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患者 女性,59岁.因"间歇性肉眼血尿8个月,右下腹间歇性隐痛5个月"入院,体查:右侧中腹部轻度隆起,未见肠型及蠕动波,可触及一大小约9 cm×8 cm×5 cm肿块,质硬,界限不清楚,无明显压痛,活动度差,肝、胆囊、脾肋下未触及,墨菲氏征阴性,肝区、双肾区无叩痛,无移动性浊音,肠鸣音活跃,未闻及气过水音及高调金属音. 相似文献
多原发癌又称重复癌(multiple primary carcinoma,MPC)是指同一器官或系统不同部位,同时或先后发生两个或两个以上原发癌病灶。其中,又以其出现的时间间隔分为同时性多原发癌(synchronous carcinoma,SC)和异时性多原发癌(metachronous carcinoma,MC)。原发性十二指肠癌发病率较低,仅为0.035%,占消化道恶性肿瘤的0.3%,十二指肠作为第二原发癌的多原发癌则更为少见。本院近期收治1例食管、十二指肠异时性双原发癌,现报告如下。 相似文献
1临床资料患者女性,72岁。因腹部胀痛不适伴黑便4月入院。4月前无明显诱因出现腹部胀痛不适,位于脐周,呈阵发性,排气或排便后疼痛能缓解。同时发现大便有少量黑色大便每次约5g/次,1~2次/d。无畏寒发热,无恶心呕吐,无里急后重,无鲜血便及 相似文献
患者男,58岁。因大便性状、习惯改变3个月余于2007年11月15日入院,电子结肠镜检查示:内镜进入距肛门约17 cm,约在直肠、乙状结肠交界处,见肠腔狭窄,表面黏膜充血糜烂,内镜无法通过,行活检。病理检查提示诊断:(直、乙交界处)腺癌。钡灌肠示:直、乙交界处癌。于2007年11月22日在全 相似文献
患者 女,63岁.因大便带血伴间断腹胀1个月于2007年7月再次入院.2004年11月曾因升结肠癌(左侧)于吉林大学第二医院行升结肠癌根治手术治疗,术后病理报告为结肠高分化腺癌,切缘及肠系膜淋巴结未见癌转移. 相似文献
杨剑|郭永刚|娜日苏 《中国普通外科杂志》2012,21(7):911-912
患者女,75岁。因右下腹部疼痛伴发热17 d,发现右下腹包块15 d入院。体检:T 39℃,右上腹部可见一大小约3 cm×3 cm的肿物,边界清晰,表面光滑,无破溃,质韧、轻压痛,活动度差,无明显波动感;右下腹可触及直径约15 cm包块,质韧,边界较清楚,表面光滑,轻微压痛, 相似文献
魏艳霞 《中国普通外科杂志》2001,10(5):440-440
患者 女 ,45岁。 2年前发现右乳头庠 ,搔庠后乳头部糜烂、灼痛然后结痂 ,脱痂后乳头仍糜烂。曾外涂药物无效。查体 :双乳对称 ,右侧乳头、乳晕皮肤发红 ,糜烂 ,水肿、有渗出 ,皮肤弹性差 ,病变部位边界清楚 ,未触及包块 ;左乳及双腋窝未见异常。诊断 :右乳湿疹样癌。1999年 12月 1日在持续硬膜外麻醉下行右乳癌根治术 ,术后痊愈出院。病检 :乳头湿疹样癌与浸润性小叶癌。讨论 湿诊样癌又称派杰病。占所有女性乳癌的 2 5 %~ 3 % ,以40~ 6 0岁居多 ,平均 5 5岁。该病常以乳头刺痛 ,瘙庠 ,烧灼感等症状开始 ,继而乳头红肿 ,皮肤变厚 ,粗糙… 相似文献
本文总结分析了21例大肠异时性多原发癌的临床表现,诊断方法及治疗手段,强调对于大肠癌患者要警惕异时性多原发癌的发生,特别是伴有大肠腺癌的患者要定期行纤维结肠镜检查。对再发癌要争取行根治性切除术。 相似文献
It is not uncommon for patients with colon cancer to have a second primary neoplasm. The reported incidence of synchronous colon tumors is approximately about 3 to 4 per cent. Colon cancer also may be associated with a synchronous extra-colonic neoplasm; this incidence is less well defined and certainly is less emphasized in the literature. The authors recently treated a patient who had a synchronous hepatoma and adenocarcinoma of the colon. This appears to be the first report of these tumors presenting synchronously. The patient had both tumors resected and has no evidence of recurrence ten months later. This case illustrates the need to seek both colonic and extra-colonic synchronous tumors in patients discovered to have a colon cancer. 相似文献
R J Hancock 《The American surgeon》1975,41(9):560-563
B K Nigam 《Indian Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery》1987,5(1):24-26
Twelve cases of bronchoscopically positive synchronous lung primaries are presented from a series of over three thousand bronchoscopies.
The use of flexible fibreoptic bronchoscope is emphasised in getting positive biopsies. Tracheal lesions were uncommon. 相似文献
Plasmacytoid morphology is often encountered in both lobular and ductal carcinomas of the breast. The presentation of breast carcinoma in patients with a known history of lymphoma or multiple myeloma has been described in the literature. However, to the best of our knowledge, the synchronous presentation of breast carcinoma and multiple myeloma has not been reported. Here we report the first case of the simultaneous occurrence of breast carcinoma with plasmacytoid morphology and multiple myeloma in a 74-year-old patient, which presented challenges in making the diagnosis on fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the breast. 相似文献
We present the cases of 2 patients in whom primary lung cancer was found unexpectedly when pulmonary resection was performed for metastatic lung cancer. The possibility of combined primary and metastatic carcinoma should be considered in patients with a diagnosis of multiple pulmonary metastases from extrathoracic tumor. 相似文献
Reports of adenosquamous carcinoma and carcinosarcoma found at the same esophagus are rare in the literature. We report a case of synchronous adenocarcinoma and carcinosarcoma of the esophagus. The sarcomatous components were immunoreactive for vimentin. Carcinoma, sarcoma, and adenocarcinoma cells distinctively metastasized to different lymph nodes. Further investigations are required to reveal the biological behavior of the tumor. 相似文献
Synchronous carcinoma of the colon and rectum: prognostic and therapeutic implications 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
In a series of 1,037 patients with colorectal carcinoma diagnosed at one hospital during a 9-year period, synchronous cancers of the colon and rectum occurred in 2 percent. Patient characteristics and presenting symptoms were similar in single and synchronous carcinomas. The frequency of patients with associated benign neoplasms was significantly higher than that in the parent series. An examination of the modified Dukes' classification stage of the lesion in each patient revealed a higher incidence of lymph node involvement and a greater frequency of mucinous adenocarcinoma in patients with synchronous carcinomas. The 5-year survival of patients with synchronous growths did not differ from that of patients with single lesions, even when classified by Dukes' stage. Preoperative diagnosis was difficult, being achieved in no more than 30 percent of patients. Because of the poor accuracy of barium studies, total colonoscopy is the method of choice for this evaluation. We adopted a conservative surgical policy backed by life-long follow-up. 相似文献