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Low concentrations of avermectin B1a (AVM) stimulated the specific high affinity binding of [35S]tert.-butylbicyclophosphorothionate ([35S]TBPT) to membranes from rat cerebral cortex in the absence or presence of chloride or bromide ions. In contrast, TBPT either weakly stimulates or does not significantly influence the specific high affinity binding of [3H]AVM to the same membranes in the absence or presence of chloride ions, respectively. These results indicate that [3H]AVM and [35S]TBPT bind to different but closely associated binding sites.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) gene and the γ-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit β3 (GABRB3) gene, or other genes in the 15q11-q13 region, are possibly involved in susceptibility to autism. To test this hypothesis we performed an association study on the collection of families from the International Molecular Genetic Study of Autism (IMGSA) Consortium, using the transmission disequilibrium test. Two polymorphisms in the 5-HTT gene (a functional insertion-deletion polymorphism in the promoter and a variable number tandem repeat in the second intron) were examined in 90 families comprising 174 affected individuals. Furthermore, seven microsatellite markers spanning the 15q11-q13 region were studied in 94 families with 182 affected individuals. No significant evidence of association or linkage was found at any of the markers tested, indicating that the 5-HTT and the GABRB3 genes are unlikely to play a major role in the aetiology of autism in our family data set. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 88:492–496, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A pool of 110 randomly selected/generated amino acids sequences was used to perform specific local sequence similarity alignment analysis with the pool of 279 reported sequences of human T-cell receptor (TCR) V-regions. The 110 analyzed sequences were divided, according to their origin and nature, into six protein groups, as: human intracellular (hi), extracellular/transmembrane (he) and extracellular adhesive matrix (ha) proteins, ‘average' human proteins (hum), proteins of non-human origin (nhum) and randomly generated quasi-protein sequences (r). These sequences were decomposed into all their overlapping 11-mer segments, generating a total of 56 836 derived peptides (at least 8000 per group). Each derived peptide was aligned with the 279 human TCR V-regions and assigned to the category (-like, β-like, γ-like or δ-like) corresponding to the class (V, Vβ, Vγ or Vδ) of the V-region encompassing the most similar segment, as determined by the performed similarity-search. The six protein groups were found to differ significantly in their distribution of derived peptides among the four categories. According to the binomial tests results, human proteins from the extracellular compartment (he, ha) comprise a higher proportion of δ-like segments (P=2.3×10−2 and P<10−8, respectively) than the ‘average' human proteins (hum). In addition, and in accordance with this finding, proteins that are normally not found in that topological compartment comprise a lower proportion of δ-like peptides (P=1.4×10−5 and P<10−8 for groups nhum and hi, respectively) than the ‘average' human proteins (hum). In contrast, these proteins comprise a higher proportion of γ-like segments (P=8.3×10−3, P=1.4×10−3 and P=1.7×10−4, for groups r, nhum and hi, respectively) than the ‘average' human proteins (hum). These findings indicate significant differences between proteins encountered in the extracellular compartment—that are normally immunologically tolerated—and those the presence of which is usually non-tolerated. The results suggest that the discrimination and the reaction of the human immune network to proteins found in the extracellular compartment correlate with the proteins' pattern of preferential local sequence similarity with the Vγ and Vδ classes of human TCR V-regions, implying a specific and an important role of γδ-cells in the maintenance of the immune homeostasis. Whether this implication represents a rule associated with self-tolerance, will be investigated by future analyses.  相似文献   

5-HT1 receptor subtypes (1B, 1D and 1F) have been implicated in migraine pathophysiology and their ligands have been examined for pharmacological actions in various experimental animal models. Considerable divergences exist, however, in their primary sequences between experimental animals and human, and additional models closer to human, such as non-human primates seem to be useful for migraine research. Earlier, we cloned the 5-HT1D, and here 5-HT1B and 5-HT1F receptors from the chimpanzee, gorilla and Rhesus monkey, via polymerase chain reactions with their genomic DNAs and primers designed from the corresponding human receptors. Direct sequencing of PCR products showed that the 5-HT1B receptors from the chimpanzee, gorilla and monkey differ from the human receptor by 0, 1 and 7 residues, respectively while 5-HT1F receptors differ by 0, 3 and 10 residues, respectively. These divergent residues are mostly conservatively substituted and also largely confined to the N-terminal region and the 3rd intracellular loop, away from transmembrane segments and intracellular loops near membrane which are critical for ligand binding and G protein coupling. The chimpanzee 5-HT1D, 5-HT1B and monkey 5-HT1F receptors, as heterologously expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, showed robust agonist-induced guanosine 5′gamma 35S triphosphate (GTPγ35S) binding through activation of G proteins containing Gγi subunits. Moreover, pronounced inhibition of basal GTPγ35S binding by methiothepin (an antagonist), representing constitutively active receptors, was observed with only 5-HT1D. Overall, ligand binding and GTPγ35S binding profiles for these primate receptors are comparable to those for the human receptors and validate non-human primates as useful models for human migraine research.  相似文献   

Hypocomplementaemia and low expression of CR1 on erythrocytes (E) of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) are associated with defective clearance of circulating immune complexes (IC) and so they may have pathogenic significance. Here, we investigated whether the reduced CR1/E in SLE patients per se might affect the binding of IC to CR1/E. First, we analysed the expression of CR1 on E of active (n=30) and inactive (n=34) SLE patients using a FITC-conjugated mouse anti-CR1 monoclonal antibody E11 and flow cytometry. Both groups of patients had a significantly reduced CR1/E expression compared with healthy controls (n=40). It was also observed that the number of E bearing CR1 was reduced in both groups of SLE patients studied. Second, we determined the functional activity of CR1/E by measuring the binding to E of FITC-bovine serum albumin (BSA)/rabbit anti-BSA complexes, formed at equivalence, which were opsonized with complement from normal human serum (NHS). On the other hand, we did not find differences between the patient and control groups in the ability of E to bind IC/NHS. There was also a positive correlation between the CR1/E expression and the number of E bearing CR1 in control and inactive SLE groups, which was not observed in the group of active SLE patients. Considering the involvement of low levels of complement and CR1/E expression on complex processing, in this in vitro model the results show that an effective coating of the complexes with complement is sufficient to bind them preferentially to CR1 over normal levels of receptor expression.  相似文献   

IL28B genotypes and virological response within 4 weeks are predictors of sustained virological response in patients infected with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 1 treated with antiviral dual combination therapy. The predictive value of “early” anemia (within 4 weeks) alone or in combination with the two other predictors has not been studied yet. A total of 305 pegylated interferon‐α and ribavirin‐treated patients with HCV genotype 1 were included in this study. Hemoglobin values at week 0, 4, 8, and 12 as well as the predictive efficiency of early anemia (hemoglobin value below the gender‐specific lower limit: female < 11.5; male < 13.5 g/dl) during therapy were assessed with IL28B genotypes and rapid virological response. Forty‐eight percent of treated patients developed early anemia. In both females and males (64%), a decrease of hemoglobin concentration of 3 g/dl (female: 14.7 ± 1.1 to 11.4 ± 1.3; male: 15.2 ± 1.2 to 12.2 ± 1.5) significantly correlated with sustained virological response. 64% of IL28B‐CC patients showed a sustained virological response. Seventy‐eight percent of patients with rapid virological response definitively eliminated the virus. Early anemia (81:48:41%) and rapid virological response (83:91:92%) increased the predictive efficiency of IL28B rs12979860 genotype distribution (CC:CT:TT). IL28B‐CC and early anemia as well as IL28B‐CC and rapid virological response had an Odds ratio of 42.4 or 75 to achieve a sustained virological response compared to TT without early anemia or rapid virological response. This finding may help to early identify responders to standard PEG‐IFN‐α and ribavirin treatment even within those with unfavorable IL28B genotype. J. Med. Virol. 84: 1208–1216, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The natural killer cell (NK)-specific p58 surface molecules, recognized by the GL183 and EB6 monoclonal antibodies (mAb), have been shown to represent the putative NK receptor for HLA-C molecules. The interaction between p58 receptors and HLA-C results in inhibition of the NK-mediated target cell lysis. In this study, GL183?EB6+ clones (Cw4-specific), after mAb-induced surface modulation of EB6 molecules, acquired the ability to lyse the Cw4? C1R cells. In NK clones co-expressing both GL183 and EB6 molecules and unable to kill Cw3-protected target cells, the mAb-induced modulation of EB6 molecules resulted both in selective co-modulation of GL183 molecules and in the lysis of Cw3-transfected P815 murine cells. In line with the co-modulation experiments we also show that the GL183 and EB6 molecules can be co-immunoprecipitated from GL183+/EB6+ clones after cell lysis in the presence of digitonin. The p58 receptor also revealed an association with molecules belonging to the ζ family (i.e. CD3 ζ and Fc?RI γ chains). Two-dimensional diagonal gel analysis of the p58 complex immunoprecipitated from polyclonally activated p58+ NK cells indicated a preferential association with CD3 ζ chains either in the form of covalently linked ζ-γ homodimers or in the form of ζ-γ heterodimers, while γ-γ homodimers were detectable in low amounts. However, p58+ clones displaying a unique association with γ-γ homodimers could also be isolated. Probing the immunoprecipitated p58 complex with anti-p56lck antibody also revealed an association with this member of the src family. In addition, mAb-mediated signaling of NK clones via p58 molecules induced increments of p58/p56lck association. However, under the same experimental conditions that induced optimal in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation of the CD16-associated CD3 ζ chains, no tyrosine phosphorylation was detected in the p58-associated CD3 ζ, chains. In these in vivo experiments neither anti-CD16 nor anti-p58 mAb could induce tyrosine phosphorylation of the γ chains. Finally, the anti-p58-mediated inhibition of the NK cell triggering via CD16 molecules was not accompained by a down-regulation of the tyrosine phosphorylation of the CD16-associated CD3 ζ chains.  相似文献   



Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is an organ specific autoimmune disease of still unidentified genetic etiology. We have shown that endothelins (ETs), produced by the liver endothelial cells are increased in PBC and may play a major pathogenetic role.


To study gene polymorphisms related to the endothelial cells (eNOS, EDN-1 genes) and, to investigate whether the previously reported association of CTLA4 gene polymorphisms is replicated in a genetically homogeneous Greek population.

Patients and methods

Genomic DNA was extracted from 100 PBC patients (83 females, 93% AMA+, 74/100 Ludwig stage I–II) and 158 healthy controls. eNOS, CTLA4 and ET1 polymorphisms were determined by PCR–RFLPs analysis.


Both eNOS intron4 VNTR and eNOS exon7 G894T SNP were significantly associated with increased risk in PBC. EDN-11 rs2071942 “A” and rs5370 “T” alleles appeared a tendency for association with disease progression. No association was found between PBC and the CTLA4 SNPs analyzed.


We demonstrated that eNOS, a gene related to the liver endothelium function is associated with PBC. Contrarily, the important in adaptive immunity gene CTLA4 was not associated with the disease in the homogeneous population analyzed. These results are compatible partially with our previous hypothesis that defects of the liver endothelial system, leading to endothelin overproduction, may be a fundamental early pathogenetic mechanism in PBC.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that an optimal humoral response to a primary protein antigen requires C3 and CR2 (CD21). Sera from non-immunized donors contain natural IgM and IgG antibodies to the primary antigen keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH), and these have been previously shown to form immune complexes (IC) that activate the classical pathway of C, fixing iC3b/C3dg onto the KLH antigen. Such KLH IC bind to CR2 on KLH-non-specific B lymphocytes, resulting in antigen processing and MHC class II-dependent presentation to KLH-specific helper T cells. KLH IC also induce B lymphocytes to express the CD80 co-stimulatory molecule via simultaneous CR2 ligation with C3 and FcγRII (CD32) stimulation by IgG natural antibody. The current study demonstrated that KLH IC ligation to either CR2 or FcγRII resulted in activation of a second co-stimulatory molecule, LFA-1 (CD11a, CD18). The possibility of polyclonal B cell stimulation by the presentation of KLH-iC3b/C3dg by antigen-non-specific B cells was excluded by demonstration that in vitro cultivation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with KLH-iC3b/C3dg elicited only anti-KLH, and did not stimulate synthesis of antibodies to hepatitis C virus (HCV) or tetanus toxoid (TT). Of greatest significance, a specific anti-KLH response was only detectable in cultures stimulated with KLH-iC3b/C3dg and not in cultures stimulated with KLH alone or KLH-IgG. Thus, iC3b/C3dg that was bound to a primary protein antigen enhanced recognition and specific immunoglobulin synthesis by antigen-specific B cells, even though the antigen was taken up and processed via CR2 by both antigen-specific and non-specific B cells.  相似文献   

Reciprocal communication systems between astrocytes and neurones   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Over the past decade, a growing body of evidence has emerged on the existence in the brain of a close bidirectional communication system between neurones and astrocytes. This article reviews recent advances in understanding the rules governing these interactions and describes putative, novel functions attributable to astrocytes in neuronal transmission. Astrocytes can respond to the neurotransmitter released from active synaptic terminals, with cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillations whose frequency is under the dynamic control of neuronal activity. In response to these neuronal signals, astrocytes can signal back to neurones by releasing various neurone active compounds, such as the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Interestingly, there is accumulating evidence that glutamate is released via a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism which may share common properties with neurotransmitter exocytosis in neurones. This bidirectional communication system between neurones and astrocytes may lead to profound changes in neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. While there clearly is an enormous amount of experimental and theoretical work yet to figure out, a coherent view is now emerging which incorporates the astrocyte, with the presynaptic terminal and the postsynaptic target neurone, as a possible third functional element of the synapse.  相似文献   

The analysis of cellular-molecular events mediating synaptic plasticity within vestibular nuclei is an attempt to explain the mechanisms underlying vestibular plasticity phenomena. The present review is meant to illustrate the main results, obtained in vitro, on the mechanisms underlying long-term changes in synaptic strength within the medial vestibular nuclei. The synaptic plasticity phenomena taking place at the level of vestibular nuclei could be useful for adapting and consolidating the efficacy of vestibular neuron responsiveness to environmental requirements, as during visuo-vestibular recalibration and vestibular compensation. Following a general introduction on the most salient features of vestibular compensation and visuo-vestibular adaptation, which are two plastic events involving neuronal circuitry within the medial vestibular nuclei, the second and third sections describe the results from rat brainstem slice studies, demonstrating the possibility to induce long-term potentiation and depression in the medial vestibular nuclei, following high frequency stimulation of the primary vestibular afferents. In particular the mechanisms sustaining the induction and expression of vestibular long-term potentiation and depression, such as the role of various glutamate receptors and retrograde messengers have been described. The relevant role of the interaction between the platelet-activating factor, acting as a retrograde messenger, and the presynaptic metabotropic glutamate receptors, in determining the full expression of vestibular long-term potentiation is also underlined. In addition, the mechanisms involved in vestibular long-term potentiation have been compared with those leading to long-term potentiation in the hippocampus to emphasize the most significant differences emerging from vestibular studies. The fourth part, describes recent results demonstrating the essential role of nitric oxide, another retrograde messenger, in the induction of vestibular potentiation. Finally the fifth part suggests the possible functional significance of different action times of the two retrograde messengers and metabotropic glutamate receptors, which are involved in mediating the presynaptic mechanism sustaining vestibular long-term potentiation.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2022,83(5):399-408
The success of cancer treatment relies on the composition of the tumour microenvironment which is comprised of tumour cells, blood vessels, stromal cells, immune cells, and extracellular matrix components. Barriers to effective cancer treatment need to be overcome, and the acidic microenvironment of the tumour provides a key target for treatment. This review intends to provide an overview of the effects that low extracellular pH has on components of the tumour microenvironment and how they contribute to immune escape. Further, potential therapeutic targets will be discussed.  相似文献   

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