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Due to the role of the calcaneus in weight bearing, soft tissue coverage along with proper reduction of the fracture is the treatment following open calcaneal injury. Intra-articular calcaneal fractures present a very difficult management problem, as the lack of soft tissue and the intricate vascularity in this area pose a risk of complications. Coverage with local and free muscle flaps following excision of infected structures is a common approach for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. However, it is unknown which type of flap is optimal for the treatment of lateral foot wounds, especially when complicated by calcaneal osteomyelitis. A patient presented with an open wound over the lateral aspect of the heel with exposed hardware and chronic osteomyelitis of the calcaneus. Following multiple debridements, an ipsilateral osteocutaneous free fibular flap was transferred to the bony defect. Weight bearing was initiated at 2 months postoperatively, and he now ambulates with a normal gait, has normal plantar sensation, and has no difficulty maneuvering stairs. The patient has done well postoperatively and has recovered full range of motion and complete mobility. In this case report, an osteocutaneous free flap provided an excellent outcome for an active patient with a very complex and complicated condition.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary approaches with infrainguinal bypass grafts and free flaps between the plastic and vascular surgery may well offer an opportunity for diabetic patients with peripheral vascular disease to salvage their critically affected limbs. A free flap transfer combined with an autologous vein graft can cover large tissue defects and simultaneously improve distal perfusion even in patients with arterial occlusive disease. We are presenting a case of bypass‐free radial forearm flap used to cover a foot defect in an old diabetic patient with peripheral arterial disease. The flap perfusion deteriorated significantly during the early postoperative period. The patient was brought back to the operating room with acute thrombosis of the popliteal‐radial venous graft and the arterial pedicle of the flap. The flap was salvaged by thrombectomy and creation of an additional arteriovenous fistula at the distal arterial pedicle. The procedure improved the flap perfusion and decreased the high internal resistance that was noticed in the flap when trying to flush the radial artery during the revision surgery and was evident by continuous wave ‐Doppler sonography. The successful salvage of the flap in the presented case and the convenient long‐term follow up suggest that this technique may be safe and helpful as a last effort to salvage a bypass‐free flap with a suspected high internal resistance. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microsurgery 33:391–395, 2013.  相似文献   

The most serious objection to many otherwise advantageous cutaneous donor areas may be the cosmetic deformity from the exposed skin graft that is required for wound closure. Any contemplated fibular osteocutaneous composite tissue transfer that would result in such an obviously large donor defect therefore deserves consideration for pretransfer tissue expansion or simultaneous placement of tissue expanders at the time of flap elevation. Post-transfer expansion of the lateral lower leg donor site following semi-urgent reconstructions has provided significant aesthetic improvement, allowing the transformation of skin-grafted or open areas into a more acceptable linear scar.  相似文献   

The first percutaneous systems used to create an arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis were approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2018 and included the Ellipsys and WavelinQ devices. Early results and longer-term studies of these catheter-based devices suggest that they offer important benefits and potentially improved outcomes in patients with appropriate anatomy. The deep communicating vein in the cubital fossa and its relationship to the proximal radial artery or proximal ulnar artery are key vascular elements of both systems. The devices differ significantly in technical design, energy source, imaging requirements, procedure times, catheters, access vessel sites, and techniques. We review the two approved percutaneous arteriovenous fistula devices, including technical considerations, selecting the appropriate patient, postoperative evaluation, interventions, outcomes, potential complications, and cannulation issues.  相似文献   

This article reports the simultaneous reconstruction of maxillary and mandibular defects caused by a close-range gunshot blast to the face with one fibular osteocutaneous flap combined with an anteroateral fasciocutaneous flap. A fibular osteocutaneous flap was used for both mandibular and maxillary defects, using multiple osteotomies and discarding a central bony segment and an oral floor defect. An anterolateral thigh flap was used to cover a three-dimensional defect of both the intraoral mucosal region, as well as external skin and soft tissue defects, including some on the upper and lower lips. The results demonstrated that the method was a good choice in the reconstruction of large composite facial defects, both aesthetically and functionally.  相似文献   

While the free fibular osteocutaneous flap is indispensable for mandibular reconstruction, reliable setting is often difficult because relative positions of the bone, skin island, and vascular pedicle are critical. We have an algorithm for donor-side selection of free fibular osteocutaneous flap.From July 2002 to March 2004, we performed 15 mandibular reconstructions using free fibular osteocutaneous flaps. We retrospectively classified these procedures as follows. In type I (flap harvested ipsilaterally to defect, n = 5), the skin island was fixed to the oral cavity, and the vascular pedicle emerged from the anterior aspect of the fibula. In type II (flap contralateral to defect, n = 5), the skin island was fixed to the oral cavity, and the vascular pedicle arose from the posterior aspect. In type III (flap contralateral to defect, n = 4), the skin island was fixed to the facial skin and the vascular pedicle arose from the anterior aspect. In type IV (flap ipsilateral to defect, n = 1), the skin island was fixed to the facial skin and the vascular pedicle arose from the posterior aspect. Flaps took completely except in 1 group II case with partial necrosis. Close attention to geometric characteristics of a free fibular osteocutaneous flap facilitates reconstruction of mandibular defects and selection of donor side.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of a free fibular graft that was successful as a result of venous return delivered through the bone marrow. A 26-year-old man underwent reconstruction of the left tibia and a soft-tissue defect of the lower leg. A free vascularized fibular bone and skin flap was elevated. The fibular vessels were anastomosed to the dorsalis pedis vessels. The elevated fibular bone was fixed to the tibia. The next day, reanastomosis was necessary because of venous thrombosis. However, the fibular vein rethrombosed, but blood flow was ascertained by Doppler flowmetry, with darker blood flow being recognized from the edge of the flap. Four days after surgery, the skin color gradually improved, and the flap had almost completely taken. On retrospective evaluation, the authors concluded that this flap succeeded because venous return was routed through the bone marrow in the free fibular graft.  相似文献   

Free osteocutaneous fibular grafts, revascularised by microvascular anastomoses, have been used for one-stage reconstruction of extensive bone and skin loss in the lower leg in seven patients. The addition of an integral skin flap to a vascularised fibular graft makes reconstruction of bone defects with significant skin loss possible, and the technique for designing and raising such a flap is presented. The advantages of this transfer over other microvascular osteocutaneous flaps are the available length of straight cortical bone, the large thin skin flap, the good diameter of the vascular pedicle and the fact that dissection is carried out under a tourniquet.  相似文献   

The goal of increasing arteriovenous fistula (AVF) prevalence is to provide end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients vascular access for dialysis with low morbidity and better long-term patency. This goal is realized only when a fistula matures and meets its required function. This article defines the characteristics of a well functioning AVF and the essential components required to meet these needs. The various sites that could be used for fistula creation on the basis of normal and variant anatomy are reviewed. Surgical techniques that aid early fistula maturation by reducing juxtaanastomotic problems are discussed. Postoperatively, maturation evaluation is an important component necessary for the successful use of AVF. Ultrasound vein mapping and duplex blood flow assessment provide objective data for fistula maturation evaluation. Early radiological interventions and secondary surgical procedures should be electively performed to aid maturation for fistulae that fail to achieve adequate maturation.  相似文献   

Overcoming barriers to arteriovenous fistula creation and use   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
National guidelines advocate the placement of arteriovenous fistulas (AVFs) as the preferred vascular access for hemodialysis (HD) patients because of their low complication rate, lower costs, and prolonged patency, once matured. The current Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative (DOQI) guidelines aim for an AVF incidence of 50% and a 40% prevalence in the United States. Although patients currently starting dialysis do so at an increasingly older age and with more comorbidity, they should be given every opportunity to receive an AVF. Meeting this challenge is facilitated by a multidisciplinary approach with early referral to the nephrologist in the predialysis period for access planning. Key components of a vascular access program may include the coordination by a dedicated access coordinator and outcome tracking via a prospective database. Preoperative vessel evaluation and careful selection of an appropriate surgical site, along with an experienced surgeon, improve surgical outcomes. Transposed brachiobasilic or other tertiary fistulas should be offered to patients who cannot receive a native radiocephalic or brachiocephalic fistula. The ability to routinely monitor and salvage failing AVFs is important to achieving successful AVF outcomes. Standardized definitions of AVF outcomes are important to allow individual centers and continuous quality assurance (CQA) programs to track and benchmark their outcomes against local and national standards to help them meet recommended targets.  相似文献   

The authors report 2 patients with a massive bony defect of the tibia due to chronic osteomyelitis. They reconstructed the defect using a free vascularized fibular osteocutaneous flap. Unfortunately, venous insufficiency was diagnosed 24 hours postoperatively. The previous anastomosed veins were promptly explored. The peroneal veins of the vascularized fibular bone graft were noted to be full of thrombi. After thrombectomy, the vessels became very fragile and broke down easily. It was impossible to achieve normal antegrade venous outflow from the previous vein of the donor graft; however, they found that distal runoff of the peroneal vein achieved a reverse venous outflow from the donor graft. The great saphenous vein was dissected and reanastomosed to achieve adequate venous drainage. This procedure may offer an alternative treatment for a flap with venous insufficiency.  相似文献   

The advantages of end-to-side anastomoses have been well documented in microvascular surgery. The vessels of the fibular flap do not usually permit end-to-side anastomosis to recipient vessels in the proximal part of the lower leg because the pedicle length of the free fibular flap is usually too short. Therefore, vein grafts are used to elongate the vessels. If a harvested long free fibular flap that is used to bridge a massive defect of the tibia is reversed and placed into the medullary cavity of the tibia, the flap vessels can be anastomosed, using the end-to-side technique, to the recipient vessels without vein grafts in the distal part of the lower leg. Thus, the flap artery (the peroneal artery) fills in a retrograde fashion. The patient reported was reconstructed with a reversed long free fibular flap. The postoperative period was uneventful. The patient can stand and walk with a protective shoe 2 years postoperatively.  相似文献   

The foot plays a vital role in standing and gait. Its function results from harmonious interaction of bones, joints, and soft tissue. An imbalance or a defect in these structures can result in problems. The cuneiform bone of the foot consists of three bones: medial, intermediate, and lateral. Its structure plays an important role in maintaining the skeletal arch and it supports the body's weight. A defect or dislocation can disrupt the distribution of the weight-bearing complex of the foot and can lead to difficult gait.  相似文献   

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