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The mucosal plasma exudate with its proteins, enzymes, derived peptides, and matrix molecules is an important factor in inflammatory airway diseases. This study investigated whether topical glucocorticosteroid treatment influences mucosal exudation of bulk plasma (fibrinogen) and the generation of plasma-derived mediators (bradykinins) in seasonal allergic rhinitis. Twenty-two patients with birch-pollen-induced allergic rhinitis participated in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study during the birch pollen season in 1989. After a 2-week run-in period, the participants received treatment with budesonide (200 μg per nasal cavity and day) or placebo. The patients kept a diary to record their daily nasal symptoms (itching, sneezing, nasal blockage, and secretion). The amount of birch pollen in the air was determined with the aid of a Burkhard pollen trap. A nasal lavage was performed once a week, and the levels of bradykinins and fibrinogen were determined in the lavage fluid samples. The birch pollen season was very mild, resulting in only minor nasal symptoms. In spite of the low pollen exposure, treatment with budesonide reduced the lavage fluid levels of both bradykinins and fibrinogen. The present results show that topical glucocorticosteroid treatment attenuates plasma exudation and the generation of plasma-derived mediators in seasonal allergic rhinitis. This action may not result from simple vascular antipermeability effects of the drug but may rather reflect the anti-inflammatory efficacy of topical glucocorticoids in the airway mucosa.  相似文献   

Sohn SW  Lee HS  Park HW  Chang YS  Kim YK  Cho SH  Kim YY  Min KU 《Allergy》2008,63(3):268-273
Background:  Although airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) is a characteristic feature of asthma, it is also frequently present in allergic rhinitis (AR). However, the pathogenesis of AHR is unclear and the roles of cytokines in the airway have not been well established in AR. We sought to compare cytokine mRNA levels in the sputum of AR patients with or without AHR and those of asthma patients, and to evaluate whether differences in cytokine levels are associated with the development of an abnormal airway response and the absence of respiratory symptoms in AR patients with AHR.
Methods:  Airway cells were obtained by sputum induction from 18 AR patients with AHR, 58 AR patients without AHR, and 27 asthma patients. Airway cell cytokine levels, interleukin (IL) -4, IL-5, IL-13, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), were studied at the mRNA level by RT-PCR.
Results:  Vascular endothelial growth factor and IL-5 mRNA levels were significantly higher in AR patients with AHR than in AR patients without AHR, but these were lower than those of asthmatic patients. Eosinophils were significantly higher in AR patients with AHR and in asthmatic patients than in AR patients without AHR. Interleukin-4, IL-13, and IFN-γ levels were not elevated in AR patients with or without AHR vs asthma patients.
Conclusions:  These findings suggest that VEGF and IL-5 can be important determinants of the development of AHR in AR patients and that lower levels of other cytokines may be associated with the absence of asthmatic symptoms in AR patients with AHR.  相似文献   

Although H1 antihistamine compounds (H1) are highly effective in the treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR), their role in the treatment of asthma is still controversial. Because a strong association between AR and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) has been reported, this study was designed to assess the effect of a new H1 anti histamine, cetirizine (C), on nonspecific BHR in patients with AR. Twelve patients were included in a double-blind, crossover, placebo-controlled trial. All patients had positive skin tests for common allergens and showed BHR to inhaled methacholine after specific nasal allergenic challenge. After a washout period of 1 week to ensure the stability of the BHR, the patients received, by crossover randomization, C 10 mg daily or placebo (P) for 2 weeks. After each treatment period, BHR and nasal blocking index (NBI) were measured 1 and 6 h after nasal challenge. Bronchial responsiveness was expressed as methacholine PD20, the provocation dose of methacholine causing a 20% decrease in FEV1. Measurements were then performed after 2 weeks of C and after 2 weeks of P. Baseline values of PD20 (median) measured before challenge showed no difference after cetirizine or after placebo (1.36 mg). Results 1 h after allergen did not show significant differences between C (methacholine PD20=0.522 mg) and placebo (methacholine PD20=0.455 mg). By contrast, 6 h after challenge, methacholine PD20 was 0.918 mg for C and 0.483 mg for P (P=0.042). Similarly, NBI showed no change between C and P 1 h after challenge, whereas the difference was significant 6 h after challenge (P=0.011 ). These data demonstrate a protective nasal effect of C against BHR measured 6 h after nasal allergen challenge in patients with AR. They suggest that C may be useful in patients with asthma associated with AR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cysteinyl leukotrienes (CysLTs) are bioactive lipids that have been shown to contribute to allergic and inflammatory diseases. Eosinophils and mast cells have the capacity to produce large amounts of CysLTs after allergic or non-allergic stimulation. Molecular identification of both the synthetic and signalling proteins in the CysLT pathway allows the investigation of expression of the CysLT enzymes and receptors in active allergic rhinitis. OBJECTIVE: We examined the expression of the proteins involved in the synthesis of CysLTs and the cysteinyl leukotriene-1 (CysLT1) and cysteinyl leukotriene-2 (CysLT2) receptors in inflammatory cells from patients with active seasonal allergic rhinitis. METHODS: Nasal lavage samples were obtained from patients during active seasonal allergic rhinitis. Specific cellular immunocytochemical techniques were used to detect the cysteinyl leukotriene synthetic proteins, namely 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO), 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP) and leukotriene C4 synthase (LTC4S). In situ hybridization and immunocytochemical techniques were used to identify the mRNA and proteins for the CysLT1 and CysLT2 receptors. RESULTS: 5-LO, FLAP and LTC4S, and the CysLT1 and CysLT2 receptors were expressed in the majority of eosinophils and in subsets of mast cells and mononuclear cells. 5-LO, FLAP and the CysLT1 receptor, but not LTC4S or the CysLT2 receptor, were expressed in a subset of nasal neutrophils. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates the presence of CysLT pathway proteins in key allergic and inflammatory cells from the upper airway of patients with active seasonal allergic rhinitis. Our expression data highlight the potential of CysLT-modifying agents to treat both upper and lower airway symptoms in patients suffering from allergic rhinitis and asthma.  相似文献   

This study compares the effects of two topical nasal treatments for allergic rhinitis, budesonide and levocabastine, on symptom development during seasonal pollen exposure. Additionally, the protective effects of drug treatments on allergen-challenge-induced responses (symptoms and microvascular exudation of plasma) are examined late into the pollen season. Forty-four patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis to birch pollen participated in this single-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study. Topical nasal treatment with either levocabastine (200 p.g b.i.d.: n = 16), budesonide (200 μg b.i.d.; n = 16), or placebo (n= 12) was instituted before the start of the pollen season and continued for 5 weeks until the end of the birch pollen season. The participants kept diaries for scores of nasal and ocular symptoms. Nasal allergen challenges with increasing doses of a birch pollen extract (102, 103 and lC SQ-U) were carried out both before, when patients were asymptomatic and without treatment, and late into the pollen season. A nasal lavage followed each challenge, and the lavage fluid levels of albumin were measured as an index of the acute inflammatory response of the allergic mucosa. The birch pollen season was rather mild, producing only small increases in nasal symptoms. Budesonide treatment reduced the total nasal symptoms compared to placebo (P<0.01) and to levocabastine (P<0.05), while levocabastine treatment did not differ significantly from placebo. Ocular symptoms and use of rescue medication did not differ between placebo and the active treatments. At the end of the pollen season, both treatments reduced allergen-challenge-induced nasal symptoms compared to placebo (P<0.01). Only budesonide reduced allergen-challenge- induced increments of albumin levels in postchallenge nasal lavage fluids (P<0.05, in comparison with placebo). The results suggest that budesonide reduces both seasonal and allergen-challenge-induced nasal symptoms, while levocabastine is effective against allergen-challenge-induced symptoms also during the season. In addition, the topical steroid treatment, but not the antihistamine, inhibits the inflammatory exudation evoked by allergen challenge in patients with active seasonal disease.  相似文献   

Higashi N  Taniguchi M  Mita H  Ishii T  Akiyama K 《Allergy》2003,58(6):476-480
BACKGROUND: Cysteinyl-leukotrienes have been reported to have a primary role in the induction of nasal blockage of allergic rhinitis. However, there has been little experimental evidence that substantiates the relationship between nasal blockage severity and urinary leukotriene E4 (U-LTE4) concentration in patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR). METHODS: The concentrations of urinary mediators in 20 SAR patients were measured using an enzyme immunoassay to determine the relationship between nasal blockage severity and U-LTE4 concentration in patients with SAR. RESULTS: The basal U-LTE4 concentration was significantly higher in SAR patients with severe nasal blockage than in those with mild nasal blockage and in healthy control subjects. Although U-LTE4 concentrationwas significantly higher in patients with both asthma and SAR than in SAR patients with mild nasal blockage, no significant difference in the U-LTE4 concentration between patients with both asthma and SAR and SAR patients with severe nasal blockage was found. There was a significant correlation between U-LTE4 and urinary 9alpha11beta-prostoglandin F2 (9alpha11betaPGF2) concentrations (rs = 0.51, P = 0.02) in SAR patients. CONCLUSIONS: Although specific sites and cells of cysteinyl-leukotriene biosynthesis could not be determined in this study, severe nasal blockage is associated with the increased excretion level of U-LTE4.  相似文献   

Choi SH  Yoo Y  Yu J  Rhee CS  Min YG  Koh YY 《Allergy》2007,62(9):1051-1056
BACKGROUND: Subjects with allergic rhinitis but no clinical evidence of asthma have greater bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR), and several factors have been implicated as its determinants. However, studies in young children are lacking. The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of BHR in young children with allergic rhinitis and to investigate its risk factors. METHODS: Methacholine bronchial challenges were performed in 4- to 6-year-old nonasthmatic children with allergic rhinitis (n = 83) and in healthy nonatopic controls (n = 32), using a modified auscultation method. The end-point was defined as the appearance of wheezing and/or oxygen desaturation. Subjects were considered to have BHR when they had end-point concentrations of methacholine 相似文献   

炎症细胞和结构细胞促进哮喘患者支气管的急性收缩和慢性气道重建。当前哮喘的治疗不能有效地抑制气道高反应性和气道重建。近来发现Rho激酶在哮喘的发病中起重要作用,而Rho激酶抑制剂可抑制气道平滑肌收缩、调节气道平滑肌特异性的基因转录、减轻气道壁增厚和气道炎症,从而减轻急性和慢性气道高反应性。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We aimed to study the participation of neurogenic mechanisms in nasal allergic inflammation by assessing the effect of neurogenic stimulation on the secretory and cellular responses of nasal mucosa in patients with allergic rhinitis. METHODS: A group of patients suffering from seasonal allergic rhinitis was challenged intranasally with incremental doses of capsaicin (0.3, 3, 12 microg) during and after the pollen season. Clinical symptoms after provocations were monitored, and unilateral nasal lavages were obtained. The nasal lavage fluid (NAL) was assayed for concentration of total protein, albumin, lactoferrin, and number of leukocytes, following by differential count. RESULTS: Capsaicin challenge during the pollen season produced greater congestion (P < 0.01) and rhinorrhea (P < 0.05) than after the season. The intensity of burning sensation (pain) was similar on both occasions. Capsaicin failed to increase albumin content in NAL both during and after the season. Total protein was increased only after the highest dose of capsaicin (P < 0.03) after the season. The number of eosinophils in basal lavages was higher during the season. During the season, the total number of leukocytes at least doubled in 7/12 patients and the percentage of eosinophils increased in 6/12 patients after the capsaicin challenge. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrated that during the symptomatic period the nasal mucosa of allergic patients is more susceptible to neurogenic stimulation, showing enhanced secretory and inflammatory (cellular) responses.  相似文献   

Kurowski M  Kuna P  Górski P 《Allergy》2004,59(3):280-288
BACKGROUND: The aim of our study was to investigate effects of 6-week pretreatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (AR) with cetirizine, and montelukast, alone and in combination. Antihistamine/antileukotriene treatment is effective in AR. Antihistamines may prevent AR symptoms while prophylactic activity of antileukotrienes remains unclear. METHODS: Sixty AR patients, aged 18-35 years, were randomized to receive placebo, montelukast only, cetirizine only, or montelukast plus cetirizine, 6 weeks prior and 6 weeks after the beginning of grass pollen season. Mean self-recorded in-season symptom scores and mean weekly all-symptom scores were analyzed. In 31 patients, nasal lavages were performed before treatment, and at the end of the study, i.e. 12 weeks after the treatment initiation. Eosinophil and basophil counts, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and mast cell tryptase (MCT) levels were evaluated in lavage samples. RESULTS: Combined montelukast/cetirizine pretreatment significantly reduced in-season symptom score for sneezing, eye itching, nasal itching, rhinorrhea, and congestion. Montelukast plus cetirizine were more effective than cetirizine alone in preventing eye itching, rhinorrhea, and nasal itching. Moreover, combined pretreatment with montelukast and cetirizine delayed appearance of AR symptoms. Eosinophil nasal lavage fluid counts were significantly increased during pollen season in placebo and montelukast-only groups. No differences were observed in basophil counts. The in-season ECP level was significantly increased in all groups except montelukast-plus-cetirizine group. In-season MCT levels were not increased. CONCLUSION: Combined antihistamine and antileukotriene treatment started 6 weeks before the pollen season is effective in preventing AR symptoms and reduces allergic inflammation in nasal mucosa during natural allergen exposure.  相似文献   

Nasal and skin histamine responses in allergic rhinitis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Koh YI  Choi IS  Oh IJ  Hong SN  Sim MK 《Allergy》2002,57(11):1082-1083

Background Although it has been suggested that the use of tachykinin receptor antagonists might prove to be an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis (AR), they are not used clinically. Therefore, we decided to examine the effects of tachykinin receptor antagonists on AR symptoms in an appropriate experimental model. Objective To evaluate newly developed tachykinin receptor antagonists in a Japanese cedar pollen‐induced AR model and to determine their effect on allergen‐induced sneezing, nasal blockage, and nasal hyperresponsiveness (NHR). Methods Sensitized guinea‐pigs were challenged by forced inhalation of pollen once every week. Sneezing and nasal blockage were observed after pollen challenges. NHR (nasal blockage) to an intranasal application of leukotriene D4 was assessed 2 days after an antigen challenge. We also evaluated whether intranasal dosing with a tachykinin causes NHR. NK1 and NK2 receptor antagonists were administered before an intranasal treatment with antigen or tachykinin. Amounts of tachykinins present in nasal cavity lavage fluid were measured by an enzyme immunoassay. Results Although an NK1 and NK2 receptor dual antagonist showed no effect on pollen‐induced sneezing and biphasic nasal blockage, it did completely suppress the development of NHR. Experiments using specific NK1 or NK2 receptor antagonists revealed that NK2 receptor activation was preferentially involved in the development of hyperresponsiveness. Increases in the levels of substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) in the nasal tissue were noted 20 min–1 h after the challenge. Intranasal instillation of either SP or NKA‐induced NHR, which was almost completely inhibited by NK2 receptor antagonists and partially inhibited by NK1 receptor antagonists. Conclusions SP and NKA, which are released early after the challenge, mediate the development of NHR by preferentially activating NK2 receptors. Therefore, NK2 receptor antagonists might prove to be effective treatment of AR.  相似文献   

M. Andersson  L. Michel  J.B. Llull  U. Pipkorn   《Allergy》1994,49(4):242-245
Complement is a system of functionally linked serum proteins that interact to exert biologic effects in inflammatory and immunologic processes. As part of a larger study with a potential topical antiallergic drug, we measured C3a des Arg and C5a des Arg in 13 patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis and in five nonatopic controls after placebo treatment. After 1 week of placebo treatment, a nasal allergen challenge with increasing doses of pollens was performed in both allergic subjects and controls. A symptom score method was used, and in returned nasal lavage fluid, the activity of C3a des Arg and C5a des Arg was measured. We found that allergen challenge in the allergic subjects induced nasal symptoms concomitantly with increased levels of C3a des Arg and C5a des Arg ( P <0.05). No increases either in symptoms or in the very low base-line levels of C3a des Arg and C5a des Arg were observed in the nonallergic controls. We conclude that the activation of the complement cascade is one part of the vasculature exudative response during the immediate allergic reaction in the upper airways. Because of their biologic potency, these proteins may be an essential part of the exudative response which perpetuates the ongoing inflammatory reaction.  相似文献   

Bronchial eosinophilic inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) are the main features of allergic asthma (AA), but they have also been demonstrated in allergic rhinitis (AR), suggesting a continuity between both diseases. In spite of not fully reproducing natural allergenic exposure, the allergen bronchial provocation test (A-BPT) has provided important knowledge of the pathophysiology of AA. Our aim was to verify the existence of a behavior of AA and AR airways different from the allergen bronchial challenge-induced airway eosinophilic inflammation and BHR changes. We studied a group of 31 mild and short-evolution AA and 15 AR patients, sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. The A-BPT was performed with a partially biologically standardized D. pteronyssinus extract, and known quantities of Der p 1 were inhaled. Peripheral blood (eosinophils and ECP) and induced sputum (percentage cell counts, ECP, albumin, tryptase, and interleukin [IL]-5) were analyzed, before and 24 h after A-BPT. Methacholine BHR, assessed before and 32 h after the A-BPT, was defined by M-PD20 values and, when possible, by maximal response plateau (MRP). The A-BPT was well tolerated by all the patients. AA presented a lower Der p 1 PD20 and a higher occurrence of late-phase responses (LPR). M-PD20 values decreased in AA, but not in AR, patients. MRP values increased in both groups. Eosinophils numbers and ECP levels increased in blood and sputum from both AA and AR, but only the absolute increment of sputum ECP levels was higher in AA than AR patients (P = 0.025). The A-BPT induced no change in sputum albumin, tryptase, or IL-5 values. We conclude as follows: 1) In spite of presenting a lower degree of bronchial sensitivity to allergen, AR patients responded to allergen inhalation with an eosinophilic inflammation enhancement very similar to that observed among AA. 2) MRP levels increased in both AA and AR patients after allergen challenge; however, M-PD20 values significantly changed only in the AA group, suggesting that the components of the airway response to methacholine were controlled by different mechanisms. 3) It is possible that the differences between AR and AA lie only in the quantitative bronchial response to allergen inhalation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Low-dose allergen challenge (LDAC) may be a useful tool for studying the capacity of allergens to induce airway inflammation in atopic subjects. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate lower airway inflammatory changes following repeated inhalation of very low doses of allergen (VLDAC) in non-asthmatic subjects with allergic rhinitis (NAAR) compared with mild allergic asthmatic subjects (AA). METHODS: Fourteen NAAR and 11 AA were seen out of the pollen season and had skin prick tests with common aeroallergens. Baseline spirometry (S) and methacholine challenge (MC) were done and blood and induced sputum (IS) differential cell counts were obtained. Each subject underwent VLDAC on four consecutive mornings with a relevant allergen. S, MC, and blood and IS samplings were repeated 6 h after the second and fourth VLDAC and one week later. RESULTS: Although there were, as expected, no changes in FEV1 or PC20 in either group, mean percentage eosinophils on IS were significantly increased in NAAR on day 2 of VLDAC and decreased in all but one subject on day 4, with a tendency to return to baseline levels one week later. In AA, there was a non-significant trend for sputum eosinophils to increase on day 2; four subjects showed a decrease of eosinophils on day 4 of VLDAC. There was a correlation between eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) levels and eosinophil counts in NAAR throughout the study. There were no variations in other sputum cells or blood inflammatory cells. CONCLUSION: VLDAC can increase the percentage of eosinophils in IS of NAAR subjects without associated respiratory symptoms nor physiological modifications. A reduction in eosinophilic response despite repeated exposure, more common in NAAR subjects, suggests an adaptation process that needs to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Eosinophil markers in seasonal allergic rhinitis   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
Background The purpose was to study activation markers of the eosinophil granulocytes in seasonal allergic rhinitis, and the impact of topical steroid therapy thereupon.
Methods Sixty-three rhinitis patients with monoallergy to grass were examined before and at peak pollen season. Blood eosinophil count, eosinophil cationic protein (ECP), and eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) in serum and nasal lavage fluid were measured. During the season, patients were randomized to treatment with intranasal fluticasone propionate 0.1 mg o.d. ( n =26), 0.2 mg o.d. ( n =25), or placebo (n = 12). Six healthy persons served as controls.
Results During the season, all parameters, except nasal lavage ECP, increased in the placebo group (P<0.001 – P<0.05). Significant differences were seen between the steroid grotips and the placebo group for all parameters (P<0.001–F<0.05). Higher eosinophil count (P<0.05), serum EPO (F<0.02), and nasal lavage EPO (P<0.05) were found in patients before season than in controls. The following winter, 44 patients returned for repeated measurement. Lower levels of nasal lavage EPO were observed for patients than levels at the beginning of the season (P<0.0001).
Conclusions Intranasal fluticasone propionate reduced inflammation of the nasal mucosa, demonstrated locally by nasal lavage ECP and EPO, and systemically by blood eosinophils, serum ECP, and serum EPO. EPO seemed more sensitive than ECP as indicator of allergic inflammation. EPO demonstrated some perennial eosinophil activity in hay fever patients, increasing locally during spring.  相似文献   

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