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CT诊断自发性寰枢椎旋转脱位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

枢椎完整的寰枢脱位 (AAD) ,齿突并不都位于寰椎前结节的正后方并均匀一致地压迫延髓、脊髓。为此 ,笔者复习了 2 3例难复性AAD的临床资料 ,发现 7例有寰椎的偏斜和旋转 ,影像学上表现为齿突偏于寰椎段椎管的一侧。现报告如下。临 床 资 料1.本组共 7例 ,一般资料见表 1。2 .影像学表现 :本组 7例均具有寰椎前脱位的影像学特征 ,即寰齿间隙 (寰椎枕化时则称斜坡齿突间隙 )增大。但齿突与枢椎体相连 (即枢椎完整 ) ,同时又有齿突偏移和旋转的影像学表现。4例AAD有寰椎偏移 (例 1~ 4 ) ,其中 1例单纯性AAD (例 1)寰齿间距6m…  相似文献   

三维CT成像在小儿寰枢椎旋转性移位中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨三维CT成像 ( 3DCT)对小儿寰枢椎旋转性移位 (atlanto axialrotatorydisplacement,AARD)的诊断价值。材料与方法 分析和比较 6例小儿AARD在普通CT扫描 ( 2DCT)和 3DCT中的影像表现。结果  ( 1) 2DCT和 3DCT测量 6例患儿寰齿前间距和齿状突侧距的结果基本相同 ;( 2 ) 3DCT显示 6例患儿侧块均有不同程度的移位和旋转 ,2DCT不能显示侧块有无移位和旋转 ;( 3) 6例中 ,2DCT显示 1例同时有寰椎 (C1)和枢椎 (C2 )的异常旋转 (分别为 8°和 35°) ,3例有C2 异常旋转 ( 7°~ 30° ,平均 18.7°) ,2例未发现寰枢椎的旋转异常。 3DCT显示 2例同时有C1和C2 旋转异常 (分别为 11°、30°和 11°、40°) ,4例有C2 旋转异常 ( 9°~ 34° ,平均 16 .5°)。相同病例 ,2DCT对C1和C2 旋转程度的测量低于 3DCT所测得的结果 ;( 4 ) 3DCT发现 1例齿状突发育不良 ,表现为齿状突短平和齿突尖消失 ,2DCT不能观察齿状突的发育状况。结论  3DCT对AARD的诊断作用明显优于 2DCT。 3DCT不仅能准确地、直观地评估齿状突和侧块的移位程度、方向以及寰枢椎的旋转程度 ,而且能发现伴发的寰枢椎尤其是齿状突发育畸形 ,对全面明确AARD诊断和指导治疗具有重要意义  相似文献   

寰枢椎损伤的CT诊断(附50例分析)   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
目的 探讨CT对寰枢椎损伤的诊断价值。方法 回顾性分析50例寰枢椎损伤4 CT扫描资料。结果 寰椎骨折8例,齿状突骨折24例,枢椎椎体骨折4例,枢椎椎弓骨折11例,单纯性寰枢关节间脱位3例。CT全部诊断正确;X线平片诊断正确34例。结论 CT能够清楚地显示寰枢椎骨折和脱位的情况,能准确确定骨折的类型和骨折的稳定性。CT是寰枢椎损伤最好的检查方法,应该常规应用。  相似文献   

正常人寰枢关节间隙的CT研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的研究正常人寰枢关节CT图像关节间隙大小及功能位置间隙变化情况,并对相关因素进行探讨.方法120例正常人行中立位CT扫描,66例行冠状矢状位重建,56例行头颅左、右旋各15~25°扫描,30例行侧曲及屈、伸位扫描,56例均摄取中立位及左、右旋转位15~25°X线片.测量CT片寰齿间隙值,观察功能位间隙变化.结果寰齿前间隙(ADI)值在不同年龄阶段存在差异.齿突与环椎侧块间隙(LADS),青年儿童组两侧不对称比例及程度高于成人,间隙不对称者寰枢椎发育异常所占比例较高.发现寰枕间存在相对旋转者28例.头颅左、右旋转位,42.86%受检者旋转同侧LADS变窄,57.14%无明显改变与平片结果不同.结论CT扫描对于显示寰枢区结构有X线平片无可比拟的优越性,X线平片旋转位间隙变化不同于CT扫描.  相似文献   

目的:探讨经寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉棒内固定技术治疗寰枢椎失稳的可操作性和临床疗效。方法对20例寰枢椎不稳的患者应用寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉内固定技术治疗,术前均行X线、CT、MRI等影像学检查;术中在直视下行寰枢椎椎弓根置钉,复位固定,椎板后弓植骨;术后颈托固定3个月。结果全组病例未发生椎动脉,脊髓损伤,术后临床症状得到不同程度的改善,随访6~34个月随访,平均20.4个月,患者均在3~6个月时寰枢椎骨性融合,未发现螺钉松动、断钉和寰枢椎再移位现象。结论经寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉内固定技术是治疗寰枢椎失稳的有效方法。  相似文献   

寰枢椎不稳使患者高位颈脊髓处于危险状态,常需要行寰枢椎融合术。我院采用改良Halo-Vest架复位固定寰枢椎并使其获得三维固定,然后带架行后路融合术10例,手术安全可靠,暴露充分,获得满意的疗效。现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨经寰枢椎椎弓根钉板固定融合治疗寰枢椎骨折脱位的临床疗效。方法对22例上颈椎伤病患者进行后路经寰枢椎椎弓根钉板系统复位内固定,置入88枚寰枢椎椎弓根钉,在寰椎后弓及枢椎椎板间植骨融合,使寰枢椎复合体得到稳定。结果 2例术后出现枕大神经痛,经对症治疗1个月后痊愈;2例螺钉穿破寰椎左侧椎弓根外侧壁,未发现脊髓、椎动脉损伤。22例获得随访,随访时间5个月~6年,均获得骨性融合,未发现钉板断裂。所有患者X线片示寰椎完全复位,枢椎齿状突骨折处复位良好。CT片示螺钉与椎动脉及脊髓位置关系良好。结论寰枢椎椎弓根螺钉结合钉板系统固定治疗上颈椎伤病,能显著增强寰枢椎间生物力学稳定性,植骨融合率高。  相似文献   

目的探讨后路寰椎侧块枢椎椎弓根螺钉加钛缆内固定治疗寰枢椎脱位的可行性和疗效。方法采用后路寰椎侧块枢椎椎弓根螺钉加钛缆内固定治疗寰枢椎脱位3例,其中3例均为男性,年龄28~56岁,车祸伤2例,砸伤1例,齿状突骨折1例,寰枢关节脱位2例。按D ickm an等根据横韧带及骨性结构的损伤程度及范围分型[1]:ⅠA型2例,ⅡB型1例。观察后路寰椎侧块枢椎椎弓根螺钉加钛缆内固定治疗寰枢椎脱位的力学稳定性和植骨融合情况。结果术后随访6个月~2年,平均16个月。术后3个月随访,植骨均得到骨性愈合,与术前X线相比,侧块椎弓根螺钉及固定钛缆无断裂、松动及脱落征象。结论后路寰椎侧块枢椎椎弓根螺钉加钛缆内固定治疗寰枢椎脱位即提供了坚强的内固定,减少了钛缆断裂等并发症,又给了植骨块一个很好的固定,更好的促进了植骨融合,提高了疗效。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨螺旋CT多体位扫描及三维成像技术在胃肠道隆起性病变检查中的临床应用价值。方法 :选用经纤维内窥镜活检证实的胃癌及息肉患者 17例 ,大肠癌及息肉患者 4 4例 ,术前胃肠腔充气后经螺旋CT多体位扫描并进行图像处理 ,获得ACI(空气投影成像 )、CTVE(模拟内窥镜 )、MPR(多层面重建术 )及Ray -Sum(透明技术 )图像 ,然后与手术病理结果相对照。结果 :不同体位的螺旋CT扫描对各部位病灶的显示能力不同。各种重建图像对不同大小病灶的检出能力各异 :对于直径≤ 5 .0mm病变的检出 ,以CTVE最好 ,显示率达 6 0 % ,对于直径 6 .0~ 10 .0mm病变的检出 ,各种成像技术显示率相近 ,可达 78%~ 89% ,但均不及纤维内窥镜 ;对于直径 >10 .0mm病变的检出 ,各种成像技术均达 95 %以上 ,与纤维内窥镜相似。综合评估 ,螺旋CT三维成像对于直径≤ 5 .0mm、6 .0~ 10 .0mm以及 >10 .0mm病变的检出率分别为6 5 %、97%、10 0 %。结论 :螺旋CT多体位扫描及三维成像技术在诊断胃肠道隆起性病变中具有特殊价值 ,能补充甚至部分替代胃肠纤维内窥镜检查  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare unenhanced helical CT and excretory urography in the assessment of patients with renal colic. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fifty-three of 70 consecutive patients with acute signs of renal colic were prospectively examined with unenhanced helical CT, which was followed immediately by excretory urography. Two radiologists who were unaware of the findings independently interpreted these examinations to determine the presence or absence of ureteral obstruction. On all CT scans that had positive findings for ureteral stones or obstruction, we looked for secondary signs of obstruction (perinephric or periureteral fat stranding, ureteral wall edema, ureteral dilatation, and blurring of renal sinus fat). RESULTS: A stone was recovered in 45 of the 53 patients, nine before and 36 after imaging. The latter 36 patients had their stones identified on CT, whereas only 24 patients had their stones identified on excretory urography. Eight patients without stone disease had normal ureters on both CT and excretory urography. Of the 45 patients who had stone disease, 26 had ureteral dilatation on both CT and excretory urography, and 36 patients who recovered a stone after CT had secondary signs of obstruction. Of the nine patients who recovered a stone before CT, three had secondary signs of obstruction. Two patients had periureteral fat stranding, ureteral wall edema, and renal sinus fat blurring. One patient had only ureteral wall edema. CONCLUSION: Compared with excretory urography, unenhanced helical CT is better for identifying ureteral stones in patients with acute ureterolithiasis. Secondary CT signs of obstruction, including renal sinus fat blurring, were frequently present even when the stone was eliminated before imaging.  相似文献   

动态增强CT对孤立性肺结节的定量研究   总被引:67,自引:4,他引:67  
目的 利用动态对比增强功能CT评价孤立性肺结节 (SPNs) ,并探讨该方法在肺部结节良恶性鉴别诊断中的临床价值。方法 对 80例患有无钙化的SPNs (直径≤ 30mm)的患者进行动态增强CT扫描。评价SPNs的时间 密度曲线 (T DC)模式 ;记录其增强前密度值、增强峰值 (PH)、SPN与主动脉PH值的比值 (S/A)以及SPNs的强化模式 ;计算SPNs的灌注值。结果 恶性、良性及炎性结节显示了不同的T DC模式。恶性和炎性结节的PH (P <0 0 0 0 1;P <0 0 0 0 1)和S/A比值(χ2 =32 6 2 ,P <0 0 0 0 1;χ2 =15 4 6 ,P <0 0 0 0 1)显著高于良性结节 ;而恶性和炎性结节之间的PH(P =0 96 )和S/A (χ2 =0 35 ,P =0 5 5 )差异则无显著性意义。炎性结节增强前密度低于恶性结节(P <0 0 5 )。恶性和炎性结节的灌注值均高于良性结节 (P <0 0 0 1,P <0 0 1) ,而恶性结节与炎性结节灌注值之间的差异则无显著性意义 (P =0 6 3)。结论 动态对比增强功能CT提供了SPNs血流模式的定量信息 ,并可用于无创性地诊断和评价孤立性肺结节。  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: To examine dose and image quality of electron-beam CT (EBCT) with continuous volume scan versus spiral CT. METHODS: An EBCT scanner was compared with a spiral CT (SCT) scanner. Three phantoms were used to measure low-contrast resolution, high-contrast resolution, slice width, and dose. RESULTS: The EBCT scans showed 30% lower high-contrast resolution for most settings. The dose was comparable to that of spiral CT with 3 mm collimation and 76%/106% higher with EBCT for 1.5 mm/6 mm collimation. Low-contrast resolution was comparable to that of spiral CT using 3 mm collimation, slightly worse for 1.5 mm, and bad for 6 mm EBCT collimation (four times higher dose to reach comparable contrast-to-noise ratio). CONCLUSIONS: Significant restrictions were found using EBCT with continuous volume scan. The authors found that 3 mm collimation can yield acceptable high-contrast resolution and good low-contrast resolution compared with spiral CT. The use of 6 mm or 1.5 mm collimation needs to be restricted to selected cases.  相似文献   

Tehranzadeh  J; Gabriele  OF 《Radiology》1984,152(3):817-818
In scanning the L5-S1 disk space, the known technical difficulty is limitation of the gantry angle. A prone scanning technique used to examine the lumbar spine may help to overcome or lessen this problem. A prospective CT scanning of the L5-S1 level was performed in both the prone and supine positions on 25 patients who had low back pain and who had not undergone previous laminectomy or fusion. The angle between the S1 vertebral end plate and maximum tilted gantry line (15 degrees on the G.E. 8800) was measured in the supine position and compared with the same angle in the prone position. In 20 of 25 cases (80%), significant improvement in alignment was noted in the prone position. The prone scanning technique is also more desirable if CT is performed with metrizamide. Finally, printed images from the prone technique allow easier image-patient orientation for viewing in the operating room.  相似文献   

A low-dose CT of the paranasal sinuses was designed with few, thin sections, non-uniform intersection gaps, low milliampere settings and avoidance of direct radiation to the eye lens. The low-dose CT was prospectively compared with standard-dose CT in patients with suspicion of acute sinusitis. Forty-seven patients were examined with low-dose CT immediately after standard-dose CT. The effective dose and the lens dose were calculated and compared. Using standard-dose CT as a gold standard the sensitivity and specificity of low-dose CT was calculated for each sinus group. The effective dose and the lens dose of the low-dose CT were reduced to, respectively, 3 and 2% of the standard-dose CT. The diagnostic yield of the low-dose CT with regard to acute sinusitis was good with a high specificity (≥96%) for all sinus groups. The sensitivity was also high (≥95%) except for the frontal sinus where the sensitivity was 83%. Low-dose CT offers considerable dose reduction and should be the standard for imaging patients with suspected acute inflammatory paranasal disease. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

CT and MR compared in the study of hypophysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Normal CT and MR anatomy was studied in two series (53 and 25 cases respectively) of young volunteers of both sexes, asymptomatic and certainly without lesions of the pituitary gland. 115 other pathological cases (73 hyperprolactinemias, 8 acromegalies, 15 Cushing syndromes, 2 hyperthyroidisms, 17 nonsecreting adenomas) were examined using both CT and MRI. Both an accurate review of the relative literature and the results of our own series prove that MR is superior to CT in diagnosing pituitary microadenomas (3.2% not diagnosed with MRI and 25.8% not diagnosed with CT), in the follow-up of prolactinomas subjected to medical therapy and in the study of extrasellar involvement of pituitary adenomas, particularly with regard to the demonstration of compression of the optic chiasma.  相似文献   

目的:评价PET/CT对胃腺癌(GA)的诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的15例GA资料,所有病例均行PET/CT检查,14例行胃镜检查并与胃镜结果比较.结果:PET/CT显示原发肿瘤氟脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)摄取增高14例,敏感性为93%0,标准摄取值(SUV)最大值5.92±3.11,SUV平均值3.17±0.89,同时在11例患者中发现FDG摄取增高转移灶41处,SUV最大值5.03±2.74,SUV平均值2.76±1.01.胃镜结合活体组织取材进行病理学检查诊断符合率100%.结论:对于有胃镜检查禁忌症的患者,以及需要进一步临床分期的GA患者,PET/CT是一种有效的检查方法.  相似文献   

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