度落实不严等法律责任问题。因此,应加强安全防范措施,学习法律知识,加强工作责任心,严格执行各项规章制度,提高专业理论知识水平,正确使用医疗仪器设备及定期保养和维修。  相似文献   

医院洗衣房承担全院患者衣服、被单及医护人员工作服的回收、清洗消毒和发放任务。工作质量的优劣,对医院感染控制会产生一定的影响。因此要做好医院洗衣房的医院感染控制工作,必须建立质量保证体系,制订消毒与灭菌运行程序,消毒与灭菌物品管理制度及安全操作规章制度。  相似文献   

目的:探讨临床护理工作潜在的法律问题及预防措施。方法:通过对护理文书,护理操作,急救药品及设备准备中的各种潜在法律问题,提出预防措施:(1)提高法律意识,规范护理行为;(2)完善各项护理制度,在落实上下工夫;(3)从法律角度规范护理文书的书写;(4)急救药品、物品及设施准备完好,随时处于备用状态。小结:临床护士必须提高自身素质,增强法律意识和自我保护意识,严格落实各项规章制度,确保病人的安全和健康,维护自身合法权益。  相似文献   

综合性医院供应室在遇到大规模的急性突发传染病时,应正确实施消毒灭菌方法,严格执行消毒灭菌的有关规章制度,并制订严格的消毒隔离流程及防护措施。我院在收治SARS患期间,供应室工作坚持2个保证,即保证SARS病房回收物品进入供应室污染区消毒,处理及时、快捷,符合灭菌要求;保证供应室内清洁物品和无菌物品不受污染。以上2个保证对控制传染源,切断传播途经起着重要作用,是控制医院内感染和安全防护的有效手段。  相似文献   

弓美兰  田俊英  宁全珍 《护理研究》2009,23(9):2514-2515
护理安全是指在实施护理工作的全过程中,病人不发生法律和法定的规章制度允许范围以外的心理、机体结构或功能上的损害、障碍、缺陷或死亡[1]。手术室的安全管理是指病人在手术室内不给病人造成意外的伤害,根据不安全因素种类而采取的各种安全措施,包括医护人员的医德教育、工作技术提高等,制订严格的规章制度,及时发现不安全因素并处理。  相似文献   

急诊麻醉工作的特殊性赋予了麻醉师重要的法律责任,体现了麻醉记录单的书写、医嘱的下达与执行、麻醉药品的管理、医疗器械的使用以及带教实习进修人员等诸多方面。因此,麻醉师应严格执行规章制度,切实履行自己的责任,不断提高专业技术水平,在工作中用法律来约束和保护自我,保障病人安全和利益。  相似文献   

目的挖掘护理工作中的不安全因素,有的放矢地实施护理安全管理对策。方法对护理人员进行经常性的职业道德、法律、法规、操作规程、质量标准教育及培训,定期召开安全分析会,将护理安全管理列入护理质量考核的重点,实行护理部、护士长、质控小组、三级目标考核责任体系。结果护理人员法律意识增强,严格遵守法律、法规,自觉执行规章制度及操作规程。结论护理人员牢固树立“安全第一”的观念,消除安全隐患,防患于未然,为病人康复提供安全、诚信、优质的服务。  相似文献   

为确保肿瘤病人化疗药物静脉输注更安全、有效、合理,预防和控制医疗事故和纠纷,门诊静脉化疗药物配置室护士在日常工作中有潜在的静脉药物的质量控制问题,工作责任心不强,规章制度落实不严等法律责任问题。应加强安全防范措施,学习法律知识,规范各项规章制度,提高专业理论及技术操作水平。  相似文献   

为确保肿瘤病人化疗药物静脉输注更安全、有效、合理,预防和控制医疗事故和纠纷,门诊静脉化疗药物配置室护士在日常工作中有潜在的静脉药物的质量控制问题,工作责任心不强,规章制度落实不严等法律责任问题.应加强安全防范措施,学习法律知识,规范各项规章制度,提高专业理论及技术操作水平.  相似文献   

目的 了解目前实习护生对护士执业相关法律法规知识的掌握情况.方法 采用自行设计的问卷调查表,对262名实习护生进行问卷调查.结果 实习护生对护士执业相关法律法规知识缺乏全面的了解,与临床密切相关的法律法规问题:护士执业注册的有效期、护士吊销执业证书后再申请时间、医疗事故等级评定3个项目本科生掌握正确率分别为26.46%,24.43%,27.23%,大专生掌握正确率分别为18.18%,30.36%,24.24%,本科生与大专生相比差异无统计学意义(x2值分别为2.509 5,1.1459,0.297 3;P >0.05).大部分实习护生对在实习过程中接受法律法规知识培训的认知态度积极,204名(77.90%)被调查者认为非常有必要学习并且掌握与护士执业相关的法律法规知识.结论 学校和临床实习单位均应重视护理专业学生对护士执业相关法律法规知识的学习,有意识地培养护生的法律意识.实习护生也应自觉加强相关知识的学习,为今后进入临床工作做准备.  相似文献   

purpose . To highlight the legal issues surrounding nonrelated infant adoptions
population . Parties in the adoption triad—the infant, the biological parent(s), and the adoptive parent(s)
conclusions . Current adoption laws have been influenced by a historical stigmatization of adoption by society, states' sovereignty rights, and an individual's constitutional rights. Controversies surrounding nonrelated infant adoptions have highlighted the inadequacies of the present system of adoption laws and regulations. Nurses can take a proactive role in their practice by acquiring a clear understanding of the legal issues surrounding adoption.
practice implications . Knowledge about state adoption laws, regulations, and resources, as well as the legal issues surrounding infant adoption, will allow the nurse to take a proactive role in formulating and providing supportive interventions that assist all parties through the process.  相似文献   

This is the second of a 2-part article exploring the legal landscape overlying the difficult decisions that can confront a family with an extremely premature infant at the threshold of viability. In Part I, recent legal regulations and litigation were analyzed to show that the baby doe regulations are largely inert and that recent litigation arises out of state laws and regulations. Part II takes up the analysis to show that the common thread through all these conflicts, and the subsequent litigation, is a failure to obtain parental consent for the course of treatment at issue. The author argues that the central focus of all parties seeking to minimize legal risks in these situations must be on creating a transparent decision-making process that includes the parents from the onset. Nurses play a pivotal role in that process and are supported broadly by the professional guidelines of the American Nurses Association, the Association of Women's Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses, the National Association of Neonatal Nurses, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Principles of Family-Centered Neonatal Care.  相似文献   

罗明英 《护理学报》2007,14(5):16-17
目的了解和提高临床护士采血用血相关法律法规知识水平。方法采用自制问卷调查表对某院内科系统9个临床科室,外科系统10个临床科室的全部护士,共328人进行问卷调查,了解其所掌握的输血法律法规知识情况。结果职称较高、年龄较大的护士,输血法律法规知识掌握较好;职称低、较年轻的护士,输血法律法规知识掌握较差;护士对“输成分血优于全血”掌握最好,有306人掌握,占93.3%;输血法律法规知识及输血记录知识掌握了77.8%,但仍有22.2%的知识没有掌握;护士对采供血知识掌握欠佳,有36.4%的知识没有掌握。结论临床护士采供血知识、输血法律法规知识及输血记录知识的掌握欠佳,医院应进行有针对性的继续教育,使输血这种治疗手段能更好地为患者服务。  相似文献   

目的了解护士学生(以下简称护生)护理相关法律知识的认知情况,并提出相应对策,以提高护生护理相关法律知识的认知水平。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,调查护生对护理相关法律知识了解情况、获取途径和法律知识应用情况。结果 56.2%的护生了解各项护理相关法律法规;55.1%护生的护理相关法律知识是从学校教育中获取;77.0%护生遵守规章制度,18.5%和29.8%的护生了解护理差错纠纷上报制度和能维护自身权益。结论护生的护理法律意识不强,护理法律知识欠缺。应采取多种方法和途径,加强护生护理法律知识培训,以提高护生法律知识水平和法律意识。  相似文献   

Healthcare fraud has become an issue about which all healthcare providers must be aware. Unfortunately, for most of us, the laws and the regulations developed to enforce the laws regarding fraud in healthcare are among the most confusing ever written. Healthcare fraud is an important area of risk for the nurse executive and an area about which all nurse executives need to be aware. Healthcare fraud primarily relates to improper billing of governmental healthcare programs. A basic understanding of these programs is therefore fundamental to understanding the problem of healthcare fraud and how to prevent it. This article will provide a basic overview of this subject for the nurse executive.  相似文献   

Controlled substances can be used for legitimate medical purposes to relieve pain and suffering, and allow management of medical and surgical conditions, whether acute or chronic in duration. However, because these are attractive, addicting drugs, diversion from sources such as physicians and pharmacists can lead to serious health problems. Of importance is that addiction to opiate medications can interfere with treatment of the original pain condition, and can lead to life threatening states because of poor judgment and depressed mood in the users. Consequently, the public has a vested interest in protecting the medical uses of these medications on the one hand, although reducing the morbidity and mortality from their diversion and addictive use. The controlled substance laws contain 3 sources of policy framework that governs the medical use and diversion of controlled substances: (1) international treaties, (2) federal laws and regulations, and (3) state laws and regulations. These laws are aimed at balancing the need to controlling use with adverse consequences against the therapeutic benefits opiate medications provide the public.  相似文献   

According to Swedish laws and regulations, registered nurses are required to document nursing care in the patient's record. In this exploratory study, nurses were asked to describe how they made their nursing records. The nursing process model was used as a framework. The findings show that a system for admission assessment was fairly common, regarding objectives and a nursing care plan together with a nursing discharge note; more than half of the wards studied recorded these aspects at least occasionally. Nursing diagnoses were seldom recorded in practice. The results reveal serious limitations and deficiencies in the practice of nursing documentation and the implementation of current laws and regulations. This underlines the importance of emphasizing nursing knowledge and nursing documentation in nursing training and practice.  相似文献   

护理人员如何用法律进行自我保护   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
笔从实际工作出发,阐述了护理人员用法律进行自我保护的四种方法:(1)努力学习卫生及有关的法律法规;(2)尊重和满足病人的各种权利;(3)树立良好的职业道德;(4)严格执行法律法规和规章制度。浅谈了通过法制教育进行自我保护的几点体会。  相似文献   

发展康复事业促进实现“健康中国2030”目标北大核心CSCD   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的回顾中国康复事业发展的历程,总结发展经验,研究康复事业发展的法律法规政策和规划以及服务发展。方法采用文献研究和政策研究方法,回顾中国康复事业,总结发展经验,并对相关法律、法规、政策和规划进行系统的内容分析。结果2021年是中国共产党建党百年。本文回顾中国康复事业的历史发展和宝贵经验,分析中国康复事业相关法律法规的产生背景、主要内容和社会意义,着重对《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》和《关于加快推进康复医疗工作发展的意见》相关康复政策进行研讨。结论中国康复事业是健康服务体系的重要组成部分,基于健康服务的视角,中国康复事业的发展,提升了康复相关领导力和治理能力,建立了康复事业发展的筹资机制,培养了大批康复专业技术人员,建立了覆盖三级医疗服务的康复医疗服务体系,并且将辅助技术纳入到现代康复服务体系中,建立了相应的卫生健康信息系统。康复事业在实现“健康中国2030”规划纲要相关目标中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

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