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化学品中文文献题录数据库包括从1949~1991年公开发表在全国至药卫生、环保、生物、化工、农业及大专院校学报等400多种刊物上的化学品文献题目4万余条,涉及2000余种物质.总信息量为140多万字.涉及化学品研究的各个领域.该系统采用C吾言,共编写1500多条语句,25个函数模块.数据库格式采用文本数据库存储,并建立关键饲倒排文件数据库.检索方式采用逻辑“或”,“与”,“非”任意组合,全部采用汉字系统下彩色全屏幕窗口式菜单操作,具有独立的文字编辑处理功能以及输出打印功能,数据库磁盘空间利用率达到90%以上.  相似文献   

2012年12月,本刊题录内容被中国医学科学院医学信息研究所中国生物医学文献服务系统(SinoMed)中的《中国生物医学文献数据库》(CBM)收录。CBM是国内医学、生物学数据库之一,是由中国医学科学院医学信息研究所于1994年研制开发的综合性中文医学文献数据  相似文献   

以《中国生物医学文献数据库》(CBMDSC)为依据,检索该数据库收录的1983—2004年间关于医院财务管理方面的文献题录.共检出相关题录1361条。对有关研究的方向、文献分布和作者构成做了分析,并就研究趋势及科研引导方式等问题表述了一些看法。  相似文献   

做好妇产科题录索引为医教研服务周和萍图书馆建立文献题录索引,可帮助医务人员寻找急需文献。因此,我馆从1953年起,就着手编制了中文、英文妇产科文献的题录索引,经过两代人的努力,使之不断完善,配合了医、教、研工作,深受欢迎。1.题录索引的作用:①医务人...  相似文献   

首先,以《中国期刊全文数据库》(CJFD)为依据,检索了该数据库收录的1997—2006年间关于医院产权制度改革方面的文献题录,共检出相关题录263条;其次,对文献发表的年代分布、文献在各种期刊上的分布进行了概括分析,重点对这些文献资料研究的主要内容进行了梳理;最后,就研究趋势及科研引导方式等问题表述了一些看法。  相似文献   

毒物信息数据库的建立与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毒物信息数据库的建立与应用霍本兴宋艳梅美国毒理学信息规划(TIP)自1967年实施以来,相继建立了十几个与毒理学相关的数据库。其中化学物质毒性作用数据库(RTECS)等被许多国家广泛应用。在我国也建立了一些与毒理学相关的数据库,如化学品研究中文文献题...  相似文献   

中国生物医学文献数据库 (CBMdisc)是中国医学科学院医学信息研究所开发研制的综合性医学文献数据库,收录了1980年至2000年近千种中国生物医学期刊以及汇编、会议论文的文献题录,是查找中文医学信息的最主要工具.为了了解我国的伤害文献信息,探讨伤害科学发展现状,现以CBMdisc为检索对象,对其所收录的伤害文献信息进行分析.  相似文献   

<正> 《微量元素医学文献数据库1 970—1990》是贵州省中医研究所图书情报室1992年创立的,并投入检索使用、数据库主要内容、资料、主要技术指标: 1.种类:主要收集国内外公开发行、内部交流的有关医药研究资料、杂志、刊物及外文期刊500余种中的微量元素医学文献题录。 2.时间:全面收集1970—1990年间国内外公开发行和内部交流微量元素医学文献资料。 3.内容及数量:该库已收集了各类中外文杂志、期刊、文献中的微量元素医学文献题录近5000条,并  相似文献   

目的 分析和比较国内外的研究热点和前沿,并对国外研究领域发展路径进行简要分析。方法 以ISI web of science核心合集数据库和《中国学术期刊网络出版总库》(CNKI)为检索库,收集2004—2020年有关网络健康信息评价的文献题录为研究对象,采用可视化软件CiteSpace为研究工具分析相关数据。结果 共检索出有关网络健康信息评价的中文题录为366篇,英文题录为3 445篇,分析得到国外关键节点文献10篇,国内外各20个高频共现关键词。结论 国内网络健康信息评价方面的研究相对较少,研究主题不够深入,而国外网络健康信息评价领域呈纵向发展趋势,研究层层深入,由广泛的评价网络健康信息逐渐过渡到评价某个或某类疾病的网络健康信息,其研究内容主要涉及信息质量和可读性的评价以及网络健康信息的使用情况。  相似文献   

医院经济管理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以“中国生物医学文献数据库”为依据,检索该数据库中收录的2001—2004年间医院财务管理研究的题录,共收集文献744篇。就文献分布、作者情况进行了相关研究分析。  相似文献   

韩磊  邱源 《浙江预防医学》2020,31(5):524-269
【目的】 报告应用源文献挖掘方法从低复制比投稿中筛查出的抄袭论文的特点,并详细介绍这一筛查方法,为期刊编辑认识和筛查这类抄袭论文提供借鉴。【方法】 选择近3年《山东医药》的来稿中AMLC检测复制比<20%的2421篇论文,应用源文献挖掘方法,先常规检索所有论文的中、英文题名,进一步对有可疑指征的论文进行重点筛查。从各数据库中检出可疑源文献后,与投稿论文进行全文比对,查证是否存在抄袭。【结果】 共查证得到存在确凿证据的抄袭论文30篇,分别为抄袭他人9篇、抄袭团队10篇和自我抄袭11篇。其中19篇(63.3%)抄袭论文的源文献通过中、英文题名检出,11篇(36.7%)的源文献通过对可疑论文的重点筛查检出。【结论】 低复制比的投稿论文中仍存在多种类型的抄袭论文,查重后再进行抄袭筛查是必要的;应用源文献挖掘方法有助于检出雷同源文献进而查证抄袭。  相似文献   

【目的】探讨不同结构形式题名的特点,呼吁国内科技期刊编辑人员关注和接纳短句式题名。【方法】以国际顶尖科技期刊Cell为参照,分析国内科技期刊过多使用短语式题名而忽视短句式题名的原因,从功能性和适用性两大方面比较短句式题名与短语式题名的差异,剖析短句式题名的独特优势。【结果】短句式题名与短语式题名表达论文内容的角度不同,短语式题名是对论文研究内容和范围的概括;短句式题名多采用陈述句,直接提炼出论文的研究结论,读者可从中获取更有价值的信息。一味地为追求简练而固守短语式题名,忽视短句式题名,不利于论文关键信息的充分表述。【结论】科技期刊应根据论文的性质和特点,以信息量最大化、有效化为原则接纳合适的短句式题名。  相似文献   

The currency of selected versions of the MEDLINE database on CD-ROM and in online format was studied. The arrival of issues from 72 monthly journals and nine weekly titles during a 3-month period was monitored and their appearance in the various MEDLINE formats were recorded. Availability data for MEDLINE published by the National Library of Medicine were used as a baseline and subsequent distribution delays for the different MEDLINE formats were calculated. The study suggests a delay of approximately 2 weeks for indexing and mounting the MEDLINE file on to host computers for online access. A delay of 6-8 weeks was calculated for the MEDLINE data to be encoded on to compact disk, shipped and posted to the library customer. The currency of the MEDLINE database formats was compared with a weekly current-awareness service, CURRENT CONTENTS ON DISKETTE LIFE SCIENCES (CCOD). The majority of papers were indexed and distributed in CCOD within 10 weeks of publication date. Most papers appeared within 15 weeks in the online MEDLINE format and within 20 weeks in CD-ROM MEDLINE. The primary journal arrived at the library site within 5 weeks in most cases.  相似文献   



Previous studies suggested increased cancer incidence and mortality in workers exposed to solvents and other chemicals in computer manufacturing jobs. Most previous studies were of small cohorts and findings were inconsistent. A lawsuit involving a large U.S. company produced a data file for analysis. This study sought to elucidate patterns of mortality in workers who were engaged manufacturing computers and related electronic components in the largest database available to date.  相似文献   

目的:自行开发中文语音检验系统,应用于血、尿液分析仪检测数据及患者姓名中文发音等事务管理.方法:采用Microsoft Access 2000建立相关数据库/表,在可视化编程语言Visual Basic 6.0环境中,通过标准串口通讯控件MsComm,接收仪器检测数据,调用Windows API中文语音函数,对患者姓名中文发音,并将编写的源代码生成单独可执行程序及其安装程序.结果:该程序应用于临床,检测了10万份样本,运行稳定,数据全部成功存储入库/表,中文语音清晰,使用简单快捷.结论:计算机与检验分析仪联机,可有效地对检测数据进行灵活的管理,同时清晰的中文发音,杜绝了报告单发放处的拥挤现象,为门诊检验提供一个井然有序的就医环境,亦有利于报告单规范化.  相似文献   

A study to assess the association between the prevalence of hypospadias and maternal occupational exposure to potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals was carried out using data from the congenital anomaly register of the Office for National Statistics. The occupation of the mother is recorded in this register and to facilitate the assessment of maternal occupational exposure, a specific job-exposure matrix for potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals was developed. Seven categories of contaminants were evaluated (pesticides, polychlorinated organic compounds, phthalates, alkylphenolic compounds, bi-phenolic compounds, heavy metals and other substances). Maternal occupations were all coded using the 1980 version of Categories of Occupations. Three occupational hygienists assessed the likelihood of exposure (unlikely, possible, probable) to these seven substance groups for all 348 possible job titles independently. Almost 30% of the job titles were classified as exposed to at least one substance category (possible or probable), with approximately 16% of the job titles being probably exposed to at least one substance category. Some examples of occupations with probable exposure to potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals include: farm workers, electricians, workers in the plastics industry, painters, printers, hairdressers, dental practitioners, laboratory workers, textile workers and cleaners. It is recognized that there are a lot of limitations to the use of job-exposure matrices in general and with the matrix presented in this paper in particular. However, the matrix forms the basis on which further developments on occupational exposure assessment of potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals could be founded. In addition, the job-exposure matrix has identified areas where more exposure information is required. For example, exposure to potential endocrine-disrupting chemicals can occur in occupations such as hairdressing and workers in beauty salons, where the working population is more likely to be female and for which little data exist on levels of exposure.  相似文献   

A database of benzene, toluene, and xylene measurements was compiled from an extensive literature review that contained information on several exposure determinants, including job type, operation, mechanism of release, process type, ventilation, temperature, distance from the source, quantity, and location. The database was used to develop statistical models for benzene, toluene, and xylene exposure as a function of operation and other workplace determinants. These models can be used to predict exposure levels for subjects enrolled in community-based case-control studies. This article presents the derived parameter estimates for specific operations and additional workplace exposure determinants and describes a number of statistical and data limitation issues that are inherent in determinants modeling of historical published data. [Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene for the following free supplemental resource(s): a PDF file of QQ plots and a Word file with references used in the benzene/toluene/xylene exposure database].  相似文献   

刘会婷 《浙江预防医学》2015,26(12):1250-69
【目的】对比分析中外文医学核心期刊英文题名特征,为提高中国作者撰写论文英文题名能力与提高医学核心期刊学术水平提供借鉴。【方法】分别从五种国际高影响力外文医学期刊与五种中文医学核心期刊中选取同期发表的150篇论文的英文题名进行对比分析。【结果】在题名词数、冠词与中心词的使用、题名构成形式、副标题的使用及其他书写习惯等方面,中外文期刊存在较大差异。【结论】中国作者应在语言学方面提高正确率,使题名准确、简洁又具体。同时,在规范题名写作与提高写作质量方面,国内期刊应适度学习国际知名期刊的做法,以增加被检索引用的几率。  相似文献   

These Abstracts of Original Communications are presented by the authors as camera ready artwork ready for printing, and are therefore only available in PDF format. The HTML "full text availability" lists the titles and authors of each paper, and the PDF file presents the text.  相似文献   

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