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Although suicide accounts for a small percentage of deaths in Scotland (1.4% in 1999), it has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. In the US, Australia, England and Wales the greatest rises in suicide for this time period, occurred in rural areas. This study describes the pattern and magnitude of urban/rural variation in suicide in Scotland, examines methods of suicide within differing geographies and looks at trends in suicides over time. Scotland is split into four rurality types. Suicide data for all areas of Scotland (apart from Grampian which underwent changes in postcode sector boundaries in 1996) are investigated using Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMRs) and multilevel Poisson modelling, adjusting for age, sex and deprivation. SMRs for 1981-85, 1989-93 and 1995-99 are created across the four geographies, using the populations of Scotland in 1983, 1991 and 1997 as the standard populations (SMR=100). The highest rates in 1995-99 are seen in "remote rural" areas, SMR=125 (95% confidence interval 107-146). Models adjusted for age and deprivation show significantly greater risk of male suicide in remote rural areas relative to urban areas and significantly lower risk of female suicide in accessible rural areas. The method of suicide varies across ruralities for both males and females. The study considers how the relationship between suicides and rurality varies over time and how methods of suicide vary across different ruralities. The steepest rises in suicide amongst men, adjusting for age and deprivation, were seen to occur in accessible rural areas, however highest rates remain in remote rural areas. 相似文献
Although suicide accounts for a small percentage of deaths in Scotland (1.4% in 1999), it has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. In the US, Australia, England and Wales the greatest rises in suicide for this time period, occurred in rural areas. This study describes the pattern and magnitude of urban/rural variation in suicide in Scotland, examines methods of suicide within differing geographies and looks at trends in suicides over time.Scotland is split into four rurality types. Suicide data for all areas of Scotland (apart from Grampian which underwent changes in postcode sector boundaries in 1996) are investigated using Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMRs) and multilevel Poisson modelling, adjusting for age, sex and deprivation. SMRs for 1981–85, 1989–93 and 1995–99 are created across the four geographies, using the populations of Scotland in 1983, 1991 and 1997 as the standard populations (SMR=100). The highest rates in 1995–99 are seen in “remote rural” areas, SMR=125 (95% confidence interval 107–146). Models adjusted for age and deprivation show significantly greater risk of male suicide in remote rural areas relative to urban areas and significantly lower risk of female suicide in accessible rural areas. The method of suicide varies across ruralities for both males and females. The study considers how the relationship between suicides and rurality varies over time and how methods of suicide vary across different ruralities. The steepest rises in suicide amongst men, adjusting for age and deprivation, were seen to occur in accessible rural areas, however highest rates remain in remote rural areas. 相似文献
Dalstra JA Kunst AE Geurts JJ Frenken FJ Mackenbach JP 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》2002,56(12):927-934
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine changes in socioeconomic inequalities in self reported health in both the 1980s and the 1990s in the Netherlands. DESIGN: Analysis of trends in socioeconomic health inequalities during the last decades of the 20th century were made using data from the Health Interview Survey (Nethhis) and the subsequent Permanent Survey on Living Conditions (POLS) from Statistics Netherlands. Socioeconomic inequalities in self assessed health, short-term disabilities during the past 14 days, long term health problems and chronic diseases were studied in relation to both educational level and household income. Trends from 1981 to 1999 were studied using summary indices for both the relative and absolute size of socioeconomic inequalities in health. SETTING: The Netherlands. PARTICIPANTS: For the period 1981-1999 per year a random sample of about 7000 respondents of 18 years and older from the non-institutionalised population. MAIN RESULTS: Socioeconomic inequalities in self assessed health showed a fairly consistent increase over time. Socioeconomic inequalities in the other health indicators were more or less stable over time. In no case did socioeconomic inequalities in health seemed to have decreased over time. Socioeconomic inequalities in self assessed health increased both in the 1980s and the 1990s. This increase was more pronounced for income (as compared with education) and for women (as compared with men). CONCLUSION: There are several possible explanations for the fact that, in addition to stable health inequalities in general, income related inequalities in some health indicators increased in the Netherlands, especially in the early 1990s. Most influential were perhaps selection effects, related to changing labour market policies in the Netherlands. The fact that the health inequalities did not decrease over recent years underscores the necessity of policies that explicitly aim to tackle these inequalities. 相似文献
McLoone P 《European journal of public health》2003,13(3):230-234
BACKGROUND: The aim of the study was to describe the change in overall and cause-specific mortality in Scotland between the early 1980s and late 1990s, with particular reference to the mortality experience of young adults. METHOD: The study was based on death records for Scottish residents. Changes in age and cause-specific death rates between 1981-83, 1989-91 and 1997-99 were compared. RESULTS: Between 1981-83 and 1989-91 death rates in Scotland began to rise among young men aged 20-24 while for those aged over 25 rates declined. The greatest fall in rates was experienced at ages 40 to 59. When death rates during 1997-99 were compared to rates in 1989-91 this pattern had changed. During the 1990s death rates among 20 to 34-year-olds increased, with a slight rise at ages 35-44. At older ages overall mortality continued to decline but the greatest fall was at ages 60 and over. Trends among women shared similarities with men. For both men and women falls in mortality from heart disease, stroke, and cancers were being differentially offset by increases in other causes of death across all age groups. The causes of death that contributed to the increased death rate among young adults include to various degrees, suicides, drug deaths, alcohol and violence. CONCLUSION: In Scotland changes in mortality result from a complex combination of different trends in mortality from various causes of death. The rate of decline in mortality among men aged 59 and below is slowing down, and death rates among young men aged 15-44 are increasing. If these trends continue there is a suggestion that future death rates may begin to rise at older ages. 相似文献
BACKGROUND: To compare socio-economic differences in mortality from ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease in men in Spain and France during the 1988-90 period. METHODS: In Spain, the data were taken from the Eight Provinces Study, and in France the number of deaths was provided by the French National Health Institute(INSERM). The socio-economic differences in mortality have been estimated through the rate ratio. RESULTS: Farmers and manual workers presented higher mortality from ischemic heart disease and cerebrovascular disease than the professional and managerial group, while mortality in service workers showed a different pattern in both countries. CONCLUSIONS: The use of two occupational classes (manual/non manual) in international comparisons limits the interpretation of the results in this kind of studies. 相似文献
The objective of this study was to compare the mortality of Polish actors (males and females) with the general Polish population for the period 1981-1999 and for two sub-periods: 1981-1991 and 1992-1998. Initially the studied cohort included 3992 dramatic actors (2161 males, 1831 females) of age 18-80 years (at the moment of cohort entrance). After detailed data verification statistical analysis was made for 2120 actors and 1767 actresses, contributing 29477.1 and 24886.2 person-years of observation, respectively. A total of 633 deaths (368 males and 265 females) were noted during the analyzed period. Statistical approach based on the follow-up method. Comparison with the reference population (Polish males and females from urban areas) was made by means of the standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and their 95% confidence intervals. Direct comparison of the selected subgroups' mortality based on the rate ratio analysis. Standardized mortality ratios were 0.739 (95%CI: 0.666-0.819) for the actors and 0.887 (95%CI: 0.784-1.001) for actresses. Mortality of the actors' cohort was found to be significantly lower than in the reference population during total analyzed period, whereas for actresses no significant differences were found. Age-specific SMR dependence was found. Statistically significant lowering of SMR was observed for actors up to 80 years old. Finally, it could be concluded that in contrast to the actresses' cohort the actors' mortality in 1992-1999 significantly decreased in relation to 1981-1991 period. Moreover, the decrease of the actors' mortality exceeded tendencies observed for Polish urban population. 相似文献
V Rafnsson 《Annals of epidemiology》1991,1(6):493-503
The objective of this study was to evaluate mortality rates from ischemic heart disease among Icelanders during the period of 1951 to 1985. In some developed countries, the number of deaths from ischemic heart disease declined markedly in this time period, and it is interesting to study whether the same has occurred in Iceland. The study was based on information obtained from the Statistical Bureau of Iceland, which keeps records of deaths based on death certificates as well as other population records. Nonparametric tests were used to correlate death rates and calendar years. Rates per 100,000 were calculated and plotted. The results indicated that the mortality rates from ischemic heart disease among Icelanders have not yet peaked. 相似文献
In Italy during the period 1968-78, female heart disease mortality decreased in all age groups up to age 79, with an average annual rate of decline in the 35-74 age-standardized rate of over 0.7 per cent. In males, age-specific death rates in some age groups were stable or increased moderately, but in middle-aged (50 to 59) males there was a consistent increase so that the rise in the 35-74 age standardized male death rate was approximately 1 per cent per year. 相似文献
Leyland AH 《Journal of public health (Oxford, England)》2006,28(2):145-147
BACKGROUND: Homicide rates have been increasing in Scotland, and homicides involving knives are of particular concern. METHODS: and results We use mortality and population data from 1981 to 2003 to calculate smoothed, standardized mortality rates for all homicides and homicides involving knives and other sharp objects, for all of Scotland and separately for Glasgow. Over half of homicides where the victim was male involved the use of a knife. Over 20 years, the homicide rate rose 83%, whilst that involving knives increased by 164%. CONCLUSION: The rapid increase in homicide involving knives is becoming a public health problem. Proposed changes to legislation are unlikely to halt this rise. 相似文献
OBJECTIVES: To examine whether inequalities in mortality across socioeconomically diverse neighbourhoods changed alongside the decline in mortality observed in New York City between 1990 and 2000. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis of neighbourhood-level vital statistics. SETTING: New York City, 1989-1991 and 1999-2001. MAIN RESULTS: In both poor and wealthy neighbourhoods, age-adjusted mortality for most causes declined between the time periods, although mortality from diabetes increased. Relative inequalities decreased slightly-largely in the under 65 years population-although all-cause rates in 1999-2001 were still 50% higher, and rates of years of potential life lost before age 65 years were 150% higher, in the poorest communities than in the wealthiest ones (relative index of inequality 1.7 and 3.3, respectively). The relative index of inequality for mortality from AIDS increased from 4.7 to 13.9. Over 50% of the excess mortality in the poorest neighbourhoods in 1999-2001 was due to cardiovascular disease, AIDS and cancer. CONCLUSIONS: In New York City, despite substantial declines in absolute mortality and rate differences between poor and wealthy neighbourhoods, great relative socioeconomic inequalities in mortality persist. 相似文献
The rise in ischemic heart disease in the U.S. after 1920 has been described in the literature both as a 20th century epidemic and as an artifact of the decline of competing causes of death, particularly the infectious, parasitic and diarrheal diseases. Shifting medical terminology and occasional major revisions in cause of death codes have aggravated efforts to resolve the debate. Through regression analysis and ordinary and cause-deleted life tables we trace the course of the disease. The accumulated evidence points to a major epidemic but one largely confined to males. Reversals in patterns are now beginning. 相似文献
Middleton N Gunnell D Frankel S Whitley E Dorling D 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2003,57(7):1183-1194
Suicide rates amongst young people, particularly males, have increased in many industrialised countries since the 1960s. There is evidence from some countries that the steepest rises have occurred in rural areas. We have investigated whether similar geographical differences in trends in suicide exist in England and Wales by examining patterns of suicide between 1981 and 1998 in relation to rurality. We used two complementary population-based indices of rurality: (1) population density and (2) population potential (a measure of geographic remoteness from large concentrations of population). We used the electoral ward (n=9264, median population aged 15-44: 1829) as the unit of analysis. To assess whether social and economic factors underlie rural-urban differences in trends we used negative binomial regression models to investigate changes in suicide rates between the years for which detailed national census data were available (1981 and 1991). Over the years studied, the most unfavourable trends in suicide in 15-44-year olds generally occurred in areas remote from the main centres of population; this effect was most marked in 15-24-year-old females. Observed patterns were not explained by changes in age- and sex-specific unemployment, socio-economic deprivation or social fragmentation. The mental health of young adults or other factors influencing suicide risk may have deteriorated more in rural than urban areas in recent years. Explanations for these trends require further investigation. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To examine social class inequalities in adverse perinatal events in Scotland between 1980 and 2000 and how these were influenced by other maternal risk factors. DESIGN: Population based study using routine maternity discharge data. SETTING: Scotland. PARTICIPANTS: All women who gave birth to a live singleton baby in Scottish hospitals between 1980 and 2000 (n=1,282,172). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth, and small for gestational age (SGA). RESULTS: The distribution of social class changed over time, with the proportion of mothers with undetermined social class increasing from 3.9% in 1980-84 to 14.8% in 1995-2000. The relative index of inequality (RII) decreased during the 1980s for all outcomes. The RII then increased between the early and late 1990s (LBW from 2.09 (95%CI 1.97, 2.22) to 2.43 (2.29, 2.58), preterm from 1.52 (1.44, 1.61) to 1.75 (1.65, 1.86), and SGA from 2.28 (2.14, 2.42) to 2.49 (2.34, 2.66) respectively). Inequalities were greatest in married mothers, mothers aged over 35, mothers taller than 164 cm, and mothers with a parity of one or more. Inequalities were also greater by the end of the 1990s than at the start of the 1980s for women of parity one or more and for mothers who were not married. CONCLUSION: Despite decreasing during the 1980s, inequalities in adverse perinatal outcomes increased during the 1990s in all strata defined by maternal characteristics. 相似文献
Previously published evidence from the 1992-1993 Indian National Family and Health Survey (NFHS) on the state of childhood immunization showed the importance of analyzing immunization outcomes beyond national averages. Reported total system failure (no immunization for all) in some low performance areas suggested that improvements in immunization levels may come with a worsening of the distribution of immunization based on wealth. In this paper, using the second wave of the NFHS (1998-1999), we take a new snapshot of the situation and compare it to 1992-1993, focusing on heterogeneities between states, rural-urban differentials, gender differentials, and more specifically on wealth-related inequalities. To assess whether improvements in overall immunization rates (levels) were accompanied by distributional improvements, or conversely, whether inequalities were reduced at the expense of overall achievement, we use a recently developed methodology to calculate an inequality-adjusted achievement index that captures performance both in terms of efficiency (change in levels) and equity (distribution by wealth quintiles) for each of the 17 largest Indian states. Comparing 1992-1993 to 1998-1999 achievements using different degrees of "inequality aversion" provides no evidence that distributional improvements occur at the expense of overall performance. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To analyze social inequalities and inequalities in access to and utilization of health care services according to skin color in a representative sample of postpartum women receiving hospital childbirth care. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 9,633 postpartum women, of whom 5,002 were white (51.9%), 2,796 mulatto (29.0%), and 1,835 black skin color (19.0%), seen in public maternity hospitals, hospitals contracted out by the Unified National Health System, and private hospitals in the period 1999-2001. Data were collected from medical records and through interviews with the mothers in the immediate postpartum period using standardized questionnaires. Statistical analyses were performed using chi(2) tests to assess homogeneity of proportions and Student's t-test for comparison of measures. The analysis was stratified by maternal schooling. RESULTS: A persistent unfavorable situation was seen for mulatto and black women as compared to white women. Mulatto and black women had the highest rates of adolescent mothers, low schooling, unpaid occupation, and not having a partner. History of physical violence, smoking, attempts to interrupt pregnancy, and visits to several hospitals before being admitted were more frequent among black women, followed by mulatto and then white women of low schooling. High schooling group of women showed better indicators but the same pattern was seen. This variability is also seen in the opposite direction in terms of the level of satisfaction with prenatal and childbirth care. CONCLUSIONS: It was distinguished two forms of discrimination, by educational level and skin color, in care delivered by health services to postpartum women in Rio de Janeiro. 相似文献