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A two step algorithm to predict portal dose images in arbitrary detector systems has been developed recently. The current work provides a validation of this algorithm on a clinically available, amorphous silicon flat panel imager. The high-atomic number, indirect amorphous silicon detector incorporates a gadolinium oxysulfide phosphor scintillating screen to convert deposited radiation energy to optical photons which form the portal image. A water equivalent solid slab phantom and an anthropomorphic phantom were examined at beam energies of 6 and 18 MV and over a range of air gaps (approximately 20-50 cm). In the many examples presented here, portal dose images in the phosphor were predicted to within 5% in low-dose gradient regions, and to within 5 mm (isodose line shift) in high-dose gradient regions. Other basic dosimetric characteristics of the amorphous silicon detector were investigated, such as linearity with dose rate (+/- 0.5%), repeatability (+/- 2%), and response with variations in gantry rotation and source to detector distance. The latter investigation revealed a significant contribution to the image from optical photon spread in the phosphor layer of the detector. This phenomenon is generally known as "glare," and has been characterized and modeled here as a radially symmetric blurring kernel. This kernel is applied to the calculated dose images as a convolution, and is successfully demonstrated to account for the optical photon spread. This work demonstrates the flexibility and accuracy of the two step algorithm for a high-atomic number detector. The algorithm may be applied to improve performance of dosimetric treatment verification applications, such as direct image comparison, backprojected patient dose calculation, and scatter correction in megavoltage computed tomography. The algorithm allows for dosimetric applications of the new, flat panel portal imager technology in the indirect configuration, taking advantage of a greater than tenfold increase in detector sensitivity over a direct configuration.  相似文献   

Electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) can be used to measure a two-dimensional (2D) dose distribution behind a patient, thus allowing dosimetric treatment verification. For this purpose we experimentally assessed the accuracy of a 2D portal dose prediction model based on pencil beam scatter kernels. A straightforward derivation of these pencil beam scatter kernels for portal dose prediction models is presented based on phantom measurements. The model is able to predict the 2D portal dose image (PDI) behind a patient, based on a PDI without the patient in the beam in combination with the radiological thickness of the patient, which requires in addition a PDI with the patient in the beam. To assess the accuracy of portal dose and radiological thickness values obtained with our model, various types of homogeneous as well as inhomogeneous phantoms were irradiated with a 6 MV photon beam. With our model we are able to predict a PDI with an accuracy better than 2% (mean difference) if the radiological thickness of the object in the beam is symmetrically situated around the isocenter. For other situations deviations up to 3% are observed for a homogeneous phantom with a radiological thickness of 17 cm and a 9 cm shift of the midplane-to-detector distance. The model can extract the radiological thickness within 7 mm (maximum difference) of the actual radiological thickness if the object is symmetrically distributed around the isocenter plane. This difference in radiological thickness is related to a primary portal dose difference of 3%. It can be concluded that our model can be used as an easy and accurate tool for the 2D verification of patient treatments by comparing predicted and measured PDIs. The model is also able to extract the primary portal dose with a high accuracy, which can be used as the input for a 3D dose reconstruction method based on back-projection.  相似文献   

The effects of backscattered radiation on the dosimetric response of the Varian aS500 amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID) are studied. Measurements demonstrate that radiation backscattered from the EPID mechanical support structure causes 5% asymmetries in the detected signal. To minimize the effect of backscattered radiation from the support structure, this work proposes adding material downstream of the EPID phosphor which provides uniform backscattering material to the phosphor and attenuates backscatter from the support structure before it reaches the phosphor. Two material locations were studied: downstream of the existing image cassette and within the cassette, immediately downstream of the flat-panel imager glass panel. Monte Carlo simulations were used to determine the thicknesses of water, Pb and Cu backscattering materials required to saturate the backscattered signal response for 6 MV and 18 MV beams for material thicknesses up to 50 mm. Water was unable to saturate the backscattered signal for thicknesses up to 50 mm for both energies. For Pb, to obtain a signal within 1% of saturation, 3 mm was required at 6 MV, and 6.8 mm was required at 18 MV. For Cu, thicknesses of 20.6 mm and 22.6 mm were required for the 6 MV and 18 MV beams, respectively. For saturation thicknesses, at 6 MV, the Cu backscatter enhanced the signal more than for Pb (Cu 1.25, Pb 1.11), but at 18 MV the reverse was found (Cu 1.19, Pb 1.23). This is due to the fact that at 6 MV, the backscattered radiation signal is dominated by low-energy scattered photons, which are readily attenuated by the Pb, while at 18 MV, electron backscatter contributes substantially to the signal. Image blurring caused by backscatter spread was less for Pb than Cu. Placing Pb immediately downstream of the glass panel further reduced the signal spread and increased the backscatter enhancement to 1.20 and 1.39 for the 6 MV and 18 MV beams, respectively. Overall, it is determined that adding approximately 5 mm of Pb between the detector and the mechanical support structure will substantially reduce the nonuniformity in the backscattered signals for 6 MV and 18 MV photon beams.  相似文献   

Greer PB 《Medical physics》2007,34(10):3815-3824
Amorphous silicon (a-Si) electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) have typically been calibrated to dose at central axis (CAX). Division of acquired images by the flood-field (FF) image that corrects for pixel sensitivity variation as well as open field energy-dependent off-axis response variation should result in a flat EPID response over the entire matrix for the same field size. While the beam profile can be reintroduced to the image by an additional correction matrix, the CAX EPID response to dose calibration factor is assumed to apply to all pixels in the detector. The aim of this work was to investigate the dose response of the Varian aS500 amorphous silicon detector across the entire detector area. First it was established that the EPID response across the panel became stable (within approximately 0.2%) for MU settings greater than approximately 200 MU. The EPID was then FF calibrated with a high MU setting of approximately 400 for all subsequent experiments. Whole detector images with varying MU settings from 2-500 were then acquired for two dose rates (300 and 600 MU/min) for 6 MV photons for two EPIDs. The FF corrected EPID response was approximately flat or uniform across the detector for greater than 100 MU delivered (within 0.5%). However, the off-axis EPID response was greater than the CAX response for small MU irradiations, giving a raised EPID profile. Up to 5% increase in response at 20 cm off-axis compared to CAX was found for very small MU settings for one EPID, while it was within 2% for the second (newer) EPID. Off-axis response nonuniformities attributed to detector damage were also found for the older EPID. Similar results were obtained with the EPID at 18 MV energy and operating in asynchronous mode (acquisition not synchronized with beam pulses), however the profiles were flatter and more irregular for the small MU irradiations. By moving the detector laterally and repeating the experiments, the increase in response off-axis was found to depend on the pixel position relative to the beam CAX. When the beam was heavily filtered by a phantom the off-axis response variation was reduced markedly to within 0.5% for all MU settings. Independent measurements of off-axis point doses with ion chamber did not show any change in off-axis factor with MUs. Measurements of beam quality (TMR20-10) for MU settings of 2, 5, and 100 at central axis and at 15 cm off-axis could not explain the effect. The response change is unlikely to be significant for clinical IMRT verification with this imaging/acclerator system where MUs are of the order of 100-300, provided the detector does not exhibit radiation damage artifacts.  相似文献   

X-ray photon scatter kernels for 6 MV electronic portal imaging are investigated using an analytical and a semi-analytical model. The models are tested on homogeneous phantoms for a range of uniform circular fields and scatterer-to-detector air gaps relevant for clinical use. It is found that a fully analytical model based on an exact treatment of photons undergoing a single Compton scatter event and an approximate treatment of second and higher order scatter events, assuming a multiple-scatter source at the center of the scatter volume, is accurate within 1% (i.e., the residual scatter signal is less than 1% of the primary signal) for field sizes up to 100 cm2 and air gaps over 30 cm, but shows significant discrepancies for larger field sizes. Monte Carlo results are presented showing that the effective multiple-scatter source is located toward the exit surface of the scatterer, rather than at its center. A second model is therefore investigated where second and higher-order scattering is instead modeled by fitting an analytical function describing a nonstationary isotropic point-scatter source to Monte Carlo generated data. This second model is shown to be accurate to within 1% for air gaps down to 20 cm, for field sizes up to 900 cm2 and phantom thicknesses up to 50 cm.  相似文献   

Effects of changes in the physics of EGSnrc compared to EGS4/PRESTA on energy deposition kernels for monoenergetic photons and on dose point kernels for beta sources in water are investigated. In the diagnostic energy range, Compton binding corrections were found to increase the primary energy fraction up to 4.5% at 30 keV with a corresponding reduction of the scatter component of the kernels. Rayleigh scattered photons significantly increase the scatter component of the kernels and reduce the primary energy fraction with a maximum 12% reduction also at 30 keV where the Rayleigh cross section in water has its maximum value. Sampling the photo-electron angular distribution produces a redistribution of the energy deposited by primaries around the interaction site causing differences of up to 2.7 times in the backscattered energy fraction at 20 keV. Above the pair production threshold, the dose distribution versus angle of the primary dose component is significantly different from the EGS4 results. This is related to the more accurate angular sampling of the electron-positron pair direction in EGSnrc as opposed to using a fixed angle approximation in default EGS4. Total energy fractions for photon beams obtained with EGSnrc and EGS4 are almost the same within 0.2%. This fact suggests that the estimate of the total dose at a given point inside an infinite homogeneous water phantom irradiated by broad beams of photons will be very similar for kernels calculated with both codes. However, at interfaces or near boundaries results can be very different especially in the diagnostic energy range. EGSnrc calculated kernels for monoenergetic electrons (50 keV, 100 keV, and 1 MeV) and beta spectra (32P and 90Y) are in excellent agreement with reported EGS4 values except at 1 MeV where inclusion of spin effects in EGSnrc produces an increase of the effective range of electrons. Comparison at 1 MeV with an ETRAN calculation of the electron dose point kernel shows excellent agreement.  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:探究各项异性算法(AAA)和射野剂量图像预测(PDIP)算法在非均整模式(FFF)容积调强放射治疗计划治疗前验证γ分析中的差异以及计划复杂程度对这种差异的影响,为临床上基于电子射野影像系统(EPID)的剂量预测算法的选择提供依据。方法:选取能量为6 MV FFF的两种测试野和16例头颈部肿瘤治疗计划,利用PDIP和AAA两种算法分别生成预测数据并与EPID实测数据进行γ分析,统计两种算法在不同γ评判标准下的通过率并计算通过率差异(Delta γ)。计算上述病例每个射野的复杂系数,分析不同标准下两种算法的Delta γ与复杂系数的相关性;利用γmean、γsd、γ1和γ通过率共同描述γ分布,并分析其与复杂系数间的相关性。结果:当评判标准为3%/3 mm或2%/2 mm时,不同算法下测试射野的Delta γ较小。当评判标准为1%/1 mm,不同开野的Delta γ变化明显:射野较小时,PDIP算法的通过率低于AAA;当射野增大到(10×10) cm2时,通过率基本一致;当射野继续增大时,PDIP算法的通过率逐渐高于AAA。全部射野的通过率与评判标准的关系类似:在3%/3 mm标准下,两种算法的结果基本一致;随着标准的提高,两种算法的通过率逐渐下降,二者之间的差异也逐渐明显。复杂系数与Delta γ、γmean、γsd和γ1为正相关,与γ通过率为负相关。结论:PDIP算法对于有机械臂支撑的EPID的剂量预测更准确;AAA则适用于无机械臂支撑的EPID或机械臂反散射影响较小的射野。当计划复杂程度或评判标准提高时,两种算法的差异也增大。计划复杂程度对FFF计划验证结果的影响是负面的。上述结果提示临床应针对性地选择计划验证工具来确保治疗的安全有效。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate whether the electronic portal imaging (EPI) acquisition process could be optimized, and as a result tolerance and action levels be set for the PIPSPro QC-3V phantom image quality assessment. The aim of the optimization process was to reduce the dose delivered to the patient while maintaining a clinically acceptable image quality. This is of interest when images are acquired in addition to the planned patient treatment, rather than images being acquired using the treatment field during a patient's treatment. A series of phantoms were used to assess image quality for different acquisition settings relative to the baseline values obtained following acceptance testing. Eight Varian aS500 EPID systems on four matched Varian 600C/D linacs and four matched Varian 2100C/D linacs were compared for consistency of performance and images were acquired at the four main orthogonal gantry angles. Images were acquired using a 6 MV beam operating at 100 MU min(-1) and the low-dose acquisition mode. Doses used in the comparison were measured using a Farmer ionization chamber placed at d(max) in solid water. The results demonstrated that the number of reset frames did not have any influence on the image contrast, but the number of frame averages did. The expected increase in noise with corresponding decrease in contrast was also observed when reducing the number of frame averages. The optimal settings for the low-dose acquisition mode with respect to image quality and dose were found to be one reset frame and three frame averages. All patients at the Northern Ireland Cancer Centre are now imaged using one reset frame and three frame averages in the 6 MV 100 MU min(-1) low-dose acquisition mode. Routine EPID QC contrast tolerance (+/-10) and action (+/-20) levels using the PIPSPro phantom based around expected values of 190 (Varian 600C/D) and 225 (Varian 2100C/D) have been introduced. The dose at dmax from electronic portal imaging has been reduced by approximately 28%, and while the image quality has been reduced, the images produced are still clinically acceptable.  相似文献   

Point kernels have been generated and applied for calculation of scatter dose distributions around monoenergetic point sources for photon energies ranging from 28 to 662 keV. Three different approaches for dose calculations have been compared: a single-kernel superposition method, a single-kernel superposition method where the point kernels are approximated as isotropic and a novel 'successive-scattering' superposition method for improved modelling of the dose from multiply scattered photons. An extended version of the EGS4 Monte Carlo code was used for generating the kernels and for benchmarking the absorbed dose distributions calculated with the superposition methods. It is shown that dose calculation by superposition at and below 100 keV can be simplified by using isotropic point kernels. Compared to the assumption of full in-scattering made by algorithms currently in clinical use, the single-kernel superposition method improves dose calculations in a half-phantom consisting of air and water. Further improvements are obtained using the successive-scattering superposition method, which reduces the overestimates of dose close to the phantom surface usually associated with kernel superposition methods at brachytherapy photon energies. It is also shown that scatter dose point kernels can be parametrized to biexponential functions, making them suitable for use with an effective implementation of the collapsed cone superposition algorithm.  相似文献   

Regions with steep dose gradients are often encountered in clinical x-ray beams, especially with the growing use of intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). Such regions are present both at field edges and, for IMRT, in the vicinity of the projection of sensitive anatomical structures in the treatment field. Dose measurements in these regions are often difficult and labour intensive, while dose prediction may be inaccurate. A dedicated algorithm developed in our institution for conversion of pixel values, measured with a charged coupled device camera based fluoroscopic electronic portal imaging device (EPID), into absolute absorbed doses at the EPID plane has an accuracy of 1-2% for flat and smoothly modulated fields. However, in the current algorithm there is no mechanism to correct for the (short-range) differences in lateral electron transport between water and the metal plate with the fluorescent layer in the EPID. Moreover, lateral optical photon transport in the fluorescent layer is not taken into account. This results in large deviations (>10%) in the penumbra region of these fields. We have investigated the differences between dose profiles measured in water and with the EPID for small heavily peaked fields. A convolution kernel has been developed to empirically describe these differences. After applying the derived kernel to raw EPID images, a general agreement within 2% was obtained with the water measurements in the central region of the fields, and within 0.03 cm in the penumbra region. These results indicate that the EPID is well suited for accurate dosimetric verification of steep gradient x-ray fields.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the increase in exit surface dose resulting from backscattered radiation generated by the Varian amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (EPID). An increase of < or = 14% was demonstrated at both 6 MV and 10 MV, in a manner which suggests that backscatter from the EPID acts to re-establish electronic equilibrium at the exit surface, normally absent in the build-down region. The magnitude of this effect was influenced by field size, measurement depth and exit surface to EPID distance. Assuming typical constraints of portal imaging frequency and geometry, the results suggest that EPID generated backscatter is unlikely to alter the frequency or severity of exit skin reactions. However, the results do suggest that a limit on the minimum separation between the EPID and the exit surface should be set, and that similar investigations should be made for other EPID models.  相似文献   

The 'monoenergetic' electron loss model was derived in a previous work to account for pathlength straggling in the Fermi-Eyges pencil beam problem. In this paper, we extend this model to account for energy-loss straggling and secondary knock-on electron transport in order to adequately predict a depth dose curve. To model energy-loss straggling, we use a weighted superposition of a discrete number of monoenergetic pencil beams with different initial energies where electrons travel along the depth-energy characteristics in the continuous slowing down approximation (CSDA). The energy straggling spectrum at depth determines the weighting assigned to each monoenergetic pencil beam. Supplemented by a simple transport model for the secondary knock-on electrons, the 'energy-dependent' electron loss model predicts both lateral and depth dose distributions from the electron pencil beams in good agreement with Monte Carlo calculations and measurements. The calculation of dose distribution from a pencil beam takes 0.2 s on a Pentium III 500 MHz computer. Being computationally fast, the 'energy-dependent' electron loss model can be used for the calculation of 3D energy deposition kernels in dose optimization schemes without using precalculated or measured data.  相似文献   

The effect of physical characteristics on active matrix flat panel imagers (AMFPIs) at megavoltage energies is studied. The detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of both direct and indirect AMFPIs is modeled using a modified cascade analysis combined with Monte Carlo simulations. It is found that for a given thickness of the sensitive layer less than about 1 mm, there should be no significant difference between the detection techniques, but for larger mass thicknesses (> or = 1 mm) there should be an advantage to using direct detection if such thick layers can be manufactured. The effect of the front plate on both direct and indirect techniques is also explored in terms of both the DQE and scatter rejection. It is found that for small sensitive layer thicknesses (< or =0.3 mm) a front plate thickness of about 1 mm Cu is optimal, whereas for larger mass thicknesses about 0.4 mm Cu should lead to better image quality.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to compare the image and dosimetric quality of two different imaging systems. The first one is a fluoroscopic electronic portal imaging device (first generation), while the second is based on an amorphous silicon flat-panel array (second generation). The parameters describing image quality include spatial resolution [modulation transfer function (MTF)], noise [noise power spectrum (NPS)], and signal-to-noise transfer [detective quantum efficiency (DQE)]. The dosimetric measurements were compared with ionization chamber as well as with film measurements. The response of the flat-panel imager and the fluoroscopic-optical device was determined performing a two-step Monte Carlo simulation. All measurements were performed in a 6 MV linear accelerator photon beam. The resolution (MTF) of the fluoroscopic device (f 1/2 = 0.3 mm(-1)) is larger than of the amorphous silicon based system (f 1/2 = 0.21 mm(-1)), which is due to the missing backscattered photons and the smaller pixel size. The noise measurements (NPS) show the correlation of neighboring pixels of the amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device, whereas the NPS of the fluoroscopic system is frequency independent. At zero spatial frequency the DQE of the flat-panel imager has a value of 0.008 (0.8%). Due to the minor frequency dependency this device may be almost x-ray quantum limited. Monte Carlo simulations verified these characteristics. For the fluoroscopic imaging system the DQE at low frequencies is about 0.0008 (0.08%) and degrades with higher frequencies. Dose measurements with the flat-panel imager revealed that images can only be directly converted to portal dose images, if scatter can be neglected. Thus objects distant to the detector (e.g., inhomogeneous dose distribution generated by a modificator) can be verified dosimetrically, while objects close to a detector (e.g., a patient) cannot be verified directly and must be scatter corrected prior to verification. This is justified by the response of the flat-panel imaging device revealing a strong dependency at low energies.  相似文献   

Images acquired from an electronic portal imaging device are aligned with digitally reconstructed radiographs (DRRs) or other portal images to verify patient positioning during radiation therapy. Most of the currently available computer aided registration methods are based on the manual placement of corresponding landmarks. The purpose of the paper is twofold: (a) the establishment of a methodology for patient set-up verification during radiotherapy based on the registration of electronic portal images, and (b) the evaluation of the proposed methodology in a clinical environment. The estimation of set-up errors, using the proposed methodology, can be accomplished by matching the portal image of the current fraction of the treatment with the portal image of the baseline treatment (reference portal image) using a nearly automated technique. The proposed registration method is tested on a number of phantom data as well as on data from four patients. The phantom data included portal images that corresponded to various positions of the phantom on the treatment couch. For each patient, a set of 30 portal images was used. For the phantom data (for both transverse and lateral portal images), the maximum absolute deviations of the translational shifts were within 1.5 mm, whereas the in-plane rotation angle error was less than 0.5 degrees. The two-way Anova revealed no statistical significant variability both within observer and between-observer measurements (P > 0.05). For the patient data, the mean values obtained with manual and the proposed registration methods were within 0.5 mm. In conclusion, the proposed registration method has been incorporated within a system, called ESTERR-PRO. Its image registration capability achieves high accuracy and both intra- and inter-user reproducibility. The system is fully operational within the Radiotherapy Department of 'HYGEIA' Hospital in Athens and it could be easily installed in any other clinical environment since it requires standardized hardware specifications and minimal human intervention.  相似文献   

Convolution/superposition (C/S) is regarded as the standard dose calculation method in most modern radiotherapy treatment planning systems. Different implementations of C/S could result in significantly different dose distributions. This paper addresses two major implementation issues associated with collapsed cone C/S: one is how to utilize the tabulated kernels instead of analytical parametrizations and the other is how to deal with voxel size effects. Three methods that utilize the tabulated kernels are presented in this paper. These methods differ in the effective kernels used: the differential kernel (DK), the cumulative kernel (CK) or the cumulative-cumulative kernel (CCK). They result in slightly different computation times but significantly different voxel size effects. Both simulated and real multi-resolution dose calculations are presented. For simulation tests, we use arbitrary kernels and various voxel sizes with a homogeneous phantom, and assume forward energy transportation only. Simulations with voxel size up to 1 cm show that the CCK algorithm has errors within 0.1% of the maximum gold standard dose. Real dose calculations use a heterogeneous slab phantom, both the 'broad' (5 x 5 cm2) and the 'narrow' (1.2 x 1.2 cm2) tomotherapy beams. Various voxel sizes (0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm, 4 mm and 8 mm) are used for dose calculations. The results show that all three algorithms have negligible difference (0.1%) for the dose calculation in the fine resolution (0.5 mm voxels). But differences become significant when the voxel size increases. As for the DK or CK algorithm in the broad (narrow) beam dose calculation, the dose differences between the 0.5 mm voxels and the voxels up to 8 mm (4 mm) are around 10% (7%) of the maximum dose. As for the broad (narrow) beam dose calculation using the CCK algorithm, the dose differences between the 0.5 mm voxels and the voxels up to 8 mm (4 mm) are around 1% of the maximum dose. Among all three methods, the CCK algorithm is demonstrated to be the most accurate one for multi-resolution dose calculations.  相似文献   

Certain types of camera-based electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) which initiate image acquisition based on sensing a change in video level have been observed to trigger unreliably at the beginning of dynamic multileaf collimation sequences. A simple, novel means of controlling image acquisition with an Elekta linear accelerator (Elekta Oncology Systems, Crawley, UK) is proposed which is based on illumination of a photodetector (ORP-12, Silonex Inc., Plattsburgh, NY, USA) by the electron gun of the accelerator. By incorporating a simple trigger circuit it is possible to derive a beam on/off status signal which changes at least 100 ms before any dose is measured by the accelerator. The status signal does not return to the beam-off state until all dose has been delivered and is suitable for accelerator pulse repetition frequencies of 50-400 Hz. The status signal is thus a reliable means of indicating the initiation and termination of radiation exposure, and thus controlling image acquisition of such EPIDs for this application.  相似文献   

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