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RATIONALE: Dopamine (DA) agonists and NMDA antagonists disrupt sensorimotor gating in rats, as measured by a loss of prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex. These effects are used in predictive models for antipsychotic efficacy: clinically "typical" and "atypical" antipsychotics restore PPI in adult rats treated with DA agonists such as apomorphine (APO), while clinically "atypical" antipsychotics restore PPI in rats treated with NMDA antagonists such as phencyclidine (PCP). We previously reported that the PPI disruptive effects of both APO and PCP are evident in 16- to 18-day-old rat pups, suggesting that the brain substrates for these effects are functional very early in development. OBJECTIVE: In the present study we assessed the developmental patterns of antipsychotic effects in these measures. METHODS: The PPI-disruptive effects of APO and PCP, and their antagonism by the typical antipsychotic haloperidol, and the atypical antipsychotic quetiapine, were assessed across development in Sprague-Dawley rats. RESULTS: Similar to the pattern seen in adults, both haloperidol and quetiapine opposed APO-induced PPI deficits in 16- to 19-day-old rat pups. However, the "atypical" antipsychotic quetiapine did not oppose PCP-induced PPI deficits in pups or prepubertal (45 day) adolescents, but did oppose these PCP effects in postpubertal rats. CONCLUSIONS: While brain substrates mediating the PPI-disruptive effects of DA agonists and NMDA antagonists are functional early in development, some physiological event associated with puberty is a necessary condition for the "atypical antipsychotic profile" in this predictive model.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a complex disorder characterized by wide-ranging cognitive impairments, including deficits in learning as well as sensory gating. The causes of schizophrenia are unknown, but alterations in intracellular G-protein signaling pathways are among the molecular changes documented in patients with schizophrenia. Using the CaMKIIalpha promoter to drive expression in neurons within the forebrain, we have developed transgenic mice that express a constitutively active form of G(s)alpha (G(s)alpha(*)), the G protein that couples receptors such as the D(1) and D(5) dopamine receptors to adenylyl cyclase. We have also generated mice in which the CaMKIIalpha promoter drives expression of a dominant-negative form of protein kinase A, R(AB). Here, we examine startle responses and prepulse inhibition of the startle reflex (PPI) in these G(s)alpha(*) and R(AB) transgenic mice. G(s)alpha(*) transgenic mice exhibited selective deficits in PPI, without exhibiting alterations in the startle response, whereas no deficit in startle or PPI was found in the R(AB) transgenic mice. Thus, overstimulation of the cAMP/PKA pathway disrupts PPI, but the cAMP/PKA pathway may not be essential for sensorimotor gating. G(s)alpha(*) transgenic mice may provide an animal model of certain endophenotypes of schizophrenia, because of the similarities between them and patients with schizophrenia in G-protein function, hippocampus-dependent learning, and sensorimotor gating.  相似文献   

NMDA antagonists and dopamine (DA) agonists produce neuropathological and/or behavioral changes in rats that may model specific abnormalities in schizophrenia patients. In adult rats, NMDA antagonists and DA agonists disrupt sensorimotor gating-measured by prepulse inhibition (PPI)-modeling PPI deficits in schizophrenia patients. In addition, high doses of NMDA antagonists produce limbic system pathology that may model neuropathology in schizophrenia patients. We examined these behavioral and neuropathological models across development in rats. Both the NMDA antagonist phencyclidine (PCP) and the DA agonist apomorphine disrupted PPI in 16 day pups, demonstrating early developmental functionality in substrates regulating these drug effects on PPI. In contrast, PCP neurotoxicity was evident only in adult rats. Brain mechanisms responsible for the PCP disruption of PPI, and PCP-induced neurotoxicity, are dissociable across development.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether mice lacking the arginine vasopressin (AVP) V1b receptor (V1bR) exhibit deficits of prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex, reminiscent of the sensorimotor gating deficits observed in a large majority of schizophrenic patients. V1bR knockout (KO) mice displayed significantly reduced levels of PPI of the startle reflex. In addition to PPI deficits, V1bR KO mice showed increased acoustic startle response. However, acoustic startle response was not significantly correlated to the PPI of the startle reflex in V1bR KO mice. V1bR KO mice also showed a decrease in basal levels of extracellular dopamine (DA) in the medial prefrontal cortex, which is thought to be an important brain region for PPI. Moreover, PPI deficits observed in the V1bR KO mice are significantly reversed by atypical antipsychotics such as risperidone and clozapine but not by a typical neuroleptic haloperidol, like in schizophrenic patients. By contrast, we did not observe any significant differences between V1bR KO mice and wild-type mice in the open-field, light/dark, elevated plus maze, and forced swimming tests. The results of the present study indicate that V1bR may be involved in the regulation of PPI of the startle reflex. The V1bR has been considered an important molecular target for the development of antipsychotic drugs.  相似文献   

Sleep deprivation (SD) is known to induce perceptual impairments, ranging from perceptual distortion to hallucinatory states. Although this phenomenon has been extensively described in the literature, its neurobiological underpinnings remain elusive. In rodents, SD induces a series of behavioural patterns that might be reflective of psychosis and mania, such as hyperlocomotion and sensitization to psychotogenic drugs. Notably, such changes are accompanied by transitory alterations of dopaminergic signalling. Based on the hypothesis that both psychotic and manic disorders reflect gating impairments, the present study was aimed at the assessment of the impact of SD on the behavioural model of prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle reflex, a reliable paradigm for the study of informational filtering. Rats subjected to SD (24 h, 48 h, 72 h) exhibited a time-dependent increase in startle reflex and a dramatic deficit in PPI. Both alterations were reversed 24 h after termination of the SD period. Interestingly, PPI disruption was efficiently prevented by haloperidol (0.1 mg/kg i.p.) clozapine (5 mg/kg i.p.) and risperidone (1 mg/kg i.p.). Conversely, neither the anxiolytic diazepam (5 mg/kg i.p.) nor the antidepressant citalopram (5 mg/kg i.p) affected the PPI disruption mediated by SD, although diazepam reversed the enhancement in startle reflex magnitude induced by this manipulation. Our data suggest that SD induces gating deficits that might be relevant to the hallucinatory phenomena observed in humans, and provide a novel reliable animal model where such relationship can be studied.  相似文献   

As reported in the preceding study, the ability of certain antipsychotic and adrenolytic agents to inhibit the spontaneous firing of serotonergic 5HT neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus appeared to be related to adrenergic blocking efficacy. However, the interaction between adrenergic and serotonergic systems was apparently indirect. In this phase of the study we investigated the hypothesis that another transmitter system could mediate this interaction. We examined the effects of two inhibitory amino acid transmitters (GABA and glycine) for possible effects on dorsal raphe cell firing using single cell recording and microiontophoretic techniques. In addition, the ability of the GABA antagonist, picrotoxin and the glycine antagonist, strychnine to reverse the effects of the antipsychotic and alpha-blocking drugs on dorsal raphe firing was tested. Both GABA and glycine were found to inhibit raphe cell firing selectively, allowing for a possible neurotransmitter function for these amino acids within the dorsal raphe nucleus. However, picrotoxin but not strychnine was found to reverse the effects of the antipsychotic and alpha-blocking drugs on raphe firing. Based on these results, we propose that the adrenergic input may influence 5HT neurons indirectly via a GABAergic interneuron or interposed GABA neuron.  相似文献   

Mitochondria play an important role in the cell death induced by many drugs, including hepatotoxicity from overdose of the popular analgesic, acetaminophen (APAP). To investigate mitochondrial alterations associated with APAP-induced hepatotoxicity, the subcellular distribution of proapoptotic BAX was determined. Based on the antiapoptotic characteristics of BCL-2, we further hypothesized that if a BAX component was evident then BCL-2 overexpression may be hepatoprotective. Mice, either with a human bcl-2 transgene (-/+) or wild-type mice (WT; -/-), were dosed with 500 or 600 mg/kg (i.p.) APAP or a nonhepatotoxic isomer, N-acetyl-m-aminophenol (AMAP). Immunoblot analyses indicated increased mitochondrial BAX-beta content very early after APAP or AMAP treatment. This was paralleled by disappearance of BAX-alpha from the cytosol of APAP treated animals and, to a lesser extent, with AMAP treatment. Early pathological evidence of APAP-induced zone 3 necrosis was seen in bcl-2 (-/+) mice, which progressed to massive panlobular necrosis with hemorrhage by 24 h. In contrast, WT mice dosed with APAP showed a more typical, and less severe, centrilobular necrosis. AMAP-treated bcl-2 (-/+) mice displayed only early microvesicular steatosis without progression to extensive necrosis. Decreased complex III activity, evident as early as 6 h after treatment, correlated well with plasma enzyme activities at 24 h (AST r(2) = 0.89, ALT r(2) = 0.87) thereby confirming a role for mitochondria in APAP-mediated hepatotoxicity. In conclusion, these data suggest for the first time that BAX may be an early determinant of APAP-mediated hepatotoxicity and that BCL-2 overexpression unexpectedly enhances APAP hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

Antipsychotic drugs are classified as typical and atypical based on extrapyramidal effects. However, since the frontal cortex is one of the most important regions for antipsychotic actions, this study attempted to classify antipsychotic drugs based on gene expression in the frontal cortex. Chlorpromazine and thioridazine were selected as typical antipsychotics, and olanzapine and quetiapine as atypical antipsychotics. Since these drugs have similar chemical structures, the effect of the basic structure on gene expression can be eliminated. Cluster analysis of microarray experiments separated 4-drug-administered mice into chlorpromazine-quetiapine and thioridazine-olanzapine groups. This classification scheme is different from that which is based on criteria currently used to group the typical and atypical drugs and suggests that antipsychotic drugs can be further separated into multiple groups.  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle is decreased in unmedicated schizophrenia patients and similar deficits can be induced in rats through pharmacological, environmental, or neuroanatomical manipulations. Recently, we reported that Brattleboro (BB) rats, a Long Evans (LE) strain with a single gene mutation, have inherent deficits in PPI homologous to those observed in schizophrenia patients. We also reported that PPI deficits in BB rats could be reversed by chronic but not acute administration of 0.5 mg/kg haloperidol. No other dose or drug was tested in that experiment. In this study, we tested the effects of acute subcutaneous administration of several doses of haloperidol as well as the second-generation antipsychotic, clozapine, and the putative novel antipsychotic, PD149163, a neurotensin mimetic that crosses the blood-brain barrier. Consistent with our previous report, BB rats exhibited PPI deficits compared to LE rats and none of the doses of haloperidol produced a significant effect on this PPI deficit. In contrast, 10 and 15 mg/kg of clozapine and all the doses of PD149163 tested reversed the PPI deficits in BB rats. In addition, haloperidol, but not clozapine or PD149163 produced significant catalepsy in BB rats, supporting the notion that PD149163 has a profile consistent with atypical antipsychotics and providing support for the predictive validity of the PPI results. These results further strengthen the notion that the BB rat is a useful predictive model of antipsychotic efficacy and suggest that this model may differentiate between antipsychotics belonging to different therapeutic categories, for example, first- and second-generation agents.  相似文献   

A key feature of schizophrenia is the inability to screen out irrelevant sensory input. Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response, a cross-species measure of sensorimotor gating, provides a valuable opportunity to study this feature. PPI is reliably impaired in schizophrenia. Animal models of disrupted PPI have proved valuable for the evaluation of antipsychotic substances. The cortico-striato-pallido-thalamic circuitry is primarily responsible for modulation of PPI in animals. We examined PPI and its brain correlates, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), in men with schizophrenia treated with typical or atypical antipsychotics. Thirty men with schizophrenia on stable doses of typical antipsychotics (n=10), risperidone (n=10) or olanzapine (n=10; 9 with usable fMRI data) and 12 healthy men underwent psychophysiological testing and fMRI during a tactile PPI paradigm. The results showed reduced PPI of the eye-blink startle response in patients compared with healthy controls. Within the patient group, those on typical antipsychotics showed significantly impaired PPI but risperidone- or olanzapine-treated patients showed a milder (non-significant) deficit. Increased activity in the striatum, thalamus, insula, hippocampal, temporal, inferior frontal and inferior parietal regions occurred in association with PPI in controls. Patients treated with risperidone or olanzapine, but not with typical antipsychotics, showed significant activation in PPI-relevant regions. Our findings provide preliminary evidence that atypical antipsychotics positively influence PPI and partially restore associated brain functions in schizophrenia. Imaging data buttress the validity of PPI as a useful animal model of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Pharmacological experiments have implicated a role for serotonin (5-HT)(1A) receptors in the modulation of anxiety. More recent is the interest in corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system as a potential target for the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, selective pharmacological tools for the CRH system are limited, hampering research in this field. Gene targeting is a relatively new approach to study mechanisms underlying anxiety disorders. 5-HT(1A) receptor knockout (1AKO) mice have been created on three different background strains, and two different lines of mice, overexpressing CRH (CRH-OE), have been generated. In the present review, behavioural and physiological findings reported for 1AKO mice and CRH-OE mice will be reviewed. As behavioural phenotyping is often limited to one or two approach avoidance paradigms, we extended these observations and also tested 1AKO and CRH-OE mice in a conditioned fear paradigm. This paradigm reflects essentially different aspect of anxiety than approach avoidance paradigms. 1AKO mice on a 129/Sv background strain showed similar freezing as wild-type (WT) mice. In CRH-OE mice, less freezing was observed than in the corresponding wild-type mice. The fact that the anxious phenotype of these genetically altered mice seems less clear than initially reported will be discussed. Rather than studying the direct consequences of alterations in the targeted gene, 1AKO and CRH-OE mice seem very valuable to study compensatory processes that seem to have taken place in reaction to life-long changes in gene expression.  相似文献   

We studied the role of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in amelioration of blood pressure elevation during dietary salt loading in transgenic mice overexpressing sodium proton exchanger. Systolic blood pressure rose after starting salt loading only in the high-salt group of transgenic mice. However, this elevation of blood pressure was not continued. Urinary excretion of inorganic nitrite and nitrate in the high-salt group of transgenic mice was significantly higher than in the high-salt group of control mice. These results suggest that increased NO synthesis in response to salt loading is one of the anti-hypertensive mechanisms in transgenic mice overexpressing sodium proton exchanger.  相似文献   

Recent postmortem studies in humans suggest that defects in GABAergic neurotransmission might contribute to the neuropathology associated with schizophrenia. Disturbances in GABAergic systems may also contribute to the sensorimotor gating deficits classically observed in schizophrenic patients, including deficits in prepulse inhibition (PPI). To explore the relationship, the current study examined the integrity of PPI and startle habituation in knockout (KO) mice that lack the GABA synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD 65). GAD65 KO mice displayed normal baseline and habituated startle responses, which did not differ from GAD65 wild-type (WT) or heterozygous (HET) mice. However, GAD65 KO mice showed robust deficits in PPI which were reversed by the atypical antipsychotic agent clozapine. These results lend support to the view that abnormalities in GABAergic systems might contribute to the basic pathophysiological mechanisms in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Rationale Schizophrenic patients have a deficit in prepulse inhibition (PPI) which can be modelled in rats by administration of direct or indirect dopamine (DA) receptor agonists and N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. Moreover, antipsychotics reverse the disruptive effect of DA agonists and NMDA receptor antagonists in this rat model. Consequently, this model is considered as predictive of antipsychotic action in the clinic. However, the effect of compounds, such as antidepressants, used for other psychiatric disorders but also administered to patients with schizophrenia has not been well investigated in this model. Antidepressants have been suggested not to affect PPI in humans. Thus, antidepressants are not expected to antagonise PPI disruption in rats, and should normally be used as negative controls in this model.Objectives To investigate the effects of three antidepressant compounds, a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, and a noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor in the rat PPI model.Methods The effect of acute treatment with citalopram, bupropion and desipramine on d-amphetamine-disrupted and phencyclidine (PCP)-disrupted PPI in rats was investigated. Ziprasidone was tested as a positive control.Results None of the antidepressants, in contrast to ziprasidone, reversed PCP-disrupted PPI in rats. Both desipramine and ziprasidone normalised d-amphetamine-disrupted PPI, while citalopram and bupropion were inactive.Conclusions PCP-disrupted PPI in rats was less sensitive to false positives than the d-amphetamine-disrupted PPI model, based on the antidepressants tested in this study.  相似文献   

Summary The acquisition of a conditioned avoidance response (CAR) was investigated in rats of nursing mothers given pimozide 0.5 mg/kg on days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 after delivery. Four weeks after birth, the male litter-mates were tested for CAR acquisition in a two-way avoidance situation or for correct CAR acquisition in a brightness discrimination situation. Offspring of mothers treated with pimozide were markedly inferior in the CAR acquisition in both behavioural situations as compared to those of mothers given glucose. The administration of d-amphetamine 15 min prior to the training session specifically counteracted the behavioural impairment obtained in the offspring of pimozide-treated mothers. The results obtained in the present investigation lend further support to the contention that the behavioural deficits in offspring of nursing mothers treated with neuroleptic agents are due to a developmental disturbance in central catecholamine neurones.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is thought to migrate improperly during development in the brains of schizophrenic patients. Also it is known that nitric oxide (NO) effects synaptogenesis during development of the CNS. Previously we have shown that neonatal treatment with a NOS inhibitor effects an animal's sensitivity to amphetamine and PCP. In the present study, neonatal rats were challenged with a NOS inhibitor (L-nitroarginine, 10mg/kg, s.c.) daily on post-natal days (PD) three, four and five. L-Nitroarginine (L-NoArg) treated male rats at adulthood (PD56 and older) had a deficit in social interaction (SI) when placed in an environment with another foreign male rat and this deficit was reproducible on a weekly basis for at least five weeks. Haloperidol failed to significantly reverse this deficit before pronounced secondary effects on general behavior were seen at high doses. However, the atypical antipsychotics, clozapine and olanzapine, were able to significantly reverse this deficit at doses which did not effect baseline SI values. In a separate cohort of animals the effect of DOI was investigated, this was done to ascertain if there was a differential sensitivity of serotonergic pathways in this model. There was no difference in the behavioral score elicited from control or NoArg-treated rats. It is suggested that the SI deficits seen here may be more sensitive to atypical antipsychotics rather than haloperidol.  相似文献   

Lipid abnormalities induced by novel antipsychotic drugs.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K P Su  W W Shen  S Y Huang 《Drug safety》2001,24(13):1017-1018

过量表达GABA转运蛋白-1的转基因小鼠对药物诱发癫痫易感   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Zhao WJ  Ma YH  Fei J  Mei ZT  Guo LH 《Acta pharmacologica Sinica》2003,24(10):991-995,1061
目的:应用过量表达GABA转运蛋白Ⅰ(GAT-1)的转基因小鼠研究GAT-1在癫痫发生中的作用。方法:采用腹腔注射戊四唑(PTZ),印防己毒素(PIC)或红藻氨酸(KA)诱导的癫痫发作为模型,比较GAT-1转基因小鼠和C57BL/6J对照小鼠阵挛性发作和强直性痉挛发生的百分率及潜伏期.结果:GAT-1转基因小鼠不但对不同剂量GABAA受体抑制剂PTZ,PIC,也对谷氨酸受体激动剂KA诱导的癫痫易感.GAT-1抑制剂ethyl nipecotate可明显减轻PTZ诱导的癫痫发作。结论:GAT-1转基因小鼠对癫痫易感证明GABA系统参与了癫痫发生,并且该转基因小鼠模型可作为研究癫痫发生的有用动物模型。  相似文献   

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