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This multicentre, randomized study was performed to assess theefficacy and safety of 0.25 mg ganirelix (Orgalutran®, AntagonTM)treatment, using triptorelin (Decapeptyl®) in a long protocolas a reference treatment. In total, 236 subjects were randomizedto treatment with ganirelix (0.25 mg, s.c.) and 119 to triptorelin(0.1 mg, s.c.) treatment (treatment ratio 2:1). Treatment withganirelix started on day 6 of stimulation, whereas treatmentwith triptorelin started on menstrual cycle day 21 to 24 ofthe previous cycle (i.e. the midluteal phase). The ganirelixregimen was on average 17 days shorter (9 versus 26 days) comparedto the triptorelin regimen. The median total dose of recombinantFSH (Puregon®) used was 450 IU less (1350 versus 1800 IU)in the ganirelix protocol. The initial follicular growth wasfaster and, consequently, oestradiol concentrations were higherin the ganirelix group. On the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin(HCG), the mean number of follicles 11 mm was 10.1 and 10.7and the median serum oestradiol concentration was 1090 and 1370pg/ml in the ganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively.Per attempt, 7.9 and 9.6 oocytes (mean) were retrieved in theganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively. The fertilizationrates (64.0% ganirelix and 64.9% triptorelin) and the mean numberof good quality embryos (2.7 and 2.9) were comparable in bothtreatment groups. The implantation rate was identical (22.9%).The ongoing pregnancy rate per attempt was 31.0 and 33.9% inthe ganirelix and triptorelin groups respectively. The ganirelixregimen showed an improved local tolerance in that the percentageof subjects with at least one local skin reaction was 2-foldlower than in the triptorelin group (11.9 versus 24.1%). Takingall data together, it may be concluded that ganirelix offersa new treatment regimen in ovarian stimulation that is short,safe and well-tolerated, optimizing convenience for the patient.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A prospective randomized study was carried out in two centres to compare the number of oocytes retrieved after two different starting doses of recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) (Gonal-F) in women undergoing ovarian stimulation for IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles using the multiple dose regimen of the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist cetrorelix (Cetrotide) to prevent induction of the premature LH surge. METHODS: Sixty women were randomized to receive rhFSH 150 IU ('low'), and 60 women to receive rhFSH 225 IU ('high') as the starting dose for the first 5 days of stimulation. From stimulation day 6 and onwards, including the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration, the women received 0.25 mg of cetrorelix as a daily dose. The primary endpoint was the number of oocytes retrieved. RESULTS: The mean number (+/- SD) of oocytes was 9.1 +/- 4.4 and 11.0 +/- 4.6 in the 'low' and 'high' groups respectively (P = 0.024). The mean number of 75 IU ampoules of rhFSH was significantly lower in the 'low' group (23.0 +/- 6.3 versus 30.5 +/- 5.6, P < 0.0001). The ongoing pregnancy rate per started cycle and per embryo transfer were 25.9 and 28.8% versus 25.4 and 26.8% respectively in the 'low' and 'high' rhFSH groups (P = NS). CONCLUSIONS: When using a starting dose of 225 IU rhFSH combined with the multiple dose of 0.25 mg cetrorelix from stimulation day 6, significantly more oocytes were obtained than with a starting dose of 150 IU rhFSH.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized, double-blind, multicentre (n = 5) study was conducted to compare the influence of either a 100 or 200 IU daily fixed-dose regimen of recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on the number of oocytes retrieved and the total dose used in down-regulated women undergoing ovarian stimulation. Fertilization was done by intracytoplasmic sperm injection or conventional in-vitro fertilization. A total of 199 women were treated with FSH, 101 subjects with 100 IU and 98 subjects with 200 IU. In subjects of the 200 IU treatment group, significantly more oocytes were retrieved compared to the 100 IU group (10.6 versus 6.2 oocytes, P < 0.001). The total dose needed to develop at least three follicles with a diameter of > or = 17 mm was significantly lower in the 100 IU treatment group (1114 IU versus 1931 IU, P < 0.001). In the low-dose group, significantly lower serum concentrations of oestradiol, progesterone and FSH were observed at the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration. Although more cycle cancellations due to low response were seen in the 100 IU group (n = 24 versus n = 3), the clinical pregnancy rate per started cycle was similar (24.7% in the 100 IU group versus 23.3% in the 200 IU group). In the high-dose group, more side-effects, in particular more cases of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, were noted. It is concluded that compared to 200 IU, the use of a 100 IU fixed dose is less efficacious in terms of the number of oocytes retrieved, but more efficient as indicated by a lower total dose.  相似文献   

Urinary follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is being used forthe treatment of human infertility. Recently, FSH manufacturedby means of recombinant DNA technology with a much higher purity(>99%) has become available. A prospective, randomized, assessor-blind,multicentre (n = 18) study was conducted in infertile womenundergoing in-vitro fertilization comparing recombinant FSH(Org 32489, Puregon®) and urinary FSH (Metrodin®). Eligiblesubjects were randomized (recombinant versus urinary FSH = 3:2)and pretreated with buserelin for pituitary suppression. FSHwas given until three or more follicles with a diameter of atleast 17 mm were seen. After oocyte retrieval, fertilizationroutines were applied according to local procedures. No morethan three embryos were replaced. In all, 585 subjects receivedrecombinant FSH and 396 urinary FSH. Significantly more oocyteswere retrieved after recombinant FSH treatment (mean adjustedfor centre 10.84 versus 8.95, P < 0.0001). Ongoing pregnancyrates per attempt and transfer in the recombinant FSH groupwere 22.17 and 25.97% respectively, and in the urinary FSH group,18.22 and 22.02% respectively (not significant). Ongoing pregnancyrates including pregnancies resulting from frozen-thawed embryocycles were 25.7% for recombinant and 20.4% for urinary FSH(P = 0.05). Compared to urinary FSH, the total dose of FSH wassignificantly lower with recombinant FSH (2138 versus 2385 IU,P < 0.0001) in a significantly shorter treatment period (10.7versus 11.3 days, P < 0.0001). No clinically relevant differencesbetween recombinant and urinary FSH were seen with respect tosafety variables. It is concluded that recombinant FSH (Puregon)is more effective than urinary FSH in inducing multifolliculardevelopment and achieving an ongoing pregnancy.  相似文献   

The clinical application of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists instead of GnRH agonists, to prevent spontaneous premature luteinizing hormone surge during ovarian stimulation for assisted reproduction treatment has been advocated. A recent, double-blind, dose-finding study, including six dosages of the GnRH antagonist ganirelix, in women undergoing ovarian stimulation with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), has indicated that high doses of GnRH antagonist (1 or 2 mg once daily) are associated with a low implantation rate. This follow-up study reports on the pregnancy rate after replacement of cryopreserved embryos obtained in stimulation cycles of the above-mentioned trial. Ovarian stimulation was initiated on day 2 of the cycle, with daily injections of 150 IU recombinant FSH. Ganirelix (0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg) was administered once daily from stimulation day 6 onwards, up to and including the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Retrieved oocytes were fertilized by in-vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracytoplasmic sperm injection and a maximum of three fresh embryos was transferred. Excess embryos were frozen, and subsequently used in either natural or programmed cycles. Until June 1998, 11 ongoing pregnancies (12-16 weeks after embryo transfer) were achieved from 46 cycles in which embryos had been first frozen (23.9% per transfer). Six of these 11 patients had been treated with a high dose of ganirelix (1.0 or 2.0 mg) during the IVF cycles in which the embryos were obtained. In conclusion, our data suggest that high dosages of ganirelix do not adversely affect the potential of embryos to establish clinical pregnancy in freeze-thaw cycles.  相似文献   

A new treatment option for patients undergoing ovarian stimulation is the gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol, with the possibility to trigger a mid-cycle LH surge using a single bolus of GnRH agonist, reducing the risk of developing ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in high responders and the chance of cycle cancellation. This report describes the use of 0.2 mg triptorelin (Decapeptyl) to trigger ovulation in eight patients who underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation with recombinant FSH (rFSH, Puregon) and concomitant treatment with the GnRH antagonist ganirelix (Orgalutran) for the prevention of premature LH surges. All patients were considered to have an increased risk for developing OHSS (at least 20 follicles > or =11 mm and/or serum oestradiol at least 3000 pg/ml). On the day of triggering the LH surge, the mean number of follicles > or =11 mm was 25.1 +/- 4.5 and the median serum oestradiol concentration was 3675 (range 2980-7670) pg/ml. After GnRH agonist injection, endogenous serum LH and FSH surges were observed with median peak values of 219 and 19 IU/l respectively, measured 4 h after injection. The mean number of oocytes obtained was 23.4 +/- 15.4, of which 83% were mature (metaphase II). None of the patients developed any signs or symptoms of OHSS. So far, four clinical pregnancies have been achieved from the embryos obtained during these cycles, including the first birth following this approach. It is concluded that GnRH agonist effectively triggers an endogenous LH surge for final oocyte maturation after ganirelix treatment in stimulated cycles. Our preliminary results suggest that this regimen may prove effective in triggering ovulation and could be said to prevent OHSS in high responders. The efficacy and safety of such new treatment regimen needs to be established in comparative randomized studies.  相似文献   

This case report describes the first established pregnancy andbirth after ovarian stimulation with Org 32489, pure recombinanthuman follicle stimulating hormone (recFSH, Organon International).A patient with tubal infertility participated in an open efficacystudy of recFSH evaluating the efficacy of combined gonadotrophin-releasinghormone (GnRH)agonist/recFSH treatment in women undergoing in-vitrofertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. Ovarian stimulationwas induced by recFSH in association with buserelin (Suprecur®,4 x 150 µg/day) using a short protocol. After 9 days ofrecFSH treatment (75 IU/day), six pre-ovulatory follicles (15mm) were observed and 10 000 IU human chorionic gonadotrophinwere administered. Nine mature oocytes were retrieved by oocytepuncture and after IVF, three embryos were replaced in the uterus.A viable singleton intra-uterine pregnancy was revealed at agestational age of 7 weeks. The pregnancy progressed normallyand ended with a vaginal delivery at a gestational age of 39.5weeks. A healthy girl was born and paediatric examination didnot demonstrate any abnormality.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Studies with the GnRH antagonist ganirelix in assistedreproduction have indicated that compared with traditional GnRHagonist downregulation protocols, slightly fewer oocytes areretrieved. In this study it was investigated whether an increasein the starting dose of recombinant FSH (rFSH) could compensatefor this loss. METHODS: A randomized, double-blind, multicentreclinical trial comparing a starting dose of 150 and 200 IUof rFSH (follitropin ), in women undergoing treatment with theGnRH antagonist ganirelix. RESULTS: In total, 257 women weretreated with rFSH, of whom 131 received 150 IU and 126women 200 IU. Overall, 10.3 oocytes were retrieved in the150 IU group and 11.9 in the 200 IU group (P = 0.051).This difference became significant when women with cycle cancellationbefore HCG administration were excluded. Nearly 500 IUof additional rFSH was given in the high-dose group (2014 versus1541 IU). In the low-dose group, 4.6 high-quality embryoswere obtained compared with 4.5 in the high-dose group. Vitalpregnancy rates were similar (31 and 25% in the 150 and 200 IU-treatedwomen, respectively). Serum concentrations of FSH, estradioland progesterone were significantly higher in the high-dosegroup at day 6 of rFSH treatment and on the day of HCG administration.In the high-dose group, serum LH concentrations were higherat day 6 of rFSH treatment but lower at the day of HCG administration.CONCLUSION: By increasing the starting dose from 150 to 200 IUof rFSH, slightly more oocytes can be retrieved in GnRH antagonistprotocols for assisted reproduction. However, because this didnot translate into a higher number of high quality embryos,the clinical relevance of such a dose increase may be questioned.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In approximately 12-14% of young normogonadotrophic women treated with a depot GnRH agonist long protocol, the initial ovarian response to recombinant human FSH (rFSH) can be suboptimal. We have tested the hypothesis that these women may benefit from recombinant human LH (rLH) supplementation in a multicentre, prospective, randomized trial compared with patients treated with an rFSH step-up protocol. METHODS: A total of 260 young normogonadotrophic women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation with a GnRH agonist long protocol for IVF/ICSI were enrolled. The starting dose of rFSH was 225 IU. One hundred and thirty patients with serum estradiol levels <180 pg/ml and with at least six follicles with a mean diameter >5 mm but none >10 mm on both day 5 and day 8 of stimulation were randomly allocated to two groups. From the eighth day of stimulation, women in group A (n=65) received 150 IU of rLH in addition to rFSH, while those in group B (n=65) had an increase of 150 IU in the daily dose of rFSH (step-up protocol). One hundred and thirty normally responding women continued monotherapy with rFSH and served as a further control population (group C). RESULTS: The mean number of cumulus-oocyte complexes retrieved in group A (9.0+/-4.3) was significantly higher (P<0.01) compared with group B (rFSH 6.1+/-2.6) but significantly lower compared with group C (10.49+/-3.7, P<0.05). Implantation and pregnancy rates were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the rFSH step-up group (10.5 and 29.3% respectively) when compared with normal responders (18.1 and 47.3% respectively). CONCLUSIONS: rLH supplementation is more effective than increasing the dose of rFSH in terms of ovarian outcome in patients with an initial inadequate ovarian response to rFSH alone.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy andsafety of a recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) preparation(Org 32489, Puregon®) with a urinary FSH preparation (Metrodin®)in infertile women undergoing in-vitro fertilization (IVF andembryo transfer and who were pituitary-suppressed with triptorelin.In an assessor-blind, group-comparative, multicentre study,60 women were randomized to Org 32489 and 39 to urinary FSH.An evaluation of the main parameter, the mean total number ofoocytes recovered, indicated a similar efficacy for the twopreparations: 9.7 with Org 32489 versus 8.9 with urinary FSH.In addition, there were no significant between-group differenceswith respect to other efficacy variables such as the total doseused, the duration of the treatment, the number of follicles17 mm in diameter and embryo quality. The ongoing pregnancyrates per attempt (30.2 versus 17.4%) and per transfer (34.0versus 18.8%) were higher with Org 32489, but this differencewas not statistically significant. No clinically relevant differencesbetween Org 32489 and urinary FSH were seen with respect tosafety variables. Serum antibodies were not detected in anyof the subjects. It is concluded that Org 32489 compares favourablywith urinary FSH in the treatment of infertile pituitary-suppressedwomen undergoing IVF and embryo transfer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To assess the clinical profile and efficacy in assisted reproductive treatment of a new human-derived highly purified (HP) menotropin, we compared HP hMG and recombinant (r) FSHalpha use in ICSI within a prospective, randomized, controlled study. METHODS: 100 infertile women were treated with HP hMG (50 patients) or rFSHalpha (50 patients). All patients received the same daily gonadotrophin dose (150 IU) following GnRH agonist suppression (long regimen) until more than three follicles >17 mm and estradiol (E(2)) levels >600 pg/ml were reached. Patients were monitored with daily LH, FSH, hCG, estradiol (E(2)), progesterone, and testosterone measurements; and alternate day pelvic ultrasound. RESULTS: Treatment duration (11.1 +/- 0.4 versus 12.9 +/- 0.5 days, P < 0.05) and gonadotrophin dose (22.4 +/- 1.0 versus 27.0 +/- 1.5 ampoules, P < 0.05) were lower in the HP hMG group. Conversely, peak pre-ovulatory E(2) (1342 +/- 127 versus 933 +/- 109 pg/ml, P < 0.005); and area under the curve of E(2) (3491 +/- 350 versus 2602 +/- 349 pg/ml.day, P < 0.05), immunoreactive serum FSH (65.9 +/- 2.1 versus 48.8 +/- 1.8 IU/l.day, P < 0.001). and hCG (1.7 +/- 0.3 versus 0.0 +/- 0.0 IU/l/day, P < 0.001) during treatment were higher in the HP hMG group. Cycle cancellation rates, transferred embryo number, pregnancy rates per started cycle (30 versus 28%) and per embryo transfer (35 versus 35%) and miscarriage rates (6 versus 6%) were not significantly different. CONCLUSIONS: HP hMG treatment was associated with: (i) a more efficient patient response, as reflected by reduced treatment duration and gonadotrophin requirements; (ii) increased serum levels of hCG, E(2), and immunoreactive FSH during treatment; (iii) an ICSI outcome indistinguishable from rFSHalpha.  相似文献   

A prospective, randomized, open, multicentre (n = 3) study was conducted to compare the efficacy and efficiency of a fixed daily dose of 150 IU (3x50 IU) recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (recFSH, Puregon((R))) and 225 IU (3x75 IU) highly purified urinary FSH (uFSH-HP, Metrodin-HP((R))) in women undergoing ovarian stimulation prior to in-vitro fertilization treatment. A total of 165 women were treated with FSH, 83 subjects with recFSH and 82 subjects with uFSH-HP. In the recFSH group a mean number of 8.8 oocytes were retrieved, compared with 9.8 in the uFSH-HP group (not statistically significant). In the recFSH group, a significantly lower total dose was required compared to the uFSH-HP group, 1479 versus 2139 IU, respectively (P < 0.0001; 95% confidence interval -747 to -572). Treatment with recFSH resulted in a significantly higher embryo development rate (69.6 versus 56.2%; P = 0.003) and more embryos accessible for the embryo freezing programme (3.3 versus 2.0; P = 0.02) compared to uFSH-HP. The vital pregnancy rate per cycle started was 30.2 versus 28.3% in the recombinant and urinary FSH group, respectively. It is concluded that treatment outcome of a fixed daily dose of 150 IU recFSH is comparable to a fixed daily dose of 225 IU uFSH-HP. However, a significantly lower total dose was needed in the recFSH group (nearly 700 IU less).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A pen device, similar to an insulin pen, has been recently marketed for the administration of follitropin beta in cartridges. A randomized controlled trial was performed to compare the efficacy and convenience of this pen device delivering follitropin beta with a conventional syringe delivering follitropin alpha. METHODS: A total of 200 patients needing IVF/ICSI treatment and willing to self-inject were enrolled in the study. All subjects had ovarian stimulation according to a long protocol and were randomized to the pen or the conventional syringe group during down-regulation by means of a computer-generated randomization list using random numbers. Patients were asked to fill in a daily local tolerance book after each injection. On the day of hCG the patients scored a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for pain and convenience. RESULTS: The average duration, total dose of recombinant FSH and number of cumulus oocyte complexes retrieved were 10.8/12.0 days (P = 0.001), 1880/2226 IU (P < 0.001) and 15.2/13.1 respectively in the pen device and conventional syringe groups; the presence of pain after the daily injection was significantly higher in the conventional syringe group (P = 0.027); the visual analogue scale score was similar for pain but significantly more convenient for the pen device (P < 0.001). The live birth rate per embryo transfer was 32.9 and 34.4% respectively in the pen device and conventional syringe groups. CONCLUSIONS: Self-injection with the pen device is safe and easy, more convenient and less painful for the patient, requires less FSH and shortens the treatment duration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was designed to assess whether the use of ganirelix in women undergoing stimulated IUI could prevent the occurrence of premature LH rises and luteinization (LH+progesterone rises). METHODS: Women of infertile couples, diagnosed with unexplained or male factor infertility, were randomized to receive either ganirelix (n=103) or placebo (n=100) in a double-blind design. All women were treated with an individualized, low-dose rFSH regimen started on day 2-3 of cycle. Ganirelix (0.25 mg/day) was started if one or more follicles>or=14 mm were visualized. Ovulation was triggered by HCG injection when at least one follicle>or=18 mm was observed and a single IUI was performed 34-42 h later. The primary efficacy outcome was the incidence of premature LH rises (+/-progesterone rise). RESULTS: In the ganirelix group, four subjects had a premature LH rise (value>or=10 IU/l), one LH rise prior to the start of ganirelix and three LH rises during ganirelix treatment, whereas in the placebo group 28 subjects had a premature LH rise, six subjects prior to the start of placebo and 22 subjects during placebo treatment. The incidence of LH rises was significantly lower in ganirelix cycles compared to placebo cycles (3.9 versus 28.0%; P=0.003 for ITT analysis). When excluding subjects with an LH value>or=10 IU/l before the start of ganirelix/placebo the incidence of LH rises was also significantly lower in ganirelix cycles compared to placebo cycles (2.9 versus 23.4%; P=0.003 for ITT analysis). Premature luteinization (LH rise with concomitant progesterone rise>or=1 ng/ml) was observed in one subject in the ganirelix group and in 17 subjects in the placebo group of which three subjects had a premature spontaneous ovulation. Ongoing pregnancy rates per attempt were 12.6 and 12.0% for the ganirelix and placebo groups respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with ganirelix effectively prevents premature LH rises, luteinization in subjects undergoing stimulated IUI. Low-dose rFSH regimen combined with a GnRH antagonist may be an alternative treatment option for subjects with previous proven luteinization or in subjects who would otherwise require insemination when staff are not working.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: LH activity may influence treatment response and outcome in IVF cycles. METHODS: A randomized, assessor-blind, multinational trial compared ongoing pregnancy rates (primary end-point) in 731 women undergoing IVF after stimulation with highly purified menotrophin (HP-hMG) (n = 363) or recombinant FSH (rFSH) (n = 368) following a long GnRH agonist protocol. Patients received identical pre- and post-randomization interventions. One or two embryos were transferred on day 3. RESULTS: More oocytes were retrieved (P < 0.001) after rFSH treatment (11.8) compared with HP-hMG treatment (10.0), but a higher proportion developed into top-quality embryos (P = 0.044) with HP-hMG (11.3%) than with rFSH (9.0%). At the end of stimulation, lower estradiol (E(2)) (P = 0.031) and higher progesterone (P < 0.001) levels were found with rFSH, even after adjusting for follicular response. The distribution of hypo-, iso- and hyper-echogenic endometrium showed a significant (P = 0.023) shift towards the hyperechogenic pattern after rFSH treatment. The ongoing pregnancy rate per cycle was 27% with HP-hMG and 22% with rFSH [odds ratio (95% confidence interval): 1.25 (0.89-1.75)]. CONCLUSION: Superiority of HP-hMG over rFSH in ongoing pregnancy rate could not be concluded from this study, but non-inferiority was established. Pharmacodynamic differences in follicular development, oocyte/embryo quality, endocrine response and endometrial echogenicity exist between HP-hMG and rFSH preparations, which may be relevant for treatment outcome.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Traditional doses of depot GnRH agonist may be excessive for ovarian stimulation. We compared half-dose depot triptorelin (Group I) with reduced-dose daily buserelin (Group II) in a long protocol ICSI/embryo transfer through a double-blind randomized clinical trial. METHODS: Controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) was started by a pretreatment with oral contraceptives for 21 days. Then, 182 patients were randomized into two groups of 91. Group I received 1.87 mg triptorelin depot i.m. followed by daily s.c. injections of saline. Group II (reduced-dose protocol) received a bolus injection of i.m. saline followed by daily s.c. injections of 0.5 mg buserelin, which was then reduced to 0.25 mg at the start of human menopausal gonadotrophin stimulation. When transvaginal ultrasound showed at least two follicles of 16-20 mm diameter, HCG was given and ICSI was performed 40-42 h later. RESULTS: No significant differences were seen in the mean (SD) number of follicles at HCG administration, as our primary outcome [10.3 (4.4) in Group I versus 11.1 (4.2) in Group II, P = 0.180, mean difference = 0.86, 95% confidence interval 0.39-2.11]. The other early results of COS, clinical and ongoing pregnancy rates, or early pregnancy loss were also not significantly different between the groups. Group I endured longer stimulation period [11.2 (1.8) days versus 10.6 (1.9), P = 0.030]. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical outcomes were not significantly different between Group I and Group II.  相似文献   

In this prospective and randomized study, 188 patients received the luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) antagonist cetrorelix, and 85 patients the LHRH agonist buserelin to prevent endogenous luteinizing hormone (LH) surges during ovarian stimulation in in-vitro fertilization (IVF)/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) cycles. Ultimately, 181 patients (96.3%) in the cetrorelix group, and 77 (90.6%) in the buserelin group, reached the day of the human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) injection. The mean number of human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) ampoules administered and the mean number of stimulation days with HMG were significantly less in the cetrorelix group than in the buserelin group (P < 0.01). A rise in LH and progesterone concentrations was observed in three of the 188 patients (1.6%) who received cetrorelix. On the day of the HCG administration, more follicles of a small diameter (11-14 mm) were observed in the buserelin group than in the cetrorelix group (P = 0. 02) and the mean serum oestradiol concentration was significantly higher in patients who received buserelin than in those who received cetrorelix (P < 0.01). Similar results were observed in fertilization, cleavage and pregnancy rates in the two groups. In conclusion, the use of the LHRH antagonists might be considered more advantageous because of the short-term application needed to inhibit gonadotrophin secretion, so allowing a reduction in the treatment time in a clinically significant manner.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This study was performed to evaluate whether a tailored approach to the administration of the GnRH antagonist cetrorelix acetate according to follicular size leads to a reduction in the amount of Cetrotide vials used and/or an increased number of monitoring visits. METHODS: Sixty patients were prospectively randomized (using sealed envelopes) to receive either the fixed multiple dose antagonist protocol starting on day 6 of stimulation (group 1), or an individualized protocol with the time of antagonist start according to follicle size (14 mm, group 2), or an individualized single dose protocol (group 3). Recombinant human (rh)FSH was used. The primary endpoints were the number of Cetrotide vials and number of monitoring visits. Statistical power for the parameter Cetrotide vials was 80%. RESULTS: Patients in group 1 needed significantly more Cetrotide vials (6.81 +/- 1.61) than patients of group 2 (4.59 +/- 1.65; P < 0.01). The number of monitoring visits was similar between the three groups. Surprisingly, the number of retrieved oocytes was significantly higher in the individualized groups as compared with group 1. Despite a significantly lower total amount of rhFSH used, estradiol levels were significantly higher in group 2 as compared with group 1. CONCLUSION: Tailoring of GnRH antagonist protocols leads to an optimization of ovarian stimulation with more oocytes retrieved despite less rhFSH used, and the same number of monitoring visits.  相似文献   

A multicentre, double-blind, randomized dose-finding study of Org 37462 (ganirelix) was conducted in 333 women undergoing ovarian stimulation with recombinant follicle stimulating hormone (rFSH; Puregon) to establish the minimal effective dose preventing premature luteinizing hormone (LH) surges during ovarian stimulation. For ovarian stimulation, rFSH was given in a fixed daily dose of 150 IU for 5 days from days 2 to 6 of the menstrual cycle. From cycle day 7 onward, up to and including the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), Org 37462 (dosages 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/0.5 ml) was administered once daily by s.c. injection, and the rFSH dose was adjusted depending on ovarian response. The lowest (0.0625 mg) and highest (2.0 mg) dose groups were terminated prematurely on the advice of an external independent advisory committee. Serum Org 37462 concentrations increased in a linear dose-proportional manner, whereas serum LH and increases of oestradiol fell with increasing Org 37462 dose. During Org 37462 treatment, serum LH concentrations > or =10 IU/l were observed in the lowest dose groups with incidences of 16% (0.0625 mg), 9% (0.125 mg) and 1.4 % (0.25 mg). On the day of HCG, the number of follicles > or =11, > or =15 and > or =17 mm were similar in the six dose groups, whereas serum oestradiol concentrations were highest in the 0.0625 mg group (1475 pg/ml) and lowest in the 2 mg group (430 pg/ml). The median daily dose of rFSH was between 150 and 183 IU and the overall median duration of Org 37462 treatment was approximately 5 days in the six treatment groups. Overall, Org 37462 treatment appeared to be safe and well tolerated. The mean number of recovered oocytes and good-quality embryos was similar in all dose groups and ranged from 8.6 to 10.0 and 2.5 to 3.8, respectively. The mean number of replaced embryos in the different dose groups ranged from 2.3 to 2.7. The implantation rate was highest in the 0.25 mg group (21.9%) and lowest in the 2 mg group (1.5%). The early miscarriage rates (first 6 weeks after embryo transfer) were 11.9 and 13% in the 1 and 2 mg group respectively, whereas in the other dose groups this incidence was zero (0.0625%) up to a maximum of 3.7% (0.5 mg group). The vital pregnancy rate (with heart activity) at 5-6 weeks after embryo transfer was highest in the 0.25 mg group, i.e. 36.8 % per attempt and 40.3 % per transfer, and resulted in an ongoing pregnancy rate 12-16 weeks after embryo transfer of 33.8% per attempt and 37.1% per transfer. In conclusion, a daily dose of 0.25 mg Org 37462 prevented LH surges during ovarian stimulation and resulted in a good clinical outcome.   相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to demonstrate non-inferiority of a highly purified urinary follicle stimulating hormone (HP-FSH) preparation compared with a recombinant (rFSH) preparation with respect to ovulation rate (primary end-point). METHODS: This was a randomized, open-label, assessor-blind, multinational study. Women with anovulatory infertility WHO Group II and resistant to clomiphene citrate were randomized (computer-generated list) to stimulation with HP-FSH (n=73) or rFSH (n=78) using a low-dose step-up protocol. The non-inferiority limit was prespecified at -20%. RESULTS: The ovulation rate was 85.2% (51/62) with HP-FSH and 90.9% (60/66) with rFSH (per-protocol population), and non-inferiority was demonstrated [95% confidence interval: -16.9; 5.6]. No differences were noted between groups in number of follicles>or=12 mm, >or=15 mm or >or=18 mm, mono-follicular development, pregnancy rates, endometrial thickness, number of ovarian stimulation syndrome cases or frequency of injection site reactions/pain. The singleton live birth rate was 15% in both groups (11/73 with HP-FSH and 12/78 with rFSH). CONCLUSIONS: This urinary HP-FSH preparation is non-inferior compared with a rFSH preparation with respect to ovulation rate in anovulatory WHO Group II women failing to ovulate or conceive on clomiphene citrate.  相似文献   

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