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AIMS: The histomorphometric assessment of bone formation rate (BFR/BS) in bone biopsies from uraemic patients is of crucial importance in differentiating low from high turnover types of renal osteodystrophy. However, since BFR/BS relies on osteoblasts, activation frequency (Ac.f), encompassing all remodelling phases, has recently been preferred to BFR/BS. This study was carried out to consider whether estimation of Ac.f is superior, in practical terms, to that of BFR/BS in distinguishing between different rates of bone turnover in uraemic patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Bone biopsies from 27 patients in predialysis (20 men and seven women; mean age 53 +/- 12 years) and 37 in haemodialysis (22 men and 15 women; mean age 53 +/- 12 years) were examined. The types of renal osteodystrophy were classified on the basis of morphology. Bone formation rate and Ac.f were evaluated according to standardized procedures. The Ac.f was calculated both as a ratio between BFR/BS and wall thickness (W.Th) and as a reciprocal of erosion, formation and quiescent periods (EP, FP and QP). Patients were affected by renal osteodystrophy with predominant hyperparathyroidism (two predialysis and 16 dialysis), predominant osteomalacia (three predialysis and seven dialysis) or that of advanced (nine predialysis and five dialysis) or mild (seven predialysis and four dialysis) mixed type or adynamic type (six predialysis and five dialysis). Activation frequency, which with either formula requires the measurement of W.Th, i.e. the thickness of bone structural units (BSUs), was not calculated in three dialysis patients with severe hyperparathyroidism and in one predialysis and four dialysis patients with severe osteomalacia, because only incomplete BSUs were found. In dialysis, EP was higher in the adynamic than in the other types of osteodystrophy. During both predialysis and dialysis, FP was higher in osteomalacia than in the other forms of osteodystrophy, and in adynamic osteopathy than in hyperparathyroidism or in advanced and mild mixed osteodystrophy. During predialysis and dialysis, QP was higher in the adynamic than in the other forms of osteodystrophy. Correlations were found between BFR/BS and Ac.f, during predialysis (r=0.97) and dialysis (r=0.95). CONCLUSIONS: The superiority of Ac.f in assessing bone turnover, in comparison to BFR/BS, is conceptual rather than practical. The highest values for FP in osteomalacia and for QP in adynamic bone allow a clearer characterization of these low turnover conditions.  相似文献   

A novel technique for determining the collagen fibre orientation pattern of cross-sections of cortical bone was used to study mid-diaphyseal sections from the equine radius. Several in vivo strain gauge studies have demonstrated that this bone is loaded in bending during locomotion in such a way that the cranial cortex is consistently subjected to longitudinal tensile strains and the caudal cortex to longitudinal compressive strains. Twenty-three radii from 17 horses were studied. All the bones obtained from adult horses exhibited a consistent pattern of collagen fibre orientation across the cortex. The cranial cortex, subjected to intermittent tension, and the lateral and medial cortices, through which the neutral axis passes, contained predominantly longitudinally oriented collagen fibres. The caudal cortex, subjected to longitudinal compression during life, contained predominantly oblique/transverse collagen. This pattern was less evident in bones from foals. Microscopic analysis of the bones studied showed that primary lamellar bone was composed of predominantly longitudinal collagen fibres, irrespective of cortex. However, there was a strong relationship between cortical location and fibre orientation within remodelled bone. Secondary osteons which formed in the caudal (compressive) cortex contained predominantly oblique/transverse collagen, while those which formed elsewhere contained longitudinal collagen. This observation explained the developmental appearance of the characteristic macroscopic pattern of collagen fibre orientation across the whole cortex in the adult. These findings provide evidence for the existence of a relationship between the mechanical function of a bone with its architecture, and now demonstrate that it extends to the molecular level.  相似文献   

Human skull morphology results from complex processes that involve the coordinated growth and interaction of its skeletal components to keep a functional and structural balance. Previous histological works have studied the growth of different craniofacial regions and their relationship to functional spaces in humans up to 14 years old. Nevertheless, how the growth dynamics of the facial skeleton and the mandible are related and how this relationship changes through the late ontogeny remain poorly understood. To approach these two questions, we have compared the bone modelling activities of the craniofacial skeleton from a sample of subadult and adult humans. In this study, we have established for the first time the bone modelling pattern of the face and the mandible from adult humans. Our analyses reveal a patchy distribution of the bone modelling fields (overemphasized by the presence of surface islands with no histological information) reflecting the complex growth dynamics associated to the individual morphology. Subadult and adult specimens show important differences in the bone modelling patterns of the anterior region of the facial skeleton and the posterior region of the mandible. These differences indicate developmental changes in the growth directions of the whole craniofacial complex, from a predominantly downward growth in subadults that turns to a forward growth observed in the adult craniofacial skeleton. We hypothesize that these ontogenetic changes would respond to the physiological and physical requirements to enlarge the oral and nasal cavities once maturation of the brain and the closure of the cranial sutures have taken place during craniofacial development.  相似文献   

Abel R  Macho GA 《Journal of anatomy》2011,218(3):324-335
Trabecular architecture forms an important structural component of bone and, depending on the loading conditions encountered during life, is organised in a systematic, bone- and species-specific manner. However, recent studies suggested that gross trabecular arrangement (e.g. density distribution), like overall bone shape, is predetermined and/or affected by factors other than loading and perhaps less plastic than commonly assumed. To explore this issue further, the present cross-sectional ontogenetic study investigated morphological changes in external bone shape in relation to changes in trabecular bundle orientation and anisotropy. Radiographs of 73 modern human ilia were assessed using radiographic and Geometric Morphometric techniques. The study confirmed the apparently strong predetermination of trabecular bundle development, i.e. prior to external loading, although loading clearly also had an effect on overall morphology. For example, the sacro-pubic bundle, which follows the path of load transmission from the auricular surface to the acetabulum, is well defined and shows relatively high levels of anisotropy from early stages of development; the situation for the ischio-iliac strut is similar. However, while the sacro-pubic strut retains a constant relationship with the external landmarks defining the joint surfaces, the ischio-iliac bundle changes its relationship with the external landmarks and becomes aligned with the iliac tubercle only during late adolescence/early adulthood. It is tentatively proposed that the rearrangement of the ischio-iliac strut may reflect a change in locomotor pattern and/or a shift in positional behavior with increasing mass after growth of external bone dimensions has slowed/ceased.  相似文献   

Experimental models are needed for resolving relative influences of genetic, epigenetic, and nonheritable functionally induced (extragenetic) factors in the emergence of developmental adaptations in limb bones of larger mammals. We examined regional/ontogenetic morphologic variations in sheep calcanei, which exhibit marked heterogeneity in structural and material organization by skeletal maturity. Cross‐sections and lateral radiographs of an ontogenetic series of domesticated sheep calcanei (fetal to adult) were examined for variations in biomechanically important structural (cortical thickness and trabecular architecture) and material (percent ash and predominant collagen fiber orientation) characteristics. Results showed delayed development of variations in cortical thickness and collagen fiber orientation, which correlate with extragenetic factors, including compression/tension strains of habitual bending in respective dorsal/plantar cortices and load‐related thresholds for modeling/remodeling activities. In contrast, the appearance of trabecular arches in utero suggests strong genetic/epigenetic influences. These stark spatial/temporal variations in sheep calcanei provide a compelling model for investigating causal mechanisms that mediate this construction. In view of these findings, it is also suggested that the conventional distinction between genetic and epigenetic factors in limb bone development be expanded into three categories: genetic, epigenetic, and extragenetic factors. Anat Rec, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study compares two novel methods quantifying bone shaft tissue distributions, and relates observations on human humeral growth patterns for applications in anthropological and anatomical research. Microstructural variation in compact bone occurs due to developmental and mechanically adaptive circumstances that are ‘recorded’ by forming bone and are important for interpretations of growth, health, physical activity, adaptation, and identity in the past and present. Those interpretations hinge on a detailed understanding of the modeling process by which bones achieve their diametric shape, diaphyseal curvature, and general position relative to other elements. Bone modeling is a complex aspect of growth, potentially causing the shaft to drift transversely through formation and resorption on opposing cortices. Unfortunately, the specifics of modeling drift are largely unknown for most skeletal elements. Moreover, bone modeling has seen little quantitative methodological development compared with secondary bone processes, such as intracortical remodeling. The techniques proposed here, starburst point‐count and 45° cross‐polarization hand‐drawn histomorphometry, permit the statistical and populational analysis of human primary tissue distributions and provide similar results despite being suitable for different applications. This analysis of a pooled archaeological and modern skeletal sample confirms the importance of extreme asymmetry in bone modeling as a major determinant of microstructural variation in diaphyses. Specifically, humeral drift is posteromedial in the human humerus, accompanied by a significant rotational trend. In general, results encourage the usage of endocortical primary bone distributions as an indicator and summary of bone modeling drift, enabling quantitative analysis by direction and proportion in other elements and populations.  相似文献   

Natural loading of the calcanei of deer, elk, sheep and horses produces marked regional differences in prevalent/predominant strain modes: compression in the dorsal cortex, shear in medial-lateral cortices, and tension/shear in the plantar cortex. This consistent non-uniform strain distribution is useful for investigating mechanisms that mediate the development of the remarkable regional material variations of these bones (e.g. collagen orientation, mineralization, remodeling rates and secondary osteon morphotypes, size and population density). Regional differences in strain-mode-specific microdamage prevalence and/or morphology might evoke and sustain the remodeling that produces this material heterogeneity in accordance with local strain characteristics. Adult calcanei from 11 animals of each species (deer, elk, sheep and horses) were transversely sectioned and examined using light and confocal microscopy. With light microscopy, 20 linear microcracks were identified (deer: 10; elk: six; horse: four; sheep: none), and with confocal microscopy substantially more microdamage with typically non-linear morphology was identified (deer: 45; elk: 24; horse: 15; sheep: none). No clear regional patterns of strain-mode-specific microdamage were found in the three species with microdamage. In these species, the highest overall concentrations occurred in the plantar cortex. This might reflect increased susceptibility of microdamage in habitual tension/shear. Absence of detectable microdamage in sheep calcanei may represent the (presumably) relatively greater physical activity of deer, elk and horses. Absence of differences in microdamage prevalence/morphology between dorsal, medial and lateral cortices of these bones, and the general absence of spatial patterns of strain-mode-specific microdamage, might reflect the prior emergence of non-uniform osteon-mediated adaptations that reduce deleterious concentrations of microdamage by the adult stage of bone development.  相似文献   

The cellular relationship between the substantia spongiosa of bone (cancellous or trabecular bone) and the haematopoietic bone marrow in the femoral metaphysis of C57BL/6NJCL mice was studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Special attention was directed to intercellular junctions between osteocytes, osteoblasts, and bone marrow reticular cells. These were gap junctions and adhesive devices of simple architecture referred to as primitive junctions or zonula adherens-like junctions. Gap junctions were observed between osteocytes (within the trabeculae) and osteoblasts (at the trabecular surface) and between osteoblasts and marrow reticular cells. Gap junctions were also observed between the same cell type within each of these categories. These junctions involved the plasmalemmal membranes of adjacent cell bodies and of processes. Primitive cell junctions had a similar cellular distribution. Quantitative analysis of the cell types covering or positioned around the trabecular bones and of gap junctions between these and other cells was carried out by TEM. It was found that osteoblasts were the most numerous cell type, occupying 31% of the total of each cell type positively identified around the trabeculae (31%), while pre-osteoblasts, (flattened bone marrow reticular cells) took up 26%. These data emphasise the intimate relationship of the various mesenchymal cells based on processes and intercellular junctions, and point to an anatomical and probably functional integration of trabeculae and marrow. The functional significance and putative regulatory activity of this unit are discussed.  相似文献   

The human clavicle (i.e. collarbone) is an unusual long bone due to its signature S‐shaped curve and variability in macrostructure observed between individuals. Because of the complex nature of how the upper limb moves, as well as due to its complex musculoskeletal arrangement, the biomechanics, in particular the mechanical loadings, of the clavicle are not fully understood. Given that bone remodeling can be influenced by bone stress, the histologic organization of Haversian bone offers a hypothesis of responses to force distributions experienced across a bone. Furthermore, circularly polarized light microscopy can be used to determine the orientation of collagen fibers, providing additional information on how bone matrix might organize to adapt to direction of external loads. We examined Haversian density and collagen fiber orientation, along with cross‐sectional geometry, to test whether the clavicle midshaft shows unique adaptation to atypical load‐bearing when compared with the sternal (medial) and acromial (lateral) shaft regions. Because fractures are most common at the midshaft, we predicted that the cortical bone structure would show both disparities in Haversian remodeling and nonrandomly oriented collagen fibers in the midshaft compared with the sternal and acromial regions. Human clavicles (n = 16) were sampled via thin‐sections at the sternal, middle, and acromial ends of the shaft, and paired sample t‐tests were employed to evaluate within‐individual differences in microstructural or geometric properties. We found that Haversian remodeling is slightly but significantly reduced in the middle of the bone. Analysis of collagen fiber orientation indicated nonrandom fiber orientations that are overbuilt for tensile loads or torsion but are poorly optimized for compressive loads throughout the clavicle. Geometric properties of percent bone area, polar second moment of area, and shape (Imax/Imin) confirmed the conclusions drawn by existing research on clavicle macrostructure. Our results highlight that mediolateral shape changes might be accompanied by slight changes in Haversian density, but bone matrix organization is predominantly adapted to resisting tensile strains or torsion throughout and may be a major factor in the risk of fracture when experiencing atypical compression.  相似文献   

Does the skull of the sheep behave as a tube or as a complex of independent bones linked by sutures? Is the architecture within cranial bones optimized to local strain alignment? We attempted to answer these questions for the sheep by recording from rosette strain gauges on each frontal and maxillary bone and from single‐axis gauges on each dentary of five sheep while they fed on hay. Bone structure was assessed at each rosette gauge site by stereological analysis of high‐resolution radiographs. Structural and strain orientations were tested for statistical agreement. Ranges of strain magnitudes were ±1200 μ? on the mandible, ±650 μ? on the frontals, and ±400 μ? on the maxillae. Each gauge site experienced one strain signal when on the working (chewing) side and a different one when on the balancing (nonchewing) side. The two signals differed in mode, magnitude, and orientation. For example, on the working side, maxillary gauges were under mean compressive strains of –132 μ? (S.D., 73.3 μ?), oriented rostroventrally at 25°–70° to the long axis of the skull. On the balancing side, the same gauges were under mean tensile strains of +319 μ? (S.D., 193.9 μ?), at greater than 65° to the cranial axis. Strain patterns on the frontals are consistent with torsion and bending of the whole skull, indicating some degree of tube‐like mechanical behavior. Frontal and maxillary strains also showed a degree of individual loading, resulting from modulation of strains across sutures and local effects of muscle activity. The sheep skull seems to behave as a tube made of a complex of independent bones. Structural orientation was in statistically significant agreement with the orientation of working‐side compressive principal strain ?2, even though principal tensile strains may be as large or larger. Cranial bone architecture in sheep is not optimized to both strain signals it experiences. Anat Rec 264:325–338, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to clarify the functional and biomechanical relationship between jaw morphology and in vivo masticatory loading in selenodont artiodactyls. We compare in vivo strains from the mandibular corpus of goats and alpacas to predicted strain patterns derived from biomechanical models for mandibular corpus loading during mastication. Peak shear strains in both species average 600–700 µɛ on the working side and approximately 450 µɛ on the balancing side. Maximum principal tension in goats and alpacas is directed at approximately 30° dorsocaudally relative to the long axis of the corpus on the working side and approximately perpendicular to the long axis on the balancing side. Strain patterns in both species indicate primarily torsion of the working-side corpus about the long axis and parasagittal bending and/or lateral transverse bending of the balancing-side corpus. Interpretation of the strain patterns is consistent with comparative biomechanical analyses of jaw morphology suggesting that in goats, the balancing-side mandibular corpus is parasagittally bent whereas in alpacas it experiences lateral transverse bending. However, in light of higher working-side corpus strains, biomechanical explanations of mandibular form also need to consider that torsion influences relative corpus size and shape. Furthermore, the complex combination of loads that occur along the selenodont artiodactyl mandibular corpus during the power stroke has two implications. First, added clarification of these loading patterns requires in vivo approaches for elucidating biomechanical links between mandibular corpus morphology and masticatory loading. Second, morphometric approaches may be limited in their ability to accurately infer masticatory loading regimes of selenodont artiodactyl jaws.  相似文献   

叶楠  黄健  王丹 《中国组织工程研究》2020,24(20):3226-3233
文题释义:生长激素释放肽(Ghrelin):也被称为饥饿素及内源性脑肠肽,20世纪80年代人们通过从大鼠胃组织中分离提取出一种多肽类激素,发现其具有促进生长激素分泌而被命名为生长激素释放肽。骨代谢:骨的功能是为肌肉收缩提供附着处及保护内脏等重要的生命器官。一般认为骨在细胞水平上是不活跃的,事实上骨的细胞在不停地进行着细胞代谢,不仅骨的细胞之间会相互作用,还存在骨髓中的红细胞生成细胞、基质细胞相互作用,以进行骨的改建和重建。背景:生长激素释放肽具有促进生长激素分泌、调节机体能量代谢平衡及一些尚在探索的药理学特性,这些都与机体代谢状态密切相关。目的:就生长激素释放肽对于骨骼细胞功能的调节及其在骨代谢和能量代谢中的整合作用做一综述,以期阐明生长激素释放肽在骨骼发育过程中发挥的重要作用。方法:检索 PubMed数据库1993年1月至2017年1月相关文献,检索词为“ghrelin,Bone metabolism,leptin,osteoblast,osteoclast,castric resection,cartilage cells”。排除重复研究及与综述内容关系不密切的文献,对最终纳入的74篇文献进行分析。结果与结论:机体骨骼系统的重塑是一个高度耗能的过程,与之相应的是,骨骼的生长发育涉及到外周和中枢的能量代谢,包括交感神经系统和瘦素等激素的作用。国外研究表明,生长激素释放肽能够调节成骨细胞的分化和功能,诱导骨髓干细胞的增殖及分化,通过不同的方式调节生长激素-胰岛素轴的状态,并能够通过与瘦素相作用来调配骨骼代谢与机体能量代谢从而影响骨骼的生长状态。ORCID: 0000-0003-1053-8093(叶楠)中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

Sheep and deer calcanei are finding increased use as models for studies of bone adaptation, including advancing understanding of how the strain (deformation) environment influences the ontogenetic emergence of biomechanically relevant structural and material variations in cortical and trabecular bone. These artiodactyl calcanei seem ideal for these analyses because they function like simply loaded short‐cantilevered beams with net compression and tension strains on the dorsal and plantar cortices, respectively. However, this habitual strain distribution requires more rigorous validation because it has been shown by limited in vivo and ex vivo strain measurements obtained during controlled ambulation (typically walking and trotting). The conception that these calcanei are relatively simply and habitually loaded ‘tension/compression bones’ could be invalid if infrequent, though biologically relevant, loads substantially change the location of the neutral axis (NA) that separates ‘compression’ and ‘tension’ regions. The effect on calcaneus strains of the tension members (plantar ligament and flexor tendon) is also not well understood and measuring strains after transecting them could reveal that they significantly modulate the strain distribution. We tested the hypothesis that the NA location previously described during simulated on‐axis loads of deer calcanei would exhibit limited variations even when load perturbations are unusual (e.g. off‐axis loads) or extreme (e.g. after transection of the tension members). We also examined regional differences in the predominance of the three strain modes (tension, compression, and shear) in these various load conditions in dorsal, plantar, medial, and lateral cortices. In addition to considering principal strains (tension and compression) and maximum shear strains, we also considered material‐axis (M‐A) shear strains. M‐A shear strains are those that are aligned along the long axis of the bone and are considered to have greater biomechanical relevance than maximum shear strains because failure theories of composite materials and bone are often based on stresses or strains in the principal material directions. We used the same load apparatus from our prior study of mule deer calcanei. Results showed that although the NA rotated up to 8° medially and 15° laterally during these off‐axis loads, it did not shift dramatically until after transection of all tension members. When comparing results based on maximum shear strain data vs. M‐A shear strain data, the dominant strain mode changed only in the plantar cortex – as expected (in accordance with our a priori view) it was tension when M‐A shear strains were considered (shear : tension = 0.2) but changed to dominant shear when maximum shear strain data were considered (shear : tension = 1.3). This difference leads to different conclusions and speculations regarding which specific strain modes and magnitudes most strongly influence the emergence of the marked mineralization and histomorphological differences in the dorsal vs. plantar cortices. Consequently, our prior simplification of the deer calcaneus model as a simply loaded ‘tension/compression bone’ (i.e. plantar/dorsal) might be incorrect. In vivo and in finite element analyses are needed to determine whether describing it as a ‘shear‐tension/compression’ bone is more accurate. Addressing this question will help to advance the artiodactyl calcaneus as an experimental model for bone adaptation studies.  相似文献   

Histological examination of long bones from 1-day-old bcl-2 knockout and age-matched control mice revealed no obvious differences in length of bone, growth plate architecture or stage of endochondral ossification. In 35-day-old bcl-2 knockout mice that are growth retarded or 'dwarfed'. the proliferative zone of the growth plate appeared slightly thinner and the secondary centres of ossification less well developed than their age-matched wild-type controls. The most marked histological effects of bcl-2 ablation were on osteoblasts and bone. 35-day-old knockout mouse bones exhibited far greater numbers of osteoblasts than controls and the osteoblasts had a cuboidal phenotype in comparison with the normal flattened cell appearance. In addition, the collagen deposited by the osteoblasts in the bcl-2 knockout mouse bone was disorganized in comparison with control tissue and had a pseudo-woven appearance. The results suggest an important role for Bcl-2 in controlling osteoblast phenotype and bone deposition in vivo.  相似文献   

The mechanism of metastasis of osteosarcoma cells to other bones has not yet fully been clarified. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether various factors involve the formation of osteosarcoma metastatic foci in other bones. Immunohistochemically, CD31 expression in osteosarcoma with no bone metastasis and osteosarcoma with bone metastasis was noted in 10 and 75% of cases, respectively. Met/hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) receptor expression in osteosarcoma with no bone metastasis and osteosarcoma with bone metastasis was noted in 90 and 25% of cases, respectively. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) expression in osteosarcoma with no bone metastasis and osteosarcoma with bone metastasis was noted in 20 and 75% of cases, respectively. Metastasis of osteosarcoma cells to other bones was significantly correlated with expression of BMP and CD31 and with no expression of Met/HGF receptor protein in osteosarcoma cells. In contrast, expression of insulin-like growth factor receptor in osteosarcoma cells did not correlate significantly with bone metastasis. These results suggest that formation of metastatic foci of osteosarcoma cells in other bones is regulated by CD31, which is associated with migration between endothelial cells, by BMP, which can induce and activate various mesenchymal cells affecting bone formation, and by escape of effect by HGF, which promotes differentiation of osteosarcoma cells.  相似文献   

文题释义: 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥:为临床上常用的骨科植入材料,具有很大的抗压能力,抗压缩能力为97 MPa,也具有良好的生物相容性。1987年Galibert等首次报道用聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥来治疗椎体血管瘤,并将此技术称之为经皮椎体成形。1970年Buchholz首次应用载抗生素骨水泥控制关节感染,目前以聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥作为抗生素的缓释载体被广泛应用于人工全髋关节置换及骨髓炎的治疗。 转化生长因子β1:是具有多种功能的蛋白多肽,是“转化生长因子β超家族”成员之一,大量存在于骨组织与血小板中,可以刺激间充质干细胞的增殖、分化,并抑制间充质干细胞向脂肪细胞分化,也促进成骨细胞、成软骨细胞的增殖及细胞外基质的合成,诱导膜内成骨和软骨内成骨。 背景:目前国内外学者试图通过改变植入材料的种类和形貌、改良诱导膜厚度、光滑程度等机械化学性能来促进植骨生长。 目的:比较大鼠股骨骨缺损处不同表面粗糙程度聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥形成的诱导膜在膜内血管化程度和部分成骨因子表达的差异。 方法:取48只雄性SD大鼠(购自广州中医药大学实验动物中心)建立大鼠临界尺寸股骨缺损模型,按随机数字表法分为A、B、C、D组,分别在股骨骨缺损处植入表面粗糙度<1.5 µm、1.5-2.0 µm、5.0-7.0 µm、14.0-20.0 µm的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯骨水泥占位器。植入6周大鼠体内诱导膜形成后取出骨水泥周围的诱导膜,苏木精-伊红染色观察诱导膜病理组织形态结构变化,采用Western Blot印迹方法和免疫组织化学染色法对诱导膜中骨形态发生蛋白2、转化生长因子β1、血管内皮生长因子蛋白进行定量和定性分析。实验获得广州中医药大学动物实验伦理委员会批准,批准号:20181101006。 结果与结论:①苏木精-伊红染色显示,4种表面粗糙程度不同的骨水泥均可以形成较为规则的诱导膜,4组诱导膜之间血管化程度和细胞的数量大体相似;②Western Blot印迹检测显示,各组诱导膜内骨形态发生蛋2、转化生长因子β1、血管内皮生长因子蛋白平均含量基本相似(P > 0.05);③免疫组织化学染色显示,各组诱导膜内骨形态发生蛋2、转化生长因子β1、血管内皮生长因子蛋白阳性表达基本相似(P > 0.05);④结果表明,骨水泥表面粗糙程度改变对诱导膜的组织形态结构和骨形态发生蛋2、转化生长因子β1、血管内皮生长因子表达在6周时无明显影响。 ORCID: 0000-0003-1405-0765(李树源) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:生物材料;骨生物材料; 口腔生物材料; 纳米材料; 缓释材料; 材料相容性;组织工程  相似文献   

Secondary intracortical remodeling of bone varies considerably among and within vertebrate skeletons. Although prior research has shed important light on its biomechanical significance, factors accounting for this variability remain poorly understood. We examined regional patterning of secondary osteonal bone in an ontogenetic series of wild-collected primates, at the midshaft femur and humerus of Chlorocebus (Cercopithecus) aethiops (n = 32) and Hylobates lar (n = 28), and the midshaft femur of Pan troglodytes (n = 12). Our major objectives were: 1) to determine whether secondary osteonal bone exhibits significant regional patterning across inner, mid-cortical and outer circumferential cortical rings within cross-sections; and if so, 2) to consider the manner in which this regional patterning may reflect the influence of relative tissue age and other circumstances of bone growth. Using same field-of-view images of 100-microm-thick cross-sections acquired in brightfield and circularly polarized light microscopy, we quantified the percent area of secondary osteonal bone (%HAV) for whole cross-sections and across the three circumferential rings within cross-sections. We expected bone areas with inner and middle rings to exhibit higher %HAV than the outer cortical ring within cross-sections, the latter comprising tissues of more recent depositional history. Observations of primary bone microstructural development provided an additional context in which to evaluate regional patterning of intracortical remodeling. Results demonstrated significant regional variability in %HAV within all skeletal sites. As predicted,%HAV was usually lowest in the outer cortical ring within cross-sections. However, regional patterning across inner vs. mid-cortical rings showed a more variable pattern across taxa, age classes, and skeletal sites examined. Observations of primary bone microstructure revealed that the distribution of endosteally deposited bone had an important influence on the patterning of secondary osteonal bone across rings. Further, when present, endosteal compacted coarse cancellous bone always exhibited some evidence of intracortical remodeling, even in those skeletal sites exhibiting comparatively low %HAV overall. These results suggest that future studies should consider the local developmental origin of bone regions undergoing secondary remodeling later in life, for an improved understanding of the manner in which developmental and mechanical factors may interact to produce the taxonomic and intraskeletal patterning of secondary bone remodelling in adults.  相似文献   

The present experiments clarify sexual and social relationship factors related to the development of defensive burying behavior in rats. Rats were raised in isolation, or in a variety of pairs differing in sex, age or familiarity during the juvenile and post-juvenile period. In Experiment 1, decreased burying behavior was found in both male and female rats during the juvenile stage when they were reared in isolation, or with an adult female, or for males reared with a same-age female. In Experiment 2, female rats isolated during the juvenile stage who were reared after the juvenile stage with a same-sex, non-isolated rat, showed as much burying behavior as rats reared with a littermate; this was not found for male rats. When both male and female rats isolated during the juvenile stage were reared with each other after isolation, they maintained reduced burying behavior in adulthood. These sex differences in the effect of different social groupings are likely due to the differences in social relationships during the juvenile and after puberty, when social dominance relationships emerge in male rats. In Experiment 3, the effects of social dominance relationships on burying behavior were investigated in male rats. Subordination increased the freezing tendency as a passive defense, while social tension accompanied with rearing with an adult male produced decreased burying behavior as a proactive defense. These findings suggest that affiliative relationships involving playful contacts activate and maintain burying behavior, but familiarity is not a significant factor, while dominance relationships modulate the patterns of burying behavior.  相似文献   

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