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为了解浙江省幼儿园儿童发育性协调障碍(DCD)的情况, 于2019年6至12月在浙江省11个地级市采取分层随机抽样法抽取200个普通幼儿园, 并在其各年级中分层整群抽取1 000个班级, 共38 900名儿童作为研究对象。应用中文版小龄儿童发育性协调障碍问卷及自行设计调查问卷对研究对象进行DCD筛查, 回收有效问卷36 807份, 6.50%(2 391/36 807)儿童DCD筛查呈阳性。分析结果显示, 儿童方面:男性、年龄≤5岁、超重或肥胖、左利手、共患运动或发育障碍性疾病、早产儿是儿童DCD的危险因素;父母家庭方面:母亲孕龄<20岁、母亲孕前超重或肥胖、父母中低文化水平、直系家庭、家庭收入低是儿童DCD的危险因素, 建议针对相关危险因素及早开展预防与干预。  相似文献   

北京市237名0~6岁智力残疾儿童3年康复状况随访研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】通过对2004年北京市0~6岁儿童残疾抽样调查诊断的237名智力残疾儿童随访,了解其三年的康复现状,为政府制定政策提供依据。【方法】采用问卷方式对2004年诊断智力低下的255名儿童监护人进行现场或入户调查,采用SPSS10.0分析数据。【结果】1)三年接受康复治疗儿童59人(25.99%),比2004年明显增多(χ2=8.234,P0.01),22人(37.93%)在4~6岁间开始接受康复训练,农村未康复者明显多于城市(χ2=18.67,P0.01);康复形式以在专业康复(61.11%)及家庭训练(50%)为主;2)儿童未接受康复的主要影响因素是父母不知道家庭训练、对儿童问题改善态度不积极、病因不明确的、2004年大运动能区发育商较高等。【结论】智力残疾儿童接受康复训练(治疗)覆盖比例低,父母的康复意识和社会保障有待改善。  相似文献   

巨大胎儿体格与智能发育随访   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解婴儿出生时巨大体重与体格及智能发育是否呈正相关。方法:巨大胎儿与正常体重儿1:1配对共116名,分别于1岁、3岁及5岁时测量体重、身长、头围和DST进行发育筛查测试。结果:巨大胎儿组1岁时体重及身长均高于对照组(P<0.05),3岁时仅体重高于对照组(P<0.05),5岁时2组之间各项指标均无差异(P>0.05);巨大胎儿组1岁时运动能力及社会适应能力低于对照组(P<0.05),3岁时运动能力仍低(P<0.05),5岁时2组之间无差异(P>0.05)。结论:巨大胎儿3岁前的运动及社会适应能力发育相对落后正常体重儿,5岁时体格与智能发育与正常体重儿无明显差异。  相似文献   

儿童智力是评价儿童心理健康水平的重要指标之一 ,其发育不仅受遗传因素影响 ,也受外界环境因素的制约。为了探讨武汉市青山区儿童智力发育状况及了解影响儿童智力发育的有关影响因素 ,进行了此项研究。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 采用整群抽样的方法 ,抽取武汉市青山区有代表性的两所小学 6~ 11岁的儿童 839人 ,其中男生 4 16人 ,女生 4 2 3人。1.2 方法1.2 .1 智力测验 采用天津医科大学心理学教研室监制的《中国联合型瑞文测验 CRT- C2 图册》进行智力测验。测试人员测试前经过培训 ,按照统一心理测试标准施测。1.2 .2 智力水平分级…  相似文献   

通过对我市广灵县89名儿童少年皮脂发育及有关十三个因素两年追踪观察,并应用逐步回归及主要成分分析方法作因素筛选,提示:性别、家族史,体重、身高,血压、进食肉类,婴儿时喂养方式等是皮脂发育的主要影响因素,皮脂厚度,体重,身高又可作为儿童少年肥胖的主要监测指标。  相似文献   

1.睡眠不足 小学五六年级,初中一二年级是近视眼的高发期,此时孩子往往因为功课过多而影响睡眠。长时间睡眠缺乏可导致植物神经紊乱,眼睛的调节功能出现异常,从而导致近视眼的发生。故保证每晚8~10小时的睡眠有助于保护孩子视力。 2.嗜食甜食 儿童多喜欢甜食,过量的高糖成分在人体代谢过程中,要消耗大量的维生素B1,糖代谢产生的酸性代谢物质又需要和体内的钙、铬等碱性元素发生中和反应,导致体内钙、铬的贮存减少。而钙含量不足可使晶状体内压力升高。致使眼球前后径拉长,导致近视。铬元素是体内胰岛素的辅助因子,如果…  相似文献   

目的了解南京市栖霞区迈皋桥地区3岁以下儿童视力发育水平及影响因素,为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法对栖霞区2010—2013年在区保健所接受筛查的804名1.5岁儿童视力检测结果进行整理分析。结果栖霞区迈皋桥社区2010—2013年1.5岁儿童平均球径1.55±0.25,柱径-0.53±0.05,呈对数正态分布,1.5岁组视力异常的儿童626例,阳性率为27.9%。影响因素有遗传、用眼过度等行为因素。结论早期视力筛查可以使儿童获得更早的诊断和治疗机会,减轻因时间延误造成的疾病加重,对儿童眼科疾病的早期发现非常必要。  相似文献   

宁夏农村0—4岁回旋儿童营养发育状况及其影响因素研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用分层整群随机抽样法对宁夏3769例0-4岁回旋农村儿童进行营养状况调查,参照人标准,采用WHO标准,以年龄别体重,年龄别身高和身高别体重作为评价指标,用标准差法进行评价,结果体重低下,生长迟缓 与消瘦患病率分别为13.82%、20.30%和1.99%。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This experiment extends our study of perception of the disabled from the realm of personality into child development to determine if our results, which reveal prejudice against disabled adults, apply to perceptions of a toddler's development. METHODS: Participants watched a video of either a disabled or a non-disabled toddler in sessions conducted by either a disabled or a non-disabled experimenter. Participants rated the target using the Achenbach Caregiver-Teacher Report Form for ages 1.5-5 years twice: first, each participant imagined being the caregiver of the toddler at age 4 years (self-rating), and then the participant envisioned how a typical childcare provider would rate the target (other-rating). RESULTS: Data revealed an interaction between the experimenter's disability and the source of ratings. For the disabled experimenter, participants thought that "others" would perceive more behavioural problems than they themselves do. For the non-disabled experimenter, participants rated the disabled target more pessimistically in both the self- and other-ratings. CONCLUSION: As we found in our first study of disabled adults, our current results reveal subtle prejudice against disabled children.  相似文献   

Background   A number of studies have shown that the diagnosis of developmental language disorder (DLD) can be unstable over time, such that young children with a diagnosis of DLD may show symptoms more characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at a later date.
Method   To estimate the types and prevalence of ASD 469 individuals with a DLD, consecutively assessed in the same clinic during a period of 10 years, and 2345 controls from the general population were screened for ASD through the nationwide Danish Psychiatric Central Register (DPCR). The mean length of observation was 34.7 years, and the mean age at follow-up 35.8 (range: 28.3–46.7) years.
Results   At follow-up, 10 (2.1%) in the DLD group and two (0.09%) in the comparison group were known in the DPCR with a diagnosis of any ASD ( P < 0.0001; odds ratio = 25.5; 95% confidence interval 5.5–116.9).
Conclusion   Our results provide additional support to the notion that DLD is a marker of increased vulnerability to the development of ASD.  相似文献   

The identification, assessment and treatment of the mentally retarded sex offender presents a dilemma for not only professional evaluators and departments of developmental disabilities, but also for law enforcement agencies, criminal justice systems and, in some cases, the correctional system. The paucity of information on the mentally retarded sex offender leads many professionals to offer patchwork types of treatments and treatment planning which does nothing to alleviate the problem. This article will provide professionals with a framework which can be modified and used to justify treatment. The presentation seeks to integrate information gathering and clinical knowledge into a comprehensive treatment plan that takes into account specific interventions as well as accountability for the rights of the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

Objective This qualitative study explored the experiences of Latino siblings of children with developmental disabilities. Methods Parents and typically developing siblings from 15 Latino families with a child with a developmental disability participated in separate interviews. Results Using consensual qualitative research methodology, domains reflecting siblings' relationships, emotional experiences and communication about the disability were identified. The child's need for caregiving was a prominent topic in the sibling and parent narratives. Parents reported concerns about siblings' experience of differential treatment, whereas siblings reported concerns about restricted social activities because of their brother/sister. Conclusions Including multiple informants revealed commonalities and differences in parents' and siblings' perspectives on the impact of a child's disability. The importance of considering sibling adaptation in sociocultural context is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Key workers provide a single point of contact for disabled children and their families, supporting them and facilitating access to other services. Key worker services appear to generate good outcomes for families and provision is encouraged through central government policy. Recent increases in key worker provision have been accompanied by a proliferation of delivery models yet there is very little information on their costs. METHODS: Within a study identifying which service characteristics generate good outcomes for families, unit costs for seven key worker services were estimated. Informed by economic theory, the estimates drew on data from managers, finance departments and other publicly available sources. Data on the frequency and duration of contact with key workers were obtained from families and combined with the service-specific unit costs to arrive at the contact cost per family. The variations in the costs of supporting families were explored. RESULTS: On average, key worker contact with disabled children and their families cost pound 151 over a 3-month period. Contact costs were found to vary with the level of the child's disability and the number of role aspects that key workers performed. This latter variable was associated with improved outcomes. CONCLUSION: The low response rate to the questionnaire and absence of data on the costs of other elements of the families' support packages may limit generalization from this study. Even so, such findings can help inform managers and planners about allocation of their scarce resources. Good-quality services appear to cost more but the relationship between cost, quality and outcomes is not a simple one.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Childhood disability in South Africa has failed to receive adequate attention from governmental agencies, such as the health, education and social welfare departments, despite there being more than 1 million disabled children in the country. This study sought to assess the unmet rehabilitation, education and welfare needs of disabled children living in a peri-urban township. METHODS: As no register of disabled children existed, snowball sampling was used to recruit a convenience sample of 156 disabled children living in Orange Farm township near Soweto, South Africa. Children's impairments, their health and educational needs, and the availability and utilization of services were assessed using a structured interview. RESULTS: Few disabled children attended pre-school (35%) or school (44%). Only a quarter (26%) of children in need of rehabilitation received such services. Children with motor impairments were more likely to receive rehabilitation than those with intellectual impairment (44% vs. 8%, P < 0.0001). Of the 233 assistive devices required, only 64 (28%) had been issued. Less than half (45%) of the children entitled to a social assistance grant were receiving it. Lack of money, limited awareness about available services, and bureaucratic obstacles were the main reasons offered by caregivers for the low utilization of available services and resources. CONCLUSION: Children with disabilities living in Orange Farm are not enjoying the rights and services to which they are entitled. Innovative, co-ordinated service delivery strategies, and better-informed caregivers combined with community recognition of, and support for, the needs of disabled children are required to address these unmet needs.  相似文献   

北京市亚运村社区居民医疗卫生服务利用分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的了解北京市亚运村社区居民医疗卫生服务利用情况。方法分别于2004和2005年选择自2000年起居住在亚运村社区常住居民600户,选取15周岁以上1 765人,作为队列研究基线人群,使用自行设计的《北京市典型社区居民调查表》,了解居民卫生服务利用情况;分别于2006、2007年采用相同问卷进行随访调查。结果基线调查、2006和2007年随访调查结果显示,过去1个月内,有病未就诊比例分别为36.44%,31.46%和25.70%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。未就诊原因的前3位分别为自感病轻、医疗费用太高、自我医疗。2次随访调查结果表明,该社区居民经常就诊机构均为社区卫生服务中心(站)。2007年随访结果显示,选择医院就诊原因的前3位分别为离家近方便占61.62%,可以报销医疗费占58.33%,医疗技术和设备好占21.13%;基线调查、2006和2007年随访结果显示,医疗费用包括药费、治疗费、检查费等均呈不断下降趋势,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在北京市社区医疗卫生服务全面推广中,社区居民的医疗卫生服务利用和满意度均有一定程度提高,但需继续巩固。  相似文献   

目的探索相关生长发育因素对儿童阅读能力的影响,以丰富汉语阅读障碍病因学研究,为阅读障碍的早期鉴别和防治提供理论依据。方法采取多阶段随机整群抽样方法,对湖北省潜江市9所普通小学6350名3~6年级学生,依据阅读障碍的诊断标准,筛选出阅读障碍儿童(研究组)与非阅读障碍儿童(对照组)进行问卷调查。结果与对照组比较,研究组男生(74.9%)比例高,出生时新生儿窒息比例高(7.7%),儿童病史中脑外伤/脑部疾病比例高(2.1%)(P均〈0.05)。多因素分析发现,男生(OR=2.9)以及有脑外伤/脑部疾病(OR=5.3)、癫痫(OR=6.7)、视听觉障碍(OR=2.7)疾病等是发生阅读障碍的危险因素。结论应加强围生期保健,尽量减少危险因素接触,关注高危儿童(高危出生史、疾病史、家族史)。  相似文献   

【目的】 分析早期干预对发育性髋关节异常转归的影响及结果,为早期干预提供科学依据。 【方法】 对在本院经超声确诊的髋关节发育异常的0~6月儿童,根据超声分型结果及患儿年龄制定不同的干预方法和治疗方案,并指导家长进行早期干预和定期随访。 【结果】 通过早期干预及随访,诊断为GrafⅡa的122个髋关节有73个髋关节进行了复查,71个髋关节通过髋关节外展操转为正常,2个髋关节经髋关节外展操治疗无效,通过Pavlik吊带治疗后转为正常。诊断为GrafⅡb的10个髋关节通过Pavlik吊带治疗,8个髋关节转为正常,2个髋关节转小儿骨科治疗后转为正常。诊断为Graf Ⅱc-Ⅳ的3个髋关节在小儿骨科治疗,2个髋关节转为正常;1个髋关节经保守治疗无效后接受手术治疗。未复查彩超的41个髋关节有23个髋关节在6个月后接受X线检查,2个髋关节诊断为DDH,转小儿骨科治疗后转为正常;剩余18个髋关节拒绝复查;8个髋关节失去随访。 【结论】 早期干预可以促使绝大多数发育异常的髋关节向正常的髋关节结构转化。  相似文献   

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