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Using both physiological and anatomical techniques, we have studied the topographic organization of extrastriate visual cortex on the ventral surface of the occipital lobe in macaque monkeys. Our results show that a topographically organized representation of the superior contralateral quadrant of the visual field lies immediately anterior to the ventral half of V2. This area is organized in a mirror symmetric fashion to ventral V2: it shares a horizontal meridian representation with V2 and a representation of the superior vertical meridian forms its anterior border. A well-defined strip of callosal inputs runs along the vertical meridian representation, thereby providing a reliable anatomical marker for areal boundaries in ventral extrastriate cortex. We refer to this area as the ventral posterior area (VP) because it is, in all these respects, notably similar to VP in the owl monkey. Ventral V2 has strong reciprocal connections with VP, and the topography of the V2 projection agrees closely with the topography revealed in our physiological mapping experiments. The visual field representation in VP is strikingly anisotropic, with linear magnification factor being much larger along contours of constant polar angle than along contours of constant eccentricity.  相似文献   

Once the visual pathway reaches striate cortex, it fans out to a number of extrastriate areas. The projections to the second visual area (V2) are known to terminate in a patchy manner. V2 contains a system of repeating pale-thin-pale- thick stripes of cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity. We examined whether the patchy terminal fields arising from primary visual cortex (V1) projections are systematically related to the CO stripes in V2. Large injections of an anterograde tracer, [(3)H]proline, were made into V1 of both hemispheres in 5 macaques. The resulting V2 label appeared in layers 2-6, with the densest concentration in layer 4. In 21/29 injections, comparison of adjacent flatmount sections processed either for autoradiography or CO activity showed that the heaviest [(3)H]proline labeling was located in pale CO stripes. In 7/29 injections, there was no clear enrichment of labeling in the CO pale stripes. In 1 injection, the proline label correlated with dark CO stripes. On a fine scale, CO levels vary within V2 stripes, giving them an irregular, mottled appearance. In all stripe types, the density of proline label would often wax and wane in opposing contrast to these local fluctuations in CO density. Our data showed that V1 input is generally anti-correlated with the intensity of CO staining in V2, with strongest input to pale stripes. It is known that the pulvinar projects preferentially to dark stripes. Therefore, V2 receives interleaved projections from V1 and the pulvinar. Because these projections favor different stripe types, they may target separate populations of neurons.  相似文献   

The cortical connections of visual area 3 (V3) and the ventral posterior area (VP) in the macaque monkey were studied by using combinations of retrograde and anterograde tracers. Tracer injections were made into V3 or VP following electrophysiological recording in and near the target area. The pattern of ipsilateral cortical connections was analyzed in relation to the pattern of interhemispheric connections identified after transection of the corpus callosum. Both V3 and VP have major connections with areas V2, V3A, posterior intraparietal area (PIP), V4, middle temporal area (MT), medial superior temporal area (dorsal) (MSTd), and ventral intraparietal area (VIP). Their connections differ in several respects. Specifically, V3 has connections with areas V1 and V4 transitional area (V4t) that are absent for VP; VP has connections with areas ventral occipitotemporal area (VOT), dorsal prelunate area (DP), and visually responsive portion of temporal visual area F (VTF) that are absent or occur only rarely for V3. The laminar pattern of labeled terminals and retrogradely labeled cell bodies allowed assessment of the hierarchical relationships between areas V3 and VP and their various targets. Areas V1 and V2 are at a lower hierarchical level than V3 and VP; all of the remaining areas are at a higher level. V3 receives major inputs from layer 4B of V1, suggesting an association with the magnocellular-dominated processing stream and a role in routing magnocellular-dominated information along pathways leading to both parietal and temporal lobes. The convergence and divergence of pathways involving V3 and VP underscores the distributed nature of hierarchical processing in the visual system. J. Comp. Neurol. 379:21-47, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We continue an investigation of the organization of local circuit neurons (largely inhibitory, GABAergic neurons, with smooth or sparsely spined dendrites) in the primary visual cortex of macaque monkey (Lund, '87: J. Comp. Neurol. 257:60-92; Lund et al., '88: J. Comp. Neurol. 276:1-29). This account covers local circuit neurons of layers 4B, 4A, and 3B; these three layers each receive different intrinsic second-order relays of principal thalamic inputs as well as receiving primary thalamic inputs in the case of two of the three laminae (4A and 3B). The study shows the existence of a number of different local circuit neurons making interlaminar projections between 4B, 4A, and 3B; each provides specific cross links between different combinations of the three laminae. It is known that the functional properties recorded physiologically from layers 4B, 4A, and 3B differ from one another and so these anatomical cross links may allow for correlation between different attributes of visual stimuli, e.g., color or motion, while still enabling separate processing of these different attributes to proceed in each of the three layers and be passed on to extrastriate areas. Whereas no spine-bearing neurons of layers 4B, 4A, or 3B provide "feedback" circuits to layer 4C (the source of their major intrinsic excitatory afferents), some of the local circuit neurons provide precisely structured axon feedback projections to divisions of 4C. The local circuit neurons also project to either lamina 5 or lamina 6, but not both and to superficial layers 3A, 2, and 1. Some local circuit neuron axon projections are of a dimension that would be confined to single functional clusters, e.g., cytochrome-rich "blobs," others reach out far enough to contact nearest neighbor "unlike" functional clusters, and yet others spread far enough to link repeating clusters of single function.  相似文献   

This study investigates the intrinsic organization of axons and dendrites of aspinous, local circuit neurons of the macaque monkey visual striate cortex. These investigations use Golgi Rapid preparations of cortical tissue from monkey aged 3 weeks postnatal to adult. We have earlier (Lund, '87) described local circuit neurons found within laminae 5A and 4C; this present account is of neurons found in the infragranular laminae 5B and 6. Since the majority of such neurons are GABAergic and therefore believed to be inhibitory, their role in laminae 5B and 6, the principal sources of efferent projections to subcortical regions, is of considerable importance. We find laminae 5B and 6 to have in common at least one general class of local circuit neuron-the "basket" neuron. However, a major difference is seen in the axonal projections to the superficial layers made by these and other local circuit neurons in the two laminae; lamina 5B has local circuit neurons with principal rising axon projections to lamina 2/3A, areas whereas lamina 6 has local circuit neurons with principal rising axon projections to divisions of 4C, 4A, and 3B. These local circuit neuron axon projections mimic the different patterns of apical dendritic and recurrent axon projections of pyramidal neurons lying within laminae 5B and 6, which are linked together by both dendritic and axonal arbors of local circuit neurons in their neuropils extending between the two laminae. The border zone between 5B and 6 is a specialized region with its own variety of horizontally oriented local circuit neurons, and it also serves as a special focus for pericellular axon arrays from a particular variety of local circuit neuron lying within lamina 6. These pericellular axon "baskets" surround the somata and initial dendritic segments of the largest pyramidal neurons of layer 6, which are known to project both to cortical area MT (V5) and to the superior colliculus (Fries et al., '85). Many of the local circuit neurons of layer 5B send axon trunks into the white matter, and we therefore, suspect them of providing efferent projections. The axons of lamina 6 local circuit neurons have not been found to make such clear-cut contributions to the white matter.  相似文献   

A study has been made, using Golgi preparations, of the organization of neurons with smooth or sparsely spined dendrites, here called local circuit neurons, of the macaque monkey primary visual cortex. Since these neurons include those responsible for inhibitory circuitry of the cortex, a better understanding of their anatomical organization is essential to concepts of functional organization of the region. This account describes those neurons found with cell body and major dendritic spread within the thalamic recipient zone of lamina 4C and its border zone with lamina 5A. The neurons are grouped firstly in terms of in which laminar division the soma occurred--4C beta, 4C alpha or the border zone of 5A-4C beta--and secondly, into varieties on the basis of the interlaminar projection patterns of their axons. Most, if not all, of the local circuit neurons of these divisions have interlaminar axon projections as well as an arbor local to their cell body and dendritic field. These interlaminar projections are highly specific, targeting from one to five laminar divisions depending on the variety of neuron; on this basis 17 varieties of local circuit neuron are described. While the number of varieties appears dauntingly large in terms of understanding the functional circuitry of the region, the clear-cut organization of the interlaminar links may provide clues as to the information processing that concerns each neuron. The local circuit neuron axon projections can be related to a wealth of information already available concerning the laminar organization of afferent axons and efferent cell groups, the organization of spiny neuron intrinsic relays (presumed to be excitatory), and physiological properties of different laminar divisions. It is hoped that the information derived from this study can serve as a guide for correlated physiological-anatomical studies on single cells of the region.  相似文献   

In the macaque monkey area 3a of the cerebral cortex separates area 4, a primary motor cortical field, from somatosensory area 3b, which has a subcortical input mainly from cutaneous mechanoreceptive neurons. That each of these cortical areas has a unique thalamic input was illustrated in the preceding paper. In the present experiments the cortical afferent projections to these 3 areas of the sensorimotor cortex monkey were visualized and compared, using 4 differentiable fluorescent dyes as axonal retrogradely transported labels. The cortical projection patterns to areas 3a, 3b, and 4 were similar in that they each consisted of (a) a “halo” of input from the immediately surrounding cortex, and (b) discrete projections from one or more remote cortical areas. However, the pattern of remote inputs from precentral, mesial, and posterior parietal cortex was different for each of the 3 cortical target areas. The cortical input configuration was least complex for area 3b, its remote input projecting mainly from insular cortex. The pattern of discrete cortical inputs to the motor area 4, however, was more complex, with projections from the cingulate motor area (24c/d), the supplementary motor area, postarcuate cortex, insular cortex, and postcentral areas 2/5. Area 3a, in addition to the proximal projections from the immediately surrounding cortex, also received input from the supplementary motor area, cingulate motor cortex, insular cortex, and areas 2/5. Thus, this pattern of cortical input to area 3a resembled more closely that of the adjacent motor rather than that of the somatosensory area 3b. Contrasting with this, however, the thalamic input to area 3a was largely from somatosensory VPLc (abbreviations from Olszewski [1952] The Thalamus of the Macaca mulatta. Basel: Karger) and not from VPLo (with input from cerebellum, and projecting to precentral motor areas). © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The callosal connections within the posterior parietal and occipital cortices were studied in the squirrel monkey with horseradish peroxidase tracing techniques. The data were evaluated with particular emphasis on the relationship of major callosal connections along the 17-18 border. The overall pattern of callosal connections in the squirrel monkey also was compared with callosal patterns in other New World simians. Our results show that the dense band of callosal connections along the 17-18 border in the squirrel monkey differs from the connections observed in other New World monkeys in that it is virtually confined to area 18 and avoids area 17. In addition to a continuous band of callosal connections in area 18 that parallels the 17-18 border, rostral extensions of the band are oriented perpendicular to the 17-18 border and present an obvious periodicity. The remaining parieto-occipital cortex contains a complex pattern of callosal connections that is strikingly similar to patterns reported for other New World monkeys. Thus, it is likely that the dorsolateral extrastriate visual cortex in the squirrel monkey is organized in a manner similar to that found within other New World monkeys.  相似文献   

We examined the organization of amygdaloid projections to visual cortical areas TE and V1 by injecting anterograde tracers into the amygdaloid complex of Macaca fascicularis monkeys. The magnocellular and intermediate divisions of the basal nucleus of the amygdala gave rise to heavy projections to both superficial layers (border of I/II) and deep layers (V/VI) throughout the rostrocaudal extent of area TE. Although most of the injections led to heavier fiber and terminal labeling in the superficial layers of area TE, the most dorsal injections in the basal nucleus produced denser labeled fibers and terminals in the deep layers of area TE. Area V1 received projections primarily from the magnocellular division of the basal nucleus, and these terminated exclusively in the superficial layers. As in area TE, projections from the amygdala to area V1 were distributed throughout its rostrocaudal and transverse extents. Labeled axons demonstrated 11.67 varicosities/100 microm on average in the superficial layers of area TE and 8.74 varicosities/100 microm in the deep layers. In area V1 we observed 8.24 varicosities/100 microm. Using confocal microscopy, we determined that at least 55% of the tracer-labeled varicosities in areas TE and V1 colocalized synaptophysin, a marker of synaptic vesicles, indicating that they are probably synaptic boutons. Electron microscopic examination of a sample of these varicosities confirmed that labeled boutons formed synapses in areas TE and V1. These feedback-like projections from the amygdala have the potential of modulating key areas of the visual processing system.  相似文献   

The interhemispheric efferent and afferent connections of the V1/V2 border have been examined in the adult macaque monkey with the tracers horseradish peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase conjugated to wheat germ agglutinin. The V1/V2 border was found to have reciprocal connections with the contralateral visual area V1, as well as with three other cortical sites situated in the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, the anterior bank of the lunate sulcus, and the posterior bank of the superior temporal sulcus. Within V1, callosal projecting cells were found mainly in layer 4B with a few cells in layer 3. Anterograde labeled terminals were restricted to layers 2, 3, 4B, and 5. In extrastriate cortex, retrograde labeled cells were in layers 2 and 3 and only very rarely in infragranular layers. In the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, labeled terminals were scattered throughout all cortical layers except layers 1 and 4. In the anterior bank of the lunate sulcus and in the superior temporal sulcus, anterograde labeled terminals were largely focused in layer 4. Callosal connections in all contralateral regions were organized in a columnar fashion. Columnar organization of callosal connections was more apparent for anterograde labeled terminals than for retrograde labeled neurons. In the posterior bank of the lunate sulcus, columns of callosal connections were superimposed on regions of high cytochrome activity. The tangential extent of callosal connections in V1 and V2 was found to be influenced by eccentricity in the visual field. Callosal connections were denser in the region of V1 subserving foveal visual field than in cortex representing the periphery. In V1 subserving the fovea, callosal connections extended up to 2 mm from the V1/V2 border and only up to 1 mm in more peripheral located cortex. In area V2 subserving the fovea, cortical connections extended up to 8 mm from the V1/V2 border and only up to 3 mm in peripheral cortex.  相似文献   

On the basis of extracellular recordings in marmoset monkeys, we report on the organisation of the middle temporal area (MT) and the surrounding middle temporal crescent (MTc). Area MT is approximately 5-mm long and 2-mm wide, whereas the MTc forms a crescent-shaped band of cortex 1-mm wide. Neurones in area MT form a first-order representation of the contralateral hemifield, whereas those in the MTc form a second-order representation with a field discontinuity near the horizontal meridian. The representation of the vertical meridian forms the border between area MT and the MTc. In both areas, the fovea is represented ventrocaudally, and the visual field periphery is represented dorsorostrally. Analysis of single units revealed that 86% of cells in area MT show a strong selectivity for the direction of motion of visual stimuli. The proportion of direction-selective cells in the MTc (53%), whereas lower than that in area MT, is much higher than that observed in most other visual areas. Neurones in the cortex immediately rostral to area MT and the MTc are direction selective, with receptive fields predominantly located in the visual field periphery. In contrast, only a minority of the cells in the cortex ventral to the MTc are direction selective, and their receptive fields emphasise central vision. The results suggest that the MTc is functionally closely related to area MT, and distinct from the areas forming the dorsolateral complex. The MTc may have a role in combining information about motion in the visual field, processed by area MT, with information about stimulus shape, processed by the dorsolateral complex. J. Comp. Neurol. 393:505–527, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used physiological and anatomical techniques to address three general issues concerning the topographic organization of the middle temporal visual area (MT) of the macaque monkey. First, we carried out a quantitative analysis of irregularities and asymmetries in the visual representation in MT. This analysis revealed a striking overemphasis on a restricted portion of the visual field that runs obliquely through the inferior contralateral quadrant and largely avoids both the horizontal meridian and the inferior vertical meridian. This corresponds to the portion of the visual field that would be maximally stimulated during visually guided hand movements. Second, the physiologically determined topographic organization of MT was compared to the pattern of callosal inputs in the same hemisphere, which are known to be distributed irregularly within MT. Callosal inputs tended to be densest near the representation of the vertical meridian, but there were numerous exceptions to this trend. Thus, topographic irregularities account for only part of the irregularities in callosal inputs to MT. Finally, comparison of these data with previous reports shows a strong correlation between body weight and the average size of MT. The representation in myeloarchitectonically defined MT was found to include much of the visual periphery, although it is unclear from our data whether this representation is invariably complete.  相似文献   

The organisation of the second visual area (V2) in marmoset monkeys was studied by means of extracellular recordings of responses to visual stimulation and examination of myelin- and cytochrome oxidase-stained sections. Area V2 forms a continuous cortical belt of variable width (1–2 mm adjacent to the foveal representation of V1, and 3–3.5 mm near the midline and on the tentorial surface) bordering V1 on the lateral, dorsal, medial, and tentorial surfaces of the occipital lobe. The total surface area of V2 is approximately 100 mm2, or about 50% of the surface area of V1 in the same individuals. In each hemisphere, the receptive fields of V2 neurones cover the entire contralateral visual hemifield, forming an ordered visuotopic representation. As in other simians, the dorsal and ventral halves of V2 represent the lower and upper contralateral quadrants, respectively, with little invasion of the ipsilateral hemifield. The representation of the vertical meridian forms the caudal border of V2, with V1, whereas a field discontinuity approximately coincident with the horizontal meridian forms the rostral border of V2, with other visually responsive areas. The bridge of cortex connecting dorsal and ventral V2 contains neurones with receptive fields centred within 1° of the centre of the fovea. The visuotopy, size, shape and location of V2 show little variation among individuals. Analysis of cortical magnification factor (CMF) revealed that the V2 map of the visual field is highly anisotropic: for any given eccentricity, the CMF is approximately twice as large in the dimension parallel to the V1/V2 border as it is perpendicular to this border. Moreover, comparison of V2 and V1 in the same individuals demonstrated that the representation of the central visual field is emphasised in V2, relative to V1. Approximately half of the surface area of V2 is dedicated to the representation of the central 5° of the visual field. Calculations based on the CMF, receptive field scatter, and receptive field size revealed that the point-image size measured parallel to the V1/V2 border (2–3 mm) equals the width of a full cycle of cytochrome oxidase stripes in V2, suggesting a close correspondence between physiological and anatomical estimates of the dimensions of modular components in this area. J. Comp. Neurol. 387:547–567, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ipsilateral and contralateral cortical connections of visual cortex of tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri)were investigated by placing restricted injections of fluorochrome tracers, wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase, or biotinylated dextran amine into area 17 (V1), area 18 (V2), or the adjoining temporal dorsal area (TD). As previously reported, V1 was characterized by a widespread, patchy pattern of intrinsic connections; ipsilateral connections with V2, TD, and to a lesser extent, other areas of the temporal cortex; and contralateral connections with V1, V2, and TD. A surface-view of the myelin pattern in V1 revealed a patchwork of light and dark module-like regions. The ipsilateral connections with V2 and TD were roughly topographic, whereas heterotopic locations in V1 were callosally connected. Injections in V2 labeled as much as one third of V2 in a patchy pattern, and portions of ipsilateral V1 and TD in roughly topographic patterns. In addition, connections with several other visual areas in the temporal lobe were revealed. Contralaterally, most of the label was in V2, with some in V1 and TD. Injections in TD demonstrated connections within the region, and with adjoining portions of the temporal cortex, V2, and V1. There were sparse connections with an oval of densely myelinated cortex, which we have termed the temporal inferior area (TI). Callosal connections were concentrated in TD, but also included V2. The results provide further evidence for modular organizations within V1 and V2, and reveal for the first time the complete patterns of cortical connections of V2 and TD. The results are consistent with the proposal that at least three visual areas, the temporal anterior area, TA, the temporal dorsal area, TD, and the temporal posterior area, TP, exist along the rostrolateral border of V2 in tree shrews; suggest visual involvement of at least three other areas, the temporal inferior area, TI, the temporal anterior lateral area, and the temporal posterior inferior area located more ventrally in the temporal cortex; and fortify the conclusion that TD is the likely homologue of the middle temporal visual area of primates. Because tree shrews are considered close relatives of primates, the evidence for several visual areas along the border of V2 is more compatible with theories that propose a series of visual areas along V2 in primates, rather than a single visual area, V3. J. Comp. Neurol. 401:109–128, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The primate amygdaloid complex projects to a number of visual cortices, including area V1, primary visual cortex, and area TE, a higher-order unimodal visual area involved in object recognition. We investigated the synaptic organization of these projections by injecting anterograde tracers into the amygdaloid complex of Macaca fascicularis monkeys and examining labeled boutons in areas TE and V1 using the electron microscope. The 256 boutons examined in area TE formed 263 synapses. Two hundred twenty-three (84%) of these were asymmetric synapses onto dendritic spines and 40 (15%) were asymmetric synapses onto dendritic shafts. Nine boutons (3.5%) formed double asymmetric synapses, generally on dendritic spines, and 2 (1%) of the boutons did not form a synapse. The 200 boutons examined in area V1 formed 211 synapses. One hundred eighty-nine (90%) were asymmetric synapses onto dendritic spines and 22 (10%) were asymmetric synapses onto dendritic shafts. Eleven boutons (5.5%) formed double synapses, usually with dendritic spines. We conclude from these observations that the amygdaloid complex provides an excitatory input to areas TE and V1 that primarily influences spiny, probably pyramidal, neurons in these cortices.  相似文献   

The corticopontine projections of the cingulate cortices were investigated in the rhesus monkey with the use of autoradiography. A well-organized topography of projections was observed with anterior cingulate cortex projecting to the medial part of the pontine gray matter and posterior cingulate cortex projecting to the lateral part. Together these projections form a circle of termination around the periphery of the pontine gray matter.  相似文献   

The various structures afferent to area 17 (or V1) of the macaque monkey have widely differing retinotopic organizations. It is likely that these differences are reflected in the topographic organizations of the projections from these structures to area V1. We have investigated this issue by placing side-by-side injections of two retrograde fluorescent tracers, fast blue and diamidino yellow, in V1. By examining the extent of mixing of the two populations of singly labelled cells and the presence of doubly labelled cells, in different structures, we have characterized the topography of each projection in terms of the size of its axonal arborization and the amount of convergence and divergence. The afferents from the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and from the pulvinar are organized in a point-to-point fashion. The maximum extent of axonal arborization of these afferents is 0.5 mm and these projections demonstrate little scatter (i.e., neighboring LGN neurons project to adjacent regions of V1). The other two subcortical structures examined, the claustrum and the intralaminar nuclei, demonstrate a much larger scatter and wider axonal arborizations in their projections to V1 than do the LGN and pulvinar. Two-dimensional reconstructions were made of the distribution of labelled neurons in extrastriate cortical areas. Using the separation between patches of labelled cells and transitions in myelin-stained sections, we have identified seven separate cortical regions containing labelled cells. Two of these can be identified as area V2 and the middle temporal visual area (MT). Three other regions correspond to areas V3, V3A and V4t. Finally, two more regions of labelling have been distinguished that belong to area V4. These results demonstrate that, at least within the central 6 degrees of visual field, all the presently known extrastriate visual cortical areas project to V1. This result is interesting in view of the fact that only a few extrastriate cortical areas are reported to receive afferents from V1. Three groups of cortical areas can be distinguished on the basis of the characteristics of their cortical connections to V1. The first group contains area V2, V3, and the posterior region of V4. These areas project to V1 with infra- as well as supragranular layer neurons and show limited axonal arborization and scatter in the projection. The second group consists of two regions of labelling in the superior temporal sulcus corresponding to V4t and MT and another on the annectant gyrus (V3A). These regions contain almost exclusively infragranular labelling and show wide axonal arborization and scatter in their projections to V1.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The possibility of a modular organization of non-neuronal elements was analyzed in the opercular region of the striate neocortex in adult New World monkeys. For this purpose, and in order to follow possible correlations in the general organization of neuronal and astroglial elements, immunocytochemical procedures for Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein (GFAP) and Microtubule Associated Protein 2 (MAP-2), in addition to cytochrome oxidase (COX) histochemistry, were applied to tangential and coronal sections and analyzed by using computer-assisted procedures. Astroglial interlaminar processes stemming from superficial laminae did not traverse lamina IVA, and thus did not appear in deeper layers. Clearly definable interlaminar processes were predominantly concentrated in laminae II–III. A honeycomb- like lattice was observed in tangential sections, with a “cell” size distribution similar to the MAP-2-IR lattice, suggesting an intimate association with the pyramidal columns. Additionally, analysis of similar sections disclosed the periodic appearance of large patches with high density of interlaminar processes, indicating a nonhomogeneous distribution of GFAP-IR processes in the striate cortex. COX “blobs” appeared frequently to coincide with areas expressing high density of GFAP-IR elements. These findings add a new perspective to current concepts of astroglial organization in the striate cortex of primates and reveal the existence of a non-neuronal modular organization in the primate striate cerebral cortex, and suggest that possible correlations between relative distributions of neuronal and astroglial elements should be further analyzed in cortical areas with a clear modular organization such as the striate cortex. GLIA 25:85–92, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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