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目的探讨氟伏沙明合并氯氮平治疗强迫症的疗效。方法45例强迫症患者随机分为氟伏沙明合并氯氮平治疗组和单独氟伏沙明治疗组。疗程8周。采用强迫症量表(Y—BOCS)、汉密尔顿焦虑量表(HAMA)、汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)评定疗效。结果治疗结束时两组Y—BOCS、HAMA、HAMD的评分均显著降低,更以合并氯氮平组明显。结论氟伏沙明合并氯氮平治疗强迫症可以增加疗效。  相似文献   

Summary Seven patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease, aged 62 to 76 years, average duration of the disease approximately eleven years, suffering from severe hallucinosis and paranoid delusions of different degree, in whom conventional therapeutic strategies (administration of benzodiazepines and mild neuroleptics) had no antipsychotic effect, received clozapine, a non-classical highly potent neuroleptic, while blood count was strictly monitored. Paranoid ideas disappeared in all seven patients after a maximum of four days administration of 25–125 mg/day. No deterioration of parkinsonian symptoms, quantified according to UPDRS was seen. Given the protection of clozapine, we could increase the L-dopa dose in two cases, thereby improving the patients' motor function. Blood count showed no abnormalities in any of the patients during an average observation period of seventeen months.Our results support the assumption that clozapine has a potent antipsychotic effect in the treatment of psychotic decompensation in advanced Parkinson's disease in carefully selected patients. We saw no negative influence of the neurolpetic on extrapyramidal symptoms.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study aims at identifying potential predictors of clinical response and functional outcome in 101 neuroleptic-refractory patients with a DSM-III-R diagnosis of schizophrenia (N = 34), schizoaffective disorder (N = 30) or bipolar disorder with psychotic features (N = 37), naturalistically treated with clozapine over a 48-month period. The clinical response and functional outcome criteria were respectively defined a priori as: a reduction of at least 50 % in the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale total score in one evaluation with respect to baseline; and a Global Assessment of Functioning Scale score of at least 50. Several clinical and socio- demographic variables were assessed at baseline and only the diagnosis of bipolar disorder was significantly related with the clinical response. Variables significantly related with the functional outcome were female gender, university education and early age at onset.  相似文献   

目的:探讨氟伏沙明合并奥氮平对有精神病性症状抑郁症的临床疗效及安全性。方法:将115例患者随机分为氟伏沙明联合奥氮平组、氟伏沙明联合舒必利组,疗程8周。采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、简明精神病评定量表(BPRS)观察疗效,用治疗中出现的症状量表(TESS)评定不良反应。结果:治疗8周两组BPRS、HAMD总分及各因子分均较治疗前显著降低(P均〈0.01);氟伏沙明联合奥氮平组起效较快,疗效亦较好。两组不良反应接近。结论:氟伏沙明联合奥氮平治疗有精神病性症状的抑郁症疗效肯定,安全性高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this case study was to use an evidence based medicine approach to work through an unusual way of treating a common problem. We looked at an example of an in-patient with severe refractory psychotic depression who had been resistant to treatment with a combination of antidepressant, antipsychotics, mood stabiliser, and concomitant ECT therapy.  相似文献   

Combining fluvoxamine and clozapine may be a strategy to improve therapeutic effects on negative symptoms in schizophrenic patients. Fluvoxamine, however, markedly inhibits the metabolism of clozapine, and hazardous side effects may result. This study prospectively investigated the safety and tolerability of an add-on therapy with fluvoxamine to a clozapine monotherapy in schizophrenic patients. Sixteen schizophrenic patients received 50 mg fluvoxamine as a comedication after having reached steady-state conditions under clozapine monotherapy. Patients were monitored for subjective adverse events, laboratory parameters, EEG and ECG recordings, orthostatic hypotension and their psychopathology. Concomitantly, serum concentrations of clozapine and metabolites were measured during monotherapy and after addition of fluvoxamine. In all patients, the serum concentrations of clozapine and metabolites were markedly increased (average: 2-3 fold, up to 5 fold for clozapine) after addition of fluvoxamine. Side effects remained almost unchanged in frequency and severity in spite of the pharmacokinetic interactions. ECG or laboratory parameters and orthostatic tests were similar under monotherapy and comedication. Minimal increases of EEG abnormalities were observed, but they were not associated with clinical impairment. Epileptic activities were always absent. The psychopathology improved which continued after start of the comedication. Though the addition of fluvoxamine to clozapine medication was well tolerated and critical side effects were absent, the combined treatment should be controlled by drug monitoring, as serum concentrations of clozapine increased to unpredictably high levels. Further studies have to find out if the combined treatment could be advantageous to clozapine monotherapy.  相似文献   

The efficacy and adverse effects of clozapine for patients who cannot be treated with conventional neuroleptics were evaluated by means of a retrospective chart review. The review showed that 85 percent of 503 inpatients experienced slight to nearly complete reduction in symptoms. Adverse effects occurred in 59 percent of patients, although only 7 percent had side effects severe enough to warrant discontinuation of the drug. Data for 70 outpatients treated with clozapine showed that the rate of rehospitalization was significantly lower than before treatment with the drug. These findings agree with those of other European studies and suggest that when hematological and other variables are carefully controlled, the benefits of clozapine therapy outweigh the risks.  相似文献   



Psychotic major depression is a clinical subtype of major depressive disorder. A number of clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of the combination of an antidepressant (for example, a tricyclic antidepressant or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)) and an atypical antipsychotic or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in treating psychotic major depression. In several studies, monotherapy of SSRIs such as fluvoxamine has been shown to be effective in the treatment of psychotic major depression.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Contemporary psychopathology, as a result of behaviourally dominated epistemological stance, downplays anomalies of the patient's subjectivity. This neglect has probably deleterious consequences for research in the causes and the boundaries of the schizophrenia spectrum conditions. The purpose of this study is to explore frequency of qualitative, not-yet-psychotic, anomalies of subjective experience in patients with residual schizophrenia and psychotic bipolar illness in remission. METHOD: The patients were examined with the Danish version of the Bonn Scale for the Assessment of Basic Symptoms (BSABS). Anomalies of experience were condensed into rational scales with good internal consistencies. RESULTS: Diagnosis of schizophrenia was associated with elevated scores on the scales measuring perplexity (loss of immediate meaning), disorders of perception, disorders of self-awareness, and marginally so, disorders of cognition. CONCLUSION: These findings, in conjunction with those from other, methodologically similar studies, suggest that certain anomalies of subjective experience aggregate significantly in schizophrenia. These experiential anomalies appear to be relevant for early differential diagnosis and therefore potentially useful in the preonset detection of the schizophrenia spectrum illness.  相似文献   

Cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis (CBTp) as an adjunct to standard psychiatric care can make substantial difference in symptom distress, insight, and adherence to treatment. However, studies on the effect of cognitive behaviour therapy on offending behaviours influenced by psychotic experience are in its very early stage. This paper summarizes the conceptualization, treatment programme development, and individual therapy to address psychotic experience involved in offending behaviours in mentally disordered offenders (MDOs). It is argued that, 1) intensive intervention is recommended for those MDOs with general risk factors in addition to psychosis-related-risk factors, 2) MDOs may benefit from CBTp and general offending behaviour programmes, 3) it is important to focus on aggression-neutralization cognitions.  相似文献   

Examination of the distribution of the hallucinatory experience may aide in the determination of their continuity and the psychological mechanisms that mediate their occurrence. Past investigators have found that hallucinatory experiences are not limited to disordered individuals and can be induced in the laboratory and occur naturally in the general population. Few reports to date, however, have directly investigated the continuity of the experience by comparing hallucinatory behavior of psychotic patients with a nonclinical sample. In the present study, we examined the architecture of the hallucinatory experience by comparing the factorial structure of the Launay-Slade Hallucination Scale using psychotic patients with active hallucinations, psychotic inpatients without hallucinations, and a group of university students. In support of the continuum model of psychosis, a very similar factor-analytic solution was obtained for all three groups. Discriminant function analysis, however, revealed that all groups achieved a high classified rate by their item responses. These results are consistent with the notion that expression of hallucinatory behavior exists along a continuum, but at a certain level of symptom severity beyond a critical threshold, the behavior becomes discontinuous and dysfunctional.  相似文献   

This paper examines the clinical and demographic data of patients in the Clozapine Distribution System in Metropolitan Toronto in the first year after its inception. One hundred and thirty-seven patients were approved for funding during the year. They tended to be young, chronically and markedly ill patients suffering from schizophrenia, primarily with treatment resistance as the reason for clozapine therapy. Only 55 patients completed at least six months of therapy; 15 patients discontinued clozapine before six months of treatment, mainly because of side-effects and/or patients' noncompliance with bloodwork. Three patients discontinued clozapine because of haematological compromise. Clozapine was efficacious for the majority of patients who took it for at least six months, with improvement in all six clinical dimensions examined in the study. Nevertheless, the number of early discontinuation patients significantly lowered the overall effectiveness of clozapine in actual clinical practice.  相似文献   

In 3 patients the addition of fluvoxamine to a constant dosage of carbamazepine (CZP) caused a substantial rise of plasma CZP accompanied by symptoms of intoxication. As this drug combination may occur increasingly in the future, this probably pharmacokinetic interaction is of practical relevance.  相似文献   

强制干预主要包括非自愿入院、隔离、约束、强制用药等,这是精神病学领域广泛讨论的一个话题.临床实践证据表明,强制干预在给患者提供及时治疗、保护患者和他人安全的同时,也给患者带来了胁迫、焦虑、害怕等体验.许多国家在减少强制干预的使用、改善患者的胁迫体验等方面付出了很大的努力.现对精神病性强制干预的种类、胁迫体验的影响因素、...  相似文献   

The effects of adding vigabatrin (GVG) to the antiepileptic regimens of 16 children with refractory epilepsy have been studied. One-half of the regimens included sodium valproate (VPA). Parameters studied were seizure reduction, platelet GABA-T activity, and steady-state plasma concentrations (CSS) of GVG and VPA. Add-on GVG reduced the seizure frequency both in patients receiving VPA (from 42.9 to 4.5 seizures/month, p < 0.01) and in those without VPA (from 60.0 to 31.7 seizures/month, p < 0.05). GVG also reduced GABA-T activity in both groups (from 19.4 to 5.4, p < 0.001 and from 8.3 to 4.5 pmol/min/mg of protein, p < 0.05, respectively). Seizure reduction and GABA-T inhibition were greater in patients taking VPA than in those who were not. In patients receiving VPA, no significant changes were observed in VPA CSS values before and after the addition of GVG. On the other hand, no differences were found in GVG CSS values between patients with and without VPA. It is concluded that the coadministration of GVG to valproate reduces the frequency of seizures in refractory epileptic children and does not affect the steady-state plasma concentrations of either drug. Therefore, their association could be useful in clinical practice.  相似文献   

Quetiapine fumarate is a recently marketed atypical antipsychotic medication proved to be effective in the treatment of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder in the younger population. There is a paucity of studies of this drug in the elderly and more data are needed on the effects of quetiapine in this population, especially those with comorbid medical illnesses. Quetiapine was used to treat seven elderly hospitalized patients between 61 and 72 years of age who manifested signs of psychosis related to schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder. All patients had been treated previously with conventional antipsychotics or other atypical antipsychotics. Response was assessed by observation of patient's behavior. Four patients responded to treatment; three did not respond. Positive symptoms decreased markedly in all four responders. Negative symptoms showed marked decrease in two patients and moderate decrease in one patient. Preexisting extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) diminished in three patients. Transient hypotension, dizziness, and somnolence occurred in two patients. No other side effects were noted. No adverse consequences occurred when lithium, carbamazepine, valproic acid, or venlafaxine was given concurrently. The reduction of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and lack of significant EPS and minimal sedative, hypotensive, and anticholinergic side effects indicate that quetiapine may be a safe and effective medication for the elderly.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the feasibility and validity of using experience sampling methodology (ESM, or ecological momentary assessment or mobile device signaling) to measure temporal changes and fluctuations in psychotic symptoms in patients with acute psychosis at the start of antipsychotic treatment.  相似文献   

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